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Culturable heterotrophic bacterial and phytoplanktonic densities were investigated at four sites in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Brindisi, S. Cataldo, Otranto and S. M. di Leuca) over an annual cycle. The main phytoplankton groups, the bacterial biodiversity, as well as the faecal contamination indicators were determined. Culturable bacterial numbers averaged 4.8 ± 0.2 log CFU ml−1 whereas phytoplankton numbers averaged 2.1 ± 0.4 log cells ml−1. Relationships between culturable bacteria, phytoplankton and the environmental factors were established. Bacterial and phytoplankton densities usually depended significantly on temperature, dissolved oxygen, phosphate and nitrite only in the S. Cataldo transect. In all the examined transects phytoplankton showed a bloom during the January–February period followed by a bacterial peak during the February–March period. Thus we can suppose that the phytoplankton winter bloom is responsible for the availabily of organic matter for bacterial populations in the following months in this oligotrophic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Sampling of the offshore seabed sediments of southwestern part of the Caspian Sea was carried out by gravity corer in order to study heavy metal concentration and the physicochemical factors controlling their distribution in the fine-grained fraction. The grain size distribution, amount, and type of clay minerals, total organic carbon (TOC) content, and Eh–pH of the sediments were determined. The average concentrations of the heavy metals in ppm are Mn (563), Cu (207.5), Sr (187), Zn (94), Pb (26.3), Ni (14.5), Co (11.5), Cd (2.56), and Ag (1.04) in their order of abundances. Co and Zn mostly indicate increase in silt-size fraction of the sediments suggesting their probable detrital provenance but the Mn, Ni, Cu, Sr, Pb, Cd, and Ag concentrations show a similar trend to distribution of the clay-size fraction. The concentrations of Mn, Co, and Cd increase with increase in the TOC content but the Cu, Pb, Ni, Ag, and Sr concentrations decrease with increase of the TOC content. The amounts of Zn, Cu, Sr, Pb, Cd, and Ag increase with increase in the CaCO3 content. The calculated enrichment factor indicates that the sediments are very strong to extremely enriched in Ag, significantly enriched in Cu and Cd, and depleted to mineral for Pb, Sr, Co, Ni, and Zn. Variations of the Cu, Sr, Cd, Ag, and Pb concentrations are similar to the clay and CaCO3 distributions.  相似文献   

基于数据驱动的水质预测模型存在局限性,对突发水质异常事件的预测效果不佳。该研究选取钱塘江南源流域马戍口监测断面为研究对象,综合采用相关性分析方法对水质异常事件的主要影响因素进行分析,明确流域内、外因及土壤条件对水质异常指标的影响程度,探究造成模型局限性的深层原因。结果表明:异常水质的影响因素及其耦合机制复杂多变,异常浊度受降雨量、径流量的直接影响更大,异常高锰酸盐指数与温度、降雨量相关关系更明显,而总磷、总氮的异常变化与相对湿度、降雨量、径流量具有相关关系。研究结果对于提高气候变化背景下的水质预报能力具有重要的参考价值,可为自然流域水污染防治提供科学参考。  相似文献   

This study is focused on twenty trace elements (Ag, Ba, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Ga, In, Mn, Mo, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, Zn) accumulation in muscles of five sturgeon species (Acipenser guldenstaedti, A. persicus, A. nudiventris, A. stellatus and Huso huso) from the southern part of the Caspian Sea. Moreover the relationships between some biological characteristics and the levels of the selected elements as well as inter-elemental relationships were assessed. The samples (10 specimens for each the five species) were collected from two important sturgeon fishery zones located in the Iranian part of the Sea in 2002. Concentrations of the elements were determined using ICPMS. Only in the case of Cs could significant differences between two selected sampling areas be detected. There were significant differences in levels of Co, Ga, Rb, Sn, Ti, Pb and Bi in muscles of the species. Only in the case of Cd weight related differences among the species were found. The significant length dependent relationships were observed for Ga and Ba. Patterns of elements accumulation were assessed by statistical methods and compared to the other researches. In all the cases, the amounts of toxic trace elements (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) were markedly below the international guidelines for human consumption.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the trophic state of the southern coastal waters of the Caspian Sea, trophic index (TRIX) as well as numerical analysis using cluster and discriminant analysis were employed in this study. Chemical and biological parameters (NO3, NO2, NH4, PT, DO, and Chla) used in this study were collected seasonally from summer 1999 to spring 2000. A new trophic index developed by modification of TRIX indicated mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions for the Caspian Sea. Numerical analysis revealed three groups of the study area and it was found that the used methods are in good agreement. Both of them predicted poor to moderate conditions in the western part of the study area and the numerical classification predicted trophic conditions in the study area. However, TRIX was found to be a more accurate and suitable method. It performs more conservatively than the numerical classification and characterized lower classes of water quality for the stations in central and eastern parts of the study area.  相似文献   

