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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network is an important component to implement next generation Internet, how to quickly and efficiently search the resources in P2P networks has become one of the most critical issues, at the same time, this is one of greatest concern to users. This paper describes the basic Flooding Peer-to-Peer network search method, followed by analysis of several new search methods pros and cons, and then further analysis of these algorithms is proposed based on a cache-based search algorithm: When a node of the remaining load capacity is high, it will become the center node, and form a joint topology area with the nearby nodes together, then the center node and ordinary nodes also need to store the index cache, at the local region the overheating resources will be copied to the local (that is, the contents cache). The simulation shows that the algorithm can effectively improve the hit rates of resources searching, reduce the query delay.  相似文献   

D-Flooding:非结构化P2P网络中高效搜索策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了能够在保持高覆盖范围的前提下大大减少冗余消息的数量,提出了一种新的基于连接度的搜索机制D-Flooding。D-Flooding在搜索的不同阶段,依据连接度大小来选择消息的转发对象。分析和实验结果表明,D-Flooding能够提供较低负载的查询,高效地应用于P2P搜索。与标准洪泛机制相比,在跳数不变的情况下,冗余消息的数量可减少84.5%以上,而消息的覆盖范围基本不变。  相似文献   

为了能够在保持高覆盖范围的前提下大大减少冗余消息的数量,提出了一种新的基于连接度的搜索机制DFlooding。DFlooding在搜索的不同阶段,依据连接度大小来选择消息的转发对象。分析和实验结果表明,DFlooding能够提供较低负载的查询,高效地应用于P2P搜索。与标准洪泛机制相比,在跳数不变的情况下,冗余消息的数量可减少84.5%以上,而消息的覆盖范围基本不变。  相似文献   

基于蚁群算法的非结构化P2P网络资源搜索策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对非结构化P2P网络资源搜索算法中冗余消息数过多、搜索效率低等问题,提出一种基于蚁群算法的非结构化P2P网络资源搜索策略,该策略利用蚂蚁信息素的正反馈原理,同时综合考虑邻居节点度和邻居-邻居节点信息,选择下一条邻居节点路径转发查询消息,有效地指导资源搜索路径的生成。实验结果表明,该算法在一定程度上减少了大量的冗余查询消息,提高了资源搜索的成功率,是一种有效的非结构化P2P网络资源搜索策略。  相似文献   

基于兴趣域的对等网络动态搜索机制*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对非结构化P2P搜索机制不够灵活、不能有效解决跨域文件搜索的问题,提出一种基于兴趣域的非结构化P2P动态搜索算法。此算法根据每个节点共享的文件类型的差异,将网络进行分域,在分域的基础上利用预算值和TTL(time to live)值来控制搜索节点的数目和搜索的深度,对不同类型的搜索采用不同的搜索策略。实验表明,该搜索算法的节点覆盖率在50%左右,搜索效率保持在35%左右,即算法能够有效地满足用户的查询需求,效率比较稳定且高于当前典型的搜索算法。  相似文献   

庞庆元  林亚平 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(21):4049-4051,4057
Peer-to-Peer系统已经引起了越来越多网络用户的关注。而这种系统的一个核心技术是搜索算法。洪泛是应用在非结构化P2P网络中的基本搜索方法。它具有响应时间短,搜索成功率高,可靠性好等优点;它的不足是会产生大量多余搜索消息,消耗带宽等。根据洪泛和随机漫步的特性,在此提出选择洪泛算法。该算法维持了洪泛的优点,同时又降低多余消息的产生。从模拟实验可以看出,算法有效地降低了多余消息的产生,改善了网络运行环境。  相似文献   

针对非结构化P2P网络中资源搜索效率低、冗余消息较多的情况, 提出一种基于兴趣因子的蚁群优化算法(IACO)。该算法充分考虑了节点价值对资源搜索的影响, 在传统蚁群算法中引入节点的兴趣因子, 以动态调整节点价值和信息素在计算转发概率时的权重关系, 有效地指导了资源查询路径的生成。仿真结果表明, 该算法可以显著提高资源查询的成功率, 同时在一定程度上减少了网络中的冗余消息量。  相似文献   

