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In the present study, the Bouguer, aeromagnetic, and seismological data analysis for Nile Delta including the Greater Cairo region and its surroundings was used to examine and trace the tectonic framework for some deep-seated faults (mostly normal faults with a small strike–slip component) and their orientation, on which most earthquakes have occurred. The new tilt derivative (TDR) geophysical map and Euler deconvolution presented here can be used to trace the structural relationships and their depth investigations across the entire region. Generally, most of the Euler deconvolution results especially from the gravity map were well coincided with the location of contacts derived by TDR particularly NNW to NS, EW, and NE trended structures. The depths to the gravity or magnetic sources, and the locations of the contacts of density contrast were estimated. Results of the Euler deconvolution method suggested that, in the southeastern part of the area, the basement could be observed to be shallow and has become deeper beneath the northern part. Furthermore, the resulting structural map of this study is well correlated with previous geological and seismological data analyses. At least two sets of predominant faults are suspected, faults with a NNW strike (Clysmic trend) which are particularly felt in the southern portion of the Delta, and some of them give it the shape of a “graben like structure.” Another parallel set of faults, having NE–SW strike (Pelusium trend), was also obvious in the southern part between Cairo and Suez cities (at Abu Zabal area). The evaluated trending faults (NNW–SSE or NE–SW) are intersecting with predominant major WNW–ESE to E–W (Tethys trend) striking faults. These intersections may generate more additional seismic pulses and consequently increase the seismic activity for these structures. However, minor NW (Najd Fault System) is obvious in the TDR magnetic map, whereas less attendance NS (East African trend) structural trends are evident in the TDR gravity map. Moreover, it could be said that the southeastern portion of the Nile Delta (especially the eastern portion of Greater Cairo) is affected by highly tectonic fault systems. Finally, a new tectonic map was also evaluated from the resulting structural map, which helps to quantify different structural patterns (faults and/or contacts), and their relations with the regional tectonic trends are discussed.  相似文献   

Cement kiln dust (CKD) is the by-product generated from the manufacture of Portland cement. Disposal quantities of CKD in construction project are required to protect the environment. In the recent construction experience in the area of study at the last years showed that, ground and underground engineering on the soft soil are susceptible to various types of cracking in buildings and roads. The improvement of engineering properties of two disturbed soils by using CKD in different percentages (5, 10 and 20 %) was discussed in this paper. The results indicated that CKD additives increased the pH values and decreased the plasticity index in both types of soils under investigation. The maximum dry density (MDD) decreased and optimum moisture content (OMC) increased with increasing the percentage of CKD in soil A. In soil B the MDD and OMC decreased.  相似文献   

Human-induced sedimentological changes in Manzala Lagoon, Nile Delta, Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The Manzala Lagoon in Egypt's Nile Delta has become a sediment sink of reduced area and depth, with increased contaminant levels. Loss of much-needed fresh to brackish water reserves and decreased fish catches have serious ramifications. Herein, maps of temporal and regional sediment distributions in Manzala incorporate petrological and statistical analyses of 200 surficial and short core samples. These provide baseline information needed to help implement protection measures for this vital wetland. Four periods are considered: 1920s, 1940s, ∼1965, and 1990. Important depositional changes between 1940s and ∼1965 resulted from anthropogenic effects on this quasi-closed lagoon system, including industrial buildup, wetland conversion to agricultural land, and irrigation waterway development. Further modification from ∼1965 to 1990 is associated with closure of the Aswan High Dam, continued construction of waterways that discharge waste water into lagoon margins, and marine incursion into the northern lagoon. If current practices continue, the lagoon could be reduced to about one-third of its present area by 2050 AD. Received: 2 October 1997 · Accepted: 13 January 1998  相似文献   

