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This paper shows the behavior of a Pt/Ba/γ–Al2O3 automotive catalyst in a fixed bed reactor during cyclic operation at lean and rich gas phase conditions at short (seconds) and long (hours) cycling times at different temperatures. Reactor exit gas phase concentrations have been measured and catalyst properties have been determined before and after selective cycling experiments. The experimental results indicate that: (i) Upon 9 h lean and 15 h rich cycling, the NO oxidation efficiency of the catalyst decreases with time while incomplete regeneration is seen, even after 15 h rich exposure with H2. The cyclic steady state is reached after 3 lean/rich cycles, at which only 60% of the available barium is involved in the NOx storage/reduction. (ii) The BET surface area, pore volume, and Pt dispersion decrease by approximately 40%, which may be a result of masking of Pt sites or blocking of pores of the barium clusters as BaCO3 becomes Ba(NO3)2. Experiments with catalyst pellet sizes of 180 and 280 μm along with XPS measurements show that blocking of catalyst pellet pores is not taking place. (iii) When applying lean/rich cycling in the order of seconds, it appears that catalyst history and lean/rich timing affect the number of cycles required to arrive at a closed N balance. XRD results after lean exposure confirm the formation of barium nitrate in the bulk of the barium cluster.  相似文献   

The reaction between hydrogen and NO was studied over 1 wt.% Pd supported on NOx-sorbing material, MnOx–CeO2, at low temperatures. The result of pulse mode reactions suggest that NOx adsorbed as nitrate and/or nitrite on MnOx–CeO2 was reduced by hydrogen, which was spilt-over from Pd catalyst. The NOx storage and reduction (NSR) cycles were carried out over Pd/MnOx–CeO2 in a conventional flow reactor at 150 °C. In a storage step, NO was removed by the oxidative adsorption from a stream of 0.04–0.08% NO, 5–10% O2, and He balance. This was followed by a reducing step, where a stream of 1% H2/He was supplied to ensure the conversion of nitrate/nitrite to N2 and thus restore the adsorbability. It was revealed that the NSR cycle is much more suitable for the H2–deNOx process in excess O2, compared to a conventional steady state reaction mode.  相似文献   

A new catalyst for NOx storage/reduction was prepared to improve the activity of Ba-Pt/γ-Al2O3 by replacing Ba with a mixture of Ba and Mg. The catalyst was prepared by impregnating 1 wt.% Pt and then the alkaline-earth metals (Mg, Ba) on commercial γ-Al2O3. The tests have been carried out in a wide temperature range (ca. 200–400 °C) in order to understand the role of the mixture of alkaline-earth metals as a function of temperature. The behaviour of the two catalysts was different and indicated a synergetic effect between Mg and Ba.  相似文献   

The effect of different reducing agents (H2, CO, C3H6 and C3H8) on the reduction of stored NOx over PM/BaO/Al2O3 catalysts (PM = Pt, Pd or Rh) at 350, 250 and 150 °C was studied by the use of both NO2-TPD and transient reactor experiments. With the aim of comparing the different reducing agents and precious metals, constant molar reduction capacity was used during the reduction period for samples with the same molar amount of precious metal. The results reveal that H2 and CO have a relatively high NOx reduction efficiency compared to C3H6 and especially C3H8 that does not show any NOx reduction ability except at 350 °C over Pd/BaO/Al2O3. The type of precious metals affects the NOx storage-reduction properties, where the Pd/BaO/Al2O3 catalyst shows both a high storage and a high reduction ability. The Rh/BaO/Al2O3 catalyst shows a high reduction ability but a relatively low NOx storage capacity.  相似文献   

Transient behaviour of catalytic monolith converter with NOx storage is studied under conditions typical for automobiles with lean-burn engines (i.e., diesel and advanced gasoline ones). Periodical alternation of inlet concentrations is applied—NOx are adsorbed on the catalyst surface during a long reductant-lean phase (2–3 min) and then reduced to N2 within a short reductant-rich phase (2–6 s). Samples of industrial NOx storage and reduction catalyst of NM/Ba/CeO2/γ-Al2O3 type (NM = noble metal), washcoated on 400 cpsi cordierite substrate, are used in the study. Effects of the rich-phase length and composition on the overall NOx conversions are examined experimentally. Reduction of NOx by CO, H2 and unburned hydrocarbons (represented by C3H6) in the presence of CO2 and H2O is considered.