非结构化对等网络中的信誉管理机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对因特网上网络资源共享中存在的恶意节点行为,提出并描述了一种非结构化对等网络中的信誉管理机制.该机制使用非集中式的策略,根据节点与应用的需求计算节点的信誉度,具有独立性,不需要其它节点的参入与辅助.把加入对等网络的节点行为划分为恶意行为与友好行为,既可以统计节点对系统的贡献,也可以根据恶意行为而减少节点的信誉度.描述了信誉管理机制的设计与实现,各种节点行为下的仿真实验结果表明,该信誉管理机制是对等网络中一种真实的,高效的、信誉机制良好的资源共享策略.  相似文献   

Modeling and Simulation Techniques focus on simulation modeling and analysis challenges to develop principles or gain in existing networking technologies, including simulation methodology or application in unstructured P2P network. In this paper, we focus on the simulation in the random unstructured P2P network.The correlation between topology and search algorithm is less paid attention to in unstructured P2P network, current techniques used in existing unstructured P2P system are often very inefficient because of the existence of large number of redundant messages. In this paper, we analyze the reason of engendering redundant data packet and focus on designing better search algorithm to adapt to the current network rather than to design the universal algorithm to adapt to a variety of network. Analyzing the characteristics that the flooding algorithm showing in different search stages in different network, we put forward the segment search algorithm. Furthermore, we present an effective simulation method in the random unstructured P2P network. Through simulation analysis, we find that our algorithm is better than the original flooding algorithm. In addition, we design our algorithm to be simple as a module, which can be easily applied to existing unstructured P2P systems for immediate impact.  相似文献   

针对非结构化对等网络中资源搜索算法效率不高、搜索过程中产生的冗余消息数过大而造成的网络带宽消耗及网络拥塞等状况,提出一种基于路由搜索机制的改进算法.该算法利用邻节点之间的关系,生成邻节点的转发路由表.实验证明,该算法有效抑制了网络中冗余搜索消息数量,减小了网络带宽的消耗,有效避开了搭便车节点,从而提高了搜索效率.  相似文献   

Most Web content is invisible to current search engines. JXTA Search addresses this problem, providing a unique query routing protocol that makes content visible and facilitates its use  相似文献   

随着P2P应用的发展,由以往共享只读文件逐渐改变为共享可读写的文件,文件的频繁更新导致了数据副本之间的不一致性,因此确保其副本一致性是保证正确运行的关键。通过文献调研,对目前国内外研究的副本一致性算法进行了详细的介绍,分析了各种算法的优缺点,并在现有算法的基础上进行了展望,提出下一步研究的方向和重点。  相似文献   

Free riding is a common phenomenon in peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing networks. Although several mechanisms have been proposed to handle free riding—mostly to exclude free riders, few of them have been adopted in a practical system. This may be attributed to the fact that the mechanisms are often nontrivial, and that completely eliminating free riders could jeopardize the sheer power of the network arising from the huge volume of its participants. Rather than excluding free riders, we incorporate and utilize them to provide global index service to the files shared in the network, as well as to relay messages in the search process. The simulation results indicate that our mechanism not only can shift the query processing load from non-free riders to free riders, but can also significantly boost the search efficiency of a plain Gnutella. Moreover, the mechanism is quite resilient to high free riding ratio.  相似文献   

分布非结构化P2P网络资源定位研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
P2P系统是一个分布式系统,其中的资源如何进行定位是一个重要的问题。通过对分布非结构化P2P系统的搜索机制以及现有的改进方法的研究,给出了一种基于语义路由改进算法,并对此算法进行了模拟仿真。  相似文献   

