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本文提出的地震反射层析成像方法,基于射线原理,应用叠前反射波的走时资料,逐层反演地下介质结构。它是在局部范围内,将地层各界面视为平面,求取界面、速度参数,全剖面的成像只需反复进行局部反演。用该方法处理了三板溪水电站工区的两个地震剖面,处理结果与钻孔资料对比,一致性较好。  相似文献   

Wei WEI  Dapeng ZHAO 《地学前缘》2013,20(2):155-171
为了深入了解日本东北俯冲带的地震构造及火山活动,利用布设在日本列岛上密集地震台网所记录到的高质量浅震及深震到时数据,反演求得了该区域地壳及上地幔的三维P波和S波速度结构。为了最大程度地利用地震数据提取模型空间中更为精细的速度结构信息,采用不规则网格模型采进行地震层析成像反演。所得的高分辨率成像结果清晰地显示,2008年岩手地震(M 7.2)位于高低速异常的转换区,而且震源区的地壳介质非均匀性极强。在震源区的下地壳及上地幔顶部存在着明显的低速异常,可能代表了岛弧岩浆和流体在该深度处的储集。研究结果表明,2008年岩手地震的产生受到了来自上地幔楔的岩浆和流体的影响,且这些岩浆和流体与俯冲太平洋板块的脱水作用有着密切的联系。  相似文献   

井间地震层析成像分辨率研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
通过大量数值模型试验,并根据射线密度、射线正交性和点扩散函数,对井间地震层析成像的分辨率问题进行了研究。结果表明,井间地震层析成像的分辨率在空间上是可能性变的,垂直方向的分辨率好于水平方向,而且高速异常体和低速异常体的图像形态和分辨率是非一致的。高速异常体波形CT的图像水平方向最小分辨率距离为1/2波长,垂直分辨率最小分辨率距离为3/10波长;而低速异常体的波形CT图像的水平方向的最小分辨率约为2/5波长,垂向最小分辨率约1/5个波长;走时CT的图像水平方向最小分辨率为3个像元,垂直方向的最小分辨率距离为2个像元;当井深与井间距之比为2时,图像分辨率最高。  相似文献   

为了确定流体侵入区,在蒸汽注入前后进行了井间地震测量,尽管受时间及空间采样的限制,这些实验仍能说明注蒸汽后地震特征有重要变化,用单个炸药震源在炮井中固定深度处重复激发,检波器布于接收井不同的位置,以管波将实验蒸汽驱油前后的地震记录归一化,从功率谱的研究中得到了重要结果;注入流体后的功率谱有相当大的变化,为了得到高分辨率,增加对蒸汽侵入区的控制,设计了一更完善的井间实验,计算机模拟实验中,假定蒸汽区是不对称的,通过解线性超定方程组的层析成像反演得到了与假设形状及蒸汽区P波速度吻合的重构。  相似文献   

地震斜率层析成像是一种联合使用反射波局部相干同相轴的走时和斜率来建立宏观速度模型的有效方法。对于低信噪比资料,往往能够拾取的深层有效反射波数据远远少于浅层反射波数据,使深部地层速度的层析反演效果差。因此,提出了一种基于深度加权的三维地震斜率层析成像方法。在每次迭代的线性层析反演方程中,对观测数据关于离散模型节点速度的核函数进行深度加权,权系数根据离散模型节点深度和当前迭代的各个炮—检对的反射点深度来确定,实现了加大深部反射波数据对深层速度的约束作用、浅层速度主要由浅部反射波数据约束的目的,在保持浅层速度反演精度的同时,改善对深层速度的反演效果。对理论模型数据和实际资料应用测试的良好效果,表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

地震层析:盆地动力学研究的有效手段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了地震层析成像原理,探讨了其在盆地动力学研究中的应用,并引用成功的实例说明地震层析技术在盆地动力学研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   

煤矿陷落柱地震层析成像试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陷落柱是我国北方煤矿机械化综采的主要障碍之一,在综采前探明采区陷落柱的位置和分布具有重要意义。本文介绍用于探测煤矿陷落柱的地震层析成像方法,并利用物理模拟的资料作成像试验,证实应用地震层析成像方法可以准确地圈定煤矿中的陷落柱。  相似文献   

从各向同性非均匀介质中弹性波波动方程出发,导出了在弱不均匀条件下,频率-波数域衍射场方程,给出了格林函数解析解。在电磁波地球物理层析成像数据合成的基础上,用类“体电流法”,将解析解线性化,得到未作Born近似或Rytov近似的衍射场数值解,便于计算合成数据。采用迭代法进行反演,每步迭代中,采用等比Neumann级数解;反问题用SVD法求解,探讨了阻尼因子的取法。数值模型试验表明,这种算法是有效和成  相似文献   