Post-Aswan dam sedimentation rate of lagoons of the Nile Delta,Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study uses radiometric analysis (210Pb and 137Cs) of short sediment cores with high-resolution sampling (1-cm interval) to trace sedimentation rates in the Nile Delta lagoons, particularly since completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1964. A declining trend in 210Pbex as calculated by the CIC model is clearly identified in about 10 cm of the upper-core sediments from the lagoons of Manzala and Edku, accompanied by two spikes of 137Cs in cores from the lagoons of Burullus and Edku. These findings illustrate average post-dam sedimentation rates ranging from 0.22 to 0.27 cm a−1 in the lagoons, in contrast with those found previously based on low-resolution sampling. The lower sedimentation rates in the lagoons are a consequence of a dramatic reduction in riverine sediment load to the coastal area as a result of the damming. Although widespread erosion occurs along the open estuarine coast, the lagoon setting remains calmer than before due to coastal diking and freshwater regulation in the delta plain in the past decades. This provides the possibility of continuously preserved radiometric records in the less-bioturbated lagoon sediments. Dating individual layers using the CRS model has revealed increasing sedimentation rates in Manzala and Burullus since the 1980s, which can largely be explained as a consequence of the reduction in lagoon area due to intensifying reclamation. The post-dam sedimentation in the shrinking lagoons may have some adverse ecological consequences due to finer sediment’s affinity with pollutants. These findings would shed light on the environmental conservation and socioeconomic development in the Nile Delta region.  相似文献   

Studies of the Nile Delta coast have indicated wide values of local subsidence, ranging from 0.4 to 5 mm/yr. Trend analysis of sea-level rise and shoreline retreat at two Nile Delta promontories have been studied. Records from tide gauges at Alexandria (1944–1989) and Port Said (1926–1987), north of the Nile delta coast, indicate a submergence of the land and/or a rise of the sea-level of 2 and 2.4 mm/yr, respectively. Dramatic erosion has occurred on some beaches of the Nile Delta. This is greatest at the tips of the Rosetta and Damietta promontories, with shoreline retreat up to 58 m/yr. Relationship between the shoreline retreat and sea level trends in terms of correlation analysis and application of the Bruun Rule indicates that the sea level rise has, by itself, a relatively minor effect on coastal erosion. The sea-level trend at the Nile delta coast is found to be only one of several effects on shoreline retreat. Major recent effects include a combination of cut-off of sediment supply to the coast by damming the River Nile and local hydrodynamic forces of waves and currents. Estimates of local future sea-level rise by the year 2100 at Alexandria and Port Said, respectively, is expected to be 37.9 and 44.2 cm. These expectations, combined with other factors, could accelerate coastal erosion, inundate wetlands and lowlands, and increase the salinity of lakes and aquifers.  相似文献   

The sea level rise has its own-bearing on the coastal recession and hydro-environmental degradation of the River Nile Delta. Attempts are made here to use remote sensing to detect the coastal recession in some selected parts and delineating the chemistry of groundwater aquifers and surface water, which lie along south-mid-northern and coastal zone of the Nile Delta. Eight water samples from groundwater monitoring wells and 13 water samples from surface water were collected and analyzed for various hydrochemical parameters. The groundwater samples are classified into five hydrochemical facies on Hill-Piper trilinear diagram based on the dominance of different cations and anions: facies 1: Ca–Mg–Na–HCO3–Cl–SO4 type I; facies 2: Na–Cl–HCO3 type II; facies 3: Na–Ca–Mg–Cl type III, facies 4: Ca–Na–Mg–Cl–HCO3 type IV and facies 5: Na–Mg–Cl type V. The hydrochemical facies showed that the majority of samples were enriched in sodium, bicarbonate and chloride types and, which reflected that the sea water and tidal channel play a major role in controlling the groundwater chemical composition in the Quaternary shallow aquifers, with a severe degradation going north of Nile Delta. Also, the relationship between the dissolved chloride (Cl, mmol/l), as a variable, and other major ion combinations (in mmol/l) were considered as another criterion for chemical classification system. The low and medium chloride groundwater occurs in southern and mid Nile Delta (Classes A and B), whereas the high and very high chloride (classes D and C) almost covers the northern parts of the Nile Delta indicating the severe effect of sea water intrusion. Other facets of hydro-environmental degradation are reflected through monitoring the soil degradation process within the last two decades in the northern part of Nile Delta. Land degradation was assessed by adopting new approach through the integration of GLASOD/FAO approach and Remote Sensing/GIS techniques. The main types of human induced soil degradation observed in the studied area are salinity, alkalinity (sodicity), compaction and water logging. On the other hand, water erosion because of sea rise is assessed. Multi-dates satellite data from Landsat TM and ETM+ images dated 1983 and 2003 were used to detect the changes of shoreline during the last two decades. The obtained results showed that, the eroded areas were determined as 568.20 acre; meanwhile the accreted areas were detected as 494.61 acre during the 20-year period.  相似文献   

