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Wadi Feiran is an important drainage basin in southern Sinai Peninsula covering an area of about 1785 \(\hbox {km}^{2}\), its streams drain into the Gulf of Suez crossing variety of rocks and sedimentary units varied in age from Precambrian to Quaternary. Field investigations, geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing studies including Landsat-7 ETM+, Radarsat-1, and SRTM DEM were integrated to reveal its lithologic, geologic and geomorphic features. Besides the field investigations, rock units including basement and pre- and syn-rift sedimentary units were discriminated using band ratios and principal component analysis techniques (PCA). Such techniques revealed that the crystalline rocks covering W. Feiran are unaltered rocks lacking OH-bearing minerals. Radar data successfully displayed the structures and geomorphic features related to topography. Moreover, the techniques allowed the extraction of the dyke-like structures along faults and shear zones. This also characterized the topographic variations through analysis of the shaded terrain and the altitudinal profiles. The results of data integration, lineament analysis and lineament density maps revealed that the structural grain in the present study has four different trends: N20–45E, N30–45W, N–S and E–W. Based on analysis of radar data and geomorphic indices, W. Feiran is an asymmetrical basin, its left side occupies \(\sim \)34% of the total area that leads to a supposedly massive tilt towards the south which caused the southwestward slope.  相似文献   

Systematic planning for groundwater exploration using modern techniques is essential for the proper utilization, protection and management of this vital resource. Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images, a geographic information system (GIS), a watershed modeling system (WMS) and weighted spatial probability modeling (WSPM) were integrated to identify the groundwater potential areas in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. Eight pertinent thematic layers were built in a GIS and assigned appropriate rankings. Layers considered were: rainfall, net groundwater recharge, lithology or infiltration, lineament density, slope, drainage density, depth to groundwater, and water quality. All these themes were assigned weights according to their relative importance to groundwater potentiality and their corresponding normalized weights were obtained based on their effectiveness factors. The groundwater potentiality map was finally produced by WSPM. This map comprises five gradational groundwater potentiality classes ranging from very high to very low. The validity of this unbiased GIS-based model was tested by correlating its results with the published hydrogeological map of Egypt and the actual borehole yields, where a concordant justification was reached. The map declared that the Sinai Peninsula is generally of moderate groundwater potentiality, where this class encompasses an area of 33,120?km2 which represents 52% of its total area.  相似文献   

The Quaternary coastal plain aquifer down gradient of the Wadi Watir catchment is the main source of potable groundwater in the arid region of south Sinai, Egypt. The scarcity of rainfall over the last decade, combined with high groundwater pumping rates, have resulted in water-quality degradation in the main well field and in wells along the coast. Understanding the sources of groundwater salinization and amount of average annual recharge is critical for developing sustainable groundwater management strategies for the long-term prevention of groundwater quality deterioration. A combination of geochemistry, conservative ions (Cl and Br), and isotopic tracers (87/86Sr, δ81Br, δ37Cl), in conjunction with groundwater modeling, is an effective method to assess and manage groundwater resources in the Wadi Watir delta aquifers. High groundwater salinity, including high Cl and Br concentrations, is recorded inland in the deep drilled wells located in the main well field and in wells along the coast. The range of Cl/Br ratios for shallow and deep groundwaters in the delta (∼50–97) fall between the end member values of the recharge water that comes from the up gradient watershed, and evaporated seawater of marine origin, which is significantly different than the ratio in modern seawater (228). The 87/86Sr and δ81Br isotopic values were higher in the recharge water (0.70,723 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,894, +0.94 < δ81Br < +1.28‰), and lower in the deep groundwater (0.70,698 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,705, +0.22‰ < δ81Br < +0.41‰). The δ37Cl isotopic values were lower in the recharge water (−0.48 < δ37Cl < −0.06‰) and higher in the deep groundwater (−0.01 < δ37Cl < +0.22‰). The isotopic values of strontium, chloride, and bromide in groundwater from the Wadi Watir delta aquifers indicate that the main groundwater recharge source comes from the up gradient catchment along the main stream channel entering the delta. The solute-weighted mass balance mixing models show that groundwater in the main well field contains 4–10% deep saline groundwater, and groundwater in some wells along the coast contain 2–6% seawater and 18–29% deep saline groundwater.A three-dimensional, variable-density, flow-and-transport SEAWAT model was developed using groundwater isotopes (87Sr/86Sr, δ37Cl and δ81Br) and calibrated using historical records of groundwater level and salinity. δ18O was used to normalize the evaporative effect on shallow groundwater salinity for model calibration. The model shows how groundwater salinity and hydrologic data can be used in SEAWAT to understand recharge mechanisms, estimate groundwater recharge rates, and simulate the upwelling of deep saline groundwater and seawater intrusion. The model indicates that most of the groundwater recharge occurs near the outlet of the main channel. Average annual recharge to delta alluvial aquifers for 1982 to 2009 is estimated to be 2.16 × 106 m3/yr. The main factors that control groundwater salinity are overpumping and recharge availability.  相似文献   

