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共测定52例RSV下呼吸道感染患婴在急性期和恢复期中IL-2水平、NK活性及T细胞亚群。结果显示IL-2水平,NK活性及CD4/CD8均明显降低,恢复期则基本恢复正常。毛细支气管炎组恢复期的CD8明显低于肺炎组恢复期的CD8。说明RSV下呼吸道感染患儿存在明显的细胞免疫异常,可能是其在感染RSV后易发展成严重感染的原因之一,而且与以后哮喘的发生有一定关系。  相似文献   

RSV感染中能产生中和性抗体的抗原是F和G糖蛋白,但中和抗体时机体无明显的保护作用。推测细胞免疫有更为重要的作用,巨噬细胞(M)感染RSV后,产生白细胞介素1(IL-1)抑制物,同时病毒基因的干扰使(M)抗原提呈功能受损,结果辅助性T细胞(T_H)不被激活,故不能产生白细胞介素2(IL-2)和γ干扰素(IFN-γ).而产生白细胞介素4(IL-4)的细胞克隆不受抑制,IL-4分泌增多。IL-4能特异性诱导B细胞合成IgE,从而引起毛细支气管炎的发生。但其确切机制目前仍不清楚。  相似文献   

呼吸道合胞病毒急性下呼吸道感染患儿的细胞免疫变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
呼吸道合胞病毒急性下呼吸道感染患儿的细胞免疫变化陈宗波,董永绥,赖丽霖呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)是引起小儿急性下呼吸道感染(ALRI)的重要病原。有关小儿RSVALRI时细胞免疫变化的多项指标综合报道国内不多,亦无对A、B亚型RSV感染进行观察,我们对...  相似文献   

目的了解急性下呼吸道感染(acutelowerrespiratoryinfection,ALRI)住院患儿呼吸道合胞病毒(respiratorysyncytialviruS,RSV)感染的情况。方法对2010年1月至2013年3月2625例ALRJ住院患儿采用直接免疫荧光法检测其鼻咽分泌物中的RSV抗原。结果送检标本2625例,RSV阳性534例(20.34%)。〈1岁组RSV阳性检出率24.30%(399/1642),一3岁组15.83%(114/720),〉3岁组7.98%(21/263),〈1岁与~3岁组比较(x2=21.102,P〈0.01),-3岁与〉3岁组比较(X2=10.016,P〈0.01),差异均有统计学意义。男性患儿RSV阳性检出率21.49%(331/1540),女性18.71%(203/1085),男性检出率高于女性(x2=4.579,P〈0.05)。不同年度RSV阳性检出率差异无统计学意义。RSV检出率高峰从每年的10月开始,至次年的4月结束。结论ALRI住院患儿RSV阳性检出率以1岁以内婴儿最高,年龄越小,RSV感染率越高,男性RSV感染高于女性,冬春季为流行高峰。  相似文献   

呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)是婴幼儿下呼吸道感染最重要、最常见的病原体之一[1]。近年来新生儿RSV感染越来越受到关注,由于新生儿免疫功能低下,感染后临床表现较婴幼儿更严重,而且RSV传染性强,易发生新生儿室暴发感染,  相似文献   

呼吸道合胞病毒与小儿急性下呼吸道感染的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

呼吸道感染呼吸道合胞病毒检测的临床研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的探讨小儿呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)感染和临床特征.方法用生物素-链霉亲和素-过氧化物酶法检测113例急性下呼吸道感染患儿的鼻咽部脱落细胞中RSV抗原,并对47例RSV阳性病例的临床特征进行分析.结果 RSV抗原阳性率为41.6%,临床典型和可疑病例抗原检出率分别为47.9%和44.9%,临床不典型者阳性率12.5%,x2=7.9 P<0.05.下呼吸道感染的喘息型组RSV阳性率51.9%,非喘息型组RSV阳性率32.2%,x2=4.48,P<0.05.47例RSV阳性中3 a内喘息率67.6%(25/37例),明显高于3 a以上组30.0%(3/10例),x2=5.17 P<0.05.不同年龄、病期、临床诊断组RSV抗原阳性率差异无统计学意义.结论小儿下呼吸道感染约40%可有RSV引起,各年龄组小儿均对RSV易感,在喘息型下呼吸道感染中RSV所致多见,年龄越小发生喘息越多.  相似文献   