地震层析成像在工程勘测中的应用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
杨文采 《物探与化探》1993,17(3):182-192
目前,地震层析成像在许多工程勘测和矿产勘探部门开始试用,迫切需要有这方面的指南性的文章。本文综合介绍地震层析成象的原理、数据采集技术、图象重建的理论和方法,并通过一个成功的应用实例说明方法的应用效果。作为一种新的物探方法,地震层析成象的应用仍然存在许多问题,如非线性图像重建,文章对存在问题及对策作了详细讨论。  相似文献   

We determined high-resolution three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity (Vp, Vs) structures beneath Kyushu in Southwest Japan using 177,500 P and 174,025 S wave arrival times from 8515 local earthquakes. A Poisson's ratio structure was derived from the obtained Vp and Vs values. Our results show that significant low-Vp, low-Vs and high Poisson's ratio zones are extensively distributed along the volcanic front in the uppermost mantle, which extend and dip toward the back-arc side in the mantle wedge. In the crust, low-Vp, low-Vs and high Poisson's ratio anomalies exist beneath the active volcanoes. The subducting Philippine Sea slab is clearly imaged as a high-Vp, high-Vs and low Poisson's ratio zone from the Nankai Trough to the back-arc. A thin low-velocity zone is detected above the subducting Philippine Sea slab in the mantle wedge, and earthquakes in the upper mantle are distributed along the transition zone between this thin low-velocity zone and the high-velocity Philippine Sea slab, which may imply that oceanic crust exists on the top of the slab and the forearc mantle wedge is serpentinized due to the slab dehydration. The seismic velocity of the subducting oceanic crust with basaltic or gabbroic composition is lower than that of the mantle according to the previous studies. The serpentinization process could also dramatically reduce the seismic velocity in the forearc mantle wedge.  相似文献   

We conducted a seismic tomographic analysis to estimate the crustal structure beneath the Shikoku and Chugoku regions in Japan. The Philippine Sea slab (PHS slab) subducts continuously in a SE–NW direction beneath this region, and the crustal structure is complex. Furthermore, the Median Tectonic Line (MTL), one of the longest and most active arc-parallel fault systems in Japan (hereafter, the MTL active fault system), is located in this area, and the right-lateral strike–slip movement of this fault system is related to the oblique subduction of the PHS slab. The MTL active fault system has ruptured repeatedly during the last 10 000 years, and has high seismic potential. Our tomographic analysis clarified the heterogeneous crustal structure along the MTL active fault system. This fault system in Shikoku can be divided into two segments, an east segment and a west segment, on the basis of the velocity structure. This segmentation model is consistent with other such models that have been determined from geological and geomorphological data such as fault geometry, slip rate, and faulting history. This consistency suggests that the surface characteristics of the MTL active fault system are related to structural properties of the crust. In particular, a prominent low-velocity (low-V) zone is present in the lower crust beneath the east segment. Our tomographic images show that the lower crust structure beneath the east segment is obviously different from that of the other segment. Furthermore, this low-V zone may indicate the presence of fluid, possibly related to dehydration of the PHS slab. As the presence of fluid in the lower crust affects the activity of the fault, stress accumulation and the fault failure mechanism may differ between the two segments of the MTL active fault system.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionThe Nankai Trough region (Fig. 1.1) of southwest Japan is one of the most tectonically complex subduction zones in the world. The subduction of the Philippine Sea plate (PH) beneath the Eurasian plate (EU) has caused a series of large and great interplate earthquakes. It is generally accepted that great earthquakes have occurred at intervals of 100-150 years along the Nankai subduction zone since the 684 Hakuho earthquake (Fig. 1.2). However, a large earthquake (M>7.5) has…  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating the P-wave velocity structure below the Tertiary volcano Vogelsberg, a network of 10 mobile short period seismograph stations was installed in May 1987 for a period of 20 months. P-Wave travel time residuals relative to the station Kleiner Feldberg/Taunus (TNS) were determined for 168 seismic events using the Jeffreys - Bullen travel time tables. At all stations the relative residuals showed a positive sign, indicating a low velocity zone beneath the Vogelsberg. Maxima were found in the northern part of the Vogelsberg (station VAD +0.5 s) and in the region of the Amöneburger Basin (station RAU +0.28 s).The travel time residuals were inverted using the tomographic inversion method of Aki et al. (1977). The slowness perturbations of the single blocks were calculated relative to a crustal and upper mantle model of the Rhenish Massif. The results show an intracrustal low velocity body (about –9%) striking in a Variscan direction and underlying the north-eastern part of the Vogelsberg, and another velocity minimum (about – 6%) in the region of the Am6neburger Basin. In the lower crust and the upper mantle the velocities are reduced by about 4% relative to the starting model.The Variscan alignment of the low velocity zone under the Vogelsberg correlates with results of other geological studies. It can be assumed that during the rifting phase of the Upper Rhinegraben Variscan lineations have been reactivated, favouring uprising of magma along these old structures. The position and extension of the low velocity zone correlate with the assumed sediment distributions in the area of investigation. This may account for about one-half of the observed anomaly. The reason for the velocity reduction of about 4% in the entire underground region of the Vogelsberg down to a depth of about 70 km can be explained by the intensive fracturing of the lithosphere, caused by thermal and pressure gradients during the magma eruption process.  相似文献   

