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Autonomic signs and symptoms are a common feature of epileptic seizures. Although sympathetic activation responses are predominant, we can also find sympathetic inhibition and even an activation of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, especially in partial seizures. These autonomic symptoms during seizures are thought to be the result of neuronal discharges arising from or spreading to cortical areas of the central autonomic network. Mydriasis, most commonly bilateral, is one of the most frequent findings. The patient described, a middle-aged man with a focal lesion in the right temporal lobe extended to the adjacent hypothalamus, presented with episodes of autonomic symptoms including prominent unilateral mydriasis, finally evolving into a state of decreased alertness. An ictal electroencephalogram and a simultaneous video recording supported the clinical impression of an epileptic aetiology. Unilateral mydriasis is a rare condition during epileptic seizures and very few cases have been reported in the past.  相似文献   

Cardiac rhythm during temporal lobe seizures.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We studied the neuroanatomic correlates of ictal tachycardia in 27 seizures from five patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy being evaluated with bilateral temporal lobe depth electrodes and orbitofrontal subdural electrodes. There were 11 complex partial seizures, three simple partial seizures, and 13 subclinical seizures. For all seizures, heart rate (HR) increased in a graded fashion as new cortical regions anywhere in the brain were recruited into the seizure. HR plateaued at the new level despite EEG frequency changes until the next region became involved. Increases in HR did not correlate with increased duration of seizures but rather with volume of brain involved. Restricted amygdaloid seizure activity was generally insufficient to alter HR. We conclude that the amygdala has a limited role in modulating HR during seizures, and ictal tachycardia depends principally on the volume of cerebral structures recruited into a seizure.  相似文献   

Dystonic posturing in temporal lobe seizures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Somatomotor manifestations in temporal lobe seizures   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
Some authors include somatomotor manifestations (SMM) among the clinical features of temporal lobe seizures in man; however, data are limited and conflicting. This study describes 101 seizures recorded during stereo-EEG explorations in 50 patients, selected on the basis of the demonstration of onset in temporal lobe structures (stereo-EEG) and the presence of lateralized SMM and/or secondary generalization (SG). SMM and SG were present in about 20% of our population of patients with temporal seizures explored with stereo-EEG, and were only rarely observed during the first 10 s (early SMM) of the seizures (less than 10%). Seizures characterized by early SMM were generally induced by electrical stimulation or chemical activation and only exceptionally spontaneous. In all cases the ictal electrical discharge also involved at an early stage extratemporal structures such as the rolandic operculum, the parietal lobe, or contralateral temporal structures. In most cases (greater than 90%) SMM represented a late (greater than 10 s) event in the ictal symptomatology. The face and the upper limb were by far the most frequently involved segments. Thirty-eight percent of seizures ended up in SG. The associated ictal symptomatology was rather poor and differed from our previous findings in temporal lobe seizures: oroalimentary automatisms were relatively rare, whereas an impairment of consciousness was observed in more than 50% of seizures. The critical electrical discharge had a long duration and always involved extratemporal structures in one or both hemispheres. The involvement of the central region could be demonstrated in all patients with deep electrodes in that region. In conclusion, SMM are not characteristic of temporal lobe seizures, and their presence indicates spreading of the critical discharge beyond the temporal lobe.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the reliability of clinical history and seizure semiology for distinguishing between frontal lobe seizures (FLS) and temporal lobe seizures (TLS). FLS patients (n=23) were consecutively identified through an epilepsy surgery database. TLS patients (n=27) were selected randomly from 238 patients who had undergone temporal lobe surgery for epilepsy. The criterion standard for seizure localization was the location of resective epilepsy surgery that controlled seizures for a minimum of 2 years. Blinded comparisons of 13 historical information items (HII) and 19 video-recorded semiologic features (VSF) were made. We identified 3 HII (sex, history of febrile convulsions, and history of generalized tonic-clonic seizures) and 2 VSF (fencing posturing and postictal confusion) that significantly distinguished between FLS and TLS. The multivariate analysis model correctly identified 87% of FLS patients and 74% of TLS patients. No single HII or VSF is sufficient for distinguishing between FLS and TLS. A model integrating multiple HII and VSF may assist in this differentiation, but some patients still may be misclassified.  相似文献   

Experimental study on temporal lobe focal seizures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Familial temporal lobe epilepsy with febrile seizures   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Described are the clinical, EEG, MR, and genetic characteristics of 106 members of a family with autosomal dominant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and febrile seizures (FS), with 22 affected individuals. Eleven patients had a history of FS, and 10 patients had TLE. EEG showed epileptic activity in five. None had hippocampal sclerosis. There was no evidence for linkage to 13 candidate loci. This large family with autosomal dominant TLE has a distinct phenotype and shows no linkage to known candidate regions for familial partial epilepsy and FS.  相似文献   

Automatisms during frontal lobe epileptic seizures.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Three new cases of automatisms occurring during frontal lobe epileptic seizures are reported. If these cases are added to those already published and adequately described in the literature, a total of 12 cases is obtained. An attempt is made to elucidate the clinical characteristics of automatisms encountered during frontal lobe seizures. This kind of automatism would seem to be clinically distinguishable from other types.  相似文献   

