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江苏儿童少年身体素质与形态、机能发育关系研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为研究探讨青春期身体素质与形态、机能发育的内在联系及规律,利用1995年全国学生体质调研江苏省的资料对上述内容进行了研究分析,现将结果报道如下。1对象与方法11对象:对照全国学生体质调研方案,采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取徐州、盐城、无锡、南京4市7~22岁在校学生为研究对象。12指标:形态指标包括身高、坐高、体重、胸围,机能指标以肺活量为代表;素质指标选择50m跑、立定跳远、立位体前屈3项指标。2结果与分析2.1形态指标:无论城乡男女生形态指标的发育均随年龄的增长而增加,最大值分别出现在2O‘21、22岁3个年龄组。从增长…  相似文献   

重庆市1997年中小学生身体形态与机能发育研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王宏  刘平 《中国学校卫生》1999,20(4):255-256
目的:了解重庆市中小学生生长发育现状和变化特点。方法:对1997年重庆市7-17岁中小学生的生长发育调查资料进行分析,并与本市1990年和全国1995年资料进行对比分析。结果:男生11-15岁,女生9-14岁为生长发育快速增长期;城市学生的生长发育好于乡村学生;男女生的形态发育出现两次交叉,机能发育无交叉。7年间,形态指标的发育在大多数年龄纷呈上升趋势,但均低于全国水平(P<0.01)。机能发育指标,无论城乡男女,绝大多数年龄组均低于1990年本市水平和1995年全国水平(P<0.01)。结论:重庆市中小学生形态发育存在长期增长趋势,而机能发育较差。  相似文献   

本文报道了439名蒙古族、汉族通婚后裔大学生形态、机能、身体素质的现状,并与汉族、蒙古族大学生进行比较。结果表明,后裔大学生体质发育总体水平相对较高,即超过原民族一方,接近或超过原民族另一方。  相似文献   

目的通过对7~22岁学生形态发育、生理机能的调查与分析,探索新世纪加强学生保健工作的策略和措施。方法按照《全国学生体质健康状况调查研究细则》、《学生体质健康标准(试行方案)》,以1998、2008年某市学生体质健康检查7~22岁学生为对象,调查他们的形态发育、生理机能状况,比较近10年来学生生长发育趋势和存在的问题。结果①形态发育水平继续提高,2008年某市学生身高、体重、胸围等指标各年龄组平均值都比1998年有显著增长;7~22岁学生身高、体重、胸围的平均增长量分别为4.50 cm、3.66 kg、2.79 cm,且各年龄段此三项体格生长指标的增长幅度男生普遍大于女生;同时,三项指标都以青春期的增长幅度为最大,儿童期次之。②生理机能发育:近10年来,某市学生肺活量普遍下降;而肺活量/体重指数在低年龄阶段呈负增长。结论近10年来某市学生形态发育水平全面增长,生理机能方面肺活量逐年下降。  相似文献   

[目的]了解淄博市城乡中小学生身体形态与机能发育状况。[方法]2001年在淄博市随机抽取城乡各2所中学、2所小学,对2838名7~18名学生进行身高、体重、胸围、肺活量与血压检测。[结果]城区学生身高、体重、胸围与肺活量总体高于农村学生。[结论]淄博市城区中小学生部分形态与机能指标总体高于农村学生,但低于山东省水平。  相似文献   

[目的 ]了解淄博市城乡中小学生身体形态与机能发育状况。 [方法 ] 2 0 0 1年在淄博市随机抽取城乡各 2所中学、2所小学 ,对 2 83 8名 7~ 18名学生进行身高、体重、胸围、肺活量与血压检测。 [结果 ]城区学生身高、体重、胸围与肺活量总体高于农村学生。 [结论 ]淄博市城区中小学生部分形态与机能指标总体高于农村学生 ,但低于山东省水平  相似文献   

男青少年体型与形态、机能、素质发育相互关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用希斯·卡特体型评价法,对1028名7~17岁北京城区男青少年进行了体型分析;比较了内、中、外胚三种体型男孩在骨龄、身高等28项形态、机能、素质发育上的差异。作者探讨了这些差异的产生原因,并就该体型评价法的应用前景作了讨论。  相似文献   

