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The effect of laser defocusing on analytical performance of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (LA-ICP-AES) was studied by varying laser focus conditions with respect to the surface of a low-alloy steel and a powdered sediment pellet. Laser-induced plasma (LIP) and LA-ICP-AES emission signals and LIP excitation temperatures (LIP Tex) were determined and compared for different laser defocus conditions. LIP Fe and LA-ICP-AES Fe emission signals and LIP Tex decreased when the laser was defocused for the low-alloy steel. On the other hand, when the sediment pellet was ablated, LIP Tex decreased when the laser was defocused. However, LA-ICP-AES Fe emission signals increased at first, then decreased when the laser was defocused more. It was concluded that LIP Tex and LIP and LA-ICP-AES Fe emission signals are dependent on laser shot conditions (focus–defocus), and are also dependent on sample type (texture, mineralogy, hardness, conductivity and heat capacity).  相似文献   

Analytical performance of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) depends critically on the interaction between the laser light and the sample. The analyte emission line intensity in ICP-AES depends on the quantity of mass ablated. The effect of laser parameters (wavelength, pulse duration, and power density) was investigated for increasing the quantity of ablated mass. For fixed laser beam energy, the ablated mass can change 2 to 3 orders of magnitude by changing the laser beam spot size on the sample. The ablated mass quantity also depends on laser pulse duration and wavelength; and on ambient gas in the sample chamber. The shorter the pulse duration and wavelength, the higher the quantity of ablated mass. By using He in the chamber, the amount of mass increases by a factor of 2 for 30 ns excimer laser ablation and by an order of magnitude for ps-laser ablation.  相似文献   

Potential of infrared laser ablation (LA) coupled with ICP-AES as a technique suitable for the determination of trace elements (Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and V) in agricultural soils was studied. Operating parameters such as laser beam energy, laser beam focusing with respect to the sample surface, and velocity of the sample translation in the plane perpendicular to the laser beam were optimized. Soil samples were mixed with powdered Ag as a binder, and an internal standard (GeO(2)), and pressed into pellets. Calibration samples were prepared by adding known amounts of oxides of elements of interest into soils of known elemental composition and then processed in the same way as the analyzed samples. Calibration curves were found to be linear at least up to several hundreds of mg kg(-1) for the elements of interest. The elemental contents obtained by using LA-ICP-AES were compared with those obtained by analysis using wet chemistry followed by ICP-AES with pneumatic nebulization (PN). The results were in good agreement. Accuracy was also tested using certified reference soils with a bias not exceeding 10% relative.  相似文献   

The ablation properties and analytical behavior of a uranium-zirconium alloy have been examined using tandem laser ablation/pneumatic nebulization sample introduction in conjunction with inductively coupled atomic emission spectrometry (LA-ICP-AES). An apparent change in composition of the laser ablation aerosol (1–15 GW cm−2 Zr deficient, 40–250 GW cm−2 Zr rich) is observed. This phenomenon is independent of laser wavelength. After collection and bulk chemical analysis of the ablation product, this phenomenon is attributed to an atomization interference in the ICP.

Two distinct modes of laser ablation have been observed which depend upon the wavelength of the ablating laser (visible or near infrared). These two modes result in characteristic ablation crater types and analyte emission behavior. Ablation yields at 1064 nm are dependent upon laser power density only, whilst yields at 532 nm are dependent upon both laser power density and illumination area. The latter is considered to be symptomatic of direct interaction of the laser light with the surface, and the former, of indirect coupling of laser energy, via a micro-plasma, into the surface.  相似文献   

The applicability of laser ablation (LA) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometry for assessing elemental distributions in layered ceramics was investigated and compared with electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). Ordinary glazed wall tiles were employed as model specimens due to their defined structure and composition. They were used for calibration in the analysis of ancient pottery. A qualitative depth profile was acquired by single-spot laser drilling perpendicular to coatings with a Nd:YAG (1064 nm) laser coupled with an ICP optical emission spectrometer (OES). The lower lateral resolution associated with the laser spot diameter of 1.0 mm led to smoothing of the depth profile due to the averaging of local irregularities. In addition, transverse line scans by ablation across the tile section using an ArF* (193 nm) laser coupled with an ICP mass spectrometer (MS) were performed. LA-ICP-OES depth profiles and LA-ICP-MS transverse scans were validated by EPMA section scans and 2D back-scattered electrons images. The LA-ICP-OES acquisition was less dependent on sample surface and layer irregularities, whereas the transverse line scan over the tile section with the small-spot beam offered insight into the micromorphology of the individual layer. The combined approach revealed the occurrence of individual mineral grains, micro-heterogeneities and the character of interfaces between layers.  相似文献   

