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A major obstacle in the rehabilitation of degraded rangelands in Jordan, and the Middle East in general, is poor regeneration from seed. In laboratory, greenhouse, and field experiments, indigenous plant species' seeds tolerated mannitol-induced water stress better than the seeds of introduced plant species. Germination and plant establishment were lower in a silty clay soft compared to peatmoss; seedlings could not penetrate the hard surface layer of the silty clay. Plant regeneration from seed in arid calcareous silty clay rangelands was better when protected from grazing; it was very slow due to surface crusting, low soil moisture content and high soil temperature which prevailed most parts of the year. Contour planting with water harvesting are possible solutions to poor plant establishment.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of several previous studies that investigated the stiffness and strength performance of chemically stabilized roadway materials under winter conditions (freeze-thaw cycling). The objective of this research was to understand the behavior of different materials stabilized with different type of binders when they were subjected to freeze-thaw cycling. Nine different materials including natural soils (organic soil, clay, silt, sand, and road surface gravel), reclaimed pavement material, and recycled asphalt pavement stabilized with nine different binders (five different fly ashes, lime, cement, lime kiln dust, cement kiln dust) were discussed. This article investigated how the volume, resilient modulus and unconfined compressive strength of soils/materials stabilized with different binders change in response to freeze-thaw cycling. Overall, the review results indicate that the stiffness and strength of all stabilized materials decrease somewhat with freeze-thaw cycling. However, the reduced strength and stiffness of stabilized materials after freeze-thaw cycling was still higher than that of unstabilized-unfrozen original soils and materials. In addition, materials stabilized with cement kiln dust provided the best performance against freeze-thaw cycling.  相似文献   

The degree of hydrological connectivity of hillslope elements in a semi-arid climate was studied at the season and event timescales. Field data were obtained in Rambla Honda, a Medalus project field site situated in SE Spain, on micaschist bedrock and with 300 mm annual rainfall. The season timescale was assessed using correlation analysis between soil moisture and topographic indices. The event timescale was studied by a quasi-continuous monitoring of rainfall, soil moisture, runoff and piezometric levels. Results show that widespread transfers of water along the hillslope are unusual because potential conditions for producing overland flow or throughflow are spatially discontinuous and extremely short-lived. During extreme events, runoff coefficients may be locally high (ca. 40% on slope lengths of 10 m), but decrease dramatically at the hillslope scale (<10% on slope lengths of 50 m). Two mechanisms of overland flow generation have been identified: infiltration excess, and local subsurface saturation from upper layers. The former occurs during the initial stages of the event while the latter, which is quantitatively more important, takes place later and requires a certain time structure of rainfall intensities that allow saturation of the topsoil and the subsequent production of runoff. Hillslopes and alluvial fans function as runoff sources and sinks respectively. Permanent aquifers are lacking in Rambla Honda. Variable proportions of hillslope areas may contribute to flash floods in the main channel, but their contribution to the formation of saturated layers within the sediment fill is very limited.  相似文献   

蒸散(Evapotranspiration,ET)是生态系统水循环中的重要一环,决定了生态系统水分和热量传输。从区域尺度对蒸散及其蒸腾(Transpiration,T)和蒸发(Evaporation,E)组分进行量化,认识环境因素对其的影响机制,有助于合理利用、分配水资源,为研究气候变化对区域生态系统水文循环的影响提供参考。基于生态系统生产力模拟(Boreal ecosystem productivity simulator,BEPS)模型,验证模型在研究区域的适用性,量化1981—2018年内蒙古半干旱区的ET及其组分的变化情况,并对其进行归因分析。结果表明:经不同数据验证,BEPS模型计算结果能够精确反应研究区域ET及其组分的分布情况和变化趋势。1981—2018年研究区草地、农田和森林多年平均ET分别为278.22 mm、362.50 mm和308.81 mm。E、T和ET多年呈显著上升趋势,上升速率分别为0.42mm·a-1、0.63 mm·a-1和1.05 mm·a-1。ET与T在全区域内空间分布格局相似,与E...  相似文献   

