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It is of great practical importance to improve yield and quality of vegetables in soilless cultures. This study investigated the effects of iron-nutrition management on yield and quality of hydroponic-cultivated spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). The results showed that mild Fe-deficient treatment (1 μM FeEDTA) yielded a greater biomass of edible parts than Fe-omitted treatment (0 μM FeEDTA) or Fe-sufficient treatments (10 and 50 μM FeEDTA). Conversely, mild Fe-deficient treatment had the lowest nitrate concentration in the edible parts out of all the Fe treatments. Interestingly, all the concentrations of soluble sugar, soluble protein and ascorbate in mild Fe-deficient treatments were higher than Fe-sufficient treatments. In addition, both phenolic concentration and DPPH scavenging activity in mild Fe-deficient treatments were comparable with those in Fe-sufficient treatments, but were higher than those in Fe-omitted treatments. Therefore, we concluded that using a mild Fe-deficient nutrition solution to cultivate spinach not only would increase yield, but also would improve quality.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to evaluate the amino acid content in products obtained from broad bean seeds, at the milk maturity stage, and the quality of the protein in broad beans. The investigation included raw seeds, fresh seeds cooked to consumption consistency and two kinds of frozen products prepared for consumption: which were obtained using the traditional method (blanching the seeds before freezing) and the ready-to-eat type (cooking the seeds before freezing). Compared with the raw material, a similar (α = 0.01) content of amino acids in 100 g of the product was found in cooked fresh seeds. The seeds obtained from the ready-to-eat frozen product prepared for consumption contained higher amounts of all the amino acids than the traditional frozen product, and contained higher levels of some amino acids than were found in the product cooked from fresh seeds. Expressing the results per 16 g of N, the differences in the content of amino acids were much smaller. The limiting amino acid was cysteine with methionine (CS 74-86), the EAA index varying within the range 109–118.  相似文献   

The carotenoid and phenolic acid contents in fresh, stored and processed (blanched, frozen and boiled) spinach were comparatively determined by spectrophotometric and HPLC analyses. The major carotenoids identified after HPLC analysis in saponified samples were lutein (37–53 μg/kg), β-carotene (18–31 μg/kg), violaxanthin (9–23 μg/kg) and neoxanthin (10–22 μg/kg). These carotenoids were all affected by storage and/or heating. The content of carotenoids was best preserved after storage for one day at 4 °C.  相似文献   

