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国人内耳骨半规管的形态学观测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 为人类学及临床应用提供解剖学资料。方法 采用内耳铸型法制作内耳骨迷路标本 30例 (6 0侧 ) ,对骨半规管的跨度、高度、内径、弧长、各骨半规管间的顶点间距及总骨脚的长度进行观测 ,所得数据用SAS 6 12软件进行分析。结果  6 0侧内耳硅胶铸型标本骨半规管显示为半环形小管。前骨半规管的跨度为 (4 91± 0 70 )mm ,高度为 (5 4 94 - 0 5 7)mm ,内径为 (1 784 - 0 2 3)mm ,弧长为 (18 344 - 1 95 )mm ;后骨半规管的跨度为 (2 784 - 0 5 2 )mm ,高度为 (6 184 - 0 6 3)mm ,内径为 (1 86 4 - 0 2 8)mm ,弧长为 (2 0 18 ± 1 93)mm ;外骨半规管的跨度为 (4 30 4 - 0 4 5 )mm ,高度为 (4 0 6± 0 5 2 )mm ,内径为 (2 0 94 - 0 2 4 )mm ,弧长为 (11 80± 1 5 2 )mm ;总骨脚的长度为 (4 984 - 0 4 9)mm。各骨半规管的顶点间距分别是前 -外骨半规管为 (8 0 6 4 - 0 77)mm ,前-后骨半规管为 (9 95 4 - 0 96 )mm ,外 -后骨半规管为 (5 4 6 4 - 0 75 )mm。左右两侧差异无显著性。结论  3个骨半规管的大小、形态各异  相似文献   

目的:确定半规管在颅底的精确方位,并分析其在不同年龄组、侧别和性别中的差异.方法:将45例正常人(90侧耳)的CT序列图像导入Mimics软件,读取确定半规管平面的标志点以及为确定以法兰克福平面为基准的标准空间坐标系的关键结构标志点的三维坐标,基于Matlab软件编制计算程序Laby Calculation,确定标准空间坐标系的相关方程,计算半规管在标准坐标系中的空间方位和面面夹角,最后对数据进行统计分析.结果:半规管的方位在不同年龄组和性别中具有一定的差异,而左右侧无明显差异,不同年龄组同侧半规管间面面夹角比较差异均无统计学意义(p>0.05),提示随年龄增长同侧三个半规管方位的旋转可能是作为一个整体一同发生的.结论:本研究可为半规管发育研究提供形态数据,并对相关前庭功能检查和平衡功能障碍治疗提供依据和帮助.  相似文献   

目的 通过数值仿真和实验定量探究人内耳前庭半规管中的嵴顶时间常数,明确半规管编码角运动的时间过程。方法 建立人双耳半规管数值模型,通过流固耦合数值模拟嵴顶的生物力学响应,进而计算嵴顶的力学松弛时间常数。同时,对志愿者进行前庭眼反射实验,根据志愿者的眼震慢相角速度计算嵴顶的时间常数。结果 通过人内耳半规管数值模型计算得出的嵴顶力学松弛时间常数为3.75 s。通过实验测量得出平均嵴顶时间常数约为4.86 s。数值模型和实验中的结果近似保持一致。结论 人内耳前庭半规管中的嵴顶时间常数大约为4.86 s,反映了嵴顶力学松弛和半规管传入神经适应性的联合作用效果,体现了半规管编码角运动的时间过程。  相似文献   

正人类及高等动物的前庭蜗器有精细微妙的解剖结构和复杂特殊感觉功能,包括听觉和平衡功能。除外耳相对易见外,其他更加精细的部分都埋匿于形态复杂的颞骨之中,故内耳结构的显露是解剖学技术中难度较大的。目前内耳的解剖标本制作主要分为腐蚀铸型法~([1])和雕刻磨制法~([2])。铸型法的优点是将填充剂灌注到膜迷路内,制作出半规管、前庭和耳蜗的铸型标本,但缺点在于难以保留内耳区神经和脉管结  相似文献   

<正> 作者用透射电子显微镜研究了蛙半规管的非感觉细胞(深色细胞、变移细胞和未分化细胞的超微结构以弄清这些上皮细胞的结构和功能的互相关系。全部非感觉细胞都以紧密连结和桥粒相连,这暗示甚少细胞外离子从  相似文献   