In this study, a structural decomposition method was applied to research the factors affecting the changes in air pollution emissions in China. Based on 1995–2009 data from the World IO Database, we combine China’s (Import) Noncompetitive IO Table and the Environmental Account Table. The results indicate that emission intensities represent the most important factor for reducing air pollution emissions in China. In contrast, economies of scale and the intermediate input product structure constitute the major causes for acceleration in the growth of air pollution emissions in China. From the perspective of final demand, the economic scale effect caused by investment demand is the main reason for this accelerated growth in China’s air pollution emissions in recent years. Consumption-driven economic growth is cleaner, while investment-driven economic growth is dirtier. This study constructed a structure decomposition model based on the input-output tables, which is suitable for studying the driving forces of various economic indicators, such as energy, carbon dioxide, and economic growth. At the same time, this method is helpful for analyzing the factors that influence changes in economic indicators that result from different economic pull modes, such as the final demand mode. However, the model does have limitations; for example, it does not consider the difference between general trade and processing trade in exports.  相似文献   

A Landscape Ecology Assessment of the Tensas River Basin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A group of landscape ecological indicators were applied to biophysical data masked to the Tensas River Basin. The indicators were used to identify and prioritize sources of nutrients in a Mississippi/Atchafalaya River System sub-basin. Remotely sensed data were used for change detection assessment. With these methods, we were able to look at land use practices over the past twenty years in the Tensas River Basin of Louisiana. A simple land use classification was applied to multispectral scanner (MSS) data from 1972 and 1991. The landscape analysis methods described in this paper will show how to use these methods to assess the impact of human land use practices that are being implemented to improve environmental quality. Landscape assessment methods can be used as a simple, timely, cost effective approach for monitoring, targeting, and modeling ecosystem health in watersheds. Although this study was conducted in the southeast, the methods described in this paper may be applicable to western landscapes.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to evaluate the heavy metal contamination in the marine environment of the Caspian Sea of Iran. The concentrations of zinc, chromium, cadmium, and lead were measured in water and dorsal muscle of fish sampled from 10 selected stations along Gorgan coast using atomic absorption spectrophotometry during summer of 2011. The average concentrations of lead in water and fish samples (115.29?±?14.78 and 113.23?±?27.01 μg/L) were significantly higher than that of cadmium and chromium (P?<?0.05). The highest heavy metals content was observed in Cyprinus carpio samples. The heavy metals concentrations in the samples were within the acceptable recommended standards. But, elevating levels of heavy metals in water and fish made a serious concern about ecosystem and food chain contamination. It is recommended that protective authorities should carry out a continual assessment on the levels of pollutants in the sea.  相似文献   

