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《Applied Soft Computing》2008,8(1):788-797
This paper proposes two new algorithms based on the clonal selection principle for the design of spreading codes for DS-CDMA. The first algorithm follows a multi-objective approach, generating complex spreading codes with “good” auto as well as cross-correlation properties. It also enables spreading code design with no restrictions on the number of users or code length. The algorithm maintains a repertoire of codes that are subject to cloning and undergo a process of affinity maturation to obtain better codes. Results indicate that the produced code sets lie very close to the theoretical Pareto front. A second penalty function-based constrained optimization algorithm based on clonal selection is proposed. It is applied to the design of spreading codes with pre-defined power spectral density requirement. The results suggest that the algorithm is capable of lowering significantly, the power spectra at undesired frequencies. Therefore, with the proposed algorithm, a DS-CDMA transmitter can, for the first time, selectively transmit power across the transmission bandwidth and adjust to jammers and other interferers. This study illustrates that using two stages of multi-objective and constrained optimization, using the proposed clonal selection algorithms, is an effective code design strategy.  相似文献   

Based on the mechanisms of immunodominance and clonal selection theory, we propose a new multiobjective optimization algorithm, immune dominance clonal multiobjective algorithm (IDCMA). IDCMA is unique in that its fitness values of current dominated individuals are assigned as the values of a custom distance measure, termed as Ab-Ab affinity, between the dominated individuals and one of the nondominated individuals found so far. According to the values of Ab-Ab affinity, all dominated individuals (antibodies) are divided into two kinds, subdominant antibodies and cryptic antibodies. Moreover, local search only applies to the subdominant antibodies, while the cryptic antibodies are redundant and have no function during local search, but they can become subdominant (active) antibodies during the subsequent evolution. Furthermore, a new immune operation, clonal proliferation is provided to enhance local search. Using the clonal proliferation operation, IDCMA reproduces individuals and selects their improved maturated progenies after local search, so single individuals can exploit their surrounding space effectively and the newcomers yield a broader exploration of the search space. The performance comparison of IDCMA with MISA, NSGA-Ⅱ, SPEA, PAES, NSGA, VEGA, NPGA, and HLGA in solving six well-known multiobjective function optimization problems and nine multiobjective 0/1 knapsack problems shows that IDCMA has a good performance in converging to approximate Pareto-optimal fronts with a good distribution.  相似文献   

空间自适应免疫克隆选择优化算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐正  胡珉 《计算机应用》2009,29(2):561-564
针对免疫克隆选择优化算法晚期收敛速度慢的不足,通过引入搜索空间自适应缩放的思想,提出一种新的空间自适应免疫克隆选择优化算法(SAIS)。算法利用不完全演化搜索优化解的分布特性,以精英个体为中心收缩搜索空间,并采用空间扩张机制帮助算法跳出局部最优。通过对高维基准测试函数实验表明,SAIS能显著提高收敛速度和优化解的质量。  相似文献   

把免疫系统的克隆选择学说与生物进化法则应用到多目标优化计算中,引入免疫克隆学说的记忆单元体,使用聚类方法对其中的抗体进行不断的优化更新和劣体淘汰;采用非均匀变异操作促进种群抗体的多样性;通过抗体间亲和度体现种群中个体的竞争,抗体与抗原亲和度来抑制过度的竞争,维持种群广泛性.最后由计算机仿真实验,并与NSGA-Ⅱ算法比较了两者的收敛性和分布性,证明由克隆进化算法得到的结果距离真实Pareto曲线更接近,分布更均匀、范围更广泛.  相似文献   

面向多模态函数优化的回溯克隆选择算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张英杰  毛赐平 《计算机应用》2012,32(7):1947-1950
针对多模态函数优化问题,提出了一种基于回溯机制的改进克隆选择算法--回溯克隆选择算法(BCSA),采用改进回溯机制和记忆库抗体抑制策略,保持了抗体的多样性,以增强算法的全局搜索能力;通过改进动态变异、选择与交叉操作提高算法收敛速度。典型的多模态函数测试结果表明:回溯克隆选择算法具有优良的全局搜索能力和搜索效率。  相似文献   

