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Measured values of the transmission of amorphous films as a function of the objective aperture and film thickness can be described by a single-scattering theory for unfiltered and zero-loss filtered images in the electron spectroscopic imaging mode of a transmission electron microscope. The theory can be applied to estimate the gain of contrast by zero-loss filtering for specimen structures larger and smaller than the chromatic aberration disc.  相似文献   

The absolute partial electron scattering cross-section for the phosphorus L2,3-shell ionization was measured by electron spectroscopic imaging using poliovirus as a primary standard. The equivalent calcium cross-section was obtained in relation to phosphorus using the stoichiometric ratio for these two elements in hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2. At 80kcV, the partial cross-section of phosphorus was 2.26 times 10?20 and 2.68 × 10?20cm2/atom for poliovirus and hydroxyapatite, respectively, at 150eV loss for a 15-cV energy window and an acceptance angle of 15 mrad. Under the same conditions the calcium cross-section was 0.49 × 10?20 cm2/atom at 360 eV loss. The experimental values are slightly higher than the theoretical cross-sections calculated either by hydrogenic or Hartree—Slater approaches.  相似文献   

The combination of focused ion beam (FIB) sample preparation and quantitative electron spectroscopic imaging is an ideal tool for the investigation of layered structures used in microelectronic metallization schemes. In the present work, Si3N4/Cu/Si3N4/SiO2/Si and Al/TiN/Ti/SiO2/Si metallization layers produced by physical vapour deposition are investigated. We apply series of energy filtered images in the low loss region for a mapping of the sample thickness which makes it possible to refine the parameters of the FIB process. We also show how series of energy filtered images in the core loss region can be used to obtain elemental distribution images and chemical bonding information on these samples on a nanometre scale. For materials with a small grain size and/or a strong variation in Bragg orientation, the intensity distribution of the elemental map is strongly influenced by the superimposed Bragg contrast. This detrimental effect can be reduced greatly by using hollow cone illumination, as is demonstrated for polycrystalline Cu. One striking feature observed in Cu layers prepared with FIB is strong, regularly arranged contrast variations caused by subsurface defects in the Cu grains. We suppose that these defects are a consequence of a strong interaction of Ga atoms from the FIB with Cu.  相似文献   

A method for the characterization of surface-treated asbestos fibres with electron microscopy is presented. Electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) of organosilane-treated chrysotile asbestos fibres has been carried out. Initially, the region below the carbon edge was inspected in ESI mode for its effectiveness as a background correction. Elemental mapping was performed on standard untreated fibres to take into account non-characteristic signals from extrapolation errors and camera artefacts. The highest resulting pixel value that results from non-characteristic signals was used as a threshold for further background correction in the net images. Samples for electron energy-loss spectroscopy were prepared in two different ways, either by gluing on grids, or by using perforated carbon foils. The results show that the use of a conducting carbon film is necessary for the analysis of such electrically insulating asbestos fibres. Focusing of the electron beam on the individual fibres results in a thermal effect promoting the evaporation of the organosilane reaction products.  相似文献   

The contrast thicknesses (xk) of thin carbon and platinum films have been measured in the transmission mode of a low-voltage scanning electron microscope for apertures of 40 and 100 mrad and electron energies (E) between 1 and 30 keV. The measured values overlap with those previously measured for E (≥ 17keV) in a transmission electron microscope. Differences in the decrease of xk with decreasing E between carbon and platinum agree with Wentzel-Kramer-Brillouin calculations of the elastic cross-sections. Knowing the value of xk allows the exponential decrease ∝ exp(—x/xk) in transmission with increasing mass-thickness (x = ρt) of the specimen and the increasing gain of contrast for stained biological sections with decreasing electron energy to be calculated for brightfield and darkfield modes.  相似文献   

The amorphous interfacial layer between Si substrates and diamond films grown by plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition has been studied by electron spectroscopic imaging. The amorphous layer consists mainly of carbon, which can only be distinguished from the diamond film by analysis of the near-edge structure (ELNES) of the carbon K edge. Series of electron spectroscopic images were acquired across the carbon K edge and were analysed in order to reveal the presence of the π*- and σ*-excitations. After background removal from the corresponding images, phase maps for the distribution of sp2 and sp3 hybridized carbon can be obtained. From the whole series of images, electron energy-loss spectra can be extracted for any given area in the images. The results show that the amorphous layer covers large areas along the interface and that regions with only 1–2 nm layer thickness can clearly be analysed. The results obtained with the electron spectroscopic imaging technique will be compared with results obtained on a field emission gun scanning transmission electron microscope.  相似文献   

E. I. Rau  L. Reimer 《Scanning》2001,23(4):235-240
In‐depth imaging of subsurface structures in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is usually obtained by detecting backscattered electrons (BSE). For a layer‐by‐layer imaging in BSE microtomography, it is preferable to use an energy filtering of BSE. A simple approach is used to estimate the contrast by using backscattering coefficients of bulk materials and the maximum escape depths of the BSE. The contrast obtained by BSE energy filtering is about twice that of the standard BSE method by varying the acceleration voltage. The contrast decreases with increasing information depth. The information depth is about four times smaller than the electron range. The transmission of the spectrometer influences the minimum current of the order of 10?8 A that is needed to get a contrast of 1%, for example.  相似文献   

Electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) with the energy-filtering transmission electron microscope enables the investigation of chemical elements in ultrathin biological sections. An analysis technique has been developed to calculate elemental maps and quantitative distributions from ESI sequences. Extensive experience has been obtained with a practical implementation of this technique. A procedure for more robust element detection has been investigated and optimized. With the use of Fe-loaded Chelex beads, the measurement system has been evaluated with respect to the linearity of the element concentration scale, the reproducibility of the measurements and the visual usage of image results. In liver specimens of a patient with an iron storage disease the detectability of iron was tested and we tried to characterize iron-containing components.   The concentration measurement scale is approximately linear up to a relative section thickness of ≈ 0.5. Monitoring of this parameter is therefore considered to be important. The reproducibility was measured in an experiment with Fe-Chelex. The iron concentration differed by 6.4% between two serial measurements. Element distributions are in many applications interpreted visually. For this purpose the frequently used net-intensity distributions are regarded as unsuitable. For the quantification and visual interpretation of concentration differences mass thickness correction has to be performed. By contrast, for the detection of elements the signal-to-noise ratio is the appropriate criterion.   Application of ESI analysis demonstrated the quantitative chemical capabilities of this technique in the investigation of iron storage diseases. Based on an assumed ferritin iron loading in vivo , different iron components can be discerned in liver parenchymal cells of an iron-overloaded patient.  相似文献   

Ca2+ was precipitated with potassium antimonate in vitellogenic follicles of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the distribution of the precipitates formed was studied by electron microscopy. The microvilli of the oolemma in mid- and late vitellogenic follicles were lined with precipitates. The chemical composition of the precipitates was analysed by electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI). The images produced by inelastically scattered electrons at specific ionization edges were compared, and the nonspecific background signals were subtracted by an image processing system. The presence of Ca2+, antimony and oxygen in the precipitates formed could be demonstrated. The elemental composition of the precipitates and of yolk spheres was also analysed by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). With respect to the precipitates, signals at the calcium L2,3-edge, the oxygen K-edge and the antimony M4,5-edge were recorded without deconvolution and background subtraction. The yolk spheres, which were free of precipitates, gave the characteristic signal of the nitrogen K-edge. The applied techniques combine good ultrastructural resolution with the possibility of analysing the elemental composition of histochemical reaction products and cellular structures.  相似文献   

Computer-aided 3-D reconstruction of typanosomes from 0·35-μm-thick sections imaged on the Zeiss 902 electron microscope are being used to study the dynamics of cell organization. Segregation of glycolytic enzymes into glycosomes raises questions concerning the distribution and biogenesis of these organelles. Direct counts of glycosomes from Trypanosoma evansi indicate 30–40 per cell and for the closely related T. brucei, 65 per cell. These figures contrast with the estimates of others who have used model-based morphometric methods to obtain a value of 230 per cell.  相似文献   

Energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy has been applied to the quantification of area fractions of calcium-containing cytochemical reaction products in central nervous tissue and the retina of fish. The method of electron spectroscopic imaging using electrons with an energy loss of 250 eV produces images with a very high, structure-sensitive contrast. This is a suitable imaging condition for the reliable detection of reaction products and structural details in unstained ultrathin sections. The images were recorded with a sensitive TV camera and evaluated with the integrated digital image-analysis system of the Zeiss CEM 902 energy-filtering electron microscope. An empirical procedure was developed which objectively detects reaction products and calculates characteristic values, taking into account different staining intensities. This new and sensitive method enabled an assessment to be made of the influence of temperature and light adaptation on cytochemically detectable calcium in nervous tissue of fish. Higher amounts of calcium-containing reaction product were detected in synaptic clefts of the optic tectum in warm-adapted fish than in cold-adapted fish. In synaptic vesicles of photoreceptor cells in the fish retina, higher amounts of reaction product were found in dark-adapted fish than in light-adapted fish.  相似文献   

The structures of the large and small ribosomal subunits of Escherichia coli were reconstructed using spectroscopic electron microscopy and quaternion-assisted angular reconstitution to resolutions of better than 4 nm. In addition, the distributions of phosphorus within these complexes were reconstructed. The three-dimensional reconstruction of the distribution of this atomic element is an extension of microanalysis (in two dimensions) for phosphorus identification and mapping, as a signature of the arrangement of the phosphate backbones of the constituent ribosomal RNAs. The results on both the phosphorus reconstructions and the total reconstructions (protein and ribosomal RNA) reveal several passageways through both subunits. The structures correspond favourably with other independent reconstructions of the whole E. coli ribosome from cryoelectron micrographs and their accompanying models of translation (Frank et al ., Nature , 376, 441–444, 1995; Stark et al ., Structure , 3, 815–821, 1995). The overall reconstructions in conjunction with the phosphorus (rRNA) distributions are the first to be achieved synchronously for this nucleoprotein complex.  相似文献   