利用1971-2005年气象站观测资料,借助EXCEL建立热量指标空间分析模型,在GIS支持下,生成晋中市50 m×50 m网格上的温度和积温分布数字图像,对该市热量资源的分布进行了系统评估。结果表明,1月极端最低气温的分布受地形因子的影响,较为复杂。年平均气温、7月平均气温以及日平均气温稳定通过0℃、10℃和15℃,期间积温的分布主要受海拔高度的影响,其垂直递减率分别为0.662℃/100 m、0.728℃/100 m以及183.277℃/100 m、200.744℃/100 m和209.393℃/100 m。随着海拔高度的升高,各级界限温度的开始日期推后,结束日期提前,间隔日数缩短,热量资源越显贫乏。在进行热量资源评估的同时,就当地几种主要种植作物的适宜分布进行了分析,最后依据玉米对热量资源的需求,给出玉米种植区划。GIS的成功运用,更好地显示出由于地形地貌特殊造成的热量资源空间分布差异,可为半干旱山区其它农业气候资源的分析研究提供思路,进而为特色农业的合理布局和系统规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAmong the natural disasters frequently occur in local and regional scales, soil erosion causes a serious impact on global natural resources and eco-environment. In China, the soil eroded area covers 38.26% of the total country's area, of which water erosion is 48.77%, wind erosion accounts for 51.22% and annual soil erosion amount totals five billion tons, accounting for 10 % of the whole world. Of the factors cause soil erosion and disasters such as floods, windstorms, landform,…  相似文献   

Using the UNFCCC as a basis, and the objectives of estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) changes during the period 1900–2100, a spatially explicit database of climate, land cover and soil texture was compiled for a 262,000 km2 region in semi-arid Sudan. The area is characterized by low input cultivation of millet, sorghum and sesamé combined with livestock grazing. By integrating the database with the CENTURY ecosystem model, we were able to estimate historical, current and future pools of SOC as a function of land management and climate.The SOC (upper 20 cm) decrease from 1900 to 2000 was estimated to be 6·8 Mt and the maximum potential carbon sink (SOC increase) for the period 2000 to 2100 was estimated to be 17 Mt. Cropland and grassland lost 293 and 152 t SOC km−2 respectively whereas the savannahs gained 76 t SOC km−2 from 1900 to 2000. The SOC sequestration scenario simulated during 2000–2100 recovered 94, 84 and 75 t km−2 for cropland, grassland and savannah respectively.In addition to climate and soils, cropping intensity, fallow periods, fire frequency and grazing intensity also influence cropland SOC variation. Grassland and savannah SOC variations depend on grazing intensity and fire return interval. Land management may affect future amounts of SOC in semi-arid areas thereby turning them from sources into sinks of carbon. SOC estimates were reasonably consistent with measurements (r2=0·70, n=13).  相似文献   

There has been evidence indicating that women in underdeveloped (or developing) countries carry a disproportionate burden of the costs of this economic dynamics while men enjoy its benefits. These criticisms on analysis moved gender from the periphery to the center of the development debate. Brazil and particularly the state of Ceará have not yet seen any of the repercussions of the analytical advances. This study on the role of women in the agriculture of the semi-arid aims to analyze the complexity of the factors that interact in order to recognize the nature of women's participation in semi-arid world areas comparatively to other disadvantaged environments. In the semi-arid area, rural women are able to cover a broader spectrum of tasks and fuller management activities when compared to other disadvantaged areas of the world. They cover all rural management activities. Besides, rural women's work is predominantly more complex when compared to mens work in semi-arid regions worldwide. Their greater ability to perform these activities is because these women combine different strategies in an efficient and dynamic way, adapting themselves to the demands of labor and the natural semi-arid environment.  相似文献   

地下水埋深对半干旱区典型植物群落土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤酶活性是反映土壤功能的关键指标,尤其在受到水分限制的半干旱区,土壤水分驱动的土壤酶活性生态功能的变化可以改变土壤养分周转并影响土壤碳质量.地下水埋深对半干旱区典型植物群落土壤酶活性的影响机制尚不明晰.以半干旱区科尔沁沙质草地两种典型植物群落(白草Pennisetum centrasiaticum和差巴嘎蒿Artem...  相似文献   

Rapid land landscape change has taken place in many arid and semi-arid regions such as the vulnerable ecological area over the last decade. In this paper, we quantified land landscape change of Yulin in this area between 1985 and 2000 using remote sensing and GIS. It was found that fallow landscape decreased by 125,148 hm2 while grassland and woodland increased by 107,975 hm2 and 17,157 hm2, respectively. The major factors responsible for these changes are identified as the change in the government policy on preserving the environment, continued growth in mining, and urbanization. The efforts in restoring the deteriorated ecosystem have reaped certain benefits in reducing the spatial extent of sandy land through replacement by non-irrigated farmland, woodland and grassland. On the other hand, continued expansion of mining industry and urbanization has exerted adverse impacts on the land landscape. At present regional economic development conflicts directly with the protection of the natural environment. Such a conflict has caused the destruction to the land resources and fragmentation of the landscape accompanied by land desertification, the case is even serious in some localities.  相似文献   

