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Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms are commonly employed for accurate uncertainty appraisals in non-linear inverse problems. The downside of these algorithms is the considerable number of samples needed to achieve reliable posterior estimations, especially in high-dimensional model spaces. To overcome this issue, the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm has recently been introduced to solve geophysical inversions. Different from classical Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms, this approach exploits the derivative information of the target posterior probability density to guide the sampling of the model space. However, its main downside is the computational cost for the derivative computation (i.e. the computation of the Jacobian matrix around each sampled model). Possible strategies to mitigate this issue are the reduction of the dimensionality of the model space and/or the use of efficient methods to compute the gradient of the target density. Here we focus the attention to the estimation of elastic properties (P-, S-wave velocities and density) from pre-stack data through a non-linear amplitude versus angle inversion in which the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm is used to sample the posterior probability. To decrease the computational cost of the inversion procedure, we employ the discrete cosine transform to reparametrize the model space, and we train a convolutional neural network to predict the Jacobian matrix around each sampled model. The training data set for the network is also parametrized in the discrete cosine transform space, thus allowing for a reduction of the number of parameters to be optimized during the learning phase. Once trained the network can be used to compute the Jacobian matrix associated with each sampled model in real time. The outcomes of the proposed approach are compared and validated with the predictions of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo inversions in which a quite computationally expensive, but accurate finite-difference scheme is used to compute the Jacobian matrix and with those obtained by replacing the Jacobian with a matrix operator derived from a linear approximation of the Zoeppritz equations. Synthetic and field inversion experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach dramatically reduces the cost of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo inversion while preserving an accurate and efficient sampling of the posterior probability.  相似文献   

A single set of vertically aligned cracks embedded in a purely isotropic background may be considered as a long-wavelength effective transversely isotropy (HTI) medium with a horizontal symmetry axis. The crack-induced HTI anisotropy can be characterized by the weakly anisotropic parameters introduced by Thomsen. The seismic scattering theory can be utilized for the inversion for the anisotropic parameters in weakly anisotropic and heterogeneous HTI media. Based on the seismic scattering theory, we first derived the linearized PP- and PS-wave reflection coefficients in terms of P- and S-wave impedances, density as well as three anisotropic parameters in HTI media. Then, we proposed a novel Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion method of PP- and PS-wave for six elastic and anisotropic parameters directly. Tests on synthetic azimuthal seismic data contaminated by random errors demonstrated that this method appears more accurate, anti-noise and stable owing to the usage of the constrained PS-wave compared with the standards inversion scheme taking only the PP-wave into account.  相似文献   

Two new algorithms are presented for efficiently selecting suites of ground motions that match a target multivariate distribution or conditional intensity measure target. The first algorithm is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach in which records are sequentially added to a selected set such that the joint probability density function (PDF) of the target distribution is progressively approximated by the discrete distribution of the selected records. The second algorithm derives from the concept of the acceptance ratio within MCMC but does not involve any sampling. The first method takes advantage of MCMC's ability to efficiently explore a sampling distribution through the implementation of a traditional MCMC algorithm. This method is shown to enable very good matches to multivariate targets to be obtained when the numbers of records to be selected is relatively large. A weaker performance for fewer records can be circumvented by the second method that uses greedy optimisation to impose additional constraints upon properties of the target distribution. A preselection approach based upon values of the multivariate PDF is proposed that enables near‐optimal record sets to be identified with a very close match to the target. Both methods are applied for a number response analyses associated with different sizes of record sets and rupture scenarios. Comparisons are made throughout with the Generalised Conditional Intensity Measure (GCIM) approach. The first method provides similar results to GCIM but with slightly worse performance for small record sets, while the second method outperforms method 1 and GCIM for all considered cases.  相似文献   

布谷鸟马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛混合高斯地质统计学随机反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地质统计学随机反演可以获得比常规反演更高分辨率的结果,目前已成为储层高分辨率预测的主流方法.地下不同岩相储层参数存在明显差异,本文在地质统计学反演框架下构建了岩相和储层参数同步反演目标函数,实现不同岩相条件下储层参数分布精细描述.在求解该高维数据多参数同步反演问题时,本文将可以动态调节搜索步长的布谷鸟算法与马尔科夫链蒙...  相似文献   

Elastic parameters such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and density are very important characteristic parameters that are required to properly characterise shale gas reservoir rock brittleness, evaluate gas characteristics of reservoirs, and directly interpret lithology and oil‐bearing properties. Therefore, it is significant to obtain accurate information of these elastic parameters. Conventionally, they are indirectly calculated by the rock physics method or estimated by approximate formula inversion. The cumulative errors caused by the indirect calculation and low calculation accuracy of the approximate Zoeppritz equations make accurate estimation of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and density difficult in the conventional method. In this paper, based on the assumption of isotropy, we perform several substitutions to convert the Zoeppritz equations from the classical form to a new form containing the chosen elastic constants of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and density. The inversion objective function is then constructed by utilising Bayesian theory. Meanwhile, the Cauchy distribution is introduced as a priori information. We then combine the idea of generalised linear inversion with an iterative reweighed least squares algorithm in order to solve the problem. Finally, we obtain the iterative updating formula of the three elastic parameters and achieve the direct inversion of these elastic parameters based on the exact Zoeppritz equations. Both synthetic and field data examples show that the new method is not only able to obtain the two elastic parameters of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio stably and reasonably from prestack seismic data but also able to provide an accurate estimation of density information, which demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method offers an efficient seismic method to identify a “sweet spot” within a shale gas reservoir.  相似文献   

By analogy with P- and S-wave impedances, the product of Young's modulus and density can be termed as Young's impedance, which indicates the rock lithology and brittleness of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs. Poisson's ratio is also an effective indicator of rock brittleness and fluid property of unconventional reservoirs, and fracture weaknesses indicate the fracture properties (fracturing intensity and fracture fillings) in fracture-induced unconventional reservoirs. We aim to simultaneously estimate the Young's impedance, Poisson's ratio and fracture weaknesses from wide-azimuth surface seismic data in a fracture-induced shale gas reservoir, and use the horizontal transversely isotropic model to characterize the fractures. First, the linearized PP-wave reflection coefficient in terms of Young's impedance, Poisson's ratio, density and fracture weaknesses is derived for the case of a weak-contrast interface separating two weakly horizontal transversely isotropic media. In addition, an orthorhombic anisotropic case is also discussed in this paper. Then a Bayesian amplitude variation with incident angle and azimuth scheme with a model constraint is used to stably estimate Young's impedance, Poisson's ratio and fracture weaknesses with only PP-wave azimuthal seismic data. The proposed approach is finally demonstrated on both synthetic and real data sets with reasonable results.  相似文献   

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