Several dietary and host related factors potentially influencing carotenoid (beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin) bioaccessibility from spinach, including different concentrations of sodium, calcium and magnesium, were systematically investigated by means of an in vitro digestion model. Bioaccessibility was highest when milk (4% fat) and lowest when skimmed milk or more complex food matrices such as sausage were added to the meal. Micellarisation significantly depended on the presence and concentration of bile salts and pancreatin (p < 0.001, Bonferroni) but was unaffected by pepsin. Micellarisation significantly decreased to 61.4 ± 3.0% of control (p < 0.001, Dunnett’s) at high cholesterol (114 mg/test meal) but not at similar stigmasterol concentrations. Calcium and magnesium ?13.8 mM individually inhibited micelle formation ( >40% on average), presumably due to the generation of insoluble soaps with fatty acids and bile salts. Increased sodium concentrations (280 and 460 mM) altered carotenoid micellarisation patterns, favoring beta-carotene isomers (p < 0.001, Bonferroni) but decreasing lutein and zeaxanthin (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively, Bonferroni). This study suggests that minerals may impact carotenoid bioavailability.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to evaluate the amino acid content and protein quality in products of immature bean seeds with a dry matter content of 40%. The investigation included raw seeds, fresh seeds after cooking to consumption consistency and seeds after canning. Raw seeds of the cultivar Alamo contained more amino acids in 100 g fresh matter than the seeds of the cultivars Flaforte and Mona. Cooking and sterilisation brought about decreases in the content of all the amino acids in the investigated cultivars; 1–50% and 9–60% respectively. Higher losses being noted in sterilised seeds. If the results were expressed in 16 g N, the differences in amino acid content were much smaller. The amino acid content of Mona was lower than that of the remaining cultivars. The cooking of seeds did not bring about changes in relation to the raw material (except tyrosine which showed a decrease 35–45%); however, sterilisation affected the content of most amino acids (from −45 to +17%). Compared with the standard (FAO/WHO/UNU, 2007), the limiting amino acid was cystine with methionine (amino acid score 70–83). Of the seeds prepared for consumption, sterilised bean seeds had a higher EAA index value, while of the cultivars, the seeds of Alamo had the highest value (147–162).  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the level of amino acids and the quality of protein in fresh and cooked leaves of kale and in two types of frozen product prepared for consumption after 12-months storage at −20 °C. Kale blanched before freezing (the traditional method) was cooked after refrigerated storage, while that cooked before freezing (the modified method) was defrosted and heated in a microwave oven. Both fresh and processed leaves of kale were a good source of amino acids. In all the samples, glutamic acid, proline and aspartic acid were the dominant, while lysine and leucine were the limiting amino acids. Cooked leaves contained 78% of the total amino acid content found in fresh leaves, while the traditional and modified frozen products contained 76% and 78%, respectively. The proportion of essential amino acids in total amino acids was 44% and 43%, respectively for fresh and cooked leaves and 46% for the frozen products. The lowest EAA index was found for the traditional frozen product (99); it was higher for the remaining samples, which were broadly similar to each other (105–106).  相似文献   

There is considerable interest to enhance the nutritional quality of fresh produce especially vegetables. The effects of root treatment of spinach with commercial extracts of the brown macro alga, Ascophyllum nodosum (ANE) on antioxidant level of spinach were studied. At the concentration of 1.0 g/L, ANE treatment significantly increased the total phenolics and flavonoids content, total antioxidant activity (as measured by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging capacity) and Fe2+ chelating ability in spinach leaves. The 1H NMR and LC-MS analyses of spinach extract suggests that the increased antioxidant activity is largely associated with flavonoids. The biological effect of ANE-enhanced polyphenols was tested using the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode model. The extracts from ANE-treated spinach significantly improved the survival of the animals under oxidative stress by 50% and high temperature stress by 61% as compared to the extracts from untreated plants (0% and 38%, respectively). Taken together, the results suggest that ANE stimulate flavonoid synthesis in spinach leaf thus enhancing its nutritional quality. Furthermore, the increased flavonoid content exerts beneficial effects in C. elegans against oxidative and heat stress.  相似文献   

Vitamin C and polyphenol content as well as total antioxidative activity were investigated in fresh leaves of kale; in leaves after blanching or cooking; and in frozen and canned leaves. In 100 g fresh matter, kale leaves contained 384.9 mg polyphenols and 112.1 mg vitamin C, with a Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) level of 1175 μM Trolox. Of the polyphenols identified in kale leaves, ferulic acid occurred in the highest amount (240.44 mg/100 g, constituting 62% of total polyphenols). Freezing was a better method of preserving kale leaves since the loss of nutritive constituents was lower than in the case of canning. Depending on preliminary processing and storage temperature, after one-year storage frozen leaves contained 82.9–171.3 mg polyphenols and 39.3–65.4 mg vitamin C, with TEAC at the level of 501–681 μM Trolox in 100 g. In canned leaves these values were: 91.3–94.1 mg polyphenols, 16.1–19.3 mg vitamin C and 268–293 μM Trolox.  相似文献   