Though nitrate enrichment in groundwater is a worldwide phenomenon and mainly related to human impact, processes leading to nitrate enrichment in scarcely inhabited semi-arid regions are not yet well understood. In those regions, elevated nitrate concentrations put additional pressure on the scarce water resources, as they pose a serious health risk. This study applies a multidisciplinary approach (hydrogeology, isotope hydrology, and geochemistry) to understand the origin and fate of nitrate in groundwater of the semi-arid Kalahari of Botswana. Our investigations suggest that nitrate in groundwater of the study area is of natural origin, leached from a pool in the unsaturated zone that was actively involved in the soil nitrogen cycle. The presence of active (minor) recharge was found, showing that nitrate may be transported into the groundwater under the present conditions. Yet, slow travel times of replenishing water and the low recharge amounts render the thick unsaturated zone into a long-term reservoir for nitrate. Being only little influenced by reactive processes, nitrate has a high persistency in the observed groundwater system. Concentration increases induced by the present land-use do not yet appear to affect the groundwater quality but may within decades.  相似文献   

The effect of climate change on maize production in the semi-humid and semi-arid, agro-climatic zones III-IV of Kenya was evaluated using two General Circulation Models (GCMs): the Canadian Climate Center Model (CCCM) and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), as well as the CERES-Maize model. Long-term climate data was obtained from three meteorological stations situated in eastern, central and western regions of Kenya, while maize data was obtained from six sites within the regions. The climate scenarios were projected to the year 2030. Temperature increases of 2·29 and 2·89°C are predicted by the CCCM and GFDL, respectively. Rainfall levels are predicted to remain unchanged, but there are thought to be shifts in distribution. It is predicted that the short-rains season (October–January) will experience some increased rainfall, while the long-rains season (April–July) will show a decrease. Maize yields are predicted to decrease in zone III areas, while an increase is predicted in zone IV areas. However, the predicted changes in yields are low since they all fall below 500 kg ha−1, except the Homa Bay site. Thus, to counter the adverse effects of climate change on maize production, it may be necessary to use early maturing cultivars, practice early planting, and in eastern Kenya, shift to growing maize during the short-rains season.  相似文献   

中国西北半干旱区土地景观变化成因--以榆林市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction Landscape change is a result of the complex interactions between physical, biological, political, economic and social driving forces (Moody and Woodcock 1995; Apan et al., 2002). Landscape in arid and semi-arid China is extremely vulnerabl…  相似文献   

温度和降水是干旱半干旱区土壤呼吸的重要扰动因子,全球气候变化导致的未来干旱半干旱区增温和降水变率增大对土壤呼吸有着重要影响.研究通过人工设置P16×2.5mm、P8×5mm、P4×10mm、P2×20mm、P1×40mm的降雨频率梯度和增温2℃左右的控制试验,探讨不同降雨频率和增温处理对干旱半干旱区土壤呼吸的影响,以及...  相似文献   

To explore the characteristics of plant calcium(Ca) fraction, we analyzed 91 plant species in the Ningxia Habahu National Nature Reserve in Yanchi County of Ningxia and 84 plant species in Zhenglan Banner of Inner Mongolia. Results show that, for the two regions, there is no significant difference between Ca fraction for the same growth type, and between water soluble Ca content or between hydrochloric acid soluble Ca content for plants of the same ecosystem and between hydrochloric acid soluble Ca content for plants of the same family. In similar vegetation zones, there is a significant difference among hydrochloric acid soluble Ca content for different growth types in Yanchi County and Zhenglan Banner,which was the highest for annual herbs and the lowest for perennial herbs. There is a significant difference between acetic acid soluble Ca content and between hydrochloric acid soluble Ca content for sandy land and grassland ecosystems in Yanchi County. There is a significant difference among the same Ca fraction of different families in the same region. Thus, the characteristics of plant Ca fraction are results of long-term adaptation to the environment.  相似文献   

人工植被恢复会显著影响林下草本的分布及多样性,而人工植被恢复耦合坡面微地形变化对草本群落分布及其多样性响应尚缺乏系统的认识.以位于半干旱黄土丘陵区的甘肃定西龙滩小流域为研究区,系统调查和监测了不同坡向上、中和下坡位人工柠条(Caragana korshinskii)林地草本群落组成、生物量与柠条生长状况、凋落物量及土壤...  相似文献   