In hard-rock terrain, due to the lack of primary porosity in the bedrock, joints, fault zones, and weathered zones are the sources for groundwater occurrence and movement. To study the groundwater potential in the hard-rock terrain and drought-prone area in the Niva River basin, southern Andhra Pradesh state, India, Landsat 5 photographic data were used to prepare an integrated hydrogeomorphology map. Larsson's integrated deformation model was applied to identify the various fracture systems, to pinpoint those younger tensile fracture sets that are the main groundwater reservoirs, and to understand the importance of fracture density in groundwater prospecting. N35°–55°E fractures were identified as tensile and N35°–55°W fractures as both tensile and shear in the study area. Apparently, these fractures are the youngest open fractures. Wherever N35°–55°E and N35°–55°W fracture densities are high, weathered-zone thickness is greater, water-table fluctuations are small, and well yields are high. Groundwater-potential zones were delineated and classified as very good, good to very good, moderate to good, and poor. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The Wadi Watir delta, in the arid Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, contains an alluvial aquifer underlain by impermeable Precambrian basement rock. The scarcity of rainfall during the last decade, combined with high pumping rates, resulted in degradation of water quality in the main supply wells along the mountain front, which has resulted in reduced groundwater pumping. Additionally, seawater intrusion along the coast has increased salinity in some wells. A three-dimensional (3D) groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) was calibrated using groundwater-level changes and pumping rates from 1982 to 2009; the groundwater recharge rate was estimated to be 1.58?×?106 m3/year. A variable-density flow model (SEAWAT) was used to evaluate seawater intrusion for different pumping rates and well-field locations. Water chemistry and stable isotope data were used to calculate seawater mixing with groundwater along the coast. Geochemical modeling (NETPATH) determined the sources and mixing of different groundwaters from the mountainous recharge areas and within the delta aquifers; results showed that the groundwater salinity is controlled by dissolution of minerals and salts in the aquifers along flow paths and mixing of chemically different waters, including upwelling of saline groundwater and seawater intrusion. Future groundwater pumping must be closely monitored to limit these effects.  相似文献   

Dredging the alluvial fans for repaving the international road located in the bottom of the Wadi Watir valley produced vertical cliff faces of different heights, and at different locations of the fans. The heights of the cliff faces resulted in considerable elevation differences between the surface of the dredged alluvial fans and the local base level provided by the Watir trunk valley. The principal geomorphic response to this anthropogenic intervention is triggering upstream channel incision waves at different intensities in the fluvial systems of the downstream reaches of the Watir drainage basin. The channel incision processes resulted in subsequent geomorphic adjustment scenarios that vary from widening the active channels on the surface of the dredged fans, triggering rockfalls from the adjacent hillslopes, and transporting coarse alluvial deposits from the main sediment sources of the fluvial systems, and eventually re-depositing them as sheetform gravel, channelform gravel, and new fan lobes. The major outcome of the various geomorphic adjustment processes was changing the role of the alluvial fans within the fluvial systems from buffer zones where fan aggradation was dominant into dynamic coupled zones. Being coupled zones, the dredged alluvial fans allowed high potential of mass transmission from the feeder catchment areas into the Watir trunk valley. Under such conditions, it could be stipulated that considerable changes in the morphology of landscapes are highly anticipated in response to flash flood events that intermittently occur in the Watir drainage basin.  相似文献   