目的 探讨人类半规管在3种基本旋转感知过程中的生物力学响应。方法 采用3D打印技术及水凝胶物理交联技术成功制备了与人体等比例的一维可视化半规管物理模型,并通过施加恒定角速度刺激、恒定角加速度刺激以及正弦摆动刺激来探究嵴顶的响应变形情况。结果 仿生半规管模型的时间常数基本稳定在3 s左右,且与人体时间常数数值接近,壶腹嵴顶运动的位移变形与施加的角加速度成正比;在0.07~5.00 Hz正弦摆动刺激下,半规管的增益从1.54 μm/°上升到42.34 μm/°,但相位差从109.72°下降到11.27°。结论 制备的仿生半规管模型能够准确模拟人体半规管的工作机制,有望在人体前庭半规管的机理研究和疾病诊断中发挥一定作用。  相似文献   

人内耳半规管和壶腹嵴的组织发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:较全面地了解人内耳半规管和壶腹嵴的组织发生。方法:取人胚胎内耳,光镜和电镜下观察。结果:第6w胚胎半规管上皮为单层柱状,第7w上皮增至3~4层,第9w为单层立方上皮;第11w后,立方上皮逐渐变矮,第23w膜半规管为单层扁平上皮,第31w半规管的扁平细胞内可见线粒体、粗面内质网和吞饮小泡等结构。第6w胚胎壶腹嵴已出现,由两层细胞组成,第7w嵴上皮分裂分化为4~5层细胞,第8w表层柱状细胞出现纤毛,第13w毛细胞和支持细胞分化明显;第15w胶质膜呈帽状,它由许多平行排列的纵行小管组成;第18w毛细胞可分辨出Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型毛细胞。结论:补充了半规管组织发生的新资料。  相似文献   

目的:为颅中窝进路内耳道手术提供解剖学依据。方法:采用福尔马林固定的头颅标本24具(48侧),首先寻找弓状隆起并磨出上半规管蓝线,进一步测量其与内耳道及相关结构的位置关系。结果:上半规管拱峰到内耳道后壁的投影距离为(6.18±0.25)mm(5.11~7.23mm),距前壁的投影距离为(13.23±0.47)mm(11.2~14.21mm)。上半规管拱峰与内听后壁的直线距离为(7.03±0.26)mm(6.01~7.85mm),距前壁为(14.44±0.76)mm(12.03~15.77mm)。结论:本文测量数值,对临床上进行颅中窝进路的内耳道定位有较大的帮助。  相似文献   

基于磁共振数据的三维半规管建模空间方向测量   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目的测量半规管相互夹角和空间方向。方法对16例磁共振3D-CISS序列内耳检查影像,分割半规管结构建立三维模型,生成3D PDF文件,在各半规管取3点坐标,通过数学方法对同侧和双侧的半规管相互夹角以及各半规管和水平面的夹角进行计算。结果左右后半规管夹角为98.49°±12.07°,可以推测后半规管和矢状面的夹角为49.25°±6.04°。左右水平半规管夹角为171.58°±3.78°;左侧后半规管和右侧前半规管夹角为165.56°±5.78°,右侧后半规管和左侧前半规管夹角为164.74°±6.46°,左侧水平半规管和水平面夹角为19.43°±3.02°,右侧水平半规管和水平面夹角22.11°±4.12°。结论左右共同平面对半规管近乎平行,后半规管和矢状面的夹角大于45°,两侧半规管总脚分叉点和眼球下缘平面更加接近水平面。  相似文献   

1987年由skalak和shuchieN(钱煦)王编的工具书生物工程手册(handbookofBioengineering,NewYork,Mcgraw-Hlillbookco,1987)第31章由BusPirk和Grant撰写的“前庭力学”主要是介绍他们在半规管内流体动力学的一系列研究成果。本文对单根半规管内流体动力学的Buspirk模型绘出f一个对任意模型参数。均成立的高精度解析解并与BSSpirk等人所给出的渐近解进行了比较。结果发现,渐近解给出系统输出的全局最大误差可达8%以上,而系统固有频率的相对误差为167%。本文所得结果与目前已有的实验结果更加吻合。本文包括厂Buspirk等人的所…  相似文献   

