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A new species of bubblegum coral,Paragorgia papillata sp.nov.,discovered from a seamount located on the Caroline Ridge at the water depth of 858 m,is studied using morphological and molecular approaches.The new gorgonian is white-colored,uniplanar with prominent autozooids,and measures about670-mm high and 690-mm wide.The genetic distance and phylogenetic analysis showed that P.papillata sp.nov.was closely related to P.coralloides Bayer,1993,but the former differs morphologically from the latter by its prominent calyces(diameter 2.0-4.0 mm and height 1.5-3.0 mm vs.both diameter and height about 1 mm),white cortex(vs.pink),regular 8-radiates in surface cortex(vs.mostly 8-radiate derived globular radiates) and highly ornate medullar spindles(length 185-400 μm vs.no more than 150 μm).P.papillata sp.nov.is the third known white-colored species of the genus,and the fifth species found in the tropical Western Pacific.  相似文献   

During an expedition to a seamount at Caroline Plate in the tropical Western Pacific,a new species of Tritonia was sampled from the upper bathyal zone at depth of 970-1 262 m.This new species,Tritonia iocasica sp.nov.,represents the first tritoniid nudibranch known to feed on octocoral of the family Melithaeidae.The species is up to 120 mm in length,pinkish in color;with the rhinophoral sheath divided into several petaliform extensions;veil with,about 18 elongate digitiform processes;notal margin with17-19 pairs of secondary gills;anus located below the 5~(th) and 6~(th) secondary gills,and the genitalia below the 3~(rd) secondary gill on the right side of the body.Based on these external features,T.iocasica sp.nov.can be dearly distinguished from all previously described members of the genus.Phylogenetic analyses of two mitochondrial(COI,16 S rRNA) and a nuclear(H3) genes using Bayesian inference,maximum likelihood,and species delimitation analysis also support the separation of T.iocasica sp.nov.from its congeners.  相似文献   

Two new species of Chrysogorgia Duchassaing Michelotti,1864 collected from the Caroline seamounts in the tropical Western Pacific Ocean are described.Chrysogorgia pinniformis sp.nov.belongs to Versluys' group C(Squamosae typicae) with only scales in polyp body wall and tentacles.C.pinniformis sp.nov.is characterized by large branches pinnately branched and forming multiple fans with its small branches regularly and quasi-dichotomous branched,and scales and rods present in the polyp mouth area.It is most similar to C.pinnata Cairns,2007 by the pinnate trait,but differs from the latter by its group C pattern(vs.group A,Spiculosae) and having sclerites present in the polyp mouth area(vs.absent).Chrysogorgia varians sp.nov.belongs to the Chrysogorgia group A(Spiculosae) with rods distributed in the polyp body wall and tentacles.It is characterized by warty rods and elongated scales in the tentacles,many warts and ridges on the scales,conspicuously toothed margins at the rounded ends in the pinnules,and small rods with ridge-like warts in the polyp mouth area.This species was frequent and abundant in the Caroline seamounts during our cruises and its morphological variability in growth period was obvious.The phylogenetic analyses based on mtMutS and 28 S rDNA regions supported the assignment of the new species to the genus Chrysogorgia.However,the mtMutS marker showed very limited usefulness for species delimitation and inner relationship inference of Chrysogorgia.In contrast,the 28 S rDNA showed much higher level of genetic variation,and it may be a potential barcode for this genus.In the 28 S rDNA trees,the two new species clustered together.Additionally,compilation of our data showed that 42 of 78(ca.54%) Chrysogorgia species were found in the Indo-West Pacific convergent region,indicating that this area may be a hotspot of deep-water Chrysogorgia species.  相似文献   

