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In an earlier paper the authors studied simplex codes of type α and β over and obtained some known binary linear and nonlinear codes as Gray images of these codes. In this correspondence, we study weight distributions of simplex codes of type α and β over The generalized Gray map is then used to construct binary codes. The linear codes meet the Griesmer bound and a few non-linear codes are obtained that meet the Plotkin/Johnson bound. We also give the weight hierarchies of the first order Reed-Muller codes over The above codes are also shown to satisfy the chain condition.A part of this paper is contained in his Ph.D. Thesis from IIT Kanpur, India  相似文献   

We give a precise expression for the universal weight function of the quantum affine algebra U q ( ). The calculations use the technique of projecting products of Drinfeld currents on the intersections of Borel subalgebras. __________ Translated from Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, Vol. 145, No. 1, pp. 3–34, October, 2005.  相似文献   

In this paper, we initiate the study of contact and minimal hypersurfaces in nearly Kaehler manifold \({\mathbb {S}}^3\times {\mathbb {S}}^3\) with a conformal vector field. There are three almost contact metric structures on a hypersurface of \({\mathbb {S}}^3\times {\mathbb {S}}^3\), and we will give some important properties of them. Besides, we study the influence of the conformal vector field on the almost contact metric structures and use it to characterize the hypersurfaces in \({\mathbb {S}}^3\times {\mathbb {S}}^3\).  相似文献   

Designs, Codes and Cryptography - Applications of permutation polynomials in cryptography are closely related to their cycle structures. For example, many block ciphers use permutation polynomials...  相似文献   

The goal of this article is two fold. First, using transcendental shift-like automorphisms of \(\mathbb C^k, ~k \ge 3\) we construct two examples of non-degenerate entire mappings with prescribed ranges. The first example exhibits an entire mapping of \(\mathbb C^k, ~k \ge 3\) whose range avoids a given polydisc but contains the complement of a slightly larger concentric polydisc. This generalizes a result of Dixon–Esterle in \(\mathbb C^2.\) The second example shows the existence of a Fatou–Bieberbach domain in \(\mathbb C^k,~k \ge 3\) that is constrained to lie in a prescribed region. This is motivated by similar results of Buzzard and Rosay–Rudin. In the second part we compute the order and type of entire mappings that parametrize one dimensional unstable manifolds for shift-like polynomial automorphisms and show how they can be used to prove a Yoccoz type inequality for this class of automorphisms.  相似文献   

We classify the profile curves of all surfaces with constant mean curvature in the product space , which are invariant under the action of a 1-parameter subgroup of isometries. The author was supported by INdAM (Italy) and Fapesp (Brazil).  相似文献   

In this work, we focus on cyclic codes over the ring \mathbbF2+u\mathbbF2+v\mathbbF2+uv\mathbbF2{{{\mathbb{F}}_2+u{\mathbb{F}}_2+v{\mathbb{F}}_2+uv{\mathbb{F}}_2}} , which is not a finite chain ring. We use ideas from group rings and works of AbuAlrub et.al. in (Des Codes Crypt 42:273–287, 2007) to characterize the ring (\mathbbF2+u\mathbbF2+v\mathbbF2+uv\mathbbF2)/(xn-1){({{\mathbb{F}}_2+u{\mathbb{F}}_2+v{\mathbb{F}}_2+uv{\mathbb{F}}_2})/(x^n-1)} and cyclic codes of odd length. Some good binary codes are obtained as the images of cyclic codes over \mathbbF2+u\mathbbF2+v\mathbbF2+uv\mathbbF2{{{\mathbb{F}}_2+u{\mathbb{F}}_2+v{\mathbb{F}}_2+uv{\mathbb{F}}_2}} under two Gray maps that are defined. We also characterize the binary images of cyclic codes over \mathbbF2+u\mathbbF2+v\mathbbF2+uv\mathbbF2{{{\mathbb{F}}_2+u{\mathbb{F}}_2+v{\mathbb{F}}_2+uv{\mathbb{F}}_2}} in general.  相似文献   

