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建构主义学习理论认为:学生掌握的知识不是通过教师传授得到的,而是学习者在一定的情境即社会文化背景下,借助其他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过意义建构的方式而获得的。而网络教学所表现出的学习主体与客体的互动、学生自主学习、学生协作交流等特点与建构主义学习理论颇为一致。因此,将建构主义学习理论与计算机网络应用于包装材料学课程教学,并在此基础上对包装材料学网络课程教学模式进行了设计。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的到来,计算机网络技术在经济建设中扮演的角色将更为重要。优秀的计算机网络人才与先进的教学模式有着重要关系。本文分析了目前计算机网络基础教学的不足,提出了多元化教学模式的理念,力求用课堂教学、试验教学、自主学习等多个方法对计算机网络基础教学进行改革。  相似文献   

对目前网络课程建设现状进行分析,提出《计算机网络技术基础》网络课程的建设方案,网络课程的建设方案以基于工作过程和系统设计理论的原则,建立以问题为核心,强调学生自主学习、协作学习以及实践实训环节,具有良好的交互性和多样功能,既满足学生网上学习,又有利于辅助教师教学。  相似文献   

网络英语教学具有传统课堂教学不可比拟的优点,它可以激发学生学习的兴趣,增加学生接触和使用英语的机会,为学生自主学习提供了有利的条件.简要介绍了当前网络英语教学的模式和特点,并结合自主学习理论指出网络英语教学对学习者的自主学习能力提出了较高的要求;从网络学习的外部环境和学习者内部因素分析了网络英请教学中影响自主学习能力的因素,并以此为基础探讨了网络英语教学如何提高自主学习能力.  相似文献   

Web Quest教学是二十一世纪兴起的一种新型教学模式,其是一种基于网络模式基础的探究性学习活动。该教学模式既能够帮助教师创造良好的教学氛围。又能够在教学过程中提高学生自主学习能力,培养学生创新思维。随着信息教育技术的发展,Web Quest教学模式在高校计算教学中也开始得到了广泛的应用。本文将以Web Quest教学模式作为切入点,就高校计算机教学中Web Quest教学模式的研究与应用进行探究。  相似文献   

学生既是"小先生"又是探究学习者,组织教学不仅是教师的工作,同时也加入学生的参与意识,课堂教学中学生容易做到的、辅助能做到的、小组协作做到的,一定让学生自己去做,教师既是指导者又是促进者,实现教学上的真正自主和探究的学习方式。  相似文献   

职业院校的计算机应用基础课程教学应以传授知识技能为核心,就业为导向,培养学生的职业意识;强调以学生为主体,教师指导为辅,培养学生的自主探究和实际操作能力;提倡学生的个性化发展和创新意识的提高;将素质教育渗入到计算机基础课程教学中。创设适合计算机应用基础课教学的科学完善的教学方式,提高学生的学习兴趣,促进创新精神和能力的提高,完善教学环节。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍计算机辅助教学在机械制造工艺课程设计中的应用,它利用人工智能(AI)中专家系统(Expert System)技术和计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP)技术,对传统工艺课程设计实行计算机辅助教学,建立计算机辅助机械制造工艺课程设计示教系统,简称GYKS—ICAI系统。它能帮助教师进行课程设计的指导,可作为学生的学习顾问,从而调动了学生学习的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

随着计算机和网络技术以及地理信息系统的快速发展,为基于网络的教学提供了更为便利的条件。本文提出了一个基于网络的地理信息系统辅助地理教学的互动软件的设计。旨在:通过师生互动的软件平台,提高学生学习地理的兴趣;提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力;提高教学的质量。  相似文献   

胡埴 《中国科技博览》2014,(41):213-213
探究式教学着眼于学生发展,关注学生自主学习过程,利用探究式教学能激发学生积极主动地去探索问题,寻求问题的答案,计算机文化基础课是一门实践性较强的学科,由于它的实践性,教师在安排课堂教学时,要紧密联系学生生活实际、认知特点,善于创设、探究情境,激发学生探究欲和求知欲,激发学生积极探究主体意识。变“要我学”为“我要学”。  相似文献   