目的 探讨呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)和人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)混合感染对感染细胞的影响。方法 用四甲基偶氮唑盐(MTT)染色方法检测下列四组标本的吸光度A值(曾称光密度OD),包括:未感染病毒细胞组、RSV感染细胞组、RSV和HCMV同时混合感染细胞组、HCMV感染12h后再感染RSV细胞组(每组20孔共80孔);流式细胞分析仪检测下列六组标本细胞分裂周期,包括:正常细胞组、RSV感染组细胞、HCM  相似文献   

呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)是婴幼儿下呼吸道感染最重要、最常见的病原体之一[1]。近年来新生儿RSV感染越来越受到关注,由于新生儿免疫功能低下,感染后临床表现较婴幼儿更严重,而且RSV传染性强,易发生新生儿室暴发感染,已成为发达国家  相似文献   

RSV感染中能产生中和性抗体的抗原是F和G糖蛋白,但中和抗体对机体无明显的保护作用。推测细胞免疫有更为重要的作用。巨噬细胞(Mψ)感染RSV后,产生白细胞介素1(IL-1)抑制物,同时病毒基因的干扰使Mψ抗原提呈功能受损,结果辅助性T细胞(TH)不被激活,故不能产生白细胞介素2(IL-2)和γ干扰素(IFN-γ)。而产生白细胞介素4(IL-4)的细胞克隆不受抑制,IL-4分泌增多。IL-4能特异性  相似文献   

目的探讨和比较WU多瘤病毒(WUPyV)以及呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)所致呼吸道感染患儿的临床特征。方法应用多重PCR技术,检测呼吸道感染住院患儿WUPyV、RSV等病毒感染情况,并收集WUPyV和RSV感染患儿的临床资料。结果 2008年1月至2010年9月,在1 701例呼吸道感染住院患儿的咽拭子标本中检测出WUPyV阳性46例(2.7%),RSV阳性365例(21.5%);单纯WUPyV感染为22例(47.8%),单纯RSV感染为88例(24.1%)。RSV感染患儿的合并感染率高于WUPyV感染患儿,两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.723,P=0.001)。WUPyV阳性检测率在春季呈现高峰,RSV则在冬季。WUPyV感染患儿的中位年龄为26.2个月,RSV感染患儿为14.9个月,两者差异有统计学意义(U=669.5,P<0.05)。WUPyV感染患儿的临床表现和体征与RSV感染相似,咳嗽(χ2=13.34,P<0.001)和喘息(χ2=10.53,P<0.001)在RSV感染的患儿中更为多见。WUPyV感染后主要被诊断为支气管肺炎,而RSV感染后主要为毛细支气管炎。单纯RSV感染患儿更多需要激素治疗(χ2=9.321 P=0.002)。结论部分患儿呼吸道感染与WUPyV感染有关,WUPyV感染的临床特征与RSV感染类似。  相似文献   