Studies of the Nile Delta coast have indicated wide values of local subsidence, ranging from 0.4 to 5 mm/yr. Trend analysis of sea-level rise and shoreline retreat at two Nile Delta promontories have been studied. Records from tide gauges at Alexandria (1944–1989) and Port Said (1926–1987), north of the Nile delta coast, indicate a submergence of the land and/or a rise of the sea-level of 2 and 2.4 mm/yr, respectively.Dramatic erosion has occurred on some beaches of the Nile Delta. This is greatest at the tips of the Rosetta and Damietta promontories, with shoreline retreat up to 58 m/yr. Relationship between the shoreline retreat and sea level trends in terms of correlation analysis and application of the Bruun Rule indicates that the sea level rise has, by itself, a relatively minor effect on coastal erosion. The sea-level trend at the Nile delta coast is found to be only one of several effects on shoreline retreat. Major recent effects include a combination of cut-off of sediment supply to the coast by damming the River Nile and local hydrodynamic forces of waves and currents. Estimates of local future sea-level rise by the year 2100 at Alexandria and Port Said, respectively, is expected to be 37.9 and 44.2 cm. These expectations, combined with other factors, could accelerate coastal erosion, inundate wetlands and lowlands, and increase the salinity of lakes and aquifers.  相似文献   

A five step sequential extraction technique, following Tessier’s protocol has been applied to determine the chemical association of aluminium with major sedimentary phases (exchangeable, carbonate, manganese and iron oxides, organic and residual fraction) in four short sediment cores collected from El-Burullus lagoon of the Nile delta, Egypt. This study is a first approach of chemical fractionation of aluminium in one of the protective areas of the Mediterranean Sea of Egypt. The total metal content was also determined. The results of the fractionation study indicated that aluminium was mainly associated with the residual fraction (>95%). The organic and Fe–Mn oxide fractions were the next important phases. The exchangeable and carbonate fractions were less than 1%, limiting its potential toxicity as a pollutant. The geochemical analysis of aluminium forms reflected the lithogenic origin of this metal in the study area.  相似文献   

This paper compares the pattern of historical Eastern Nile Delta branches, delineated by geoelectric resistivity investigation, with the path of the Nile canyon of Messinian time revealed in seismic reflection. A close correlation is evident between the Late Quaternary Nile River channels and the Messinian canyons (wadies) in the eastern Nile Delta. This indicates that the Messinian canyons were a persistent topographic (or geomorphic) feature until historical branches. The results may also have implications for long-term patterns of subsidence in the delta area.  相似文献   

Types, distribution, and origin of recent sand dunes between Rosetta and Idku, in the western sector of the Nile Delta, Egypt were investigated. Sand samples from the dunes, beach, and seafloor were studied for grain size distribution and mineralogical composition. It has been found that most of the dunes in the study area have been subjected to deterioration and removal due to the construction of buildings and the International Coastal Highway. The remnant constitutes a damaged belt of foredunes that extends from El Bouseily village to the west of Idku town. The dune’s origin is interpreted to be the result of coastal drifting and the subsequent transport of sediments of the former Canopic Nile branch eastward by the predominant longshore current and by aeolian processes. The blown sand grains accumulated to form a belt of coastal sand dunes of original longitudinal and crescentic forms. Urbanization of the coast has severely altered the landscape. The study area is considered vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and the expected rise in sea level. The outcome of potential sea level rise is serious; erosion problems are expected to be exacerbated and vast areas from land and property would be lost. Thus, protection and preservation the remaining dunes in the study area are vital requirements for shore protection.  相似文献   

