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从资料核查、在线监测设备核查、集控系统核查及现场核查4个环节详细介绍了火电厂总量减排现场核查的要点。对核查中出现的问题进行总结及分析,为同类环境管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The success of the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions requires that there are scientifically sound and usable measurement methods for the emission baseline. Three different methods are investigated in the context of China’s electrical sector: simulation with dispatch analysis, decomposition analysis, and operating and build margin analysis. It is found that dispatch analysis is the best method available as it is able to consider important regional and temporal dimensions, while decomposition analysis can help quantify the potential effects of different energy and environment policy choices.  相似文献   

In the evaluation of potentially adverse effects oforganic chemicals such as pesticides on theenvironment the atmosphere may play an important role.After its release to the atmosphere the chemical willbe transported/dispersed in the atmosphere and finallyit will be removed either by atmospheric-chemicaldestruction or by deposition to the underlying soil orsurface water. In a risk assessment decision supportsystem both ambient concentrations and depositionfluxes must be known to evaluate the risk of directexposure (inhalation) or the risk of soil and watercontamination caused by deposition. This paperdiscusses the use of atmospheric dispersion models insuch risk assessment decision support systems.  相似文献   

国内环境污染损害评估工作刚刚起步,科学评估环境污染损害数额成为亟需解决的问题。在分析国内环境污染损害赔偿现状的基础上,简述了开展污染损害评估的必要性。结合具体案例阐述了环境污染损害评估的计算方法,提出开展环境污染损害评估工作的建议及措施,包括建立高效的环境污染应急处置机制,开展预防为主的企业清洁生产审核验收和企业环境风险评价,建立终身责任追究、产权责任追究和连带责任追究制度等。  相似文献   

Sustainable development is a widespread concept. Indicator selection and sustainability assessment are basic methods to analyse the sustainable development process. This study aims to develop a software application to select indicators and to allocate weightings to the indicators and the sub-indexes, so that they can be listed in a sustainability assessment. The Visual Basic software is used to develop a software package based on Delphi, analytic hierarchy, normalization and combination processes. Software for sustainability assessment was developed. Thirty-five indicators are selected as a first step of which eight health indicators and eight environmental ones and their sub-indexes are given weightings. The indicators are normalized. Sub-indexes are combined into a composite sustainable development index. The model is validated showing the ‘main features’ of the sustainability situation on health and environmental aspects in the Quang Tri province during the period 2000–2005. The results support the decision-making process of the competent authorities.  相似文献   

Nuclear power plants are normally assumed to be safe when their radiation impact in all operational states is kept at a reasonably low level. However, accidentally released radioactive substances and ionizing radiation may lead to a situation that cannot maintain the regulatory prescribed dose limits for internal and external exposure of the personnel and population. Nuclear emergency preparedness and response in nuclear or radiological events have been of concern recently in international communities. Nuclear power plants may need to provide essential information regarding possible scenarios of accidental releases that might have short-term detrimental effects and long-term risks in nearby populated regions. This paper presents a synergistic integration of a source term model and a three-dimensional, time-dependent, numerical model (i.e., HOTMAC/RAPTAD), which was applied to simulate a specific scenario in which a vapor cloud was accidentally released from Maanshan (i.e., the third nuclear power plant) in South Taiwan. It aims at dealing with middle-range risk assessment for nuclear emergency preparedness and response. The solutions of such an integrated modeling platform can be found with numerical analyses that describe the processes of radionuclide generation, transport, decay, and deposition, giving the final risk assessment in a neighboring coastal city—Kaohsiung, South Taiwan. In addition, sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate the internal consistency of model parameters, which further support the application potentials. Such a modeling technique is valuable because it can characterize the fate and transport of radioactive nuclides over the long term. The case study in South Taiwan uniquely demonstrates the feasibility and significance of such model integration.  相似文献   