H Yasuhara  T Okano  Y Matsumura 《The Analyst》1992,117(3):395-399
A rapid quantitative analysis of the trace elements in steel by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is described. The conditions for laser ablation and normalization methods to improve the analytical precision are given. The optimum conditions for laser ablation were achieved when the ion yield was a maximum at the focus position in the fixed Q pulse mode, and above the focus position in the Q-switched pulse mode. It was found that the fixed Q pulse mode was most suitable for the determination of trace metal elements in steel, and that the Q-switched pulse mode was most suitable for both non-metallic elements and elements with a high boiling-point. In order to improve the analytical precision for those elements with a strong background intensity, normalization methods with both the matrix ion, 57Fe+, and 38Ar+ are proposed.  相似文献   

A study was made about the possibility of extracting complex precipitates, containing carbides, nitrides, intermetallic compounds, from low-alloy steels, high-alloy steels and heat-resistant super alloys by single electrolysis operation, followed by the simultaneous determination of all metallic elements in the precipitates by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). As a result, it was found that 4–5 metallic elements, such as Nb, Mo and Cr, whose determination had been considered difficult even by wet chemical analysis, can be simultaneously determined in the dissolved state in which Na2S2O7 and tartaric acid (20%) added for the treatment of precipitates are concomitants.ICP-AES simplifies the analytical operation considerably and shortens the analytical time from about 18 h by conventional methods to about 1 h.  相似文献   

The use of an external argon gas added to the aerosol gas allowed the study of the influence of either the residence time or the amount of aerosol in inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry by modifying the energy transfer between the surrounding plasma and the central channel. The variation of the signal emission is strongly dependent on the line energy. The variation is the most sensitive for atomic lines with excitation energy above 5 eV and a maximum variation is obtained between 11.5 and 12.5 eV (energy sum) for ionic lines. Consequences for temperature measurements and possible processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent regulation in Japan requires more sensitive trace analysis methods for the determination of arsenic and selenium and their oxidation states As(III) and (V), Se(IV) and (VI). The hydride generation (HG) technique is usually used in combination with AAS and ICP-AES to increase sensitivity. However, hydrochloric acid is mostly used to acidify the sample solution in HG. Isobaric interferences due to chlorine-related species cause mass spectral problems when the same solution is used for the determination of these elements by ICP-MS. In this study, different oxidation states of As and Se were determined by coupling ion chromatography (IC) to an ICP-AES instrument. An HG technique was used to introduce test samples into the ICP. Nitric acid was employed to acidify the samples for HG. The concentrations of acid and base were kept as low as possible to reduce contamination. The formation of As and Se hydrides could be achieved without HCl, if the concentrations of acid and alkaline solutions were optimized. However, HCl was necessary for additional reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV).  相似文献   

Recent regulation in Japan requires more sensitive trace analysis methods for the determination of arsenic and selenium and their oxidation states As(III) and (V), Se(IV) and (VI). The hydride generation (HG) technique is usually used in combination with AAS and ICP-AES to increase sensitivity. However, hydrochloric acid is mostly used to acidify the sample solution in HG. Isobaric interferences due to chlorine-related species cause mass spectral problems when the same solution is used for the determination of these elements by ICP-MS. In this study, different oxidation states of As and Se were determined by coupling ion chromatography (IC) to an ICP-AES instrument. An HG technique was used to introduce test samples into the ICP. Nitric acid was employed to acidify the samples for HG. The concentrations of acid and base were kept as low as possible to reduce contamination. The formation of As and Se hydrides could be achieved without HCl, if the concentrations of acid and alkaline solutions were optimized. However, HCl was necessary for additional reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV).  相似文献   