The mafic dykes in Wadi Mandar-Wadi Um Adawi area are as follows: (1) calc-alkaline lamprophyre (i.e., kersantite and spessartite), (2) diabase, and (3) alkaline lamprophyre (i.e., camptonite). The field relations reveal that the emplacement of calc-alkaline lamprophyres preceded the diabase dykes, while alkaline lamprophyres emplaced later than the diabase dykes. Calc-alkaline are basaltic andesite, basaltic trachyandesite to basalt, while the diabase dykes and alkaline lamprophyres are basaltic in composition. These dykes are characterized by metaluminous character. Calc-alkaline lamprophyres and diabase dykes show transitional affinity from calc-alkaline to alkaline, while the alkaline lamprophyres exhibit more strong alkaline character. The mafic dykes were crystallized under temperature 1100–1150 °C and pressure 3–5 kbars in a high oxygen fugacity conditions. Fe-Ti oxides in the dykes are represented by ilmenite and Ti-magnetite. The chemistry of the sulfides hosted in those mafic dykes suggests a magmatic-hydrothermal origin for these minerals. The geochemical behavior of high field strength elements and large ion lithophile elements in these dykes excludes the derivation of diabase or alkaline lamprophyre either by partial melting or fractional crystallization from calc-alkaline lamprophyre. The parental magmatic sources of the studied dykes were generated from crustal material with addition of mantle-derived melt during the post-collisional stage. The mafic dykes in Wadi Mandar-Wadi Um Adawi area were generated from different magmatic sources by partial melting and subsequent fractional crystallization. In addition, the crustal contamination/assimilation process has a prominent role in the magmatic evolution of diabase and alkaline lamprophyre dykes.  相似文献   

The delta Wadi El-Arish area of the Sinai Peninsula is one of the most important parts of Egypt for industrial and agricultural expansion projects because of its relatively abundant supply of groundwater. This study focuses on the hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of the Quaternary aquifer in the delta Wadi El-Arish area and on the impacts pumping has had on groundwater quality. The objectives were to determine the relationships between groundwater pumping and water levels and water quality, to estimate the hydraulic parameters of the Quaternary aquifer, and to determine the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the Quaternary aquifer and its suitability for irrigation. The conclusions are: (1) potentiometric surface elevations have declined by an average of about 0.5 m since 1981 in response to an increase in pumping, (2) the transmissivity of the lower Pleistocene calcareous sandstone (kurkar) unit is higher than the transmissivity of the upper Pleistocene alluvium, (3) groundwater in the Pleistocene aquifer is augmented with groundwater leaking from the overlying Holocene sand dune deposits through the intervening sandy clay aquitard, (4) groundwater in the kurkar is of lower quality than groundwater in the alluvium, (5) total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations have increased by an average of about 1500 ppm since 1962, (6) an increase in saltwater intrusion has occurred in the northern part of the study area, and (7) the irrigation suitability of groundwater pumped from wells in much of the area is limited to salt tolerant crops. Our recommendations are: (1) no new pumping wells should be drilled and no increase in pumping rates should be allowed in the delta Wadi El-Arish area, (2) reliable estimates of the quantity of groundwater recharge should be made, (3) flood irrigation systems should be replaced by either drip or sprinkler  相似文献   

Wadi Queih basin hosts a ~2,500-m thick Neoproterozoic volcanoclastic successions that unconformably lie over the oldest Precambrian basement. These successions were deposited in alluvial fan, fluviatile, lacustrine, and aeolian depositional environments. Diagenetic minerals from these volcaniclastic successions were studied by X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, and analytical electron microscopy. The diagenetic processes recognized include mechanical compaction, cementation, and dissolution. Based on the framework grain–cement relationships, precipitation of the early calcite cement was either accompanied or followed by the development of part of the pore-lining and pore-filling clay cements. Secondary porosity development occurred due to partial to complete dissolution of early calcite cement and feldspar grains. In addition to calcite, several different clay minerals including kaolinite, illite, and chlorite with minor smectite occur as pore-filling and pore-lining cements. Chlorite coating grains helps to retain primary porosity by retarding the envelopment of quartz overgrowths. Clay minerals and their diagenetic assemblages has been distinguished between primary volcaniclastics directly produced by pyroclastic eruptions and epiclastic volcaniclastics derived from erosion of the pre-existing volcanic rocks. Phyllosilicates of the epiclastic rocks display wider compositional variations owing to wide variations in the mineralogical and chemical compositions of the parent material. Most of the phyllosilicates (kaolinite, illite, chlorite, mica, and smectite) are inherited minerals derived from the erosion of the volcanic basement complex, which had undergone hydrothermal alteration. Smectites of the epiclastic rocks are beidellite–montmorillonite derived from the altered volcanic materials of the sedimentary environment. Conversely, phyllosilicate minerals of the pyroclastic rocks are dominated by kaolinite, illite, and mica, which were formed by pedogenetic processes through the hydrothermal influence.  相似文献   