In the arid regions of Tunisia, considerable investments are being made to maintain the old water harvesting techniques and introduce new ones to capture the scarce amount of rainwater (100 mm to 230 mm annually) for agricultural and domestic purposes. However, no detailed assessment of the multiple effects and the costs and benefits of these techniques have been made so far. This paper summarizes the results of an in depth investigation of the multiple impacts (runoff mobilization, ground water recharge, agro-socio-economic impacts) of the water harvesting works undertaken in the watershed of oued Oum Zessar (southeastern Tunisia). The importance of interdisciplinary and integrated approaches was revealed through this detailed impact assessment and economic evaluation. In fact, the profitability of the water harvesting works depends largely on the criteria chosen. However, further refinements are needed to better include all possible impacts (positive and negative) that occur as a result of the installation of the water harvesting structures.  相似文献   

陆丰22-1是中国第一个正式弃置的海上油田,处于南海330m深水区.分析开发前期、中期及末期油田附近海域表层海水、表层沉积物和底栖甲壳类体内石油烃含量数据,结果表明油田附近海域环境质量较好,油田开发对环境的主要污染影响是表层海水和底栖生物体内石油类污染物质含量有所升高,尚未见生活污水和食品废弃物的排放对环境造成影响的迹...  相似文献   

This paper presents an air-quality surveillance system designed to detect the occurrence of air pollutant concentrations greater than a reference level in an urban area. The system is integrated by an air-quality monitoring network and atmospheric dispersion models simulations. An objective methodology to design an urban air-quality monitoring network is proposed. This methodology is based on the analysis of air-quality modelling results. The procedure is applied to design an air-quality monitoring network to control NO x concentration levels in Buenos Aires City. Results indicate that six monitors will detect the occurrence of concentration greater than the air-quality guidelines with an efficiency of about 67%. Once a violation is detected, results of atmospheric dispersion models will help in the determination of affected areas. Four possible examples are included to illustrate the assistance that the results of atmospheric dispersion models can bring to a better estimation of possible affected areas in the city. Combining these results with the last census data, an estimation of the inhabitants possibly exposed is obtained.  相似文献   

Ammonia, as a colorless gas with a sharp odor, is considered as one of the created odors in the composting and landfill of solid waste. We used experimental data to study the robustness of AERMOD and the forward Lagrangian stochastic (FLS) in predicting ammonia emission in short range. The study area was Kahrizak landfill and composting plants, Tehran, Iran. The boundary layer parameters for the FLS were calculated on the basis of mean values of temperature, wind speed, and direction. While, the boundary layers of AERMOD were computed on the basis of exact meteorological data. The results depicted that AERMOD prediction at distances less than 1000 m from the sources and the locations inside the sources were poor. However, the results of FLS indicated more agreement with the field measurement, which the coefficient of determination was 0.83. Both models predicted, in the distance of 2000 m from the source, the ammonia concentration would be insignificant.  相似文献   

This study reported the test done on ash-sludge mixture foramendment of soil in pot experiments. Ash-sludge mixture ratiostudies revealed that 1:5 fly ash-sludge mixture and 1:10 bottom ash-sludge mixture were the optimum mixture ratio thatminimized toxic element and provided sufficient nutrients. Experiments indicated that ash-sludge mixtures is more suitablefor amendment of acid soil than neutral soil which can increasesoil pH and reduce available heavy metal toxicity. The maximumheavy metal adsorption occurred in a pH range of 4 to 6 for allsoil studied. The finding also revealed that fly ash applicationseemed more effective than bottom ash, due to its higher loadingrate and metal contents. Heavy metal toxicity was monitored usingseed germination test. Marigold and tomato seeds were the two crops selected for this test. Seed germination test result showsthat percentage of seed germination increased in pot experimentswith sludge only and ash-sludge mixtures. In addition, higherpercentages of seed germination were observed to vary with longer incubation time (1–8 weeks). After week 12 of the incubation period, percentage of seed germination began to decline, as a result of reduced soil pH and release of toxic heavy metals.  相似文献   

环境健康风险评估是生态环境和卫生健康管理决策制定的重要依据之一,从政策制定、技术规范、制度试点、能力建设和管理应用等方面分析了我国环境健康风险评估工作现状。指出,我国环境健康风险评估制度存在各部门对环境健康风险评估的认识偏差,部门职责不清晰,管理需求不明确,技术体系不完善等问题。提出,生态环境和卫生健康部门应结合各自职责与需求制定相关工作办法,开展试点探索,条件成熟时制定专门法律;厘清生态环境和卫生健康部门在环境健康风险管理中的职责;紧密围绕生态环境和卫生健康管理需求,开展环境健康风险评估工作;借鉴国外经验,完善环境健康风险评估技术规范体系;从机构设置、技术队伍培训、合作共享、学术交流等方面提升环境健康风险评估能力。  相似文献   