目前空间数据已被应用于很多领域,最典型的例子就是GIS(地理信息系统)。然而,随着空间数据爆炸式的增长以及用户应用需求的不断增加,传统的集中式的GIS逐渐显现出其可伸缩性差,容易形成性能瓶颈等缺陷。针对空间数据的范围查询是GIS中最典型的应用之一,提出一种基于非结构化的分组式P2P网络结构下的空间范围查询方法,使得系统具有更高的查询效率以及负载均衡特性和可伸缩性。最后通过仿真证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Scalable search and retrieval over numerous web document collections distributed across different sites can be achieved by adopting a peer-to-peer (P2P) communication model. Terms and their document frequencies are the main components of text information retrieval and as such need to be computed, aggregated, and distributed throughout the system. This is a challenging problem in the context of unstructured P2P networks, since the local document collections may not reflect the global collection in an accurate way. This might happen due to skews in the distribution of documents to peers. Moreover, central assembly of the total information is not a scalable solution due to the excessive cost of storage and maintenance, and because of issues related to digital rights management. In this paper, we present an efficient hybrid approach for aggregation of document frequencies using a hierarchical overlay network for a carefully selected set of the most important terms, together with gossip-based aggregation for the remaining terms in the collections. Furthermore, we present a cost analysis to compute the communication cost of hybrid aggregation. We conduct experiments on three document collections, in order to evaluate the quality of the proposed hybrid aggregation.  相似文献   


Clustering, as an unsupervised learning method and an important process in data mining, is an aspect of large and distributed data analysis. In many applications, such as peer-to-peer systems, huge volumes of data are distributed between multiple sources. Analysis of these volumes of data and identifying appropriate clusters is challenging due to transmission, processing and storage costs. In this paper, a gossip-based distributed clustering algorithm for P2P networks called Efficient GBDC-P2P is proposed, based on an improved gossip communicative approach by combining the peer sampeling and CYCLON protocol and the idea of partitioning-based data clustering. This algorithm is appropriate for data clustering in unstructured P2P networks, and it is adapted to the dynamic conditions of these networks. In the Efficient GBDC-P2P algorithm, distributed peers perform clustering operation in a distributed way only through local communications with their neighbors. Our approach does not rely on the central server to carry out data clustering task and without the need to synchronize operations. Evaluation results verify the efficiency of our proposed algorithm for data clustering in unstructured P2P networks. Furthermore, comparative analyses with other well-established distributed clustering approaches demonstrate the superior accuracy of the proposed method.


With the growth of P2P file sharing systems, people are no longer satisfied with the sharing of the read-only and static files, and thus the systems with mutually writable and dynamic files have emerged, resulting in the replica inconsistency problem. To maintain the replica consistency, too many update messages need to be redundantly propagated due to the lack of the sharing of globally updated path information in the existing strategies. To address this problem, we propose an optimized strategy for update path selection, which makes the nodes share the update path information by using clone, variation and crossover operations for the update paths. We also present a repeated update strategy to cope with the churn problem so as to maintain replica consistency as far as possible even if some nodes temporarily leave the network. The simulation results show that our strategy can significantly reduce the number of the redundant update messages without lowering the message coverage, thus improving the availability of the unstructured P2P networks.  相似文献   

With more and more peer-to-peer (P2P) applications being utilized, the P2P traffic accounts for the majority in Internet, and thus leading to the network congestion problem. Reducing the redundant propagations of messages is an effective approach for solving such problem in unstructured P2P networks. In this paper, we first define a novel message structure which contains the information of message propagation path, and then three operations, including the inheritance, supplement and collection, on the message transmission paths are proposed, based on which a node could forward the message to the nodes who have not received the message yet purposefully by using the information of the past received messages and the characteristics of space and time of node activities, and thus eliminating the bandwidth consumption problem caused by the flooding-based message propagation approaches. The simulation results show that our strategy could effectively reduce the number of the redundant messages without lowering the message coverage ratio.  相似文献   

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