Laetmonice Kinberg,1856 is a remarkable genus characterized by having harpoon notochaetae in the polychaete family Aphroditidae.We describe a new species of Laetmonice,Laetmonice iocasica sp.nov.,found from seamounts on the Caroline Ridge in the tropical Western Pacific.The new species is readily distinguished from congeners,particularly those distributed in the Indo-Pacific Ocean by possessing45 segments with 18 pairs of elytra,and the tuberculated harpoon notochaetae in the elytrigerous segments,which are replaced by tuberculated notochaetae without recurved fangs on segments 4 and 5.Laetmonice iocasica sp.nov.is closely related to L.producta Grube,1877,but differs in both morphology and the genetic distance of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I(COI) sequences.Laetmonice producta Grube,1877 contained five varieties reported in various marine areas,which have been raised to species level.However,the records of L.producta from the Sagami B ay and Suruga B ay in Japan and in the south-eastern Australia remain obscure and probably represent a different species.The data indicate that L.producta,which was originally described from Kerguelen Islands in the Southern Ocean and later commonly found on the Antarctic shelf,is probably distributed only at high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Three deep-sea black corals belonging to the family Schizopathidae,are reported from two seamounts on the Caroline Ridge in the tropical Western Pacific:Umbellapathes parva sp.nov.with depth of 1 488-1 766 m,Telopathes cf.magna MacIsaac Best,2013 with depth of 937-1 016 m,and Stauropathes cf.punctata(Roule,1905) with depth of 942-1 353 m.The latter two species are the first records in the Western Pacific Ocean.U.parva sp.nov.is characterized by monopodial corallum,relatively long unpinnulated stalk with complex pinnulated branche s developing from the lowermost primary pinnules and small spine s.It differs from two known congeners by much smaller spine s and the present of secondary pinnules.T.cf.magna MacIsaac Best,2013 has sparsely branched corallum,relatively long and simple pinnules arranged in subopposite or alternate pairs.S.cf.punctata(Roule,1905) is characterized by the corallum with almost planar pinnulated branches,and pinnules arranged in subopposite pairs.Our results indicate that the corallum size and shape are variable in conspecific specimens particularly those at different growth stages.By contrast,the size of the polypar spines as well as the abpolypar spines have little variation and can be served as a main differing feature for schizopathid species.The phylogenetic analyses using nuclear internal transcribed spacer region(spanning partial 18 S rDNA,ITS 1,5.8 S,ITS2,and partial 28 S rDNA) and two mitochondrial fragments cox3-IGR-coxl(COI) and trnW-IGR-nad2(NAD2) showed Telopathes,Stau ropathes,and Bathypathes had close relationships,and Umbellapathes formed a sister clade with Alternatipathes.  相似文献   

Sea pens are a highly specialized and morphologically distinct group of octocorallians,but many taxa were poorly described and their phylogenetic relationships are still poorly known.We describe two species of sea pens collected from the tropical Western Pacific:Alloptilella splendida gen.et sp.nov.and Scytalium veneris(Thomson Henderson,1906).Alloptilella splendida gen.et sp.nov.accords with the definition of the recently resurrected genus Ptilella Gray,1870 in most characters,but differs from the latter in the arrangement of autozooids and the location of mesozooids.The new species mostly resembles Pennatula naresi K(o|")lliker(1880),but differs by the location of me sozooids and the reddish color of sclerite s surrounding siphonozooids.The generic separation is also well supported by their genetic distances and the molecular phylogenetic trees constructed by the concatenated mtMutS-COI-28 S,where Alloptilella clustered with Scytalium Herklots,1858 and formed a clade with the cluster of Ptilella and Distichoptilum.Scytalium veneris,usually considered as a junior synonym of Scytalium sarsii Herklots,1858,is resurrected by recognizing their distinctive differences.This is the first record of Scytalium veneris outside its type locality,and the phylogenetic analysis indicates that Scytalium is a monophyletic group.Both the families Pennatulidae and Virgulariidae are polyphyletic,and more morphological and molecular data are needed to clarify the phylogenetic positions of pennatulacean families and genera.  相似文献   

A new species of Macandrewia Gray from a seamount near Yap Trench in the Western Pacific Ocean was described.Macandrewia yapensis sp.nov.is distinct from its congeners by possessing a foliate shape with contorted lamellae,tuberculiform terminations of desmas,and unique size of spicules.This is the third species of Macandrewia described from the Pacific Ocean.In addition a partial sequence of COI gene was obtained from the new specimen and then it submitted to GenBank.Phylogenetic tree constructed with the partial COI sequences appears to exhibit a more congruent relationship with morphological data of macandrewiid species compared to 28 S gene tree.  相似文献   

