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试采用状态方程直接积分法求解饱和土Biot固结问题,首次得到以位移未知量表示的状态方程、位移和孔隙流体压力的计算公式。算例结果表明,本方法的计算效率较高,同时精确可靠。  相似文献   

冷压状态方程计算的新方法和材料相图的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用位力(virial)定理严格地给出了材料的冷压状态方程.本文的理论没有引入对系统势能的任何假定,只需计算系统的总动能,因而在状态方程的研究上得到了新的进展.本文采用了经典TFD统计模型,给出了计算材料状态方程的新方法.此方法可以运用于整个凝聚体系统,从零压开始计算材料各个压缩度下的压力,考虑到经典TFD模型的统计与真实量子力学统计之间的差异.此方法对每种元素的总动能计算作了修正.用此状态方程的新方法计算,可以得到在整个压缩度范围(包括零压附近)压力与实测值一致的冷压状态方程, 对Li,Na,Al,Fe,Ag和U等元素以及Fe-Ni,Al-Cu等二元合金进行了数值计算,结果与实测值符合得较好. 文中还探讨了材料相图的理论研究.冷压状态方程计算的新方法和相图的理论研究将为材料的设计提供依据.   相似文献   

计算结构动力响应的状态方程直接积分法   总被引:31,自引:9,他引:22  
利用钟万勰等发展的指数矩阵精细算法,提出了状态方程直接积分法。它能适用于确定情形各种激励作用下系统的动力响应分析;与分段等效线性化方法相结合,也可用于某些非线性系统的响应计算。算例表明,状态方程直接法具有精度高、不受时间步长的严格限制等特点。  相似文献   

袁红  孙承纬 《力学进展》2010,40(1):28-40
论述了激光驱动固体材料状态方程实验研究的目的和意义,对激光驱动固体材料状态方程测量的3种基本方法进行了分析比较.综述了国内外激光状态方程实验研究的发展现状,介绍了该实验研究中新的诊断方法.   相似文献   

采用湿式成型工艺制备出5种不同酚醛纤维含量的纸基摩擦材料,研究了酚醛纤维含量对纸基摩擦材料各项性能的影响.通过力学试验机测试了材料剪切强度和压缩-回弹性能,利用同步热分析仪和湿式摩擦试验机测试了材料热性能及摩擦磨损性能,通过扫描电镜观察材料摩擦表面和剪切断裂面的微观形貌.结果表明:随着酚醛纤维含量的增加,材料层间剪切强度逐渐提高,而压缩率变化较小,回弹率先增大后减小;材料耐热性随酚醛纤维含量的增加而降低;随着酚醛纤维含量的增加,磨损率逐渐降低,同时摩擦系数保持稳定.  相似文献   

高温高压气体状态方程研究及钱学森方程改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵波  崔季平  樊菁 《力学学报》2010,42(2):151-158
钱学森根据分子动理论的普遍原则,结合Lennard-JonesDevanshire(LJD)液体理论的结果,给出了一个适用于高温高压气体的普适状态方程. 该方程有物理基础,且具有计算精度高、形式简单及显含温度的优点. 本文用分子动力学方法检验了LJD理论的适用性,并给出精确的高温高压气体状态方程分子动力学数值解, 在此基础上修订了钱学森状态方程. 改进后的钱学森状态方程在高密度范围内与MD结果平均绝对偏差率小于10%.   相似文献   