安徽某燃煤电厂周边土壤汞分布特征及风险评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
结合当地气象条件,采集了安徽某燃煤电厂周边地区的土壤,采用冷原子吸收法测定其汞含量,应用地统计学和地理信息系统方法分析了电厂周边表层土壤汞含量的空间分布特性,分析了土壤中汞与理化性质之间的相关性,并进行了风险评价。结果表明,电厂周边表层土壤汞含量范围为0.015~0.076 mg/kg,平均值为0.029 mg/kg,虽未超过国家允许的标准,但与当地背景值及安徽省土壤汞含量相比均有一定程度的增加;土壤汞含量的总体分布特征为除距排放源1~2 km的环形区域受影响最大外,污染程度随着与电厂距离的增大而递减,汞含量空间分布受主导风向影响呈现明显的条带分布。相比于单因子污染指数法和地累积指数法,潜在生态危害指数评价法能更好地反映燃煤电厂周围土壤中汞的污染水平和生态风险程度。土壤汞含量与土壤理化性质之间存在不同程度的相关性。  相似文献   

选用黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum Lam.)和紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)做盆栽试验,研究百花湖表层沉积物与植物体中重金属Cu、Zn、Cd的形态分布特征。结果表明:沉积物经植物修复后,3种重金属的可交换态均有所减少,而铁/锰态均有不同程度的增加,说明植物生长对重金属形态变化具有一定的影响;在2种植物体中,茎叶中的Cu主要以活性较高的水提取态存在,Zn主要以活性较低的醋酸提取态存在,Cd以氯化钠提取态为优势形态;相关性分析表明,黑麦草根部Cu的总量与沉积物中Cu的总量及可交换态和残渣态呈现显著的正相关,紫花苜蓿中Zn的总量与沉积物中Zn的不同形态有正或负的相关性。  相似文献   

Species richness of local communities is a state variable commonly used in community ecology and conservation biology. Investigation of spatial and temporal variations in richness and identification of factors associated with these variations form a basis for specifying management plans, evaluating these plans, and for testing hypotheses of theoretical interest. However, estimation of species richness is not trivial: species can be missed by investigators during sampling sessions. Sampling artifacts can lead to erroneous conclusions on spatial and temporal variation in species richness. Here we use data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey to estimate parameters describing the state of bird communities in the Mid-Atlantic Assessment (MAIA) region: species richness, extinction probability, turnover and relative species richness. We use a recently developed approach to estimation of species richness and related parameters that does not require the assumption that all the species are detected during sampling efforts. The information presented here is intended to visualize the state of bird communities in the MAIA region. We provide information on 1975 and 1990. We also quantified the changes between these years. We summarized and mapped the community attributes at a scale of management interest (watershed units).  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess the consequences of the amendments made to the Kyoto Protocol during COP 7 in Marrakech. The major issue of hot air and CDM transaction costs is examined using the CERT model to show that primary supply regions, typically those with hot air availability, might control the emissions reduction permit supply market and maximise net export revenues of permit supply by withholding 40 to 60% of available hot air credits. The assumption that primary permit suppliers control permit price via a restriction of hot air supply to the market will inadvertently leave a portion of the market share open to non-Annex B CDM supply, despite potentially extreme variance in CDM transaction costs. A summary table of policy implications on the emissions reduction permit market is also included.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecosystems around the world, lake, estuaries and coastal areas are increasingly impacted by anthropogenic pollutants through different sources such as agricultural, industrial and urban discharges, atmospheric deposition and terrestrial drainage. Lake Victoria is the second largest lake in the world and the largest tropical lake. Bordered by Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya, it provides a livelihood for millions of Africans in the region. However, the lake is under threat from eutrophication, a huge decline in the number of native fish species caused by several factors including loss of biodiversity, over fishing and pollution has been recently documented. Increasing usage of pesticides and insecticides in the adjacent agricultural areas as well as mercury contamination from processing of gold ore on the southern shores are currently considered among the most emergent phenomena of chemical contamination in the lake. By the application of globally consistent and comprehensive geospatial data-sets based on remote sensing integrated with information on heavy metals accumulation and insecticides exposure in native and alien fish populations, the present study aims at assessing the environmental risk associated to the contamination of the Lake Victoria water body on fish health, land cover distribution, biodiversity and the agricultural area surrounding the lake. By the elaboration of Landsat 7 TM data of November 2002 and Landsat 7 TM 1986 we have calculated the agriculture area which borders the Lake Victoria bay, which is an upland plain. This process has greatly enhanced nutrient loading to the soil, which is subsequently transported to the lake by rain or as dry fall. All the data has been insert in the Geographical information System (ARCGIS) to be upgraded and consulted. Heavy metals in fish fillets showed concentrations rather low except for mercury being higher than others as already described in previous investigations. In the same tissue, cholinesterases activity (ChE) as an indicator of insecticides exposure showed significant differences among fish species in both activity and sensitivity of selected inhibitor insecticides. This integrated approach aims at identifying and quantifying selected aquatic environmental issues which integrated with monitoring techniques such as contaminant concentrations and biological responses to insecticides exposure in fish populations will provide a scientific basis for aquatic zones management and assist in policy formulations at the national and international levels.  相似文献   