Grateloupia ramosa Wang Luan sp. nov.(Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) is newly described from Hainan Province, southern China. The organism has the following morphological features:(1) purplish red, cartilaginous and lubricous thalli 5–10 cm in height;(2) compressed percurrent axes bearing abundant branches with opposite arrangement;(3) claw-like apices on top, constricted to 2–4 cm at the base;(4) cortex consisting of 3–6 layers of elliptical or anomalous cells and a medulla covered by compact medullary filaments;(5) reproductive structures distributed throughout the thallus, especially centralized at the bottom of the end portion of the branches; and(6) 4-celled Carpogonial branches and 3-celled auxiliary-cell branches, both of the Grateloupia-type. The morphological diff erences were supported by molecular phylogenetics based on ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase( rbc L) gene sequence analysis. There was only a 1 bp divergence between specimens collected from Wenchang and Lingshui of Hainan province. The new species was embedded in the large Grateloupia clade of the Halymeniaceae. The pairwise distances between G. ramosa and other species within Grateloupia ranged from 26 to 105 bp, within pairwise distances of 13–111 bp between species of the large genus Grateloupia in Halymeniaceae. Thus, we propose this new species as G. ramosa Wang Luan sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new species of goneplacid crab, Paragoneplax chenae, is described, based on collections from the Nansha Islands, South China Sea. P. chenae closely resembles its only congener P. serenei (Zarenkov, 1972) in general appearance. They are distinguishable from each other by the male abdominal and gonopodal characters.  相似文献   

A new free-living marine nematode species of the family Xyalidae from Laizhou Bay of the Bohai Sea, China is described and illustrated herein. Paragnomoxyala papillifera sp. nov. is characterized by large funnel-shaped buccal cavity, circular amphidial fovea located posterior to buccal cavity, straight spicules with slightly curved distal end, gubernaculum absent, four papilliform precloacal supplements, tail conico-cylindrical with two ventral embossments in males and having longitudinal rows of cervical setae and subventral caudal setae in males. The new species is easily identified from other two recorded species in the genus by having papilliform precloacal supplements and ventral embossments along conical portion of tail of males. A pictorial key for three species of Paragnomoxyala and comparative table of three species with important characteristics are provided.  相似文献   

Cen  Jingyi  Wang  Jianyan  Huang  Lifen  Lin  Yarou  Ding  Guangmao  Qi  Yuzao    Songhui 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(1):242-258
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - On May 24–29, 2019, a harmful algal bloom occurred in Pingtan coastal areas, Fujian, southeast China, and caused mass mortality of cage-cultured fish....  相似文献   

The diversity and distribution of Hippodonta species on the coast of China are largely unknown due to limited investigations. In this paper, we report the detailed morphology and ultrastructure of two new species: H. nanjiensis sp. nov., collected from intertidal sandy sediments of Nanji Islands, the East China Sea and H. qingdaoensis sp. nov., collected from intertidal sandy sediments of the No. 1 Bathing Beach in Qingdao City, the Yellow Sea. Both species occur mainly in the middle part of the intertidal zone. H. nanjiensis possesses a unique large round central area. H. qingdaoensis differs from congeners in having a unique stria pattern, wherein the areolae in the middle transapical striae are less developed or absent on the primary side of the valve, and two areolae per stria are apparent under light microscopy(LM). This study expands our knowledge of Hippodonta diversity and distribution on the coast of China.  相似文献   

This paper describes the large scale aspects of the seasonal surface heat budget and discusses itsmain forcing mechanisms in the tropical Western Pacific Ocean.The high-resolution generalcirculation model (Semtner & Chervin,1992)used in this study reproduced well the observed upper-layer thermal structure and circulation.It is shown that at least on the average of the study region(20°S-20°N,west boundary-160°E)the semiannual variation is a dominant signal for all heat budgetcomponents and is presumably due to the sun’s passing across the equator twice a year,but that thecomponents have substantial differences in amplitude.The local Ekman divergence in the region doesnot change significantly through the year.As a result,the change in surface heat content is roughlyhalf due to ocean-atmosphere heat exchange and half due to heat advection by remotely forced verti-cal motion.Horizontal currents do not play a significant role directly by advection,because the wat-er which enters the region is not very muc  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThegenusTinocladiaKylinderivedfromthege nusEudesmeJ.Ag.,wasestablishedbyKylinin1 940 .Untilnow ,fivespecieshavebeenreported .Threespecies,T .crassa (Sur.)Kylin(byC .K .Tseng,1 983 ) ,T .gracilisDingetLuandT .mi crosporangiiDingetLu (byDingetal.,2 0 0 4)inthegenusTinocladiahadbeenreportedtodate.Inthecourseofourinvestigationonthespecimensofthege nusTinocladiacollectedfromtheYellowSeacoastsandkeptintheHerbariumoftheInstituteofOceanolo gy,ChineseAcademyofSciences,twomo…  相似文献   