孙玉祥  王杰  武海军  周婕群  李金柱  皮爱国  黄风雷 《爆炸与冲击》2020,40(12):121401-1-121401-10

为研究高压下混凝土冲击压缩特性以及确定HJC本构模型状态方程参数,采用$\varnothing $58 mm火炮加载技术和多普勒探针系统(Doppler probe system,DPS)测速技术,对抗压强度为26.5 MPa(C25)和42.1 MPa(C40)的混凝土进行反向平板撞击实验研究与数值模拟。DPS探针记录TU1无氧铜靶自由面粒子速度历史,根据一维应变弹塑性波理论,计算撞击压力,拟合得到2~11 GPa高压条件下混凝土波速与粒子速度(us-up)、压力与体积应变(p-μ)关系。实验结果表明:高压条件下,混凝土波速-粒子速度呈线性关系;两种初始密度、孔隙率相近,强度不同的混凝土波速-粒子速度、压力-体积应变关系存在明显差异,相同压力下,混凝土试件强度越高,体积应变越小。基于实验结果,确定了两种强度混凝土HJC本构模型状态方程参数,利用LS-DYNA动力有限元分析软件对平板撞击实验进行了数值模拟,靶板自由面粒子速度历史与实验曲线吻合较好,仿真结果表明混凝土中冲击波的追赶卸载现象仅存在于低速撞击条件下。


含铝炸药爆轰产物JWL状态方程研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对ROT 901含铝炸药进行了爆轰产物JWL状态方程研究。对ROT 901炸药进行了25mm和50mm两种装药直径的圆筒试验,测试了圆筒膨胀过程的R t关系。由冲击Hugoniot关系和参考的POP关系拟合了ROT 901炸药的反应速率。对两种装药直径的圆筒试验进行了综合分析和二维数值模拟计算,综合评估了ROT 901的作功能力和圆筒试验的特性。通过对两种装药直径圆筒试验圆筒膨胀过程的解析分析计算和二维数值模拟,确定得到了ROT 901含铝炸药爆轰产物JWL状态方程参数。  相似文献   


为研究强动载荷条件下花岗岩的动态力学性能、本构模型与状态方程,分别采用分离式霍普金森压杆和轻气炮系统进行了压杆试验和飞片撞击试验,以获得不同条件下花岗岩的动态力学参数。压杆试验结果表明,花岗岩在应变率为80~320 s–1范围内呈现明显的应变率效应,其强度和应变率近似呈指数关系。飞片撞击试验表明,随着飞片速度的增大,冲击波传播速度呈现明显的三折线变化趋势,而试样的可压缩性则随着加载速度的提高先逐渐增强然后再次降低。最后,根据试验数据,给出了强动载荷条件下花岗岩的HJC(Holmquist–Johnson–Cook)本构模型、Gruneisen状态方程以及动态屈服强度参数。


The state of the art and development trends of model conceptions in perfect plasticity theory are overviewed. The paper does not consider limit equilibrium theorems, theory of optimum design and adaptability, flow problems in metal forming, dynamic behavior of rigid–plastic and elastic–plastic bodies, etc  相似文献   

求解非线性方程组的混合遗传算法   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
非线性方程组的求解是数值计算领域中最困难的问题。大多数的数值求解算法例如牛顿法的收敛性和性能特征在很大程度上依赖于初始点。但是对于很多非线性方程组,选择好的初始点是一件非常困难的事情。本文结合遗传算法和经典算法的优点,提出了一种用于求解非线性方程组的混合遗传算法。该混合算法充分发挥了遗传算法的群体搜索和全局收敛性,有效地克服了经典算法的初始点敏感问题;同时在遗传算法中引入经典算法(Powell法、拟牛顿迭代法)作局部搜索,克服了遗传算法收敛速度慢和精度差的缺点。选择了几个典型非线性方程组,从收敛可靠性、计算成本和适用性等指标分析对比了不同算法。计算结果表明所设计的混合遗传算法有着可靠的收敛性和较高的收敛速度和精度,是求解非线性方程组的一种成功算法。  相似文献   