We construct fine-scale 3D P- and S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle beneath the whole Japan Islands with a unified resolution, where the Pacific (PAC) and Philippine Sea (PHS) plates subduct beneath the Eurasian (EUR) plate. We can detect the low-velocity (low-V) oceanic crust of the PAC and PHS plates at their uppermost part beneath almost all the Japan Islands. The depth limit of the imaged oceanic crust varies with the regions. High-VP/VS zones are widely distributed in the lower crust especially beneath the volcanic front, and the high strain rate zones are located at the edge of the extremely high-VP/VS zone; however, VP/VS at the top of the mantle wedge is not so high. Beneath northern Japan, we can image the high-V subducting PAC plate using the tomographic method without any assumption of velocity discontinuities. We also imaged the heterogeneous structure in the PAC plate, such as the low-V zone considered as the old seamount or the highly seismic zone within the double seismic zone where the seismic fault ruptured by the earthquake connects the upper and lower layer of the double seismic zone. Beneath central Japan, thrust-type small repeating earthquakes occur at the boundary between the EUR and PHS plates and are located at the upper part of the low-V layer that is considered to be the oceanic crust of the PHS plate. In addition to the low-V oceanic crust, the subducting high-V PAC plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km and the subducting high-V PHS zone to depths of approximately 180 km is considered to be the PHS plate. Beneath southwestern Japan, the iso-depth lines of the Moho discontinuity in the PHS plate derived by the receiver function method divide the upper low-V layer and lower high-V layer of our model at depths of 30–50 km. Beneath Kyushu, the steeply subducting PHS plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km with high velocities. The high-VP/VS zone is considered as the lower crust of the EUR plate or the oceanic crust of the PHS plate at depths of 25–35 km and the partially serpentinized mantle wedge of the EUR plate at depths of 30–45 km beneath southwestern Japan. The deep low-frequency nonvolcanic tremors occur at all parts of the high-VP/VS zone—within the zone, the seaward side, and the landward side where the PHS plate encounters the mantle wedge of the EUR plate. We prove that we can objectively obtain the fine-scale 3D structure with simple constraints such as only 1D initial velocity model with no velocity discontinuity.  相似文献   

Jianshe Lei  Dapeng Zhao 《Tectonophysics》2005,397(3-4):281-295
We present the first seismic image of the upper mantle beneath the active intraplate Changbai volcano in Northeast Asia determined by teleseismic travel time tomography. The data are measured at a new seismic network consisting of 19 portable stations and 3 permanent stations. Our results show a columnar low-velocity anomaly extending to 400-km depth with a P-wave velocity reduction of up to 3%. High velocity anomalies are visible in the mantle transition zone, and deep-focus earthquakes occur at depths of 500–600 km under the region, suggesting that the subducting Pacific slab is stagnant in the transition zone, as imaged clearly by global tomography. These results suggest that the intraplate Changbai volcano is not a hotspot like Hawaii but a kind of back-arc volcano related to the deep subduction and stagnancy of the Pacific slab under Northeast Asia.  相似文献   

Non-volcanic deep low-frequency tremors in southwest Japan exhibit a strong temporal and spatial correlation with slow slip detected by the dense seismic network. The tremor signal is characterized by a low-frequency vibration with a predominant frequency of 0.5–5 Hz without distinct P- or S-wave onset. The tremors are located using the coherent pattern of envelopes over many stations, and are estimated to occur near the transition zone on the plate boundary on the forearc side along the strike of the descending Philippine Sea plate. The belt-like distribution of tremors consists of many clusters. In western Shikoku, the major tremor activity has a recurrence interval of approximately six months, with each episode lasting over a week. The tremor source area migrates during each episode along the strike of the subducting plate with a migration velocity of about 10 km/day. Slow slip events occur contemporaneously with this tremor activity, with a coincident estimated source area that also migrates during each episode. The coupling of tremor and slow slip in western Shikoku is very similar to the episodic tremor and slip phenomenon reported for the Cascadia margin in northwest North America. The duration and recurrence interval of these episodes varies between tremor clusters even on the same subduction zone, attributable to regional difference in the frictional properties of the plate interface.  相似文献   