Climate change and its impacts on the coastal zone of the Nile Delta,Egypt   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The main objectives of the current work are (1) to determine historic pattern of shoreline changes (erosion and accretion) along the north coast of the Nile Delta, (2) to present a future view on what to be expected regarding climate change impacts, sea-level rise (SLR) scenarios, expected land losses and alteration of some soil characteristics (3) to recognize negative impacts of SLR on the Nile Delta coast and (4) to assess and suggest protection measures. The current investigation was conducted using the advanced techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system. The investigated area with 394 measured locations is located along the northern coast of the Nile Delta between Alexandria and ElTina plain in Sinai peninsula exactly between 29°20′ and 32°40′ E and 29°54′ and 31°35′ N with the minimum erosion values of 1.11 m2, maximum of 6,044,951.64 m2 and total of 16.02 km2. On the other hand, 177 sites showed minimum accretion values of 0.05 m2, maximum of 2,876,855.86 m2 and total of 13.19 km2. SLR was determined by applying the quadrant equation for 10-year intervals using 1990 as the base year. Mediterranean SLR along the Nile Delta coast could be estimated considering three different scenarios (low 0.20 m, medium 0.50 m, and high 0.90 m). Impacts of SLR are divided into (1) primary and (2) secondary impacts. Over the coming decades, the Nile Delta will face greater threat due to SLR and land subsidence as well. Regarding climate change and its impacts on soil characteristics, rapid increase in salinity values during the former three decades were found. This increase may be due to the intrusion of salty water of the Mediterranean. On the other hand, organic matter content decreased due to higher temperature, especially during the summer season. Some protection measures were assessed and suggested to combat or tackle SLR.  相似文献   

Hydrogeophysical investigations of the Pleistocene aquifer at the Kom Hamada area, Egypt, have been conducted to determine the characteristics of groundwater. The main water-bearing formations in the study area are composed of Quaternary deposits. Water samples were taken and chemically analyzed at 29 sites. The constructed iso-salinity contour map of the study area showed an increase in salinity from 451.75 mg/l at eastern parts to 1,091.85 mg/l at western parts. The groundwater of the study area showed a hydrochemical evolution from Ca–HCO3 at the eastern side to Na–Cl at the western side. Some of groundwater constituents have high concentration values exceeding the safe limit for drinking. Eighteen vertical electrical soundings (VES) were conducted in the study area. These soundings were conducted near existing wells to obtain layer parameters of the various penetrated layers and to calculate the petrophysical characteristics of the aquifers. The resistivity of the first water-bearing layer ranges between 34 and 47 Ω m. The thickness of this layer ranges between 26 and 79 m. This layer represents the first aquifer, where it is followed by another water-bearing layer with resistivity ranges between 29 and 62 Ω m and extends downward. The two aquifers are hydraulically connected. Variation of the resistivities of these two water-bearing layers is mainly due to the lithological variation. The resistivity values along with the TDS values of the two water-bearing layers indicate fresh to brackish water types.  相似文献   

Twenty three bathymetric profiles up to a depth of 28 m were surveyed along and across the western inner shelf off the Nile delta. These surveys were conducted during 1919/22, 1976/77 and 1986. Comparison of these profiles establish that there are significant delta-wide changes in the patterns of erosion and accretion that correspond to sediment movement resulting from the prevailing dynamic factors affecting this area. Maximum bottom erosion (negative relief deformation) was detected along Abu Quir bay, on the tip of the Rosetta promontory, along both sides of the Rosetta mouth, and along the Burullus-Baltim coast. In contrast, there has been maximum bottom accretion (positive relief deformation) at Abu Quir cape and at Abu Khashaba. The sources of the accreted sediment probably come from areas of beach erosion as well as from offshore due to the combined effect of the offshore-onshore exchange.  相似文献   

The evaluation of agricultural sustainability status helps in identifying specific indicators that constrain the achievement of sustainable agriculture. The agricultural sector in Egypt is facing major sustainability constraints such as scarce land and water resources, environmental degradation, and rapid population growth as well as institutional arrangement including land tenure and farm fragmentation, agricultural administration, lack of infrastructure, and credit utilization and high interest rates. This study aims to evaluate the agricultural sustainability in some areas in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, north of the Nile Delta; the international framework for evaluating sustainable land management was used for realizing this objective. The map of the physiographic soils of the studied area was produced depending upon Landsat ETM+ images analysis; the results indicate that the area includes three main landscapes, i.e., alluvial, lacustrine, and marine plains. The characteristics of productivity, security, protection, economic viability, and social acceptability in the different mapping units were assessed. The obtained results show that the studied area includes two different class types, the first are the lands that are marginally below the requirement of sustainability and the second are those lands that do not meet sustainability requirements. The former class is represented by the physiographic units of alluvial plain, whereas the latter class is represented by the physiographic units of the lacustrine and marine plains. The sustainability constrains in the studied area are related to the soil productivity, economic viability, and social acceptability.  相似文献   