急性呼吸道感染儿童两亚型呼吸道合胞病毒检测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解2006-2007年度重庆地区住院急性呼吸道感染(ARTIs)儿童两亚型呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)的感染特点及流行规律.方法 收集2006年4月至2007年3月全年在重庆医科大学附属儿童医院呼吸科住院的部分ARTIs患儿的鼻咽深部吸取物390份,针对RSV G基因保守区序列设计分型引物,采用RT-PCR方法检测标本中RSV的基因组RNA.结果 390例标本中RSV阳性例数为133例(133/390,阳性率为34.10%).阳性标本中A亚型阳性129例,B亚型阳性4例.RSV阳性患儿中,84.9%为2岁以下小儿.2006年11月~2007年1月为RSV高发季节,RSV检测阳性率为55.6%~62.3%,2006年12月RSV检测阳性率最高.B亚型出现于本地区RSV感染低发季节(4、5、6月).RSV感染的临床表现主要为发热(56.4%)、咳嗽(98.5%)、喘息(63.9%)、气促(76.7%)、紫绀(84.9%).临床诊断依次为毛细支气管炎(33.1%),支气管肺炎(27.8%),间质性肺炎(18.1%),重症肺炎伴呼吸衰竭(10.5%),喘息性支气管炎(5.3%),支气管哮喘(4.5%).结论 本研究初步阐明了重庆地区两亚型RSV感染的流行病学特点,证实RSV是重庆地区冬春季婴幼儿ARI的重要病原,2006-2007年度以A亚型RSV流行为主.今后的研究将纳入门诊及社区惠儿并进行多年度连续监测以进一步阐明重庆地区两亚型RSV流行规律及病毒进化特点.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common viral cause of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in infancy and young children. No effective treatment for RSV lower respiratory tract infection (RSV-LRTI) exists. Ribavirin initially proved to be an effective anti-viral drug for RSV-LTRI. However, subsequently performed trials could not reproduce these positive results and, based on the current available evidence, there is no place for ribavirin in the routine treatment of RSV-LTRI. The use of nebulised bronchodilator therapy in RSV-LTRI has been subject of many trials, with conflicting results. Although the individual patient may have some short-term benefit from nebulised bronchodilators, there does not seem to be a sufficient scientific basis for the standard use of bronchodilator therapy in infants and children with RSV-LTRI. There is increasing evidence that RSV-LTRI is an immune-mediated disease and therefore corticosteroids may be an effective treatment. The results from efficacy trials have demonstrated that corticosteroids are not effective for patients with mild RSV infection. In contrast there are indications that it may be beneficial in patients with more severe RSV-LTRI. It has been demonstrated that in children with RSV infection the vitamin A concentration is inversely related to disease severity. The use of vitamin A in the treatment of patients with RSV-LTRI, however, proved not to be effective. Immunoprophylaxis with hyperimmune immunoglobulins and monoclonal antibody against the viral F-protein have been shown to be effective in the prevention of RSV-LRTI. From the results of the therapeutic efficacy trials, however, it can be discerned that immunoglobulins have no place in the treatment of RSV-LRTI. Conclusion Although respiratory syncytial virus infections each year have a considerable socioeconomic impact, attempts to find an effective therapy have so far been quite unsuccessful. Anti-viral therapy with ribavirin has not been proven to be effective. Symptomatic therapy with bronchodilators may give only short-term relief of symptoms in some individual patients, but has no effect on hospitalisation rates, or duration of hospitalisation. The beneficial effect of corticosteroids in patients with mild respiratory syncytial virus infection is very disappointing, however, there are indications that there might be an effect in patients with more severe infection. So far no beneficial therapeutic effect has been demonstrated with immune globulins. Received: 9 August 1999 / Accepted: 30 November 1999  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a frequent cause of hospitalization among infants. To compare patient management in Europe, the United States, and Australia, we analyzed the charts of 1,563 pediatric patients hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed RSV lower respiratory infections during recent RSV seasons. Half of patients had been seen initially as outpatients. Median duration of hospitalization was 4 days in Australia, Finland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and 8 or 9 days in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. In a linear regression model that included clinical findings, underlying conditions, prematurity, and age, the leading variable associated with length of stay was “hospitalization in continental Europe”. This geographic factor conferred a 1.8-fold longer stay (95% CI: 1.7–1.9) than hospitalization elsewhere. Utilization of nine supportive therapies for RSV varied widely among hospitals, even within the same country. The individual hospital was strongly associated with the use of every therapy studied, independent of patient characteristics and clinical status. Conclusion Management of RSV patients varies markedly by country and hospital. Multicenter RSV trials that measure length of stay should standardize criteria for “readiness for discharge”. It may be appropriate to limit international trials to countries with similar median stays for RSV. Variability within multicenter trials could be further controlled by standardizing the use of other therapies and the diagnosis of complications. Received: 29 April 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 11 August 1997  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the risk of concurrent bacterial infection in preterm infants hospitalized due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective cohort analysis of all infants hospitalized due to RSV infection between January 1, 2001 and July 31, 2005. Patients were identified by ICD-10 diagnosis of RSV infection including codes J21.0, J21.9, J12.1, J20.5 and B97.4. Medical charts were reviewed and RSV infection had to be confirmed by positive antigen detection test on nasopharyngeal aspirates. RESULTS: A total of 464 infants had been hospitalized due to RSV infection and 42 (9.1%) were born<37 weeks of gestational age. Concurrent bacterial infections were diagnosed by either positive blood or urine cultures, stool culture, tracheal aspirates or smears in 4 of 42 preterm (9.5%) compared to 13 of 422 term (3.1%) infants (p=0.017, RR 3.092, CI 95% 1.251-7.641). Excluding the infants admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) the total rate of bacterial co-infection was 1.9%. Ten of 42 preterm (23.8%) compared to 25 of 422 term (5.2%) infants were referred to ICU (p<0.001, RR 3.349, CI 95% 1.882-5.959). All preterm infants had pneumonia, and isolates were Streptococcus pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Streptococcus pneumoniae with Haemophilus influenzae. Mean length of stay in preterm infants with bacterial co-infection was 22.3 days compared to 10.3 days without bacterial co-infection (p<0.006). CONCLUSION: The overall low risk of concurrent bacterial infection was significantly increased in preterm infants associated with prolonged hospitalization and ICU admission.  相似文献   