Wet-milling protocol was employed to produce pressed powder tablets with excellent cohesion and homogeneity suitable for laser ablation (LA) analysis of volatile and refractive elements in sediment. The influence of sample preparation on analytical performance was also investigated, including sample homogeneity, accuracy and limit of detection. Milling in volatile solvent for 40 min ensured sample is well mixed and could reasonably recover both volatile (Hg) and refractive (Zr) elements. With the exception of Cr (−52%) and Nb (+26%) major, minor and trace elements in STSD-1 and MESS-3 could be analysed within ±20% of the certified values. Comparison of the method with total digestion method using HF was tested by analysing 10 different sediment samples. The laser method recovers significantly higher amounts of analytes such as Ag, Cd, Sn and Sn than the total digestion method making it a more robust method for elements across the periodic table. LA-ICP-MS also eliminates the interferences from chemical reagents as well as the health and safety risks associated with digestion processes. Therefore, it can be considered as an enhanced method for the analysis of heterogeneous matrices such as river sediments.  相似文献   

In order to study in ICP-AES, the influence of the plasma operating conditions, power and carrier gas flow rate, and of the optical transition on non-spectral matrix interferences, line-rich elements such as Mn, Cr and Cu have been selected. Selection of a large pool of lines was possible because of the use of multichannel solid-state detection. An axially viewed plasma was used. Matrices were K, Na, Li, Ca and Mg. Matrix effect was evaluated by comparing the signals for test elements in water. Use of robust conditions led to an almost flat response, while non-robust conditions led to a significant scattering of the signal changes. In the case of Mn, the z7P Mn multiplet was exemplified as it contains not only the most Mn sensitive line, the Mn II 257.610 nm resonance line, but also the 259.372 and 260.568 nm resonance lines, and the non-resonant Mn II 343.897 nm line. Even under robust conditions, the non-resonant line exhibited a different behavior. The difference with the other resonance lines was reduced by using an axially viewed ICP with a large injector id, or suppressed by using a radially viewed ICP. In the case of Cr, the z6D Cr II multiplet was selected as it contains three resonant lines linked to the a6S fundamental, and other non-resonant lines. The behavior was identical under robust conditions, while an abnormal behavior was observed for the Cr II 334.78 nm line under non-robust conditions, depending on the extent of these non-robust conditions. Cu was an interesting element as ionic lines lie in the energy sum range 15.96–16.26 eV, i.e. slightly above the Ar ionization energy. It was shown that, under robust conditions, the line behavior was not similar although the energy range was small. Moreover, this behavior was depending on the ICP system used for the experiment. It was concluded that not only the magnitude of matrix effects depends on the operating conditions but also may depend on the optical transition, illustrating the complexity of these effects.  相似文献   

Thirteen arsenous acid samples of known origins and refining methods were collected. Each sample was subjected to quantitative analysis of any impurity elements present using synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (SR-XRF) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The trace elements selected were Sn, Sb and Bi for the reasons that they were considered not to be changed by their circumstances and that they showed high sensitivity to SR-XRF. These results obtained by both methods were compared and the correlation between these two methods was determined. The quantification of trace impurities obtained by SR-XRF using As as an internal standard showed good agreement with the results obtained by ICP-AES. The discrimination of refining method became possible by the comparison of these impurities' contents measured with non-destructive SR-XRF using several arsenous acid particles.  相似文献   

Two multielemental analytical techniques, X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) were used for the analysis of the elemental composition of sediment samples from a marsh and standard reference materials. The sediment samples were pretreated with different methods which are widely used in practice. A comparison was made not only between the concentrations obtained by the different methods, but also between the statistical conclusions derived from the processing of the experimental results. Good agreement was found for some elements, e.g. Mn, Zn and Sr, while the concentrations and the statistical conclusions were shown to depend on the analytical method used in the case of other elements, e.g. Fe and Zr.  相似文献   

Two lasers working in the UV part of the spectrum have been used for the direct analysis of glass samples by laser ablation ICP-AES. An XeCl excimer laser (308 nm) and a Nd:YAG laser operating at the third harmonic (355 nm) and the fourth harmonic (266 nm) have been selected. The energy was 70 mJ and 5 mJ for the excimer laser and the Nd:YAG laser, respectively, with a 10 Hz repetition rate. Figures of merit such as repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy and limits of detection have been studied. Si was used as an internal standard to improve the repeatability, the reproducibility and the accuracy. Use of internal standardardization led to an RSD of less than 1% for most elements and to a linear calibration graph irrespective of the colour of the glass samples. Limits of detection in the solid were of the same magnitude as those obtained using sample dissolution and pneumatic nebulization. Results confirmed that the XeCl laser provided the best results of detection whereas the Nd:YAG laser, particularly at 266 nm, was less sensitive to glass colour.  相似文献   