研究了以"房屋建筑施工图"为研究性教学的载体,采用任务驱动教学法,设计适应学生特点的教学方案。抓住课堂、课外、训练等几个主要环节,引导学生进行研究性学习。从"图纸规范"、"图示内容"、"尺寸标注"、"符号表达"、"文字书写"以及"总体印象"等几个方面对学生作业进行全面的评价。实践表明,研究性学习调动了学生的积极性,扩大了知识面,培养了工程素质和团队合作精神,绘图质量明显提高,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

依据《江南大学卓越课程建设管理办法》,卓越课程须对课内外教学内容与时数进行统筹安排,实践教学方法及其考核方式须进行改革。包装结构设计课程的实践性和应用性较强,在卓越课程改革中,将包装结构设计课程实践性教学环节设置为"实践(课堂讨论+课程项目调研+实验课+创意设计教学=设计实践与作品)+物化成果"模式;课程考核包含了平时课堂讨论情况、设计实践与作品、卷面成绩几个部分,物化成果已成为学生考核成绩的重要参考项目。实践性教学的加强与具有创新激励作用的公平评价方案,极大地提升了学生的学习热情,其学习的主动性及其综合能力均得到了较大提高,同时包装结构设计课程教学的物化成果也有了较大幅度的增加。  相似文献   

陈达强 《包装学报》2011,3(2):94-96
标志设计的发展状况对各艺术设计院校标志设计课程教学提出了创新要求,湖南工业大学在该课程教学中通过把握整体教学内容、重视灌输传统文化及品牌设计思维、组织多样的教学形式调动学生学习积极性、创新教学手段以培养学生的动态思维意识等创新实践,旨在培养能够利用数字技术,在不断自我学习的过程中追求自主创新、突破藩篱的设计师。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how traditional lecture time might be used given the availability of effective web-based courseware for delivering materials typically presented in the classroom. After providing an overview of web-based educational materials, the effectiveness of two teaching approaches is compared using a product design lecture on visual prototyping. One group of students prepared for class using web-based materials and then received a lecture-style second coverage of the topic in class (web+class lecture). The other group of students prepared for class using the same web-based materials and then worked with the faculty, applying only a small portion of the subject matter, on illustrative examples (web+limited experience). The two groups then completed an assignment based on the subject matter. The average grade performance of the web+limited experience group was 10.8% higher than for the web+class lecture group. An achieved significance level of 0.001 provides very strong evidence to reject the hypothesis that the two groups performed equally. Analysis of how the two student groups used the web-lecture resource showed that the form of class instruction had a strong influence on student motivation for independent study. The average time spent in web-based preparation by the web+limited experience group was 1.6 times greater than the average preparation time for the web+class lecture group. Sixty percent of the web+class lecture group prepared less than the least prepared student in the web+limited experience group. These findings suggest that, if codified materials are primarily delivered using a medium such as the WWW, traditional classroom time might be liberated for potentially higher value-added activities such as mentoring and experiential activities.  相似文献   

目的 在“互联网+教育”的时代背景下,探究提升在线设计教育体验的交互方法。方法 通过分析建构主义学习理论指导下的学习模式,探讨其介入在线设计教育的意义,结合设计学科的教学特点,洞察在线设计教学中的用户交互行为问题与需求,以学生为中心,从情境、协作、会话以及意义建构四个方面构建在线设计教育的交互方法模型。结果 总结了建构主义学习理论下在线设计教育的交互设计流程,结合在线设计教育平台的实践研究,提出了完善课堂情境创设、提升课堂指导效果、促进协作交流、优化在线氛围、辅助设计阐述训练等具体的交互设计方法。结论 基于建构主义学习理论,优化在线设计教育的交互方法,能够更好地提升用户教学体验,有助于用户完成自身的意义建构。  相似文献   