??Respiratory syncytial virus??RSV?? infection was an important cause of acute lower respiratory infection in children under 5 years of age and one of the leading causes of mortality in children under 1 year of age worldwide. It may not only aggravate existing chronic respiratory diseases??but also cause long-term sequelaes such as recurrent wheezing. It was a heavy burden on children’s health problems globally. In clinic??there were few choices for the prevention or treatment of respiratory syncytial virus infection. Many kinds of drugs were still in clinical trials. This review is intended to outline the current situation of RSV infection in the world??long-term influence on respiratory system of children and new advances in the prevention and treatment of respiratory syncytial virus infection.  相似文献   

为探讨呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)对外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)的感染情况及感染后细胞免疫的变化,采用免疫组化法对18例RSV性急性下呼吸道感染患儿PBMC内RSV及其A、B亚型抗原进行了检测;采用APAAP法、MTT比色法和ELISA法对T细胞亚群及T细胞表面白细胞介素2受体表达、PBMC培养上清液白细胞介素2(IL-2)活性和可溶性IL-2受体水平进行了测定。结果显示:18例RSV感染患儿中7例PBMC内可检测到RSV抗原;11例RSVA亚型感染者5例PBMC内均为RSVA亚型阳性,7例RSVB型感染者2例B亚型阳性;7例恢复期和10例对照组患儿均为阴性;发病3天以内PBMC中RSV抗原阳性者多于3天以后(P<0.05)。RSV感染组PBMC内RSV抗原阳性者,CD4细胞比率和IL-2水平均低于阴性者(t=2.38,2.40,P值均<0.05)。提示:RSV性急性下呼吸道感染患儿PBMC可被RSV感染,可能由此加重免疫活性细胞损害,导致细胞免疫功能紊乱。  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most frequent and important cause of lower respiratory tract infection in infants and children. It is a seasonal virus, with peak rates of infection occurring annually in the cold season in temperate climates, and in the rainy season, as temperatures fall, in tropical climates. High risk groups for severe RSV disease include infants below six mo of age, premature infants with or without chronic lung disease, infants with hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease, infants with immunodeficiency or cystic fibrosis, and infants with neuromuscular diseases. Mortality rates associated with RSV infection are generally low in previous healthy infants (below 1%), but increase significantly in children with underlying chronic conditions and comorbidities. Following early RSV lower respiratory tract infection, some patients experience recurrent episodes of wheezing mimicking early childhood asthma with persistence of lung function abnormalities until adolescence. There is currently no RSV vaccine available, but promising candidate vaccines are in development. Palivizumab, a monoclonal RSV antibody that is the only tool for immunoprophylaxis in high-risk infants, lowers the burden of RSV infection in certain carefully selected patient groups.  相似文献   

目的分析2004~2005年冬春季呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)流行季节的亚型分布情况。方法采用直接免疫荧光法检测2004年10月~2005年4月间因急性下呼吸道感染住院儿童1040例鼻咽部分泌物中的常见病毒病原,随机选择RSV阳性标本174例,采用间接免疫荧光检测RSVA、B亚型,分析检测结果。结果1040例中,RSV阳性497例(47.8%),其中174例标本中,检测出RSVA亚型23例(13.2%),B亚型105型(60.4%),A、B亚型混合感染36例(20.7%),无法确定亚型的10例(5.7%)。检测期间各月份间、不同的年龄组间和临床诊断间的RSV亚型分布差异均无显著性意义(P>0.05),都以B亚型为主。结论2004~2005年冬春季RSV仍是儿童急性下呼吸道感染的主要病原,以B亚型为主;并有两种亚型同时感染的情况。  相似文献   

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