This paper introduces tensorial calculus techniques in the framework of POD to reduce the computational complexity of the reduced nonlinear terms. The resulting method, named tensorial POD, can be applied to polynomial nonlinearities of any degree p. Such nonlinear terms have an online complexity of , where k is the dimension of POD basis and therefore is independent of full space dimension. However, it is efficient only for quadratic nonlinear terms because for higher nonlinearities, POD model proves to be less time consuming once the POD basis dimension k is increased. Numerical experiments are carried out with a two‐dimensional SWE test problem to compare the performance of tensorial POD, POD, and POD/discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM). Numerical results show that tensorial POD decreases by 76× the computational cost of the online stage of POD model for configurations using more than 300,000 model variables. The tensorial POD SWE model was only 2 to 8× slower than the POD/DEIM SWE model but the implementation effort is considerably increased. Tensorial calculus was again employed to construct a new algorithm allowing POD/DEIM SWE model to compute its offline stage faster than POD and tensorial POD approaches. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction1 999isthe 90thanniversaryofthepublicationofE .F .Cosserat’sbook“TheoriedesCorpsDeformable”[1],whichwasthefoundationstoneandnowisstillaguidingmonographinthestudyofgeneralizedcontinuumfieldtheories.However,itwasnottillthepublicationofpapersofEricks…  相似文献   

复合材料光弹性分析的工程方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在推导均衡光弹性复合材料应力(应变)—光定律的基础上,导出了均衡光弹性复合材料的近似应变—光定律。然后加以推广,提出适用于一般光弹性复合材料的近似应变—光定律.精度分析及实验验证表明:作为工程计算,在采用本文推荐的参数时,光弹性复合材料可视作各向同性材料进行光弹性分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents a fast numerical method, based on the indirect shooting method and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) technique, for solving distributed optimal control of the wave equation. To solve this problem, we consider the first‐order optimality conditions and then by using finite element spatial discretization and shooting strategy, the solution of the optimality conditions is reduced to the solution of a series of initial value problems (IVPs). Generally, these IVPs are high‐order and thus their solution is time‐consuming. To overcome this drawback, we present a POD indirect shooting method, which uses the POD technique to approximate IVPs with smaller ones and faster run times. Moreover, in the presence of the nonlinear term, to reduce the order of the nonlinear calculations, a discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM) is applied and a POD/DEIM indirect shooting method is developed. We investigate the performance and accuracy of the proposed methods by means of 4 numerical experiments. We show that the presented POD and POD/DEIM indirect shooting methods dramatically reduce the CPU time compared to the full indirect shooting method, whereas there is no significant difference between the accuracy of the reduced and full indirect shooting methods.  相似文献   

Large eddy simulations (LESs) are performed to investigate the Cambridge premixed and stratified flames, SwB1 and SwB5, respectively. The flame surface density (FSD) model incorporated with two different wrinkling factor models, i.e., the Muppala and Charlette2 wrinkling factor models, is used to describe combustion/turbulence interaction, and the flamelet generated manifolds (FGM) method is employed to determine major scalars. This coupled sub-grid scale (SGS) combustion model is named as the FSD-FGM model. The FGM method can provide the detailed species in the flame which cannot be obtained from the origin FSD model. The LES results show that the FSD-FGM model has the ability of describing flame propagation, especially for stratified flames. The Charlette2 wrinkling factor model performs better than the Muppala wrinkling factor model in predicting the flame surface area change by the turbulence. The combustion characteristics are analyzed in detail by the flame index and probability distributions of the equivalence ratio and the orientation angle, which confirms that for the investigated stratified flame, the dominant combustion modes in the upstream and downstream regions are the premixed mode and the back-supported mode, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary  On the basis of an especially developed centrifuge, a PC-controlled separation analyser has been assembled for the continuous registration of particles' sedimentation process in a fluid, caused by centrifugal acceleration. The system enables the parallel investigation of up to eight samples. During the centrifugation, the radial and temporal variation of light transmission through the samples is registered by means of a CCD line detector. Experiments were carried out with the separation analyser on manipulated rigid and sphered red blood cells for the verification of an established one-dimensional mixture fluid model. In particular, the influence of particle volume concentration as well as of the angular velocity on the sedimentation process was investigated. Justification could be furnished for the one-dimensional model based on the theory of kinematic waves and shocks. In addition, an algorithm has been developed for the experimental determination of the suspension's effective or apparent viscosity. Received 20 March 2001; accepted for publication 23 August 2001 RID=" ID=" This work is an abridged version of a part of the first author's PhD thesis. The study was supported in part by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (project 03 TOU 2063) and the foundation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (project Le 734/1–2).  相似文献   

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