Effective, spatially 1D, heterogeneous mathematical model of catalytic monolith with NOx and oxygen storage capacity is described. The minimum set of experiments needed for the evaluation of relevant reaction kinetic parameters is discussed: (i) CO, H2 and HC oxidation light-off under both lean and rich conditions, including inhibition effects, (ii) NO/NO2 transformation, (iii) NOx storage, including temperature dependence of effective NOx storage capacity, (iv) water gas shift and steam reforming under rich conditions, i.e., in situ production of hydrogen, (v) oxygen storage and reduction, including temperature dependence of effective oxygen storage capacity, and (vi) NOx desorption and reduction under rich conditions. The experimental data are compared with the simulation results.  相似文献   

NOx adsorption/desorption capacities of barium aluminates and BaSnO3 were measured under representative exhaust gas mixture at temperatures below 550°C and compared to those of bulk BaO. The capacities are high and the test of sorption–desorption is reproducible on barium aluminate and BaSnO3, while this is not the case on BaO. The difference is due to the electronic environment of barium oxide. If BaO is not engaged in a chemical bond, progressive formation of high stability carbonates is observed. This is not the case with barium aluminate and BaSnO3, where carbonation does not take place because the competition between nitrate and carbonate formation is in favour of the nitrate due to its chemical nature. An N-bounded nitrate, with IR frequencies at 1360 and 1415 cm−1, is formed on barium aluminate and BaSnO3 and not on bulk BaO.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect of CO2 and H2O on NOx storage and reduction over a Pt–Ba/γ-Al2O3 (1 wt.% Pt and 30 wt.% Ba) catalyst is shown. The experimental results reveal that in the presence of CO2 and H2O, NOx is stored on BaCO3 sites only. Moreover, H2O inhibits the NO oxidation capability of the catalyst and no NO2 formation is observed. Only 16% of the total barium is utilized in NO storage. The rich phase shows 95% selectivity towards N2 as well as complete regeneration of stored NO. In the presence of CO2, NO is oxidized into NO2 and more NOx is stored as in the presence of H2O, resulting in 30% barium utilization. Bulk barium sites are inactive in NOx trapping in the presence of CO2·NH3 formation is seen in the rich phase and the selectivity towards N2 is 83%. Ba(NO3)2 is always completely regenerated during the subsequent rich phase. In the absence of CO2 and H2O, both surface and bulk barium sites are active in NOx storage. As lean/rich cycling proceeds, the selectivity towards N2 in the rich phase decreases from 82% to 47% and the N balance for successive lean/rich cycles shows incomplete regeneration of the catalyst. This incomplete regeneration along with a 40% decrease in the Pt dispersion and BET surface area, explains the observed decrease in NOx storage.  相似文献   

A new NOx storage-reduction electrochemical catalyst has been prepared from a polycrystalline Pt film deposited on 8 mol% Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) solid electrolyte. BaO has been added onto the Pt film by impregnation method. The NOx storage capacity of Pt-BaO/YSZ system was investigated at 350 °C and 400 °C under lean conditions. Results have shown that the electrochemical catalyst was effective for NOx storage. When nitric oxides are fully stored, the catalyst potential is high and reaches its maximum. On the other hand, when a part of NO and also NO2 desorb to the gas phase, the catalyst potential remarkably drops and finally stabilizes when no more NOx storage occurs but only the reaction of NO oxidation into NO2. Furthermore, the investigation has clearly demonstrated that the catalyst potential variation versus temperature or chemical composition is an effective indicator for in situ following the NOx storage-reduction process, i.e. the storage as well as the regeneration phase. The catalyst potential variations during NOx storage process was explained in terms of oxygen coverage modifications on the Pt.  相似文献   