The Haraz River is one of the most significant rivers in the southern Caspian Sea basin. Towards the estuary, the river receives discharges of industrial, agricultural, and urban wastes. In the present investigation, bulk concentrations of Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb, Fe, Ni, Cr, Co, and Sr in Haraz River (Iran) bed sediments were measured from several sample locations. In addition, association of studied metals with various sedimentary phases was assessed to determine the proportions of metals in different forms. The intensity of sediment contamination was evaluated using an enrichment factor (EF), geo-accumulation index (Igeo), and a newly developed pollution index (Ipoll). Both EF and Igeo formulae compare present concentrations of metals to their background levels in crust and shale, respectively. In a specific area with its own geological background like Haraz River water basin where naturally high concentrations of metals may be found, such a comparison may lead to biased conclusions regarding levels of anthropogenic contamination. Accordingly, chemical partitioning results are substituted for the mean crust and shale levels in the new index (Ipoll). The Pearson correlation coefficient between the anthropogenic portion of metallic pollution in Haraz river-bed sediments with Ipoll showed much more value in comparison with those of geochemical accumulation index and enrichment factor. The order of metals introduced by anthropogenic activities are as follows: Sr > Pb > Co > Cd > Zn > Cu > Ni > As > Cr > Fe. The results showed relatively higher concentrations of Cd, As, Sr, and Pb in comparison with those of shale. However, based on the chemical partitioning of metals, it is found that Sr, Pb, Co, and Cd are the most mobile metals. In spite of the high As concentrations in sediments, it is not likely that this element is a major hazard for the aquatic environment since it is found mainly in the residual fraction. Also, Fe, Cr, and Ni are present in the greatest percentages in the residual fraction, which implies that these metals are strongly linked to the sediments.  相似文献   

Assessment of big floods in the Eastern Black Sea Basin of Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, general knowledge and some details of the floods in Eastern Black Sea Basin of Turkey are presented. Brief hydro-meteorological analysis of selected nine floods and detailed analysis of the greatest flood are given. In the studied area, 51 big floods have taken place between 1955–2005 years, causing 258 deaths and nearly US $500,000,000 of damage. Most of the floods have occurred in June, July and August. It is concluded that especially for the rainstorms that have caused significantly damages, the return periods of the rainfall heights and resultant flood discharges have gone up to 250 and 500 years, respectively. A general agreement is observed between the return periods of rains and resultant floods. It is concluded that there has been no significant climate change to cause increases in flood harms. The most important human factors to increase the damage are determined as wrong and illegal land use, deforestation and wrong urbanization and settlement, psychological and technical factors. Some structural and non-structural measures to mitigate flood damages are also included in the paper. Structural measures include dykes and flood levees. Main non-structural measures include flood warning system, modification of land use, watershed management and improvement, flood insurance, organization of flood management studies, coordination between related institutions and education of the people and informing of the stakeholders.  相似文献   

官厅水库浮游植物功能群季节演替及其驱动因子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
官厅水库是北京市重要的水源地,其生态环境问题一直深受社会关注。以浮游植物功能群调查为基础,于2010年春夏秋三季对官厅水库进行生态调查,根据水库水环境特征,在永1000、妫1018+1、河口3个不同生境区域设置采样点,进行浮游植物水样采集。共鉴定出浮游植物112种(包括变种),分属于6门52属。浮游植物种类组成:绿藻门23属49种,占种类总数的43.75%;硅藻门12属34种,占30.36%;蓝藻门10属19种,占16.96%;裸藻门4属7种,占6.25%;甲藻门2属2种,占1.79%;隐藻门1属1种,占0.89%。浮游植物丰度秋季(8 889.97×10~4个/L)夏季(7 157.39×10~4个/L)春季(868.97×10~4个/L),三季均值为5 638.78×10~4个/L。3个季节里浮游植物划分为18个功能群,代表性功能群的季节演替为春季(F/MP/H1/C/D/G/W1)→夏季(Tc/M/Wo/C/N/X3/LM)→秋季(Tc/H1/C/D/W1/P)。利用典范对应分析方法,对同步取得的p、TN、TP、WT等环境因子与浮游植物功能群分之间的相关性进行分析。结果显示,WT、p、TP、NH_4-N是官厅水库浮游植物功能群演替的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

The distribution of fly ash that is discharged in the form of slurry from a power plant situated on the southern coast of the Black Sea was simulated with a transport model that used the velocity fields produced by isopycnic modelling. It is shown that a significant amount of ash is deposited in the vicinity of the discharge location. The ash remaining in the water column settles in a manner dependent on the direction and intensity of the local current regime. Generally, summer and spring are found to be seasons when the circulation is weak and the ash dispersion is confined to the shore. The model results are conditional upon obtaining observational data for validation.  相似文献   

