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于洁  郭霞生  屠娟  章东 《物理学报》2015,64(9):94306-094306
随着生命科学及现代医学的发展, 一体化无创精准诊疗已经日益成为人们关注的焦点问题, 而关于超声造影剂微泡的非线性效应的相关机理、动力学建模及其在超声医学领域中的应用研究也得到了极大的推动. 本文对下列课题进行了总结和讨论, 包括: 1)基于Mie散射技术和流式细胞仪对造影剂微泡参数进行定征的一体化解决方案; 2)通过对微泡包膜的黏弹特性进行非线性修正, 构建新的包膜微泡动力学模型; 3)探索造影剂惯性空化阈值与其包膜参数之间的相关性; 以及4)研究超声联合造影剂微泡促进基因/药物转染效率并有效降低其生物毒性的相关机理.  相似文献   

In this work, computer modeling based on a finite element method is used to simulate the T2* relaxation of hyperpolarized noble gases (HNG) in the lungs. A physical model of lung airways consisting of a phantom constructed from micro-capillary fibers of diameters similar to the size of lung airways with semi-permeable walls is also presented. The fibers are surrounded by a liquid medium (water) of magnetic susceptibility similar to lung tissue. Theoretical predictions of the field strength dependence of T2* for 129Xe in the phantom and in vivo rat lung are presented. These predictions are in good agreement with experimental T2* values obtained from the phantoms and in vivo rat lungs (160, 19 and 8 ms) at three different field strengths (0.074, 1.89 and 3T, respectively) using hyperpolarized 129Xe. The strong dependence of T2* on field strength is consistent with the theoretical prediction that low fields may be optimal for HNG MR imaging of the lungs as the decreased T2* at high fields necessitates an increase in bandwidth for conventional MR imaging.  相似文献   

The dependence of the Maki-Thompson and of the density of states (DOS) depletion contributions from superconducting fluctuations to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) relaxation is derived in the framework of the diagrammatic theory, applied to layered three-dimensional (3-D) high-Tc superconductors. The regularization procedure devised for the conductivity (A. I. Buzdin, A. A. Varlamov: Phys. Rev. B58, 14195, 1998) is used in order to avoid the divergence of the DOS term. The theoretical results are discussed in the light of NMR-NQR measurements in YBCO and compared with the recent theory (M. Eschrig et al.: Phys. Rev. B59, 12095, 1999), on the basis of the assumption of a purely 2-D spectrum of fluctuations.  相似文献   

An intriguing phenomenon on enhancement of the relaxation rates and chemical shift of two typical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents based on gadolinium complex is observed. The relaxation enhancement or chemical shift change depends on the size of the molecule where the imaged nuclear species is located: the small molecules show a perfect linear relationship between the concentration and the relaxation enhancement or chemical shift change while for macromolecules pronounced nonlinearity is observed. The phenomenon is also confirmed with real images of a macromolecular sample. A quantitative theoretical interpretation of the phenomenon is proposed and the significance of this phenomenon to MRI of materials and biological systems is discussed.  相似文献   

Superparamagnetic particles are widely used in MRI as R2 contrast agents. In this last decade, different studies have focused on aggregation of superparamagnetic particles for important applications such as multimodal agents. A complete study--via simulations--of the influence of aggregation on the MR efficiency of these particles at high magnetic field is presented here. First, an empirical expression is proposed for R2 in the presence of uniformly distributed nanoparticles, taking into account two regimes at once (motional averaging and slow motion regimes). Three cluster shapes are simulated: Sphere, shell and line. An analytical model is proposed to understand water transverse relaxation induced by spherical and shell aggregates. Simulations lead to the conclusion that, in the motional averaging regime, the most efficient aggregate contrast agent is the densest sphere or shell.  相似文献   

A few useful formulas are derived concerning the damping properties of long-wavelength surface polaritons (SP) in a crystal slab. For example, it is shown that the SP propagation length in a metal slab with thickness 2a satisfying ωpac < 1 (c is the velocity of light and ωp the electronic plasma frequency) is increased by the factor 32(cωpa)4 in comparison with the corresponding value for SP in a semi-infinite metal.  相似文献   

We report results of 1H NMR transverse relaxation experiments on human and porcine eye lenses. Several authors have reported that transverse relaxation is not mono-exponential when observed by the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence and have interpreted the results by postulating the presence of "pools" of water molecules in different binding environments that do not exchange rapidly on the NMR timescale. We have compared CPMG data for intact lenses with results for lens homogenates and have combined a CPMG spectroscopic pulse train with NMR micro-imaging to study the nature of the transverse relaxation process in human and porcine lenses. Fast exchange of water protons with the lens proteins (crystallins) leads to an enhanced transverse relaxation rate that varies linearly with protein concentration. At the resolution of NMR micro-imaging the transverse relaxation process is mono-exponential. The results show that the multi-exponential CPMG data observed spectroscopically for whole lenses reflect spatial variations in crystallin content through the lens rather than the presence of distinct "bound" and "free" water pools.  相似文献   

The magnetic hyperfine field at dilute99Ru impurities in ferromagnetic Gd has been investigated as a function of temperature by time differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) measurements. The saturation field at 11 K is Hhf(Ru Gd)=51(2) KOe. This value fits well into the systematics of 4d impurity hyperfine fields in Gd. The magnetic hyperfine field of RuGd does not follow the magnetization of the host (Tc=290 K) but vanishes abruptly at about 70 K. A similar behaviour has previously been observed for the 5d impurity Os in Gd. From first TDPAC measurements of the hyperfine interactions in the intermetallic phases of the Ru-Sc system it can not be completely ruled out that the observed collapse of the hyperfine field at 70 K is due to the formation of the intermetallic compound RuGd3.This work has been supported by the Minister für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen  相似文献   