The authors recorded 10 to 67 TLS (mean 29) in 10 patients (5 M, 5 F; 9 to 41 years, mean 23) during 'acute' (4-6 hours) stereo-EEG exploration. At the onset of seizures, we observed: subjective manifestations (often epigastric), autonomic symptoms, and oro-alimentary 'automatisms'. Affective, unpleasant, manifestations occurred in only 2 patients. The discharges may only affect the Ammon's horn, but they never involve only the amygdala. There is a strong relationship between the duration of the discharge, the number of cerebral structures (temporal and, later, extratemporal) involved in the discharge, and the clinical symptomatology. Somatomotor lateralized manifestations, and gestural 'automatisms' only occur when the discharges spread to extratemporal cerebral structures. The secondary generalizations are very rare and are also linked to a large extratemporal spread of the discharge.  相似文献   

Sleep-related hyperkinetic seizures are a common feature of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy. Although sleep-related seizures with a temporal lobe origin have been reported, they commonly lack hyperkinetic activity. The authors describe three patients with sleep-related seizures characterized by frenetic, agitated, hyperactive movements (bimanual/bipedal activity, rocking, axial, pelvic, and hemiballistic movements), in whom stereo-EEG investigation and surgical outcome demonstrated a temporal lobe origin of the attacks.  相似文献   

Purpose: Secondarily generalized tonic–clonic seizure (SGTCS) may occur rarely in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), but SGTCS is the major risk factor for sudden death and for seizure‐related fatal injuries. Our aim was to investigate clinical factors associated with the occurrence of SGTCS in TLE by addressing two questions: (1) What clinical features differentiate patients with TLE who regularly had SGTCS from those who did not? (2) Is there an association of secondarily generalized seizures with preceding seizure elements and clinical data? Methods: We included 171 patients with TLE (mean age 34.4 ± 10) who participated in our presurgical evaluation program, which included continuous video–electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Patients had a temporal lobectomy as a result of mesial or neocortical TLE. To reevaluate the archived seizures, we selected the consecutively recorded seizures of each patient. If the patient had more than three recorded seizures, then we reevaluated only the first three. Altogether video‐recorded seizures of 402 patients were reanalyzed. Key Findings: A positive association between the presence of hippocampal sclerosis on the MRI and SGTCS in the patient history was found, whereas ictal speech and pedal automatism showed a negative association with a SGTCS history. The age of patients showed a positive association, whereas patient’s reactivity before and during the seizure, oral/pedal automatisms, and vocalizations showed a negative association with secondary generalization of a focal‐onset seizure during video‐EEG monitoring. Significance: Clinical features associated with SGTCS may help clinicians during presurgical monitoring identify high‐risk patients for SGTCS. Our study may help in understanding the pathophysiology of secondary generalization.  相似文献   

The ictal increase of regional cerebral blood flow has yet to be fully utilised in the investigation of focal seizures. Although single photon emission tomography (SPECT) is being increasingly used in the localisation of epileptic foci, the evolution and time courses of the peri-ictal perfusion changes have yet to be clarified. We performed serial SPECT studies in the interictal, ictal and immediate postictal states in 12 patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy to define the patterns and duration of peri-ictal cerebral blood flow changes. Visual analysis showed a constant pattern of unilateral global increases in temporal lobe perfusion during seizures which suddenly switched to a pattern of relative mesial temporal (hippocampal) hyperperfusion and lateral temporal hypoperfusion in the immediate postictal period. Quantitative analysis confirmed the visual assessment. Lateral temporal cortex ictal/normal side to side ratios were increased by mean 35.1% (95% confidence interval 21.8% to 48.4%) more in the ictal studies than in the interictal studies and mesial temporal cortex ratios increased by mean 30.8% (22.4% to 39.2%). In the postictal state, however, lateral temporal ratios were reduced by mean 7.7% (-15.8% to 0.4%) compared with interictal values, whereas mesial temporal perfusion was maintained compared with the interictal studies. These observations provide critical information for interpreting scans which can be used in the localisation of epileptic foci. This postictal switch in blood flow patterns may reflect the underlying metabolic processes of neuronal activation and recovery and have implications for understanding the neurobiology of human epileptic seizures.  相似文献   

Speech manifestations in lateralization of temporal lobe seizures   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
To evaluate the role of speech manifestations in lateralization of temporal lobe seizures, we reviewed videotapes of 100 complex partial seizures in 35 patients who underwent temporal lobectomy for intractable epilepsy. All patients had prolonged electroencephalographic video monitoring with scalp and subdural electrodes, and their speech dominance was determined with an intracarotid amobarbital test. Speech manifestations were observed in 79 seizures and were classified as vocalization, normal speech, or abnormal speech. Vocalization of sounds without speech quality occurred ictally in 48.5% of patients. Normal speech (identifiable speech) occurred ictally in 34.2% of patients. Abnormal speech (speech arrest, dysphasia, dysarthria, and nonidentifiable speech) occurred in 51.4% of patients, either ictally or postictally. Of all the above speech manifestations, only postictal dysphasia and ictal identifiable speech had significant lateralizing value: 92% of patients with postictal dysphasia had their seizures originating from the dominant temporal lobe (p less than 0.001), and 83% of those with ictal identifiable speech had their seizures from the nondominant side (p = 0.013). This study shows that speech manifestations are common in complex partial seizures of temporal lobe origin and can provide an excellent clinical tool for lateralization of seizure onset.  相似文献   

The authors report the clinical and polygraphic features of rhythmic teeth grinding observed in a patient as the predominant symptom related to temporal lobe seizures during sleep and wakefulness. This observation demonstrates that exceptionally a teeth-grinding event can be not only a parasomnia (sleep bruxism) but also an epileptic-related motor event. Electromyographic and autonomic features of seizure-related teeth grinding support the interpretation of this motor phenomenon as a particular form of masticatory activity.  相似文献   

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