The distribution of fly ash that is discharged in the form of slurry from a power plant situated on the southern coast of the Black Sea was simulated with a transport model that used the velocity fields produced by isopycnic modelling. It is shown that a significant amount of ash is deposited in the vicinity of the discharge location. The ash remaining in the water column settles in a manner dependent on the direction and intensity of the local current regime. Generally, summer and spring are found to be seasons when the circulation is weak and the ash dispersion is confined to the shore. The model results are conditional upon obtaining observational data for validation.  相似文献   

Pesticide applications to agricultural lands in California, USA, are reported to a central data base, while data on water and sediment quality are collected by a number of monitoring programs. Data from both sources are geo-referenced, allowing spatial analysis of relationships between pesticide application rates and the chemical and biological condition of water bodies. This study collected data from 12 watersheds, selected to represent a range of pesticide usage. Water quality parameters were measured during six surveys of stream sites receiving runoff from the selected watershed areas. This study had three objectives: to evaluate the usefulness of pesticide application data in selecting regional monitoring sites, to provide information for generating and testing hypotheses about pesticide fate and effects, and to determine whether in-stream nitrate concentration was a useful surrogate indicator for regional monitoring of toxic substances. Significant correlations were observed between pesticide application rates and in-stream pesticide concentrations (p < 0.05) and toxicity (p < 0.10). In-stream nitrate concentrations were not significantly correlated with either the amount of pesticides applied, in-stream pesticide concentrations, or in-stream toxicity (all p > 0.30). Neither total watershed area nor the area in which pesticide usage was reported correlated significantly with the amount of pesticides applied, in-stream pesticide concentrations, or in-stream toxicity (all p > 0.14). In-stream pesticide concentrations and effects were more closely related to the intensity of pesticide use than to the area under cultivation.  相似文献   

The level of mercury, iron, copper, and zinc was measured in 18 Great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) collected from Anzali and Gomishan wetlands in the south of the Caspian Sea. The mean level of metals in dried tissues of the muscle, liver, and kidney was 2.26, 5.71, 3.79—Hg; 943.54, 379.97, 348.05—Fe; 42.64, 14.78, 60.79—Cu, and 71.97, 134.63, 77.82—Zn, respectively (mg/kg). There was no significant different between genders in terms of accumulation of metals, except for copper in the kidney. The results of Pearson correlation showed a positive and strong relationship between the fat in the liver and mercury (r?=?0.95, R2?=?0.90). Also, there was a significant difference between the values of all metals with the allowable limits presented in EPA, WHO, and CCME, where all of values were above standard levels. Thus, as the muscles of the bird are sometimes eaten by humans, this result is a serious warning. Nevertheless, the relatively high levels of heavy metals accumulated in different tissues of Great cormorant at that time are a result of their high weight and nourishment they have at the terminal days of their migration due to lack of natural physical activity. Regarding to the importance of heavy metals in birds, we suggest the same study to be conducted on the species in other seasons and wetlands.  相似文献   

厦门水库水体颗粒物分布特征及其与环境因子的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了厦门湖边水库、石兜-坂头水库水体颗粒物的分布特征及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:(1)水体颗粒物平均含量以坂头库区最高,石兜库区次之,湖边水库最低,平均含量分别为31.9、27.7和23.1mg/L;在空间分布上,不同水库或库区、不同采样站位间,由于水体颗粒物的来源成因不同,其分布规律呈现出明显的差异。(2)从水体颗粒物与环境因子的关联度分析,湖边水库及石兜-坂头水库两个库区的水体颗粒物与总氮和总磷都有较大关联性。(3)利用Pearson积矩相关系数(两尾)进行检验,湖边水库及石兜-坂头水库两个库区的水体颗粒物均与总氮呈显著或极显著相关,与透明度呈显著负相关,与叶绿素a均呈负相关,与其它因子的相关规律性不明显。(4)水体颗粒物与环境因子的逐步回归分析表明,在不同的水库或库区,对水体颗粒物有显著影响的环境因子各不相同,湖边水库是高锰酸盐指数和总氮,石兜库区是高锰酸盐指数、总氮和总磷,坂头库区是pH、溶解氧和总磷。  相似文献   