The volcano-sedimentary succession around Wadi Zaghra in Sinai, at the northernmost segment of the Arabian Nubian Shield, comprises volcanic rocks interbedded with rather immature sediments. The succession is dominated by intermediate to silicic volcanics of medium-to high-K calc-alkaline affinity. It is divided into two units, the lower unit includes intermediate rocks and dacites interbedded with graywackes, semi-pelites and pelites and topped by polymict conglomerates. This unit is subjected to folding and regional metamorphism(up to garnet zone) and is intruded by quartz diorite-granodiorite inducing, locally, low-pressure contact thermal metamorphism. The unmetamorphosed upper unit encompasses acid volcanics intercalated with litharenite, sublitharenite and minor arenite. The rhyolites of this unit pertain to the highly fractionated granites and are characterized by an agpaitic index(NK/A) ranging from 0.87 to 0.96. They may reflect either extensive interaction of subduction-related magmas with the continental crust or a change in the tectonic regime. The present lithological and geochemical characteristics of the studied sediments together with available zircon ages indicate rather distal provenance of their detritus. This detritus comprises fluvial-alluvial sediments accumulated in the intermontane basins, which are half-grabens or tilted fault blocks. The tectonic setting of the depositional basins is active continental margin and continental island arcs. Geochemical patterns of the Zaghra volcano-sedimentary succession indicate their correlation with the Dokhan Volcanics-Hammamat Clastics sequence of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Also, the Zaghra volcanics display geochemical similarities with those exposed in Sinai, at the Rutig, Ferani and Iqna Shar'a areas. The Zaghra succession is dated as Ediacaran but is not related either to the ensimatic island arc assemblage or to the rift-related assemblage formed during the early stages of the break-up of Rodinia as previously thought.  相似文献   

The exploration of new locations for possible groundwater potentiality is required to support the needs of urban and agricultural activities in arid regions such as Wadi Watir basin. The aim of this study is to locate new groundwater wells that can help overcome the water shortage. In order to define favorable zones for groundwater potentiality, several essential factors contributing to groundwater potentiality were identified. These factors include textural classification of alluvial deposits, lithological units, surface and subsurface structures, topographic parameters, geomorphological features and land use/land cover. A hydrogeological prospective model was developed using spatial data which represent these factors. For final groundwater potential map, all factors were converted to raster data to integrate spatially as important thematic layers based on weightage analysis. The groundwater potential map was classified to five classes including very poor to very good potential. The classes of groundwater potential map were checked against the distribution of the groundwater wells, Bedouin communities and agriculture areas, which present a general knowledge of groundwater potential in the study area.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Wadi Kid metamorphic belt in southeastern Sinai in Egypt represents a structurally and metamorphically complex assemblage of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks folded into a series of ENE–WSW-trending antiforms and synforms. Geological mapping in this region is challenging, primarily due to difficult access, complexity of structures, and lack of resolution and areal integrity of lithological differentiation using conventional mapping techniques. Spectral ratioing of selected bands of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data of the area, in synergy with geological field observation, proved effective in resolving geological mapping problems in the region. A new ASTER band-ratio image 4/7-4/6-4/10 is applied successfully for lithological mapping in the Wadi Kid area, showing improvement over previous techniques in detailing the main rock units. These are gneiss and migmatite, amphibolite, volcanogenic sediments with banded iron formation, meta-pelites, talc schist, meta-psammites, meta-acidic volcanics, meta-pyroclastics volcaniclastics, albitites and granitic rocks. Validating the use of the new ASTER band-ratio image relied on both calculating statistical optimum index factor (OIF) and matching interpreted lithological boundaries to field data and previously published geologic maps. The adopted ASTER band-ratio image demonstrates the benefit of using ASTER remote sensing data in lithological mapping of the Wadi Kid area and therefore for lithological mapping in the Arabian–Nubian shield and other arid areas.  相似文献   