Several nitrogen compounds can be produced during the regeneration phase in periodically operated NOx storage and reduction catalyst (NSRC) for conversion of automobile exhaust gases. Besides the main product N2, also NO, N2O, and NH3 can be formed, depending on the regeneration phase length, temperature, and gas composition. This contribution focuses on experimental evaluation of the NOx reduction dynamics and selectivity towards the main products (NO, N2 and NH3) within the short rich phase, and consequent development of the corresponding global reaction-kinetic model. An industrial NSRC monolith sample of PtRh/Ba/CeO2/ -Al2O3 type is employed in nearly isothermal laboratory micro-reactor. The oxygen and NOx storage/reduction experiments are performed in the temperature range 100–500 °C in the presence of CO2 and H2O, using H2, CO and C3H6 as the reducing agents.The spatially distributed NSRC model developed earlier is extended by the following reactions: NH3 is formed by the reaction of H2 with NOx and it can further react with oxygen and NOx deposited on the catalyst surface, producing N2. Considering this scheme with ammonia as an active intermediate of the NOx reduction, a good agreement with experiments is obtained in terms of the NOx reduction dynamics and selectivity. A reduction front travelling in the flow direction along the reactor is predicted, with the NH3 maximum on the moving boundary. When the front reaches the reactor outlet, the NH3 peak is observed in the exhaust gas. It is assumed that the ammonia formation during the NOx reduction by CO and HCs at higher temperatures proceed via the water gas shift and steam reforming reactions producing hydrogen. It is further demonstrated that oxygen storage effects influence the dynamics of the stored NOx reduction. The temperature dependences of the outlet ammonia peak delay and the selectivity towards NH3 are correlated with the effective oxygen and NOx storage capacity.  相似文献   

The effect of SO2 on the NOx storage capacity and oxidation and reduction activities of a model Pt/Rh/BaO/Al2O3 NOx storage catalyst was investigated. Addition of 2.5, 7.5 or 25 vol. ppm SO2 to a synthetic lean exhaust gas caused deactivation of the NOx storage function, the oxidation activity and the reduction activity of the catalyst. The degree of deactivation of the NOx storage capacity was found to be proportional to the total SO2 dose that the catalyst had been exposed to. SO2 was found to be accumulated in the catalyst as sulphate.  相似文献   

NOx storage and reduction (NSR) catalysts containing Pt, Ba and Fe were studied as a function of reaction conditions and catalyst composition using response surface methodology combined with high-throughput experimentation. The concentrations of the reactant gases and the reactor temperature were varied to probe their effect on catalyst performance, as quantified by lean NOx storage and N2O production. An empirical model relating the catalyst performance to five reaction condition variables and three metal weight loading variables has also been developed. It was found that the temperature and the concentrations of the reducing agents, i.e. carbon monoxide and ethylene, had the strongest effect on the lean NOx storage. It was also found that the Pt and Ba weight loadings had a much greater effect than Fe weight loadings on the performance of NSR catalysts. This model provides insight about the factors controlling the NOx conversion by NSR catalysts and also predicts the optimum catalyst composition for given reaction conditions and vice versa. As an additional study, the relationship between sulfur poisoning, nitrous oxide production, and exotherm generation was also explored.  相似文献   

A mean field model, for storage and desorption of NOx in a Pt/BaO/Al2O3 catalyst is developed using data from flow reactor experiments. This relatively complex system is divided into five smaller sub-systems and the model is divided into the following steps: (i) NO oxidation on Pt/Al2O3; (ii) NO oxidation on Pt/BaO/Al2O3; (iii) NOx storage on BaO/Al2O3; (iv) NOx storage on Pt/BaO/Al2O3 with thermal regeneration and (v) NOx storage on Pt/BaO/Al2O3 with regeneration using C3H6. In this paper, we focus on the last sub-system. The kinetic model for NOx storage on Pt/BaO/Al2O3 was constructed with kinetic parameters obtained from the NO oxidation model together with a NOx storage model on BaO/Al2O3. This model was not sufficient to describe the NOx storage experiments for the Pt/BaO/Al2O3, because the NOx desorption in TPD experiments was larger for Pt/BaO/Al2O3, compared to BaO/Al2O3. The model was therefore modified by adding a reversible spill-over step. Further, the model was validated with additional experiments, which showed that NO significantly promoted desorption of NOx from Pt/BaO/Al2O3. To this NOx storage model, additional steps were added to describe the reduction by hydrocarbon in experiments with NO2 and C3H6. The main reactions for continuous reduction of NOx occurs on Pt by reactions between hydrocarbon species and NO in the model. The model is also able to describe the reduction phase, the storage and NO breakthrough peaks, observed in experiments.  相似文献   

