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覃皓 《地球物理学报》2023,66(3):905-919



华南前汛期开始和结束日期的划分   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用48年(1957~2004年)中国站点逐日降水资料和同期NCEP/ NCAR逐日再分析资料,研究了华南前汛期的开始和结束时间的划分问题.首先,选择了研究华南前汛期问题的区域和代表站点,然后对降水量、水汽(可降水量,水汽通量,水汽通量散度)、垂直速度和假相当位温等物理量的演变特征进行分析,发现:前汛期起、止前后上述要素均有阶段性的突变.其中4月第1候(19候)是华南前汛期的开始,可降水量、水汽通量和假相当位温等增加显著,对流开始活跃,水汽通量散度也由辐散变为辐合,降水量明显增加.但4月份总体雨量不强,主要为锋面降水.5月份随夏季风爆发,水汽继续增加,对流活跃,进入季风降水阶段;夏季风降水盛期时段主要集中在6月份.6月第4候(34候)前汛期结束,各降水指标骤减.然后根据降水和环流指标,提出了华南前汛期开始和结束日期的划分标准,定义了逐年的开始和结束日期.最后对华南前汛期开始期之前、之后以及结束期之前、之后的大气环流背景做了对比分析.指出,前汛期开始前,环流形势有利于华南地区增暖增湿;开始期以后则有利于冷空气南下,造成连续降水,使华南进入前汛期.而前汛期的结束,则是由于东亚大气环流的季节调整,尤其是西太平洋副热带高压的第一次北跳所造成的.  相似文献   

利用日本气象厅历史海温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、海表温度和降水资料,研究了1951-2010年前期西太平洋暖池(简称暖池)热含量异常与长江中下游夏季降水的关系,及其可能影响途径.结果表明,前期暖池热含量与长江中下游夏季降水存在超前2个季节的显著负相关关系,前期11-1月(即上年11月-当年1月,下同)暖池关键区(166.5°E-173.5°W,7.5°S-3.5°N)0~200 m热含量的偏低(高)对长江中下游夏季降水偏多(少)的预测有重要指示意义.前期暖池热含量异常的持续存在,及其外强迫作用激发的具有一定斜压性结构的夏季东亚-太平洋型遥相关(EAP),可能是影响长江中下游夏季降水的主要原因.暖池热含量在前期11-1月异常偏低导致其西北侧菲律宾异常反气旋形成并维持,夏季菲律宾异常反气旋向西北方向扩展加强,东亚沿岸EAP波列形成,使得长江中下游及其以东的西北太平洋副热带地区受异常气旋控制,且长江中下游地区为北方冷空气与南方暖湿气流的交汇区.同时,对流层高层东亚沿岸亦存在位置较中低层向西北偏移的EAP波列,长江中下游及其以南地区为异常偏强高压,高层辐散与中低层辐合相配合,有利于长江中下游地区对流发展和降水增多;反之亦然.  相似文献   

近50a淮河流域汛期降水日数和强度的分布与变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用1961-2010年淮河流域145个地面气象站的观测资料,分析淮河流域汛期(5-9月)降水的时空变化规律.结果表明:淮河流域汛期降水的空间分布不仅受到地理位置和地形的影响,而且与湿度和风速的空间分布具有较好的相关性;在时间变化上,雨日出现频率有下降的趋势,但暴雨日比重和暴雨日平均降水量均有升高的趋势.淮河流域汛期暴雨日出现频率以及各类型雨日的平均降水量均有上升的趋势,强降水时空变化呈现局地性和频发性.  相似文献   

新疆北部汛期降水年际和年代际异常的环流特征   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
新疆北部汛期(7~8月)降水量具有明显的年际和年代际变化.针对年代际、除去年代际后年际和不同年代际背景下年际变化三种时间尺度,利用NECP/NCAR再分析资料,分析相应的大气环流.结果表明,三种时间尺度降水变化的物理机制不同,年代际背景非常重要.新疆北部汛期降水异常时,欧亚中高纬环流系统具有相当正压结构的显著异常.从气候角度和年代际大气环流变化,提出新疆年代际增湿存在索马里越赤道急流到新疆的三段式水汽接力输送方式,索马里急流和热带印度洋是中亚和新疆的重要水汽补充源之一.  相似文献   


海表温度系统性观测偏差的订正是开展长历史序列网格化海表温度气候数据产品研制的关键.本文在引入美国SR02海表温度偏差订正方法的基础上,结合国家气象信息中心自主研发的全球海表观测定时值数据集,进行了相关参数的优化改进,从而研制了1901—2016年印度洋—太平洋核心海域月平均2°×2°分辨率的海表温度偏差订正数据集.对海温偏差订正量的时空分布特征分析表明,基于自主研制的基础数据和优化改进的方法求解的偏差订正量能有效反映海表温度观测手段的历史变迁,以及海表温度系统性偏差随季节变化的规律.同时,与ERSST订正量的对比表明,由于优化改进后的方法其阈值计算随空间样本而变,因而其局地变化特征的表现能力更强,且其订正量在观测手段转型期的变化更为明显.相较订正前的海表温度距平(SSTA)场,订正后的SSTA资料与ERSSTv5 SSTA间的偏差误差和均方根误差均有明显降低.其中,偏差误差的缩减比例在37.7%~87.9%之间,均方根误差可降低0.06℃.此外,与国际同类产品的对比表明,本文发展的SSTA订正数据集与国际同类SSTA产品序列的相关系数不低于0.97,且变化趋势类似.从差异对比上看,除中高纬东亚大陆近海区域外,本文的偏差订正数据集与国际上同类产品的SSTA差异基本在-0.2~0.2℃之间.