The geometry of the semicircular canals has been used in evolutionary studies to predict the behaviors of extinct animals. These predictions have relied on an assumption that the responses of the canals can be determined from their dimensions, and that an organism's behavior can be determined from these responses. However, the relationship between a canal's sensitivity and its size is not well known. An intraspecies comparison among canal responses in each of three species (cat, squirrel monkey, and pigeon) was undertaken to evaluate various models of canal function and determine how their dimensions may be related to afferent physiology. All models predicted the responses of the cat afferents, but the models performed less well for squirrel monkey and pigeon. Possible causes for this discrepancy include incorrectly assuming that afferent responses accurately represent canal function or errors in current biophysical models of the canals. These findings leave open the question as to how reliably canal anatomy can be used to estimate afferent responses and how closely afferent responses are related to behavior. Other labyrinthine features, such as orientation of the horizontal canal, which is reliably held near earth-horizontal across many species, may be better to use when extrapolating the posture and related behavior of extinct animals from labyrinthine morphology.  相似文献   

The semicircular canals of the inner ear sense angular accelerations and decelerations of the head and enable co‐ordination of posture and body movement, as well as visual stability. Differences of agility and spatial sensitivity among species have been linked to interspecific differences in the relative size of the canals, particularly the radius of curvature (R) and the ratio of the canal plane area to streamline length (P/L). Here we investigate the scaling relationships of these two size variables and also out‐of‐plane torsion in the three semicircular canals (anterior, posterior and lateral), in order to assess which is more closely correlated with body size and locomotor agility. Measurements were computed from 3D landmarks taken from magnetic resonance images of a diverse sample of placental mammals encompassing 16 eutherian orders. Body masses were collected from the literature and an agility score was assigned to each species. The R and P/L of all three semicircular canals were found to have highly significant positive correlations with each other and no statistical difference was found between the slope of 2P/L against R and 1. This indicated that, contrary to initial hypotheses, there is little difference between 2P/L and R as measures of semicircular canal size. A measure of the in‐plane circularity of the canal was obtained by dividing 2P/L by R and out‐of‐plane torsion was measured as angular deviation from a plane of best fit. It was predicted that deviations from in‐plane and out‐of‐plane circularity would increase at small body size due to the constraints of fitting a proportionately larger canal into a smaller petrous bone. However, neither measurement was found to have a significant correlation with body mass, indicating that deviations from circularity (both in‐plane and out‐of‐plane) are not sufficient to alter P/L to an extent that would impact the sensitivity of the canals. 2P/L and R were both shown to be significantly correlated with locomotor agility. The posterior canal was the least correlated with agility, suggesting that it may be generally less closely aligned to the direction of movement than the anterior canal. Of the three canals, the lateral canal was the most highly correlated with agility. In particular, it could be used to distinguish between species that move in a largely 2D environment and those that locomote in 3D space (aerial, arboreal and aquatic species). This complements previous work suggesting that the lateral canal primarily commands navigation, whereas the vertical canals control reflex adjustments. It was also found that 2P/L is substantially better correlated with agility than is R in the lateral canal. This result is intriguing given the above finding that there is no statistical difference between 2P/L and R, and requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Background: Reduced vital capacity (VC) and forced vital capacity (FVC) are associated with lead (Pb) exposure.

Aim: The objective of this study is to analyse the effects of Pb on FVC and the shuttle run performance.

Subjects and methods: Data were available for 184 male and 189 female Polish schoolchildren aged 10–15?years. Regression analysis was performed of shuttle run performance (dependent) on Pb and FVC.