Baldwinian learning in clonal selection algorithm for optimization   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Artificial immune systems are a kind of new computational intelligence methods which draw inspiration from the human immune system. Most immune system inspired optimization algorithms are based on the applications of clonal selection and hypermutation, and known as clonal selection algorithms. These clonal selection algorithms simulate the immune response process based on principles of Darwinian evolution by using various forms of hypermutation as variation operators. The generation of new individuals is a form of the trial and error process. It seems very wasteful not to make use of the Baldwin effect in immune system to direct the genotypic changes. In this paper, based on the Baldwin effect, an improved clonal selection algorithm, Baldwinian Clonal Selection Algorithm, termed as BCSA, is proposed to deal with optimization problems. BCSA evolves and improves antibody population by four operators, clonal proliferation, Baldwinian learning, hypermutation, and clonal selection. It is the first time to introduce the Baldwinian learning into artificial immune systems. The Baldwinian learning operator simulates the learning mechanism in immune system by employing information from within the antibody population to alter the search space. It makes use of the exploration performed by the phenotype to facilitate the evolutionary search for good genotypes. In order to validate the effectiveness of BCSA, eight benchmark functions, six rotated functions, six composition functions and a real-world problem, optimal approximation of linear systems are solved by BCSA, successively. Experimental results indicate that BCSA performs very well in solving most of the test problems and is an effective and robust algorithm for optimization.  相似文献   

基于克隆选择和粒子群思想的动态多群体优化算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对粒子群算法和克隆选择原理的特点,提出了基于克隆选择和粒子群思想的动态多群体优化算法.该算法将整个群体分为若干子群体,在子群体内部应用基本的粒子群算法,以子群体作为抗体设计了克隆、变异、选择和受体编辑算子.交异算子使子群体动态变化实现子群体闻相互交换信息,具有良好的全局搜索能力.实验结果表明,该算法具有寻优能力强、搜索精度高的优点,可用于工程问题中具有各种特性的复杂函数优化.  相似文献   

为了解决de Castro在2000年提出的CLONALG算法在多峰值函数优化时多峰搜索能力弱,训练时间长的问题,提出自适应小生境克隆选择算法(ANCSA)。该算法运用自适应小生镜技术、高频变异算子和小生镜免疫优势选择技术来对原有算法进行改进。新算法具有较强的全局和局部搜索能力,并且搜索时间较短。理论分析和仿真研究结果表明,相比CLONALG算法,提出的算法能够在较短的时间内搜索到所有的全局最优解和更多的局部最优解。  相似文献   

融合微粒群的多种群协同进化免疫算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张英杰  刘朝华 《控制与决策》2010,25(11):1657-1662
提出一种融合微粒群的多种群协同免疫优势克隆选择算法(PMCICA).该算法将生态学中的协同进化思想引入人工免疫算法中,各子种群内部通过免疫优势克隆选择操作加快了种群收敛速度;所有子种群共享经过改进微粒群优化的高层优良库,实现了整个种群信息共享与协同进化.针对旅行商问题(TSP)的多个实验结果表明,该算法在收敛速度与最优解等方面均取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

分类是许多研究领域的关键问题,模糊规则的提取质量对分类器的性能又有着极大影响.所提取的规则不仅在分类能力上要达到最优,同时在规则数量上也不能太多,否则会影响规则搜索和匹配的速度.结合人工免疫的克隆选择原理,采用克隆选择算法,提取通过多精度模糊分割产生的大量模糊if—then规则中的少数精华规则,从而建立了模糊分类所需要的有效规则集合,同时还对优化目标函数进行了改进.经仿真实验证明,该方法所提取的模糊规则具有分类准确率高,规则数目较少等特点。  相似文献   

为了提高免疫克隆选择算法的搜索能力,提出了一种基于差分进化和免疫克隆选择算法的混合优化方法。该方法采用差分进化提高免疫克隆选择算法的抗体亲和度,并对该算法的收敛性进行了分析。为了测试该算法的有效性,将该算法应用于函数优化问题中。仿真结果表明,该方法具有更高的收敛速度和收敛精度。  相似文献   

免疫入侵检测理论中克隆选择是检测器进化的关键。传统克隆选择算法通过比较样本间的亲和力累加值筛选样本,该方法具有较低的时间复杂度,但也造成了检测器的高重叠,影响迭代效率。将检测器个体的筛选与进化转化为pareto最优解的求解过程,提出了多目标优化理论的检测器克隆选择算法。实验表明,检测器基数不变的情况下,该算法明显提升了每代种群在进化过程中的检测范围,精简了记忆检测器的数量,提高了检测阶段系统的检测率。  相似文献   