We have investigated the regeneration of a nitrated or sulphated model Pt/Ba-based NOx trap catalyst using different reductants. H2 was found to be more effective at regenerating the NOx storage activity especially at lower temperature, but more importantly over the entire temperature window after catalyst ageing. When the model NOx storage catalyst is sulphated in SO2 under lean conditions at 650 °C almost complete deactivation can be seen. Complete regeneration was not achieved, even under rich conditions at 800 °C in 10% H2/He. Barium sulphate formed after the high temperature ageing was partly converted to barium sulphide on reduction. However, if the H2 reduced sample was exposed to a rich condition in a gas mixture containing CO2 at 650 °C, the storage activity can be recovered. Under these rich conditions the S2− species becomes less stable than the CO32−, which is active for storing NOx. Samples which were lean aged in air containing 60 ppm SO2 at <600 °C, after regeneration at λ=0.95 at 650 °C, have a similar activity window to a fresh catalyst. It is, therefore, important that CO2 is present during the rich regenerations of the sulphated model samples (as of course it would be under real conditions), as suppression of carbonate formation can lead to sulphide formation which is inactive for NOx storage.  相似文献   

Operando measurements were carried out in a quartz reactor to evaluate the catalytic performance of NOx storage and reduction materials containing Pt and Ba supported on Al2O3. Carbonates present on the surface after activation were removed after the first exposure of the sample to the nitration flow. Nitrite species bound to barium were observed at low temperatures. Barium nitrates are the predominant species in the studied temperature range under wet and dry conditions. These species are not stable at temperatures above 723 K. The presence of water inhibits the formation of alumina nitrates favoring the coordination of nitrates with the barium sites.  相似文献   

The NOx storage behavior of a series of Pt-Ba/Al2O3 catalysts, prepared by wet impregnation of Pt/Al2O3 with Ba(Ac)2, has been investigated. The catalysts with Ba loadings in the range 4.5–28 wt.% were calcined at 500 °C in air and subsequently exposed to NO pulses in 5 vol.% O2/He atmosphere. Catalysts were characterized by means of thermogravimetry (TG) combined with mass spectroscopy (MS) and XRD before and after exposure to NO pulses. Characterization of the calcined catalysts corroborated the existence of three Ba-containing phases which are discernible based on their different thermal stability: BaO, LT-BaCO3 and HT-BaCO3. Characterization after NOx exposure showed that the different Ba-containing phases present in the catalysts possess different reactivity for barium nitrate formation, depending on their interfacial contact. The different Ba(NO3)2 species produced upon NOx exposure could be distinguished based on their thermal stability. The study revealed that during the NOx storage process a new thermally instable BaCO3 phase formed by reaction of evolved CO2 with active BaO. The fraction of Ba-containing species that were active in NOx storage depended on the Ba loading, showing a maximum at a Ba loading of about 17 wt.%. Lower and higher Ba loading resulted in a significant loss of the overall efficiency of the Ba-containing species in the storage process. The loss in efficiency observed at higher loading is attributed to the lower reactivity of the HT-BaCO3, which becomes dominant at higher loading, and the increased mass transfer resistance.  相似文献   

The influence of SO2, H2S and COS in low concentrations on the deactivation of Pt/Rh/BaO/Al2O3 NOx storage catalysts was investigated. Different samples of the catalyst were exposed to synthetic gas mixtures mimicking lean/rich engine cycling in a mixed lean application at 400 °C. The lean gas mixture contained 8 vol.% O2, 500 vol-ppm C3H6 and 400 vol-ppm NO balanced to 100 vol.% with Ar. The rich excursions were performed by switching off the oxygen supply. Sulphur, 25 vol-ppm of either SO2, H2S or COS, was added to the gas flow either during the lean, the rich or both periods. This procedure aimed at investigating the influence of the exposure conditions and therefore the lean and rich periods were kept equally long (5 min). In addition, thermodynamical calculations for the prevailing conditions were performed.