We studied correlation between crown conditions and tree-ring widths in 260 trees of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) growing on 33 sites in southern Sweden. The tree-ring increment over 1998-2002 was highest in trees with healthy crowns, intermediate in trees with moderately declined crowns, and lowest in trees with heavily declining crowns. The time period with significant correlation between crown status and tree-ring increment varied between 10 years (given autocorrelation in tree-ring chronologies preserved) and 4 years (autocorrelation removed). In pairwise comparisons of three crown classes, differences in tree-ring increment between trees with healthy crowns and trees with heavily declining crowns were the most pronounced, Fisher LSD P value staying below 0.05 over 13 years (autocorrelation preserved ) or 4 years (autocorrelation removed). Over two 5-year periods (1993-1997 vs. 1998-2002) the cumulative increment increased significantly for trees with healthy crowns, did not change in trees with moderately declining crowns, and significantly decreased in trees with heavily declining crowns. For trees with healthy crowns, this dynamics may represent growth recovery after 1992 drought. Instead, oaks with defoliation above 60% appear to reach a threshold in their ability to recover growth. At sites on nutrient-poor soils cumulative increments over 1998-2002 differed significantly among trees with different crown condition and no differences were observed at sites on nutrient-rich soils. Analyses and interpretation of the oak growth trends as recovered from tree-ring chronologies may be improved by controlling for the crown status of the trees sampled, e.g., by using sampling strategy that would represent the average crown and growth conditions of the sites.  相似文献   

水环境对景观格局的变化极为敏感,水域(湿地)面积、分布格局、水质、水文特征等的变化,与土地变化和人类活动有着密切的关系,明确影响水质变化的关键景观因子,对于深入了解景观格局对水质的影响机制具有重要的研究价值.该研究选择广东省汕头市练江流域为研究对象,以2019年TM卫星影像、水质监测以及工业点源污染数据为基础,利用Sp...  相似文献   

运用2013—2016年贵阳市环境空气自动监测站臭氧(O_3)的监测数据以及气象观测资料,分析该地区近地面O_3浓度的时空变化特征及与气象因子的关联性。结果表明,近年来贵阳市近地面O_3小时浓度均值有逐年升高趋势,增速为1. 1~5. 0μg/(m~3·a)。O_3浓度昼间变化呈明显单峰形分布,08:00左右出现最低值,15:00—16:00达到最大峰值,浓度高值主要分布在12:00—18:00。日照时数每增加1 h,则近地面O_3日最大8 h平均浓度增加8μg/m~3左右,日照时数大于8 h,则近地面O_3日最大8 h平均浓度超过100μg/m~3; O_3小时浓度与温度呈正相关(r=0. 724,α=0. 01),与相对湿度呈负相关(r=-0. 531,α=0. 01)。当日照时数大于8 h、温度超过25℃、相对湿度小于60%时,贵阳市近地面O_3容易出现高浓度值。  相似文献   

Scale is important to consider when investigating effects of the environment on a species. Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data and landscape metrics derived from aerial photographs were evaluated to determine how relationships of bird abundances with landscape variables changed over a continuous range of 16 spatial scales. We analyzed the average number of birds per stop (1985–1994) for five songbird species (family Cardinalidae) for each of 50 stops on 198 BBS transects throughout six states in the Central Plains, USA. Land along each transect was categorized into six cover types, and landscape metrics of fractal dimension (a measure of shape complexity of habitat patches), edge density, patch density, and percent area were calculated, with principal components used to construct composite environmental variables. Associations of bird abundances and landscape variables changed in accordance with small scale changes. Abundances of three species were correlated with edge density and one with component I, which subsumes initial variables of patch density for urban, closed forest, open forest, and open country. Fractal dimension and component II (summarizing amount of closed forest versus open country) were associated with the most species. Correlation patterns of fractal dimension with northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) and painted bunting (Passerina ciris) abundances were similar, with highest correlations at intermediate to small scales, suggesting indirectly that these species thrive in areas where local habitat conditions are most important. Multiscale analysis can provide insight into the spatial scale(s) at which species respond, a topic of intrinsic scientific interest with applied implications for researchers establishing protocols to assess and monitor avian populations.  相似文献   

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