Clonal selection has been a dominant theme in many immune-inspired algorithms applied to machine learning and optimisation. We examine existing clonal selection algorithms for learning from a theoretical and empirical perspective and assert that the widely accepted computational interpretation of clonal selection is compromised both algorithmically and biologically. We suggest a more capable abstraction of the clonal selection principle grounded in probabilistic estimation and approximation and demonstrate how it addresses some of the shortcomings in existing algorithms. We further show that by recasting black-box optimisation as a learning problem, the same abstraction may be re-employed; thereby taking steps toward unifying the clonal selection principle and distinguishing it from natural selection.  相似文献   

以模糊神经网络( FNN)为基础,结合误差线性反馈构造了一种新型的非线性控制器. 非线性控制器的设计难点在于参数的确定问题,用传统的算法对控制器参数寻优时容易陷入局部收敛,难于取得可靠的参数,因此提出一种改进的免疫克隆选择算法,用于确定非线性控制器的最优参数. 倒立摆的仿真实验表明改进的免疫克隆算法在控制器参数寻优中取得良好的效果,所设计的控制器具有很强的非线性适应能力.  相似文献   

改进的克隆选择算法ICSA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统的克隆选择算法存在的不足,提出一种改进的克隆选择算法ICSA.该算法在克隆选择算法的基础上,利用负选择算法优化了克隆初始抗体群的生成方式,加入对抗原性质的评判环节,引入克隆选择动力学模型来模拟生物免疫系统中抗体增殖的动态行为,用以指导ICSA中的抗体增殖,并针对盾构地下工程风险实时识别的要求,采用了在线和增量式的学习方式,做到边学习、边识别、边更新.ICSA在标准数据集与盾构地下工程数据的仿真实验表明,在二分类模式识别上具有很高的分类性能.  相似文献   

如何确定模糊产生式规则的各项参数对模糊Petri网的建立具有重要意义,但一直是尚未解决的难题。首次把克隆选择算法引入到模糊Petri网的参数寻优过程,提出一种基于线程实现技术的参数优化算法,该算法实现不依赖于经验数据,对初始输入无严格要求。仿真实例表明,经克隆选择线程优化算法训练出的参数正确率较高,且所得的模糊Petri网具有较强的泛化能力和自适应功能。  相似文献   

层叠滤波器优化设计的核心是正布尔函数最优化的问题.为了提高优化速度并对层叠滤波器进行全局优化设计,提出了一种改进的克隆选择算法.该算法引入多克隆算子和记忆单元及保留群体同时进化的思想.多克隆算子中的个体克隆规模根据个体的亲和度浓度自适应变化;重组操作在父代记忆个体与子代变异后的记忆个体之间展开,避免了近亲繁殖;保留群体的变异保证了群体的多样性.实验结果证明,该算法优化的层叠滤波器能在较短的时间内得到较好的滤波结果.  相似文献   

针对克隆选择算法抗体群多样性有限和容易早熟等问题,提出了快速收敛的克隆选择算法.引入新型克隆算子,维持了抗体间促进与抑制的平衡;为了跳出局部最优,结合云模型的特征,给出了云自适应变异算子,与抗体重组算子合作,有效地增加了抗体的多样性,进而增强了算法的全局和局部搜索能力.对标准测试函数进行了仿真实验,并与其它算法进行了比较,比较结果表明,该算法寻优精度高、鲁棒性好、收敛速度快、时间复杂度不高.  相似文献   

Big data denotes a large amount of data which includes a wide range of such methodologies like big data collection, storage, analysis, and managing the data. Every data collected in this process (homogeneous or heterogeneous considered as data), we called as big data. In this article, fish colony and their social behavior are used recently for developing an algorithm, we called as novel represented as fish swarm optimization algorithm (FSOA), which is based on the fish swarm and its behavior while search for food. The shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) is one which we introduced recently for finding near optimal solutions. The technique of Hybrid FSO-SFLA is used here for evaluating performance in big data queries.  相似文献   

针对目前很少有将克隆选择算法应用到天线方向图综合领域的问题,研究了克隆选择优化算法在天线方向图综合问题中的应用,描述了仅对权值的相位进行编码的算法具体操作步骤,并在此基础上着重分析了相位编码的位数对优化结果的影响,分析结果表明,对权值相位进行四位编码也能得到比较理想的优化效果,使该算法的实用性得到了一定程度的验证.  相似文献   

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