A stereoscopic method is described enabling the direct visualization of the spatial relationships of elemental maps generated by electron spectroscopic imaging. The cartilage growth plate in early stages of mineralization was used to illustrate elemental maps of calcium, phosphorus, and sulphur. Stereopsis is achieved by creating a stereo-pair which in one image of the pair the elemental maps are superpositioned as they occur naturally while in the second image the maps are laterally shifted. In a stereo perspective the maps appear superpositioned in distinct planes.  相似文献   

Multiple‐labelling immuno‐EM is a powerful tool for localizing and co‐localizing different antigens simultaneously in cells and tissues at high spatial resolution. Commonly used labels for this purpose are differently sized gold spheres. A comparison of results obtained with differently sized markers is often difficult, because the diameters of markers influence labelling efficiency. In the current study, we investigate a method for high‐resolution multiple‐labelling immuno‐EM, using equally sized colloidal markers made of different metals. Energy filtering transmission electron microscopy is used to differentiate particles based on elemental composition. The labels consist of colloidal gold, palladium and platinum‐core gold‐shell particles of approximately 6 nm in diameter, which are conjugated to different primary antibodies. Applicability of the electron spectroscopic imaging, methodology is demonstrated by labelling of actin, α‐actinin and myosin on ultra‐thin cryosections of skeletal muscle tissue.  相似文献   

A review of different models of biomineralization in collagen-rich hard tissues shows that further investigations of crystal formation are necessary. The electron spectroscopic diffraction (ESD) mode of operation of an energy-filtering electron microscope offers the possibility of being able to avoid the background from inelastic scattering in selected-area electron diffraction patterns. First experiments on the different stages of mineralization in the epiphyseal growth plate have only indicated the presence of apatite. The ESD mode can be complemented by the electron spectroscopic imaging mode and by elemental mapping of calcium.  相似文献   

Measurements performed in an electron microscope with the mirror operation mode are most sensitive to local electric fields and geometrical roughness of any kind of the object being studied. The object with a geometrical relief is equivalent to a smooth surface with an effective distribution of microfields. Electrons forming the image interact with the local microfields for an extended time: during approach to the object, deceleration and acceleration away from the object. As a result, the electron trajectories can be strongly distorted, and the contrast changes essentially, leading to image deformation of details of the object under investigation and to lowering of the resolution. These effects are theoretically described and are illustrated by experiments. An analysis of these effects enables the real size and the shape of the object involved to be reconstructed.  相似文献   

Griffin BJ 《Scanning》2000,22(4):234-242
An electron-based technique for the imaging of crystal defect distribution such as material growth histories in non- and poorly conductive materials has been identified in the variable pressure or environmental scanning electron microscope. Variations in lattice coherence at the meso-scale can be imaged in suitable materials. Termed charge contrast imaging (CCI), the technique provides images that correlate exactly with emitted light or cathodoluminescence in suitable materials. This correlation links cathodoluminescence and an electron emission. The specific operating conditions for observation of these images reflect a complex interaction between the electron beam, the positive ions generated by electron-gas interactions in the chamber, a biased detector, and the sample. The net result appears to be the suppression of all but very near surface electron emission from the sample, probably from of the order of a few nanometres. Consequently, CCI are also sensitive to very low levels of surface contaminants. Successful imaging of internal structures in a diverse range of materials indicate that the technique will become an important research tool.  相似文献   

Complex scattering amplitudes are used to calculate the phase contrast of colloidal gold particles. Comparison of measurements of the phase contrast intensity at the centre of the gold particle as a function of defocus for unfiltered and zero-loss filtered images demonstrates the increase in phase contrast achieved by zero-loss filtering even for a thick carbon substrate film. The granulation of amorphous germanium films is measured by the spatial rms (root mean square) values of image intensity in a defocus series.  相似文献   

The extracellular sheath material and some intracellular cell components of cyanobacteria and phosphate-accumulating sewage bacteria were analysed by electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). The specimens were embedded in water-soluble Nanoplast resin without any previous fixation and ultrathin sections were examined in a Zeiss CEM 902 microscope. A high sulphur content was detected in the inner sheath of the cyanobacterium Gloeothece. The elemental composition of some cell components and inclusion bodies, such as carboxysomes and cyanophycin, was determined by ESI and EELS. In addition, the phosphate content in specific granules of phosphate-accumulating sewage bacteria was estimated by EELS and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) is limited in resolution and image quality by charging of frozen hydrated samples and collection deficiencies of secondary electron signal contrasts. We measured and corrected both effects using differential hysteresis processing (DHP) of LTSEM images, scanned at 15-bit from 5×4 inch Polaroid negatives. Bulk charging produced a major contrast component equal to 44–87% of the intensity range of the image. The strong charging contrast reduced the local high-resolution signal contrasts to an unrecognizable level. Segmentation and imaging of the unaffected surface contrasts produced high-quality images of high contrast from metal-coated samples as well as from uncoated samples. The differential contrast imaging can be used for control of the sequential etching of ice from the non metal-coated sample as well as improved LTSEM imaging of the finally coated sample.  相似文献   

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