One new marine oligotrich ciliate, Omegastrombidium hongkongense n. sp., was isolated from a bloom of Noctiluca scuntillans near Port Shelter, Hong Kong. The morphology and infraciliature of this new species were studied on both living and protargol-stained specimens. Its phylogenetic position was discussed based on the sequence of the small subunit r RNA gene. O. hongkongense is different from its congeners with special characters. The cells are usually heart-shaped, and the cell size usually is(20–35) ×(20–30) μm in vivo. Its deep buccal cavity extends obliquely to about 1/2 of cell length. It shows prominent apical protrusion. The adoral zone of membranelles is divided into 17–19 collar membranelles and four buccal membranelles. It has one ball-like macronucleus. The girdle kinety forms a closed loop which obliquely surrounds the body. The ventral kinety and thigmotactic membranelles are not observed. The SSU r RNA sequence of O. hongkongense was close to those of Strombidium paracalkinsi and Varistrombidium kelum with approximately 99% similarity. In the phylogenetic trees, O. hongkongense can be grouped with O. elegans and V. kielum species with very low support(16% ML).  相似文献   

The general features of the seasonal surface heat budget in the tropical western Pacific Ocean, 20° S–20°N, western boundary −160°E, were documented by Qu (1995) using a high-resolution general circulation model (GCM, Semtner & Chervin, 1992) and existing observations. Close inspection of the smaller areas, with the whole region further partitioned into six parts, showed different mechanisms balance the seasonal surface heat budget in different parts of the region. The results of study on five subregions are detailed in this article. In the equatorial (3°S–3°N) and North Equatorial Countercurrent (3°N–9°N) region, the surface heat flux does not change significantly throughout the year, so the surface heat content is determined largely by vertical motion near the equator and roughly half due to horizontal and half due to vertical circulation in the region of the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). In the other subrigions (9°N–20°N, 20°S–11°S and 11°S–3°S), however, in addition to ocean dynamics, surface heat flux can also play a major role in the seasonal variation of sea surface temperature (SST). The remotely forced baroclinic waves and their effect on the surface heat storage in the model are also investigated. Comparison with observations indicates that the model wave activities are reasonably realistic. Contribution No. 2396 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This study was supported by the Australian CSIRO Division of Oceanography and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49176255)  相似文献   

Comprehensive surveys were conducted in the Kocebu deep seamount and the M4 shallow seamount in the Western Pacific Ocean in March 2018 and May 2019,respectively.The distributions of nutrients in euphotic zone of the two seamount-areas were revealed,and the causative controlling factors were analyzed.Results show that the vertical distribution of nutrients in the two seamount-areas accorded with the general law of the oligotrophic ocean.The concentrations of NO_3-N,PO_4-P,and SiO_3-Si generally increased gradually with the increase of water depth,and they were extremely low in water layers within100 m.The area of high N02-N concentration well agreed with the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum Layer.On the other hand,the distribution of water masses and phytoplankton and hydrological conditions in the two seamount-areas were different,resulting in lower concentrations of NO_3-N,PO_4-P,and SiO_3-Si in the water layers below 100 m in the Kocebu seamount area than those in the M4 seamount area.In addition,N02-N was affected by the distribution of phytoplankton,and distributed mainly in the water layers of 150 and100 m.There was upwelling in the euphotic zone of M4 seamount area,causing accumulations of nutrients and phytoplankton around the seamount,forming a "seamount effect";however,no such an effect was found in Kocebu seamount area.Affected by the composition of biological community and the "seamount effect",the nitrogen limitation in the M4 seamount area was not significant,and the dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN):PO_4-P and SiO_3-Si:DIN were closer to the Redfield ratios.  相似文献   

Ma  Jun  Song  Jinming  Li  Xuegang  Wang  Qidong  Yuan  Huamao  Li  Ning  Duan  Liqin 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(6):2388-2388
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Comprehensive surveys were conducted in the Kocebu deep seamount and the M4 shallow seamount in the Western Pacific Ocean in March 2018 and May 2019,...  相似文献   

Liu  Xudong  Zhang  Ran  Feng  Jia  Rindi  Fabio  Xie  Shulian 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(6):2370-2379
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The genus Neglectella Vodenicarov & Benderliev has a morphology similar to the well-known genus Oocystis, except for the numerous chloroplasts stacked...  相似文献   

A new species from the caridean family Hippolytidae, Eualus heterodactylus sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on the specimens collected from Chinese coast of the Yellow Sea. The new species is a part of an informal species group characterized by the possession of epipods on the anterior three pairs of pereopods, and is distinguished from other species of this group by the dactyli of the third to fifth pereopods possessing distinctly stair-like flexor margins in males.  相似文献   

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