为了在有限的教学学时内进一步提高教学质量,在《机械设计制图》的教学过程中,把教学内容分为“必修”部分、“自修”部分和“选修”部分,这样可以突出重点,提高自主学习能力,分类分层次教学;为了激发学生们的学习兴趣,避免教学过程中的枯燥的“灌输式”的教学模式,采用延伸式教学法和研讨式教学法等形式多样的教学模式和教学手段;教学过程中经常遇到许多“教师难以表达,学生难以理解”的知识点,通过找到案例式教学法等适当的方法进行“深入浅出”讲述:为了让绝大多数的学生都得到规范的练〉--j,重视课堂或辅导课上测验训练;注重教学过程管理的“五统一”与“个性化”教学。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hypothesis that the World Wide Web (WWW) presents a new opportunity to interactively present and disseminate curricula. The WWW appears to have the flexibility needed to let students order the material and choose the presentation format that best suit their preference. The objective of this paper is twofold: to develop a general web-lecture structure that provides such flexibility, and to compare its efficacy with a classroom style lecture. The average grade performance of the students receiving web instruction was higher than for those receiving traditional classroom instruction. An achieved significance level of 0.063 provides reasonably strong evidence to reject the hypothesis that the two groups performed equally. Analysis of web-lecture use patterns revealed that the web-group students spent roughly the same amount of time on-line as the classroom group spent in lecture. However, the web group typically covered the materials in three short 30 minute sessions as opposed to one 90 minute lecture. Different students in the web group showed different preferences for either video or text-with-image presentation of materials. In a focus group, web students indicated that they valued the ability to pace their learning and review materials as needed. The positive results of this preliminary study raise the question of how teaching could change to exploit information technology and provide more effective and economical engineering education. Primary learning might take place individually through a medium such as the WWW, thus liberating classroom time for experiential activities.  相似文献   

在全球科技创新飞速发展的背景下,从AIGC生成式人工智能的普及与应用入手,讨论设计教育和教学体系的构建与实践路径。首先剖析AIGC给设计行业与设计教育带来的危机冲击和潜在的变革机遇;其次探究AIGC如何在设计教育的全过程中应用,从教师教学模式、学生学习模式、学生个人能力升级、学校教育体系、企业合作平台五个层面来重构AIGC赋能高校设计教育的理念、体系与范式;最后立足于设计教育的发展前景与变革趋势,积极探索AIGC赋能设计教育数字化转型的应对与风险防范措施,为各高校设计教育与人才培养提供切实可行的方法与思路。  相似文献   

In reality, the flipped classroom has gained popularity as a modern way of structuring teaching, where lectures move from in-class procedures to digitally-based assignments, freeing up the debate, and practice exercises class time. Therefore, it is essential to implement and analyze a way of teaching that will improve student performance. The paper aims to develop a model of the method of teaching science in Iraqi schools, and to assess whether teaching flipped classroom affects the achievement, motivation, and creative thinking of students by using the methodology of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The AHP approach includes several steps, including setting assessment criteria and their weights, and by assessing the methodology of the flipped classroom as compared to the conventional cognitive learning process. An experiment was carried out in Iraqi secondary schools to examine the attitude of the students towards the subject of Chemistry. The findings have indicated that the students and teachers favored flipped classroom learning more than conventional cognitive learning. The study took the following parameters compared to the traditional approach: teaching techniques, learning flexibility, teaching aids effectiveness, student participation and working environment. This paper indicates that the teachers in Iraqi schools will be able to improve and do more preparation to shift towards flipped learning in the classroom.  相似文献   

Traditional engineering instruction is deductive, beginning with theories and progressing to the applications of those theories. Alternative teaching approaches are more inductive. Topics are introduced by presenting specific observations, case studies or problems, and theories are taught or the students are helped to discover them only after the need to know them has been established. This study reviews several of the most commonly used inductive teaching methods, including inquiry learning, problem‐based learning, project‐based learning, case‐based teaching, discovery learning, and just‐in‐time teaching. The paper defines each method, highlights commonalities and specific differences, and reviews research on the effectiveness of the methods. While the strength of the evidence varies from one method to another, inductive methods are consistently found to be at least equal to, and in general more effective than, traditional deductive methods for achieving a broad range of learning outcomes.  相似文献   

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