Results: Shuttle run time increased by 1.75 (±?0.77) and 1.97 (±?0.77) seconds for each 10?µg/dL increase in Pb blood among males and females, respectively. Higher shuttle run times indicate poorer performance. Average unadjusted blood Pb level in the sample was 5.27?μg/dL (±?0.19 SE) and 3.82?μg/dL (±?0.10 SE), respectively. Path analysis was used to assess the association of Pb level with shuttle run time. Blood Pb had a significant negative effect on VC (B=??13.60?±?3.28 [SE], p?B?=??13.08?±?3.27, p?B?=??0.04?±?0.007, p?B?=?1.59?±?0.75, p?B?=?1.49?±?0.73, p?Conclusions: Thus, Pb had direct and indirect effects that increased shuttle run time, i.e. negatively affected performance.  相似文献   

During sustained constant velocity and low-frequency off-vertical axis rotations (OVAR), otolith signals contribute significantly to slow-phase eye velocity. The adaptive plasticity of these responses was investigated here after semicircular canal plugging. Inactivation of semicircular canals results in a highly compromised and deficient vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). Based on the VOR enhancement hypothesis, one could expect an adaptive increase of otolith-borne angular velocity signals due to combined otolith/canal inputs after inactivation of the semicircular canals. Contrary to expectations, however, the steady-state slow-phase velocity during constant velocity OVAR decreased in amplitude over time. A similar progressive decrease in VOR gain was also observed during low-frequency off-vertical axis oscillations. This response deterioration was present in animals with either lateral or vertical semicircular canals inactivated and was limited to the plane(s) of the plugged canals. The results are consistent with the idea that the low-frequency otolith signals do not simply enhance VOR responses. Rather, the nervous system appears to correlate vestibular sensory information from the otoliths and the semicircular canals to generate an integral response to head motion.  相似文献   

正组织学与胚胎学是医学生较早接触的一门医学形态学专业课程,是研究机体微细结构、相关功能及人体发生发育的一门学科,是在组织、细胞、亚细胞和分子水平对人体进行的研究。由于其研究内容主要是在光镜和电镜下的微细结构,其中很大一部分时间要借助显微镜观察组织切片进行学习。这使得很多学生对所学知识感觉太抽象,知识点零散。加之现在总学时数较少,课程进度相对较快,很多学生反映难以理解和掌  相似文献   

正互联网时代的迅猛发展和普及,使现代教育面临了前所未有的冲击和考验~([1])。如何改变既往的教学模式、教学目标和教学手段,以适应当前网络时代对教育教学的要求,是当今医学教学工作者需要思考的课题。作为一门重要的医学基础课程,人体组织学因其内容庞杂,结构抽象,长期以来都是医学生学习的硬伤。为适应学生学习的个性化要求,结合多媒体和网络技术,本教研室构建了基于数字化切片技术的人体组织学数字化网络视听课程,在全景扫描数字化切片的基础上,采用人声讲解,视  相似文献   

正电镜技术课程是重要的选修课~([1]),常安排在研究生刚入学,但学生缺乏科研经历,对将来课题内容及实验中能用何种电镜技术尚不知。此时教学重点是常规电镜技术,其中"取材、固定"是重中之重。因为在观察细胞超微结构的电镜技术中,取材、固定最为关键,将影响到结果科学性及图像美观。研究生课程教学中,若未介绍实验设计或个性化指导特殊样品取材、固定,学生常因多种原因使电镜样品取材、固定不佳,以致无法补救。本文着重探讨如何上好"取  相似文献   

The indigenous microbial flora of the middle ear cavity of Mongolian gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus, was isolated, characterized, and identified, showing it to be sparse and transitory. Organisms, when found in the middle ear cavity, were most likely to be Staphylococcus epidermidis-like organisms. Cerumen from the external auditory canal of these animals yielded mostly staphylococci, coryneforms, and other gram-positive rods, including some anaerobic species. The nasopharynx supported a flora consisting mainly of staphylococci, lactobacilli, and coryneforms, with a smaller incidence and numbers of many other species. No mycoplasmas were cultured or seen in scanning electron microscope studies. None of the major pathogens of human otitis media were found; therefore, Mongolian gerbils are microbiologically acceptable candidates as a model for induced otitis media, using organisms isolated from human otitic infections.  相似文献   

正组织学与胚胎学(以下简称组胚)实验教学传统媒体主要以玻片标本、文字、图片、动画或视频资料出现,必要时加以展示实物标本、模型,基本满足课堂教学的需要。然而传统的教学标本、模型具有易损、不便携带、不可修改等缺点,不能完全满足现代教学的需求。应用计算机软件结合多媒体技术建立虚拟切片库和基于三维技术的虚拟标本模型资源,可以克服传统教具的一些缺点,成为现有教学标本、模型较好的辅助资源新形式,实  相似文献   

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