以陕西省3个典型区域的3条高速公路为例,在构建高速公路水土保持生态服务功能价值评价体系并确定各评价指标计算方法的基础上,全面分析了高速公路水土保持的生态服务功能价值。旨在相互交流的基础上,为后期同类工程水土保持投资预算设计和资金管理使用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a system dynamics model for simulating the impact of different strategies on urban traffic’s energy consumption and carbon emissions. Based on a case study in Beijing, the model includes three subsystems: (1) urban traffic, (2) population and economy, and (3) energy consumption and carbon emissions. First, the model is used to decompose the impact of different vehicles on energy consumption and carbon emissions. Decomposition results show that private cars have the most significant impact on urban traffic’s energy consumption and carbon emissions; however, total vehicle kilometers traveled by private cars are the smallest among four trip modes. Then, the model is used to simulate different urban traffic policies. Policies are categorized as follows: (a) driving restrictions on vehicle registration numbers, (b) a scheme for vehicle registrations via a lottery system, and (c) development of public transportation infrastructures. Scenario simulation results show that all those measures can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. Though the last strategy (c) contains several delays, its effect is more stable and far-reaching. Finally, some recommendations about easing traffic pressure and reducing traffic emissions are given.  相似文献   

A local-scale spatially refined multimedia fate model (LSRMFM) was developed to evaluate in detail the multimedia transport of organic compounds at a spatial level. The model was derived using a combination of an advection?Cdispersion?Creaction partial differential equation, a steady-state multimedia fugacity model, and a geographical information system. The model was applied to predicting four major volatile organic compounds that are produced as emissions (benzene, toluene, xylene, and styrene) in an urban and industrial area (the 50?×?50-km area was divided into 0.5?×?0.5-km segments) in Korea. To test the accuracy of the model, the LSRMFM was used to predict the extent of dispersion and the data compared with actual measured concentrations and the results of a generic multimedia fate model (GMFM). The results indicated that the method developed herein is appropriate for predicting long-term multimedia pollution. However, the comparison study also illustrated that the developed model has some limitations (e.g., steady-state assumption) in terms of explaining all the observed concentrations, and additional verification and study (e.g., validation using a large observed data set, integration with a more accurate runoff model) would be desirable. In comparing LSRMFM and GMFM, discrepancies between the LSRMFM and GMFM outputs were found, as the result of geographical effects, even though the environmental parameters were identical. The geographical variation for LSRMFM output indicated the existence of considerable local human and ecological risks, whereas the GMFM output indicated less average risk. These results demonstrate that the model has the potential for improving the management of pollutant levels under these refined spatial conditions.  相似文献   

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