Dapeng Zhao  Eiji Ohtani   《Gondwana Research》2009,16(3-4):401-413
We present new pieces of evidence from seismology and mineral physics for the existence of low-velocity zones in the deep part of the upper mantle wedge and the mantle transition zone that are caused by fluids from the deep subduction and deep dehydration of the Pacific and Philippine Sea slabs under western Pacific and East Asia. The Pacific slab is subducting beneath the Japan Islands and Japan Sea with intermediate-depth and deep earthquakes down to 600 km depth under the East Asia margin, and the slab becomes stagnant in the mantle transition zone under East China. The western edge of the stagnant Pacific slab is roughly coincident with the NE–SW Daxing'Anling-Taihangshan gravity lineament located west of Beijing, approximately 2000 km away from the Japan Trench. The upper mantle above the stagnant slab under East Asia forms a big mantle wedge (BMW). Corner flow in the BMW and deep slab dehydration may have caused asthenospheric upwelling, lithospheric thinning, continental rift systems, and intraplate volcanism in Northeast Asia. The Philippine Sea slab has subducted down to the mantle transition zone depth under Western Japan and Ryukyu back-arc, though the seismicity within the slab occurs only down to 200–300 km depths. Combining with the corner flow in the mantle wedge, deep dehydration of the subducting Pacific slab has affected the morphology of the subducting Philippine Sea slab and its seismicity under Southwest Japan. Slow anomalies are also found in the mantle under the subducting Pacific slab, which may represent small mantle plumes, or hot upwelling associated with the deep slab subduction. Slab dehydration may also take place after a continental plate subducts into the mantle.  相似文献   

Analysis of teleseismicP-wave residuals observed at 15 seismograph stations operated in the Deccan volcanic province (DVP) in west central India points to the existence of a large, deep anomalous region in the upper mantle where the velocity is a few per cent higher than in the surrounding region. The seismic stations were operated in three deployments together with a reference station on precambrian granite at Hyderabad and another common station at Poona. The first group of stations lay along a west-northwesterly profile from Hyderabad through Poona to Bhatsa. The second group roughly formed an L-shaped profile from Poona to Hyderabad through Dharwar and Hospet. The third group of stations lay along a northwesterly profile from Hyderabad to Dhule through Aurangabad and Latur. Relative residuals computed with respect to Hyderabad at all the stations showed two basic features: a large almost linear variation from approximately +1s for teleseisms from the north to—1s for those from the southeast at the western stations, and persistance of the pattern with diminishing magnitudes towards the east. Preliminary ray-plotting and three-dimensional inversion of theP-wave residual data delineate the presence of a 600 km long approximately N−S trending anomalous region of high velocity (1–4% contrast) from a depth of about 100 km in the upper mantle encompassing almost the whole width of the DVP. Inversion ofP-wave relative residuals reveal the existence of two prominent features beneath the DVP. The first is a thick high velocity zone (1–4% faster) extending from a depth of about 100 km directly beneath most of the DVP. The second feature is a prominent low velocity region which coincides with the westernmost part of the DVP. A possible explanation for the observed coherent high velocity anomaly is that it forms the root of the lithosphere which coherently translates with the continents during plate motions, an architecture characteristic of precambrian shields. The low velocity zone appears to be related to the rift systems (anomaly 28, 65 Ma) which provided the channel for the outpouring of Deccan basalts at the close of the Cretaceous period.  相似文献   

It is important to know the shape of a subducting slab in order to understand the mechanisms of inter-plate earthquakes and the process of subduction. Seismicity data and converted phases have been used to detect plate boundaries. The configuration of the Philippine Sea slab has been obtained at the western part of southwestern Japan. At the eastern part of southwestern Japan, however, the configuration of the Philippine Sea slab has not yet been confirmed. A spatially high-density seismic network makes it possible to detect the boundaries of the Philippine Sea slab. We used a spatially high-density temporal seismic array in the area. The configuration of the Philippine Sea plate is obtained at the eastern part of southwestern Japan using the temporal seismic array and permanent seismic network data and comparing the seismic structure obtained from the results of refraction surveys. The configuration of the Philippine Sea plate obtained by this study does not bend sharply compared to previous models obtained from receiver function analyses. We delineated the upper boundary of the slab to a depth of about 45 km. The weak image of the boundary, which corresponds to the upper mantle reflector beneath the source area of the 2000 Western Tottori earthquake, was detected using the spatially dense array.  相似文献   

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