太原市女学生10年青春期发育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关彩萍  赵桂金 《中国校医》1999,13(3):179-180
为了解我市女学生青春期发育的变化规律、特点和发展趋势,我们将1985年与1995年我市女学生形态及第二性征的发育情况进行了分析比较。1资料来源本文资料来源于太原市1985年和1995年学生健康监测资料。两次监测形态指标均按《中国学生体质、健康调查研究测试细则》规定的方法测试,月经初潮用概率单位回归法计算半数月经初潮年龄。2结果与分析2.1初潮年龄太原市女学生半数月经初潮年龄1985年为14.26岁,1995年为13.58岁,10年间初潮年龄提前了0.68岁,与沈安等。周报告的结果基本一致。可见我市女学生月经初潮年龄存在着长期加速趋势,…  相似文献   

目的了解苏州市高职女生的膳食特点,为改善高职女生的膳食结构提供科学依据。方法采用称重法,膳食频率调查法和24h回顾法对414名住宿高职女生进行膳食调查;利用身高标准体重法评价高职女生的营养状况;用SPSS11.5软件进行数据的统计学分析。结果①高职女生营养不良率为11.35%,较低体重率为48.79%,超重、肥胖发生率为3.38%;②高职女生的水产品、蛋制品、奶制品、豆制品的每日消费数量较低;③高职女生的热能和部分营养素摄入均不足,特别是钙;3大物质供能比例均不合理;三餐热能分配不合理,早餐热能偏低,晚餐热能偏高。结论高职女生的营养状况较差,膳食结构不合理,应积极倡导平衡膳食、合理营养,提高学生的营养水平。  相似文献   

本文对 2 0 0 0年安徽省 1974名 192 2岁大学生身体形态、机能、素质发育进行分析及综合评价 ,并与1990同类资料比较。分析显示 ,形态、机能各项指标无随年龄增长现象 ,呈相对稳定。身高、体重、胸围、肺活量各指标发育均为城市高于农村 ;身体素质指标 ,除下肢爆发力外 ,其它各项均存在城乡差别。 2 0 0 0年与1990年比较显示 ,10年间身高、体重增长不明显 ;胸围、肺活量呈负增长 ;男女生耐力、女生速度、男生力量及柔韧性明显下降 ;下肢爆发力明显提高。身高胸围指数、克托莱指数及维尔维克指数 10年间无明显变化。体质综合评价 ,6 5 .2 5 %的学生为中等 ,14.94%为中上等 ,2 .0 3为上等 ,16 .6 7%为中下等 ,1.11%为下等。表明我省大学生体质状况一般。提示要改善营养状况 ,加强体育锻炼以提高学生体质水平。  相似文献   

安徽省7—18岁学生体质状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对安徽省7—18岁城乡学生1995年与1985年体质状况资料比较分析,显示本省学生生长发育过程符合生长发育的一般规律,形态发育水平明显提高;发育速度处于长期趋势快速增长阶段;发育高峰年龄有提前趋势;发育匀称度以细长型为主;呼吸机能的肺活量明显下降;身体素质发育有不同程度下降;本省学生体质状况处于全国平均水平以下。  相似文献   

目的探讨慢性阻塞性肺病(chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease,COPD)患者营养状况对肺通气功能的影响。方法对149例COPD患者根据其营养状况分为营养正常组和营养不良组,再进行肺通气功能测定,观察指标包括最大通气量(MVV),用力肺活量(FVC),第一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1),最大呼气流量(PEF),最大呼气中段流量(MMEF)。结果营养不良组与营养正常组比较,MVV、FVC、PEF、FEV1等反映呼吸肌的指标相差非常显著(P<0.001),且两组在COPD病程同一阶段(肺气肿、肺心病)肺通气功能各值比较也显示营养不良组呼吸肌力等指标比正常组降低明显(P<0.05)。结论COPD合并营养不良对与呼吸肌有关的肺通气功能指标有明显影响。  相似文献   

Objectives: To assess pancreatic exocrine function in patients with anorexia nervosa using a breath test with 13C-labeled mixed triglycerides (MTG-BT) and to determine the relationship between the test results and selected biochemical and hormonal parameters. Material and methods: Anthropometric measurements, biochemical and hormonal parameters (serum leptin, soluble leptin receptor (sLR), acylated and desacylated ghrelin, free leptin index (FLI)), and MTG-BT were performed in a group of 31 girls with the restrictive type of AN, as well as 38 healthy girls (C). Results: The average cumulative dose of 13C-triglycerides recovered with exhaled air (%CD) was similar in both study groups, while the average time from 13C-triglycerides administration to peak 13CO2 excretion in expired air (time to peak (TTP)) was significantly longer in patients with AN compared to C. In both groups, %CD correlated negatively with FLI. TTP correlated negatively with sLR and FLI in the AN and with serum insulin and HOMA-IR values in the C. Conclusions: In girls with AN, the pancreatic efficiency of lipase secretion was found to be normal, while the kinetics of this enzyme secretion were disturbed. These changes may result from disorders in the functioning of the adipose–insular and islet–acinar axes.  相似文献   