The Wadi Watir delta in the Wadi Watir watershed is a tourist area in the arid southeastern part of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, where development and growth of the community on the delta are constrained by the amount of groundwater that can be withdrawn sustainably. To effectively manage groundwater resources in the Wadi Watir delta, the origin of groundwater recharge, groundwater age, and changes in groundwater chemistry in the watershed needs to be understood. Mineral identification, rock chemistry, water chemistry, and the isotopes of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon in groundwater were used to identify the sources, mixing, and ages of groundwater in the watershed and the chemical evolution of groundwater as it flows from the upland areas in the watershed to the developed areas at the Wadi Watir delta. Groundwater in the Wadi Watir watershed is primarily from recent recharge while groundwater salinity is controlled by mixing of chemically different waters and dissolution of minerals and salts in the aquifers. The El Shiekh Attia and Wadi El Ain areas in the upper Wadi Watir watershed have different recharge sources, either from recharge from other areas or from different storm events. The downgradient Main Channel area receives groundwater flow primarily from the El Shiekh Attia area. Groundwater in the Main Channel area is the primary source of groundwater supplying the aquifers of the Wadi Watir delta.  相似文献   

The investigation of the exposed middle Miocene strata from Wadi Sudr yielded well-preserved ostracod carapaces. Detailed taxonomic and paleontological studies led to the recognition of 36 ostracod species belonging to 25 genera, 4 species of them were considered new which fully described. Three assemblage biozones were recorded as follows: Actinocythereis spinosa–Actinocythereis hystrix zone, Chrysocythere cataphracta muricata-Cytheretta africana zone, and Disopontocypris schweijeri-Bythocypris tripolensis zone. The recorded biozones were calibrated with the previously studied middle Miocene planktonic foraminiferal biozones on the same samples and also correlated with the Miocene ostracod biozones from the neighboring countries. Our ostracod assemblages present in the lower and upper parts of the studied section (section II) indicated an inner neritic marine environment of moderate energy of currents and rapid sedimentation, while the assemblages in the middle part showed more deeper (outer neritic) environments with low energy of currents and low rate of sedimentation. The palaeobiogeographic distribution of the studied ostracods showed high affinity with the ostracod assemblages of the southern Mediterranean and moderate to low affinities with that of the northern and eastern Mediterranean respectively. The highly ornamented ostracod species with structures on the carapace were recorded from both Northern and Southern Mediterranean, while the smooth ones were found in the Southern Mediterranean only. The highly ornamented species are more widely distributed in both Southern and Northern Mediterranean than the smooth species. This may indicate that the ornamented species are more able to migrate than the smooth ones.  相似文献   

The demand for water is rapidly increasing in Egypt, because of high population and agriculture production growth rate, which makes research of water resources necessary. The regional multi-aquifer system of the Miocene–Pleistocene age is discharged in Wadi El Natrun area. Intensive aquifer overexploitation and agricultural development in the area are related to groundwater quality deterioration. Hydrochemical and hydrogeological data was evaluated to determine the groundwater origin and quality in the south-eastern part of wadi, which appears to be more significant for water supply owing to lower groundwater salinity. The dominance of the high mineralised Cl groundwater type was found; however, also less mineralised SO4 and HCO3 types were identified there. Based on the ion relations, halite and gypsum dissolution and ion exchange are the most important hydrochemical processes forming the groundwater chemical composition. The Cl dominated groundwater matches the discharge part of the regional hydrogeological system. Contrary, the presence of HCO3 and SO4 hydrochemical types corresponds to the infiltration and transferring parts of the hydrogeological system indicating the presence of zones conducting low mineralised groundwater. The discharge area of the over-pumped aquifer in Wadi El-Natrun lies 23 m beneath the sea level with the shoreline being at the distance of 100 km, thus there is a real risk of seawater intrusion. Using the hydrochemical facies evolution diagram, four samples in the centre of the discharge area indicate advanced seawater intrusion. The zones of the highest demand for groundwater quality protection were indicated based on a spatial pattern of hydrogeochemical composition.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the radioactivity and mineralogy of the younger granites and pegmatites in the Wadi Haleifiya area, southeastern Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. The area is occupied by metasediments, migmatites, older and younger granites. Most of these rocks, especially granites, are dissected by mafic and felsic dykes as well as pegmatites. The younger granites are represented by three main varieties: monzogranites, syenogranites and alkali feldspar granites. The monzogranite consists essentially of quartz, plagioclase, potash feldspar and biotite with minor musco-vite. Iron oxide, titanite, zircon and allanite are the main accessory minerals. Syenogranite is massive, medium- to coarse-grained and commonly exhibits equigranular and hypidiomorphic textures. It is made up essentially of potash feldspar, quartz, plagioclase and biotite. Iron oxides, allanite, epidote, titanite, and zircon are accessory minerals. The alkali feldspar granite consists mainly of perthite, quartz, alkali amphibole (arfvedsonite and riebekite), biotite, sub-ordinate plagioclase and aegirine. Iron oxide, zircon and apatite are accessory minerals, whereas chlorite and sas-surite are secondary minerals. The altered monzogranite and pegmatite recorded high radioelement contents. The eU reaches up to 120 (av.=82×10-6) in the altered monzogranite and up to 55 (av.=27×10-6) in the pegmatites. The high radioactivity in the altered monzogranite is due to the presence of thorite, uranothorite and metamict zircon. In the pegmatites, it is re-lated to the presence of uranophane, uranothorite, thorite, zircon, samarskite, monazite, xenotime, magnetite, ilmen-ite, hematite and rutile.  相似文献   