We derive bosonic-type formulas for the characters of 2 coinvariants.  相似文献   

the Alternating Segment Crank-Nicolson scheme for one-dimensional diffusion equation has been developed in [1],and the Alternating Block Crank-Nicolson method for two-dimensional problem in [2].The methods have the advantages of parallel computing,stability and good accuracy.In this paper for the two-dimensional diffusion equation,the net region is divided into bands,a special kind of block.This method is called the alternating Band Crank-Nicolson method.  相似文献   

In this paper we give the exact order of \(\sum\nolimits_{k = 1}^{\text{n}} {|{\text{x - x}}_{\text{k}} } |^5 .\) for any fixed nonnegative integers s and t, which is n?s, n?s lnn and n1?t for s≤t?2, s=t?1 and s≥t, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we prove that the Hurwitz space \(\mathcal {H}_{9,8}\), which parameterizes 8-sheeted covers of \({\mathbb P }^1\) by curves of genus 9, is unirational. Our construction leads to an explicit Macaulay2 code, which will randomly produce a nodal curve of degree 8 of geometric genus 9 with 12 double points and together with a pencil of degree 8.  相似文献   

We study permanence properties of the classes of stable and so-called -stable -algebras, respectively. More precisely, we show that a (X)-algebra A is stable if all its fibres are, provided that the underlying compact metrizable space X has finite covering dimension or that the Cuntz semigroup of A is almost unperforated (a condition which is automatically satisfied for -algebras absorbing the Jiang–Su algebra tensorially). Furthermore, we prove that if is a K 1-injective strongly self-absorbing -algebra, then A absorbs tensorially if and only if all its fibres do, again provided that X is finite-dimensional. This latter statement generalizes results of Blanchard and Kirchberg. We also show that the condition on the dimension of X cannot be dropped. Along the way, we obtain a useful characterization of when a -algebra with weakly unperforated Cuntz semigroup is stable, which allows us to show that stability passes to extensions of -absorbing -algebras. Research supported by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (through the SFB 478), by the EU-Network Quantum Spaces - Noncommutative Geometry (Contract No. HPRN-CT-2002-00280), and by the Center for Advanced Studies in Mathematics at Ben-Gurion University  相似文献   

In this paper, the large time decay of the magneto-micropolar fluid equations on \(\mathbb {R}^n\) (\( n=2,3\)) is studied. We show, for Leray global solutions, that \( \Vert ({\varvec{u}},{\varvec{w}},{\varvec{b}})(\cdot ,t) \Vert _{{L^2(\mathbb {R}^n)}} \rightarrow 0 \) as \(t \rightarrow \infty \) with arbitrary initial data in \( L^2(\mathbb {R}^n)\). When the vortex viscosity is present, we obtain a (faster) decay for the micro-rotational field: \( \Vert {\varvec{w}}(\cdot ,t) \Vert _{{L^2(\mathbb {R}^n)}} = o(t^{-1/2})\). Some related results are also included.  相似文献   

We give the fermionic character formulas for the spaces of coinvariants obtained from level k integrable representations of . We establish the functional realization of the spaces dual to the coinvariant spaces. We parameterize functions in the dual spaces by rigged partitions, and prove the recursion relations for the sets of rigged partitions.  相似文献   

We show a way to choose nice coordinates on a surface in and use this to study minimal surfaces. We show that only open parts of cylinders over a geodesic in are both minimal and flat. We also show that the condition that the projection of the direction tangent to onto the tangent space of the surface is a principal direction, is equivalent to the condition that the surface is normally flat in . We present classification theorems under the extra assumption of minimality or flatness. J. Fastenakels is a research assistant of the Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO). J. Van der Veken is a postdoctoral researcher supported by the Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO). This work was partially supported by project G.0432.07 of the Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO).  相似文献   

Let G be a p-nilpotent linear group on a finite vector space V of characteristic p. Suppose that |G||V| is odd. Let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of G. We show that there exist vectors \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) in V such that \(C_G(v_1) \cap C_G(v_2)=P\). A striking conjecture of Malle and Navarro offers a simple global criterion for the nilpotence (in the sense of Broué and Puig) of a p-block of a finite group. Our result implies that this conjecture holds for groups of odd order.  相似文献   

In this work we prove the existence of a nontrivial solution for a transmission problem on \({\mathbb{R}^{2}}\) with critical exponential growth, that is, the nonlinearity behaves like exp(α0 s 2) as |s| → ∞, for some α0 > 0.  相似文献   

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