Organoleptic qualities are an important factor in the market value of legumes, especially in developed countries. Unfortunately, the molecules that have the greatest influence on the texture of beans undergo important transformations during soaking and cooking. Moreover, the extent to which these changes are linear is unknown, making uncertain the use of raw beans in chemical screenings for sensory properties. Results of our experiments show that the amount of protein and amylose present in raw beans provides a good indicator of these substances in cooked beans (correlation coefficients between raw and cooked beans = 0.91, p ? 0.001 and 0.87, p ? 0.01, respectively). The Mg content in the raw seed coat also shows a strong correlation with that found in the cooked seed coat (r = 0.86, p ? 0.01). The correlations found for the other traits are weaker, indicating that the evaluation of raw samples is not predictive of the findings in cooked beans.  相似文献   

Shridhar K. Sathe 《LWT》2007,40(4):600-610
Moth bean seeds contained 24 g/100 g protein (micro-Kjeldahl N×6.25) on a dry weight basis. Among the solvents tested, 0.1 mol/l NaOH and 0.1 mol/l sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) were the most effective in solubilizing the seed flour proteins. Native isoelectric focusing of the total soluble proteins indicated moth seed proteins to be acidic (pI range 4.55-<6.55) with a few neutral to alkali proteins (pI range 7.35-9.3). Globulin fraction dominated the seed protein composition accounting for ∼64 g/100 g of the total soluble proteins in the seeds. The globulin fraction was composed of at least three major glycopeptides with an estimated molecular mass range of 45-55 kDa and several additional polypeptides in the 14-32 kDa range. Sulfur amino acids were the first limiting amino acids in the seed flour proteins. Native and heat denatured albumin and glutelin fractions were readily hydrolysed, in 30 min, by pepsin at 37 °C. Although resistant to proteolysis in the native state, heat denatured globulin (100 °C, 30 min, boiling water-bath) was completely digested to <14 kDa polypeptides by pepsin in 30 min at 37 °C. Moth bean was devoid of detectable phytohemagglutinating activity and had low trypsin inhibitory activity when compared with the corresponding activities in soybeans.  相似文献   

The effects of the toasting process on the carbohydrate profile and antioxidant properties of chickpea flour were studied, along with the cooking behaviour, and antioxidant and nutritional properties of pasta enriched with the chickpea flour. The toasting process increased the resistant starch, insoluble dietary fibre and antioxidant properties of the flour. Addition of chickpea flour (raw and toasted) to durum wheat semolina changed the carbohydrate profile in the uncooked and cooked enriched pasta, especially with the toasted chickpea, and worsened the overall quality of the pasta. The increase in total phenolic content and total free phenolic acid content in the uncooked pasta was due to positive effects of addition of the chickpea flours, while the increase in the bound phenolics fraction in the cooked pasta was from the durum wheat, which was crucial for its high concentrations of ferulic acid. The increase in the free fraction of the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity in cooked pasta was consistent with the addition of chickpea.  相似文献   

The effect of different stabilizing techniques on the composition of essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and thyme (Thymus officinalis L.) during one year of storage is reported. The study was aimed to know what is the stabilizing technique to keep at the best the original essential oil composition. The fresh samples were collected and treated as follows: air-dried in a laboratory scale pilot dryer, frozen in a forced-air freezer and freeze-dried in a laboratory freeze-dryer. The fresh sample served as control. The treated samples were packaged with appropriate packaging material and stored at 20 °C or −20 °C for 12 months. All the samples were hydrodistilled every three months and the oils composition was obtained by means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Quantification of known compounds was done with the use of an internal standard. Freezing best maintained the composition of rosemary and thyme essential oil. Appropriate packaging of air-dried and freeze-dried herbs resulted in negligible quality loss up to one year of storage. The frozen and stored thyme samples showed the best retention of thymol, the most important compound, as well as of γ-terpinene and carvacrol.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken in order to study the influence of the dehusking procedure on the germ meal composition of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) seeds and also to investigate its detailed composition and nutritive value. Meals of carob seed germ were obtained by acid treatment or boiling water treatment of the whole seeds. These procedures allowed to separation of the tight-fitting brown coat of the seed and the removal of the endosperm. Results indicated that the carob germ meal composition could be affected by the isolation procedures. Small reductions were observed in protein and lipid contents in germ meals from acid extraction. The analysis of the carob germ meal (containing fine fragments of husk and endosperm), which could be really obtained industrially, showed the following composition: moisture 8.3%, ash 6.5%, lipids (neutral and polar) 6.6% containing ∼21% of polar lipids, crude proteins 54.7% and energy value 17.5 kJ/g.  相似文献   