It was concluded that all sulphur compounds investigated, i.e. SO2, H2S and COS, had similar, negative impact on the NOx storage ability of the catalyst and that they all showed increased deactivation rates during rich exposure compared to lean. During lean exposure, all sulphur carriers showed similar behaviour, while H2S and COS caused severe loss of noble metal activity during rich exposure.  相似文献   

A commercial NOx-storage catalyst (NSC) has been subjected to different aging procedures on the engine bench simulating 100,000 km mileage. The aging consisted of cyclical sulfur exposure, subsequent sulfur removal and testing of the catalytic activity. More aggressive desulfation procedures result in more efficient sulfur removal and consequently good high temperature NOx-conversion. However, low temperature NOx-performance is lower than for agings employing more moderate desulfation conditions.

Sulfur post mortem analyses reveal a slight decrease of residual sulfur concentration over the length of all catalysts after completion of the aging. BET and CO-chemisorption data are in line with the increase of temperature from catalyst inlet to outlet during the desulfation. The conversion of BaCO3 to BaSO4 during the sulfur poisoning was followed by IR, TPD and TPR. A quantitative analysis of the data shows that at the end of the agings all residual sulfur is mainly located at barium sites as opposed to other oxide components like e.g. alumina or ceria. TPR data suggest that prolonged rich purges of the sulfated catalyst lead to an efficient decomposition of sulfates however some sulfur is being trapped in the form of BaS which seems difficult to remove under constant rich conditions.

XPS data suggest that the bulk sulfur amounts in the catalyst may be decoupled from the actual concentration at the catalyst surface. In that sense, the residual sulfur concentration might be limited in some cases as a criterion to assess the performance of a NSC. More reducing desulfation conditions cause the residual sulfur to be present in the form of more reduced sulfur species (sulfites, sulfides) on the catalyst.  相似文献   

Mn/MFI catalysts were prepared by different methods and probed as catalysts for the catalytic reduction of NOx with CH4 or iso-butane in a gas flow containing excess O2. Mn/MFI with high manganese loading was obtained by solid state ion exchange (SSI). The intensity of an IR band at 957 cm−1, which is due to the perturbation of zeolite lattice vibrations by Mn ions attached to cage walls is proportional to the Mn content of the catalysts. Conversely, the intensity of the 3610 cm−1 band, assigned to Brønsted acid sites decreases linearly with the Mn loading. A catalyst obtained by exchanging Na/MFI with an aqueous solution of Mn acetate is found most active for NOx reduction with methane. Transport by surface diffusion of Mn ions from MnI2 to exchange positions in MFI is more efficient than their transport through the gas phase. High NO conversion over proton-free catalysts indicates that protons are not instrumental in NOx reduction over Mn/MFI.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous reactivity of NOx and SO2 with carbon has been investigated with FT-IR spectroscopy. The interaction between NO and SO2 on carbon surface have been studied in the presence and in the absence of oxygen. Thermal stabilities of surface structures, formed as a result of NOx and SO2 chemisorption have been determined by means of FT-IR spectroscopy. During the reaction of NO/O2 mixture with carbon the surface species, including C–NO2, C–ONO, C–NCO and anhydride structures are formed. It has been found that SO2 retards the oxidation reaction of carbon by oxygen. The oxidation of SO2 on carbon was found to be greatly enhanced by the presence of NO + O2 mixture. The adsorption capacity of cellulose based carbon, catalytic NOx decomposition and TPD was studied using a fixed bed flow reactor.  相似文献   

K. Vaezzadeh  C. Petit  V. Pitchon   《Catalysis Today》2002,73(3-4):297-305
NOx sorption and reduction capacities of 12-tungstophosphoric acid hexahydrate (H3PW12O40·6H2O, HPW) were measured under representative alternating conditions of lean and rich exhaust-type gas mixture. Under lean conditions, the sorption of NOx is large and is equivalent to 37 mg of NOx/gHPW. Although a part of these NOx remains unreduced, HPW is able to reduce some of the NOx to produce N2 by a reaction between the sorbed NO2 and hydrocarbon (HC), but this process is slow. The addition of 1% Pt affects strongly the chemical behaviour occurring during the course of a rich operation. The NO desorption observed at the beginning of the rich phase is strongly accelerated. The direct correlation between NO2 consumption and CO2 production shows that the principal pathway is the reaction CO+NO2→CO2+NO. In a mixture of reducing gas (CO, HC, H2), the competition is strongly in favour of CO though in its absence the reaction observed was the hydrogenation of propene to propane.  相似文献   

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