Integrated time-temperature analysis of seven wells along an east-west profile in the northern Nile Delta is carried out. The level of organic metamorphism (LOM), total maturity level (ΣMAL) and total time-temperature index (ΣTTI) are calculated in order to identify the most appropriate analytical method of calculation of the maturation level inside each well at each sediment layer. Sediments in four of the seven wells (Sidi Salim, Abadiya, Abu Madi and El-Wastani) are found to have entered the oil window, as deduced from the three techniques. In Qawasim well, the LOM and ΣMAL show that this well enters the oil window at a specific depth. For the following wells, the mature depths are found to be 4031 m (Sidi Salim), 3777 m (Qawasim), 3717 m (Abadiya), 3603–4155 m (Abu Madi) and 3713 m (El-Wastani). The LOM method is found to quantitatively overestimate the level of organic metamorphism at shallow depths, and underestimate it at deeper levels relative to the other two maturity techniques. The ΣMAL and ΣTTI give results which compare more closely with previous published work than the LOM.  相似文献   

陈中原 《沉积学报》1996,14(4):129-133
利用87个深为10-60m的钻孔,并结合大量样品分析,对尼罗河三角洲晚更新世末期硬土的分布和成因进行了研究。共发现14个由硬土组成的洪积盆地和四种硬土亚相:Ⅰ)含钙质结核硬土亚相;Ⅱ)含石膏结核硬土亚相;Ⅲ)含贝壳硬土亚相和Ⅳ)含泥炭硬土亚相。亚相Ⅰ)基本上分布在盆地的外缘,亚相Ⅱ)总是出现在盆地中央;它们与亚相Ⅲ)和Ⅳ)一起,总体反映了晚更新世末期尼罗河三角洲干旱气候条件控制下的蒸发性古洪积盆地群的成因特征。  相似文献   

Petrophysical characteristics of the late Miocene Wakar Formation of Port Fouad Marine Field have been evaluated through the analysis of well-logging records of nine exploratory and development wells, distributed in the northeastern offshore area of the Nile Delta. These records have been analyzed through utilizing the ELAN Plus petrophysics software in order to identify the lithological constituents and fluid saturation parameters. The gas potentialities of the studied formation have been evaluated through number of isoparameteric maps. The litho-saturation analysis indicates that the Wakar Formation in the studied wells is mainly gas-bearing with some water-bearing sand levels. The analytical formation evaluation reveals that the lithological facies consists mainly of sandstone, shale, and siltstone. The disseminated shale is mainly of dispersed type and some of laminated habitat. It also points to the dominance of the intergranular porosity. The isoparametric maps of the petrophysical parameters show that the level S1 of Wakar Formation is the main reservoir.  相似文献   

Organic geochemical characterization of cutting samples from the Abu Hammad-1 and Matariya-1 wells elucidates the depositional environment and source rock potential of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions and the Middle Miocene to Pleistocene section in the southern and eastern Nile Delta Basin. The burial and thermal histories of the Mesozoic and Miocene sections were modeled using 1D basin modeling based on input data from the two wells. This study reveals fair to good gas-prone source rocks within the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sections with total organic carbon (TOC) averaging 2.7% and hydrogen index (HI) up to 130 mg HC/g TOC. The pristane/n-C17 versus phytane/n-C18 correlation suggests mixed marine and terrestrial organic matter with predominant marine input. Burial and thermal history modeling reveals low thermal maturity due to low heat flow and thin overburden. These source rocks can generate gas in the western and northern parts of the basin where they are situated at deeper settings. In contrast, the thick Middle Miocene shows fair source rock quality (TOC averaging at 1.4%; HI maximizing at 183 mg HC/g TOC). The quality decreases towards the younger section where terrestrial organic matter is abundant. This section is similar to previously studied intervals in the eastern Nile Delta Basin but differs from equivalents in the central parts where the quality is better. Based on 1D modeling, the thick Middle Miocene source rocks just reached the oil generation stage, but microbial gas, however, is possible.  相似文献   

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