The nutritional composition of the edible seaweeds Durvillaea antarctica (frond and stem) and dried Ulva lactuca was determined, including the soluble (SDF), insoluble (IDF) and total (TDF) dietary fiber content, amino acid and fatty acid profiles along with tocopherols and tocotrienols (pro-vitamin E). Results show that U. lactuca contained 60.5 ± 1.5%, and D. antarctica frond and stem 71.4 ± 1.5% and 56.4 ± 0.4% of TDF, respectively. Levels for the different amino acids ranged from 0.7 ± 0.1 to 1508.4 ± 9.5 (mg/100 g protein) in U. lactuca, from 0.2 ± 0.0 to 2019.9 ± 5.2 (mg/100 g protein) in D. antarctica (stem), and from 0.3 ± 0.0 to 1052.6 ± 2.9 (mg/100 g protein) in D. antarctica (leaves). In the three seaweeds, the most abundant fatty acid was C18:1ω9cis which in U. lactuca accounted for 27.42 ± 2.60%; in D. antarctica it was 25.36 ± 3.10% and 25.83 ± 2.52% in leaves and stem, respectively. In D. antarctica, γ-tocotrienol (651.7 ± 5.1 mg/kg), δ-tocopherol (245.9 ± 3.7 mg/kg) and α-tocopherol (179.4 ± 12.1 mg/kg) were determined in fronds, α-tocopherol (258.0 ± 7.2 mg/kg) was determined in stem. U. lactuca, showed a high γ-tocopherol level (963.5 ± 3.8 mg/kg).  相似文献   

Effects of germination time and illuminations on sprout yield, biosynthesis of ascorbic acid, cooking ability and moisture accumulation in chickpeas were significant (p ? 0.01). Green light had the highest promoting effect on the ascorbic acid level (40.59 mg/100 g) as compared to other illuminations but significantly reduced the sprout yield (188.6 g) as compared to dark, fluorescence and γ-rays illuminations with significantly high sprout yield (196 g) and imbibing moisture (51%). Cooking time was reduced by 43% due to γ-rays in un-soaked seed. Cooking time increased in all treated chickpea samples after 24 h germination and thereafter decreased significantly. Red light significantly increased the cooking time (68.44 min) followed by fluorescent (64.5 min), yellow (61.8 min) and green light (60.9 min). The results indicated that germination of chickpea under green light was an effective process in enhancing ascorbic acid content while dark, fluorescence and γ-rays were effective in promoting sprout growth and to some extent biosynthesis of ascorbic acid.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to determine the effects of the freezing and canning processes, followed by a 12-month storage, on the amino acid content of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms. The pre-treatment involved blanching, or soaking and blanching, in mushrooms in water or in solutions containing sodium metabisulphite, citric acid, l-ascorbic acid and/or low-methylated pectin. Freezing and canning resulted in significant decreases in the levels of alanine, glutamine, cysteine and tyrosine (6–39%), and, in the case of canned mushrooms arginine, glycine, serine, histidine, methionine and threonine (1–31%). Frozen products obtained from blanched mushrooms had significantly higher levels of 12 out of the 17 amino acids examined (4–28%) whereas, in canned mushrooms, only 5 amino acids showed higher levels (3–20%), than those obtained from soaked and blanched mushrooms. With the exception of samples blanched in water, frozen mushrooms had higher levels than canned mushrooms of all the investigated amino acids. Limiting amino acids were not found in mushrooms.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to study the effect of the addition of common bean flour to semolina on the cooking quality and total phenolic content of pasta. Pasta was obtained at three temperatures (60, 70 and 80 °C) and two levels of added common bean flour (15% and 30%); plain pasta (100% semolina) was used as control. Moisture, optimal cooking time, cooking loss, water absorption capacity, colour change, firmness and total phenolic and furosine contents were measured. The cooking time and water absorption were diminished in spaghetti pasta with added common bean flour; cooking loss increased and firmness decreased as a function of the bean flour percentage. A linear relationship between colour change and common bean flour content in pasta was found. Increases of furosine and phenolic contents in pasta with the addition of bean flour were observed.  相似文献   