We have measured the nuclear spin relaxation rate for nuclear spin polarized7Li atoms adsorbed on a hot O-W(110) surface and found that it increases as the magnetic field strength approaches zero. The trend of the nuclear spin relaxation rate generally agrees with a logarithmic divergence, a consequence of the correlation function for two-dimensional diffusion. In principle, such experiments yield information on absolute values of diffusion rates for the adsorbed atoms. Supported in part by a Travel Grant from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  相似文献   

The nonlinear dielectric relaxation ac stationary response of an assembly of rigid polar molecules acted on by strong superimposed external dc E0 and ac E1(t)=E(1) cos omegat electric fields is evaluated in the context of the noninertial rotational diffusion model. The calculation proceeds by expanding the relaxation functions f(n)(t) (the expectation value of the Legendre polynomials P(n)), which describe the nonlinear relaxation of the system, as a Fourier series in the time domain. Hence, an infinite hierarchy of recurrence equations for the Fourier components of f(n)(t) is obtained. The exact solution of this hierarchy can be obtained in terms of a matrix continued fraction, so allowing us to evaluate the ac nonlinear response. For a weak ac field our results are in complete agreement with previous solutions obtained by perturbation methods. Diagrams showing the behavior of the in-phase and out-of-phase components of the electric polarization are presented.  相似文献   

《Physics letters. A》1986,118(9):443-444
The Bloch equations are shown to possess purely aperiodic solutions at intermediate values of the transverse relaxation coefficient only. We present also a simple example of a mechanical system where the regions of aperiodic motion are separated by the region of damped oscillations.  相似文献   

For the quantum mechanical Ising model in a strong transverse field we show that the convergence of the ground-state energy per site as the volume goes to infinity has an Ornstein-Zernicke behavior. That is, if the diameter of thed-dimensional lattice is given byL, the absolute value of the difference of the ground-state energy per site and its limit is asymptotically exp(-L)L –d/2 for some positive constant. We also show that the correlation function has the same behavior. Our results are derived by cluster expansions, using a method of Bricmont and Fröhlich which we extend to the quantum mechanical case.  相似文献   

The response or susceptibility of the intermediate state in a transverse cylinder of indium to a small alternating magnetic field perpendicular to both the static magnetic field and the axis of the cylinder is studied as a function of frequency, size, resistivity and temperature. The response is quadratic as a second harmonic signal is generated in a pickup coil axial to the static magnetic field. At sufficiently low frequencies the quasi-static limit is attained. At intermediate frequencies the signal is eddy-current damped, and at higher frequencies the signal is dependent on the structure of the intermediate state.
Zusammenfassung Die Suszeptibilit?t des intermedi?ren Zustandes eines transversalen Zylinders von Indium wurde mit Hilfe eines kleinen magnetischen Wechselfeldes (senkrecht zum statischen Magnetfeld und zur Zylinderachse) als Funktion der Frequenz, der Dimensionen, des Widerstandes und der Temperatur untersucht. Ein quadratisches Verhalten wird gefunden, da ein Signal doppelter Frequenz in einer Pickup-Spule axial zum statischen Magnetfeld erzeugt wird. Bei genügend niedriger Frequenz wird der quasistatische Grenzfall erreicht. Bei mittleren Frequenzen ist das Signal durch Wirbelstr?me ged?mpft, und bei hohen Frequenzen h?ngt das Signal von der Struktur des intermedi?ren Zustandes ab.

Résumé La réponse, ou susceptibilité, dans l'état intermédiaire d'un cylindre d'indium à un champ magnétique alternatif perpendiculaire à la fin au champ statique et à l'axe cylindre est étudiée en fonction de la fréquence, des dimensions, de la résistivité et de la température. La réponse est quadratique puisque un signal d'harmonique deux est engendré dans une bobine de détection parallèle au champ statique. A fréquences suffisamment basses la limite quasi-statique est atteinte. A fréquences intermédiaires le signal est amorti par Courants de Foucault, et à hautes fréquences le signal dépend de la structure de l'état intermédiaire.

Transverse water proton relaxation in parenchyma tissue of courgette, onion and apple shows a dependence on CPMG pulse spacing characteristic of each tissue. An analysis of this dependence suggests that transverse relaxation in these tissues is caused by various combinations of fast proton exchange between water and cell biopolymers (or solutes) and diffusion through internally generated magnetic field gradients. Diffusion between intra- and extracellular water compartments also averages the water proton signal to an extent that depends on cell morphology and membrane permeability and this is calculated using a two-compartment model. No recourse need be made to popular concepts such as exchange between free and "bound" water. The implications of our results for NMR image contrast are discussed.  相似文献   

On crystalline silicon specimens with a nonuniform carrier concentration distribution produced by an optical method, a dispersion of the effective transverse conductivity σ eff (ω) is observed near the frequency ω≈ωc ?1 ≡ε/4πσ eff . At ω<ωc, an anomalous transverse effective conductivity is observed: σ eff (ω) is greater than the transverse conductivity of a homogeneous specimen σ h (ω) (in the frequency range studied in the experiment σ h (ω) = const). Near ω≈ωc, the conductivity σ eff decreases, and, at ω>ωc it coincides with σ h .  相似文献   

The linear field dependence of the transverse magnetoresistance of a polycrystalline uncompensated metal with an open Fermi surface is said to arise from a contrast between extended and truly open orbits. We show that in the intermediate-field regime this is incorrect for Cu at least, where the linear dependence is initiated by the transition to the high-field condition of electrons in closed orbits.  相似文献   

The magnetic field dependence of spin-spin-relaxation in R2Mg3(NO3)12·24H2O monocrystals with R=Ce and142Nd has been measured and ab-initio calculated. Experimental and theoretical results are in good agreement.  相似文献   

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