To increase the potentiality of development and land reclamation activities, the Egyptian government funds the construction of a new desert road in Upper Egypt. This road connects Upper Egypt with the Red Sea Governorate. Surrounding the road is 207,000 acres of land surface which is almost flat and suitable for reclamation. To ensure the sustainability of the proposed development surrounding the road, analyses of the morphometric parameters, infiltration test and the grain size distribution, geoelectrical and hydrogeological investigations were conducted in the area. The results indicated a possibility of flash flood hazards and poor drainage condition for land reclamation activities is expected. The hydrogeological and geoelectrical investigations revealed that the unconfined Quaternary and confined Nubian Sandstone aquifers are the main aquifers in the area. The depths to water in the two aquifers range from 18 to 36 and 80 to 300 m with an average thickness of 40 and 275 m, respectively. The aquifers are made of sands and silt with clay intercalations. The total dissolved solids of water ranges between 1,700 and 5,400 mg/L, whereas the sodium absorption ratio ranges between 7 and 30 meq/L, indicating the suitability of water for irrigating medium- to high-salt-tolerant crops with proper drainage facilities. Thus, water in this area is not suitable for domestic use. Based on hydrogeological equations, the available water for extraction from the aquifers in the area is about 17.195?×?109 m3, and this volume is not feasible to reclaim the whole proposed area for reclamation. Meanwhile, it may be possible to water small farms (not more than 60,000 acres for 50 years). Surface water source should be considered for the sustainability development of the area.  相似文献   