The determination of total chromium in different streams of tannery effluents were carried out by the digestion of samples in a HNO(3)/H(2)SO(4) mixture followed by KMnO(4) oxidation, which resulted in the complete conversion of Cr(III) to Cr(VI). The Cr(VI) (Cr(2)O(7)(2-)) species present in these samples were estimated by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and UV-visible spectrophotometry (1,5-diphenyl carbazide method). The results obtained from these methods were critically evaluated. UV-visible spectrophotometry was found to be better suited for this analysis when compared with the other two methods. Since these solutions contain relatively high concentrations of chromium (200-2400 mg/l), the need for preconcentration did not arise. The higher values obtained in the case of ICP-AES and FAAS methods can be attributed to the matrix effect arising out of high concentration of mineral acids and electrolytes. In addition, the values obtained in the latter methods (ICP-AES and FAAS) are comparable with each other, indicating that the interferences influence the results almost equally in both techniques. The statistical treatment of data indicates that the differences between the methods are within the acceptable range.  相似文献   

The source of signal variations that governs the analytical performance of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was investigated in this study. In order to specify the source of signal variations of LA-ICP-MS, laser-induced plasma (LIP) Fe emission, LA-ICP-MS Fe+ and LA-ICP-MS Ni+ signals were used as internal standards for the determination of trace elements in low-alloy steel certified reference materials (BS 50D and JSS 1005-1008). Fe 1373.5 nm emission signals from LIP were measured, while trace element LA-ICP-MS signals were collected. After that, the LIP emission signals, LA-ICP-MS Fe+ and LA-ICP-MS Ni+ signals were used as internal standards, and the analytical performance was evaluated by the RSDs and the correlation coefficients (r) of the calibration curves. The improvement factors were dependent on the internal standardization methods. Analytical precisions (RSDs) of trace element LA-ICP-MS signals were improved by factors of 1.5-3.3 using LIP Fe emission signals as an internal standard. The improvement factors of 2.5 - 5.9 and 4.1 - 17 were obtained by using LA-ICP-MS Fe+ and LA-ICP-MS Ni+ signals as internal standards, respectively. Better correlation coefficients (r) were also obtained using the LA-ICP-MS signal compensation (0.9985 by LA-ICP-MS Fe+ and 0.9996 by LA-ICP-MS Ni+) rather than the LIP Fe emission compensation (0.9932). In this paper we compare and discuss the analytical performance achieved by LA-ICP-MS using LIP Fe emission, LA-ICP-MS Fe+ and LA-ICP-MS Ni+ signals as internal standards.  相似文献   

Infrared laser ablation (IR-LA) has been studied as a sample introduction technique for the analysis of sintered cobalt-cemented tungsten carbide materials by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Fractionation of cobalt was observed. Linearity of calibration plots was verified at least up to 15% Ti, 8% Ta, and 3% Nb. Above 1% (m/m) Ti, Ta, and Nb, the repeatability of results was better than 3% R.S.D. The relative uncertainty at the centroid of the calibration line was in the range from +/- 3% to +/- 4% for Ti, Ta, and Nb with internal standardization by tungsten and up to +/- 5% without internal standardization. The limits of detection were 0.004% Ti, 0.001% Ta, and 0.004% Nb. Elimination of the cemented hardmetal dissolution procedure is the main advantage of this method.  相似文献   

A new method for the detection of trace elements in polar ice cores using laser ablation with subsequent inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis is described. To enable direct analysis of frozen ice samples a special laser ablation chamber was constructed. Direct analysis reduces the risk of contamination. The defined removal of material from the ice surface by means of a laser beam leads to higher spatial resolution (300-1000 microm) in comparison to investigations with molten ice samples. This is helpful for the detection of element signatures in annual layers of ice cores. The method was applied to the successful determination of traces for the elements Mg, Al, Fe, Zn, Cd, Pb, some rare-earth elements (REE) and minor constituents such as Ca and Na in ice cores. These selected elements serve as tracer elements for certain sources and their element signatures detected in polar ice cores can give hints to climate changes in the past. We report results from measurements of frozen ice samples, the achievable signal intensities, standard deviations and calibration graphs as well as the first signal progression of 205Pb in an 8,000-year-old ice core sample from Greenland. In addition, the first picture of a crater on an ice surface burnt by an IR laser made by cryogenic scanning electron microscopy is presented.  相似文献   

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