The protein constituents and thermal properties of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) protein isolate (HPI) as well as 11S- and 7S-rich HPIs (HPI-11S and HPI-7S) were characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and different scanning calorimetry (DSC), and their amino acid composition and in vitro digestibility were also evaluated, as compared to soy protein isolate (SPI). SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the edestin (consisting of acidic and basic subunits, AS and BS) was the main protein component for HPI and HPI-11S, while HPI-7S was composed of the BS of edestin and a subunit of about 4.8 kDa. DSC analysis characterized thermal transition of the edestin component and the possible present form of different subunits. Except lysine and sulfur-containing amino acids, the essential amino acids of various HPIs met the suggested requirements of FAO/WHO for 2–5 year old infants. The proportion of essential amino acids to the total amino acids (E/T) for HPI (as well as HPI-11S) was significantly higher than that of SPI. In an in vitro digestion model, various protein constituents of various HPIs were much easily digested by pepsin plus trypsin, to release oligo-peptides with molecular weight less than 10.0 kDa (under reduced condition). Only after pepsin digestion, in vitro digestibility of HPIs was comparable to that of SPI, however after pepsin plus trypsin digestion, the digestibility (88–91%) was significantly higher than that (71%) of SPI (P < 0.05). These results suggest that the protein isolates from hempseed are much more nutritional in amino acid nutrition and easily digestible than SPI, and can be utilized as a good source of protein nutrition for human consumption.  相似文献   

An investigation into the concentrations of amino acids in three species of Nigerian fish: Clarias anguillaris, Oreochromis niloticus and Cynoglossus senegalensis was carried out. The most abundant amino acid was Glu (108–118 mg/g crude protein) and Leu was the most abundant essential amino acid (58.0–64.7 mg/g crude protein). While total amino acid content was 618–637 mg/g crude protein, the total essential amino acid content was 300–317 mg/g or 48.6–50.0% with His but 283–299 mg/g crude protein or 45.8–47.0% without His. The limiting amino acid was Thr for C. anguillaries and C. senegalensis but Val for O. niloticus whereas Phe + Tyr scores were greater than 1.0 (1.06–1.21) in all the fish samples. Significant differences existed between the contents of essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids at p < 0.05 in all the fish samples. Percentage contents of total neutral amino acids ranged from 52.2–54.9%; for total acidic amino acids the range was 26.9–29.6% and for total basic amino acids the range was 17.7–18.2%.  相似文献   

The phenolic profile and quantitative composition of blueberries as well as the corresponding antioxidant activity of blueberries is well documented. Unfortunately, little is reported on the development of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity during fruit maturation and ripening. In the present study, the total phenolic content and main phenolic compounds of four highbush blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) were analyzed at five stages of maturation and ripening. Antioxidant activity was screened with electron spin resonance spectrometry and trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assay. An adequate picture of phenolic compounds developed during maturation and ripening was determined using HPLC-DAD. Anthocyanins of all varieties increased during successive harvest stages; meanwhile flavonols and hydroxycinnamic acids decreased from unripe green to ripe blue stage of berry ripening. Blueberry antioxidant activity, as well as total phenolic content tended to decrease during ripening.  相似文献   

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