Vegetation community structure is a key indicator of long-term vegetation change in semi-arid ecosystems. This study uses ground-based spectral measurements and a canopy reflectance model to investigate the potential of Earth observation data to characterize variations in vegetation structure along a grazing gradient in the eastern Kalahari, Botswana. Despite differences in the bidirectional reflectances of soil, plant litter, bush and grass canopies towards the end of a dry season, it is unlikely that Earth observation data can be used to estimate vegetation structure at this time. This is due to an ambiguity in the relationship between spectral reflectance and vegetation structure caused primarily by the limited dimensionality of reflectance data. Variations in canopy architecture cause differences in the level of inter-canopy shadowing but the net effect—lower reflectance with an increase in bush cover—parallels the darkening effects of any vegetation cover on relatively bright sandy soils in semi-arid environments. These results highlight the continued need for long-term ground-based ecological monitoring in conjunction with satellite-based monitoring of changes in vegetation cover.  相似文献   

The westerly winds and East Asian summer monsoon play a leading role in climate change of southwestern North America and eastern Asia since the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM),respectively.Their convergence in arid and semi-arid regions of the Asian continent(AAC) makes the regional climate change more complicated on the millennial-scale.There are still limitations in applying paleoclimate records and climate simulations of characteristic periods to investigate climate change patterns since the LGM in this region.In this study,we adopt two indexes indicating effective moisture and rely on a continuous simulation,a time slice simulation,and numerous paleoclimate records to comprehensively investigate the cli-mate change modes and their driving mechanisms since the LGM in AAC.Results demon-strate a millennial-scale climate differentiation phenomenon and three climate change modes possibly occurring in AAC since the LGM.The western AAC largely controlled by the westerly winds is featured as wet climates during the LGM but relatively dry climates during the mid-Holocene (MH),coinciding with the climate change mode in southwestern North America.Conversely,dry conditions during the LGM and relatively wet conditions during the MH are reflected in eastern AAC governed by the East Asian summer monsoon,which leans to the climate change mode in eastern Asia.If climate change in central AAC is forced by the in-teraction of two circulations,it expresses wet conditions in both the LGM and MH,tending to a combination of the southwestern North American and eastern Asian modes.Precipitation and evaporation exert different intensities in influencing three climate modes of different periods.Furthermore,we identify the significant driving effects of greenhouse gases and ice sheets on westerly-dominated zones of AAC,while orbit-driven insolation on monsoon-dominated zones of AAC.  相似文献   

The profile distribution of total, diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid (DTPA)- and 0·1 HCl-extractable Fe and Mn were determined in 12 pedons formed on three contiguous sand dunes in the semi-arid savanna of Nigeria. The total Fe and Mn contents varied from 100 to 3750 and 40 to 11,375 μg g−1, respectively. Values of 0·1 HCl-extractable Fe and Mn varied from 8·0 to 123 and 1·5 to 43·5 μg g−1, respectively. The corresponding values of DTPA-extractable Fe and Mn were 4·5 to 16·0 and 1·0 to 38·8 μg g−1. Total Fe and Mn correlated significantly with clay in nearly all the dunes (p≤ 0·01) but were not significantly correlated with organic matter. The 0·1 HCl-extractable Mn had a positive significant correlation with soil pH (r= 0·58*) in Illela dunes but a negative significant correlation with pH in the Sangiwa dunes (r= −0·75***). The values of extractable Fe and Mn in the sand dune soils are above the critical limits reported in other literature, thus deficiencies of these micronutrients do not pose a problem to crop production in the study area.  相似文献   

从人地系统脆弱性视角切入,遵循"演变轨迹刻画-阶段情景描绘-演化路径与机理剖析"的逻辑轴线,结合"ground-truthing"质性研究方法,探索了1980年以来以陕西省佳县为代表的黄土高原半干旱区乡村人居环境系统演变历程与路径。主要结论如下:①定量测度了1980-2016年佳县乡村人居环境综合系统及子系统脆弱度值。其中,自然系统脆弱性由干旱主导转向雨涝灾害主导;21世纪以来,居住系统脆弱性全面减轻,支撑系统脆弱性反弹加剧;近10 a,社会系统脆弱性逐渐减轻,人类系统已走向重度脆弱等级,综合脆弱性停滞于中度脆弱等级。②提出了乡村人居环境系统脆弱性情景转化阈值规则,界定了顽固脆弱、不受控制的脆弱、可控的脆弱、稳定健康、易变的系统等5类脆弱性情景。案例区脆弱性演变经历4个阶段,但徘徊于顽固脆弱的系统与不受控制的脆弱性系统情景之间。③建构了乡村人居环境系统脆弱性阶段性演化动力机制,梳理了5大子系统脆弱性阶段性演化路径,提炼了涉及气候变化、城市化扰动、市场变化、政策干预及农户行为适应等5大驱动因素的20件关键影响事件。  相似文献   

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