Different geophysical tools such as geoelectric, gravity, and magnetic have been applied to detect groundwater potentiality and structural elements, which controlled a geometry of the groundwater aquifers in the study area. Nineteen vertical electrical soundings measured using ABEM SAS 4000 equipment through Schlumberger configuration of AB/2 ranged from 1.5 to 1,000 m; the quantitative interpretation was carried out using manual and analytical techniques. The results of quantitative interpretation used to construct six geoelectrical cross-sections indicate that the subsurface sequence of the study area consists of seven geoelectrical units. These units are Quaternary sand sheet and sand dunes, Quaternary aquifer, marly limestone, clay, sandy clay, clay with sandstone intercalation, and deep Nubian sandstone aquifer. The isopach map of the Quaternary aquifer exhibits thickness of the Quaternary aquifer that increased at the northern and southern part (50 m) and decreased at the eastern and western part (5 m), and the depth of the aquifer increased at the northern part (40 m) and decreased at the central part to 6 m. The isoresistivity map of the aquifer shows a high resistivity at the northern part but the southern part reveals low resistivity according to the lithology. The water salinity increases in the direction of groundwater flow from 500 to 10,500 mg/l. The low water salinity is due to direct recharge from El-Sheikh Zayed Canal, which supplied fresh water to this area. Sixty-five gravity stations were measured using Auto-Grav gravity meter; different gravity corrections were applied on raw data. The corrected gravity values were plotted to represent a Bouguer anomaly map; the residual gravity anomaly map was used for delineation of the fault elements. The area was dissected by different fault elements of trends NW–SE, NE–SW, and E–W. In addition, 65 ground magnetic stations were measured at the same sites of gravity stations. The results of magnetic interpretation indicate that the depth of the basement is shallow at the western and southern parts of the area (4,500 m), but the central part exhibits greater depth of 7,900 m.
الملخص العربي   طرق جيوفيزيقية مختلفة مثل الكهربية الأرضية, التناقلية الأرضية والمغناطيسية الأرضية تم تطبيقها لتحديد إمكانية تواجد المياه الجوفية والتراكيب الجيولوجية التي تتحكم في إبعاد وهندسة الخزان الجوفي في منطقة الدراسة. تسعة عشر جسة كهربية عمودية تم قياسها باستخدام جهاز من شركة (ِ ABEM) ساس 4000 من خلال تشكيل شلمبرجير بمسافة بين القطبين أب /2 تبدأ من 1.5 متر حتى 1000 متر, التفسير الكمي تم علي البيانات باستخدام التفسير اليدوي والتحليلي. نتائج التفسير الكمي تم استخدامها لتشييد ست قطاعات جيوكهربية والتي أوضحت أن التتابع التحت سطحي لمنطقة الدراسة يتكون من سبعة وحدات جيوكهربية. هذه الوحدات هي صفائح من الرمال والكثبان الرملية للعصر الرباعي, الخزان الجوفي الرباعي, حجر جيري مارلي, طفلة, طفله رمليه, طفله متداخلة مع الرمل والخزان الجوفي النوبي. خريطة السمك للخزان الجوفي الرباعي تظهر أن سمك الخزان الجوفي الرباعي يزيد عند شمال وجنوب منطقة الدراسة (50 متر) ويقل عند الجزء الشرقي والغربي (5 متر). وعمق هذا الخزان الجوفي الرباعي يزيد عند الجزء الشمالي (40 متر) وينقص عمق الخزان الرباعي عمد وسط المنطقة (6 متر). خريطة المقاومة الحقيقية للخزان الجوفي الرباعي تبين أن المقاومة تزيد عند الجزء الشمالي وتقل المقاومة عند الجزء الجنوبي من منطقة الدراسة بناءا علي التكوين الصخري للطبقات. ملوحة المياه الجوفية تزيد في اتجاه سريان المياه من 500 مليجرام/لتر إلي 10500 مليجرام/لتر. نقص الملوحة المياه ناتج عن التسرب المباشر من قناة الشيخ زايد والتي تعتبر مصدر المياه العزبة في منطقة الدراسة. خمس وستون محطة تثاقيلية أرضية تم قياسها باستخدام اوتو-جرافميتر, العديد من تصحيحات الجاذبية الأرضية نم تطبيقها علي البيانات الأصلية. قراءات الجاذبية الأرضية المصححة تم رسمها علي خريطة لتمثل شاذات البوجير وتم استخدام خريطة الشاذات المحلية لتجديد التراكيب الجيولوجية (الفوالق). حيت أوضحت الدراسة أن المنطقة تأثرت بعده فوالق باتجاهات مختلفة مثل شمال غرب- جنوب شرق, شمال شرق-جنوب غرب وشرق-غرب. نتيجة تفسير بيانات المغناطيسية الأرضية أظهرت أن عمق ضجور القاعدة تكون ضحلة عند الجزء الغربي والجنوبي (4500 متر) وتكون ضجور القاعدة عميقة (7900 متر) عند الجزء الأوسط من منطقة الدراسة.

Understanding factors influencing groundwater chemistry in regional groundwater basins is important to prevent groundwater pollution especially in arid areas where rainfall is low and water resources are limited. The present study assesses such factors in the regional, geologically diverse, groundwater basin of Wadi Umairy in Oman. The basin is composed of five different lithostratigraphic units with different hydraulic properties. Water samples (41) have been collected from the different units and analyzed for the major ions. Factor analysis and conventional hydrochemical methods were used to define the factors that have significant impact on the aquifer's hydrochemistry. It was found that evaporation and mineral weathering/dissolution are the main factors defining the groundwater chemistry along the flow path from recharge to discharge zones, whereas anthropogenic activities and alkalinity are found to be of lesser effect, and the latter prevails when the rocks are predominantly monomineralic. It was concluded that in regional groundwater basins, recharge/discharge relations together with the flow scale control the hydrochemistry irrespective of lithological variation in the basin.  相似文献   

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