自杀意念少女3394例心理健康分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
应用问卷调查法对3394名有自杀意念少女心理健康调查,结果显示:少女自杀意念发生与家庭关系不和睦、学习成绩不及格、不良习惯、经期有情绪异常表现、性心理变化等多因素有关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨血液透析联合腹膜透析对尿毒症患者心功能及营养状态的影响.方法 98例尿毒症患者随机分为两组各49例,对照组采用腹膜透析治疗,观察组采用血液透析联合腹膜透析治疗,比较两组治疗前后的心功能、营养状态以及并发症.结果 治疗后,两组的LVEF、Hb含量、A1b含量均较治疗前显著升高,且观察组的各项指标均显著高于对照组...  相似文献   

Evidence accumulated to date suggests that excess weight in the adult population is associated with a wide range of impairments in executive function. However, most studies have only examined the influence of body mass index (BMI) on the cognitive function of individuals with overweight and obesity. This study examined the potential associations of markers of adiposity (BMI, body fat, and visceral fat) with five domains of executive function including cognitive flexibility, inhibition, monitoring, planning, and working memory in a sample of 87 adult with overweight (n = 34) and obesity (n = 53). The results show that obese people had poorer working memory than those with overweight. After controlling for educational levels and physical activity, the results suggest that neither the waist–hip index not visceral fat were associated with cognitive function. In overweight, body fat was negatively associated with executive components of inhibition (p = 0.05) and monitoring (p = 0.02). In the obesity subgroup, body fat was negatively associated with inhibition (0.02) and working memory (0.04). The results provide evidence of the importance of adiposity for cognitive function. The implications for understanding the influence of markers of adiposity in adults with overweight and obesity are discussed.  相似文献   

Data from a nationally representative survey of Ecuadorian households with reproductive-aged women (n = 10,784) were used to analyze the prevalence of household food insufficiency (HFI) and its association with sociodemographic characteristics, food acquisition and expenditure patterns, dietary diversity, and anthropometric indicators. Fifteen percent of households had food insufficiency and 15% had marginal food sufficiency. HFI was associated with poverty-linked indicators. Marginally food sufficient households reported social and economic capital than food which appeared protective against HFI. Food insufficiency was associated with reduced household acquisition/expenditures on high quality protein and micronutrient-rich food sources. HFI was not associated with adult or adolescent female overweight/obesity but was associated with short adult stature (< 1.45 m). The ongoing nutrition transition in Ecuador is expected to continue to modify population food security, diet, and nutrition. Systematic surveillance of household level food security is needed to inform recent food-related policies and programs implemented by the Ecuadorian government.  相似文献   

This study estimated the levels and differentials in nutritional status and dietary intake and relevant knowledge of adolescent girls in rural Bangladesh using data from the Baseline Survey 2004 of the National Nutrition Programme. A stratified two-stage random cluster-sampling was used for selecting 4,993 unmarried adolescent girls aged 13–18 years in 708 rural clusters. Female interviewers visited girls at home to record their education, occupation, dietary knowledge, seven-day food-frequency, intake of iron and folic acid, morbidity, weight, and height. They inquired mothers about age of their daughters and possessions of durable assets to divide households into asset quintiles. Results revealed that 26% of the girls were thin, with body mass index (BMI)-for-age <15th percentile), 0.3% obese (BMI-for-age >95th percentile), and 32% stunted (height-for-age ≤2SD). Risks of being thin and stunted were higher if girls had general morbidity in the last fortnight and foul-smelling vaginal discharge than their peers. Consumptions of non-staple good-quality food items in the last week were less frequent and correlated well positively with the household asset quintile. Girls of the highest asset quintile ate fish/meat 2.1 (55%) days more and egg/milk two (91%) days more than the girls in the lowest asset quintile. The overall dietary knowledge was low. More than half could not name the main food sources of energy and protein, and 36% were not aware of the importance of taking extra nutrients during adolescence for growth spurt. The use of iron supplement was 21% in nutrition-intervention areas compared to 8% in non-intervention areas. Factors associated with the increased use of iron supplements were related to awareness of the girls about extra nutrients and their access to mass media and education. Community-based adolescent-friendly health and nutrition education and services and economic development may improve the overall health and nutritional knowledge and status of adolescents.Key words: Adolescents, Dietary knowledge, Food frequency, Girls, Nutrition, Bangladesh  相似文献   

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