冰期旋回中西太平洋边缘海的季节性与暖池的多变性   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
从南海南部到阿拉弗拉海 ,一系列低纬边缘海处在西太平洋暖池区内 .微体古生物、同位素和有机地球化学 3种标志 ,一致表明末次盛冰期时边缘海的表层水温比开放的西太平洋低得多 .冰期低海面时边缘海浅水区出露成陆 ,深水区水温下降 ,减弱了向大气输送水汽和热量的能力 ,造成暖池在冰期旋回中的多变性 .冰期时冬季风强化不仅使边缘海冬季表层水温下降、季节温差加大 ,而且为热带岛屿带来水汽 ,造成山地雪线和植被带下移 ,可能为解释“热带海区古温度之谜”提出了新途径  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区域极端降水异常的特征及成因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
闵屾  刘健 《湖泊科学》2011,23(3):435-444
鄱阳湖区域4-7月极端降水总量存在显著的2-4年周期变化,且鄱阳湖4-7月极端降水总量的变率存在比较显著的增加趋势.1998年6月鄱阳湖地区极端降水总量异常偏多,而2001年6月异常偏少,仅为1998年的13.5%左右.通过分析大气环流场、水汽输送等方面的差异,发现1998年6月500hPa高度场上乌拉尔山高脊和鄂霍次...  相似文献   

人体感热温度要受太阳辐射、大气温度、湿度、风等气象要素的影响。临震前,由于影响感热温度的环境状态发生了变化,而使震中区普遍出现热异常。热异常导致了人体感热温度异常,使人们闷热和不适。一定程度的闷热对地震的临震预报有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

南海夏季风爆发与南大洋海温变化之间的联系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1979-2009年NCEP第二套大气再分析资料和ERSST海温资料,分析南海夏季风爆发时间的年际和年代际变化特征,考察南海夏季风爆发早晚与南大洋海温之间的联系.主要结果为:(1)南海夏季风爆发时间年际和年代际变化明显,1979-1993年与1994-2009年前后两个阶段爆发时间存在阶段性突变;(2)南海夏季风爆发时间与前期冬季(12-1月)印度洋-南大洋(0-80°E,75°S-50°S)海温、春季(2-3月)太平洋-南大洋(170°E -80°W,75°S-50°S)海温都存在正相关关系,当前期冬、春季南大洋海温偏低(高)时,南海夏季风爆发偏早(晚).南大洋海温信号,无论是年际还是年代际变化,都对南海夏季风爆发具有一定的预测指示作用;(3)南大洋海温异常通过海气相互作用和大气遥相关影响南海夏季风爆发的迟早.当南大洋海温异常偏低(偏高)时,冬季南极涛动偏强(偏弱),同时通过遥相关作用使热带印度洋-西太平洋地区位势高度偏低(偏高)、纬向风加强(减弱),热带大气这种环流异常一直维持到春季4、5月份,位势高度和纬向风异常范围逐步向北扩展并伴随索马里越赤道气流的加强(减弱),从而为南海夏季风爆发偏早(偏晚)提供有利的环流条件.初步分析认为,热带大气环流对南大洋海气相互作用的遥响应与半球际大气质量重新分布引起的南北涛动有关.  相似文献   


太阳活动对全球气候的影响一直是人们关心的热门话题,尤其是太阳活动对海温和降水的影响吸引更多学者的目光.本文通过研究全球0~700 m海温对太阳射电通量(Solar Radio Flux,缩写为SRF)的响应,发现全球海温对太阳活动响应具有空间分布不均匀性特征,显著响应的地区集中在太平洋和南大西洋,显著响应的层次主要在0~200 m.利用响应太阳活动显著区域的海温资料,定义一个响应太阳活动的海温异常指数,研究该指数与同期和滞后1年全球冬夏季降水的相关分布,发现指数高时夏季热带中太平洋降水增多,南北半球中高纬地区降水增加,呈带状分布,南极地区降水显著减少;我国江南东部地区、青藏高原和山东半岛降水减少.冬季热带中部太平洋和东南太平洋地区降水增多,赤道西太平洋降水明显偏少,北极地区降水显著偏多,热带西太平洋和孟加拉湾降水减少,南北两个半球中高纬度地区降水增多;我国华南地区广西和广东西部、海南一带降水增多,东北地区降水减少,青藏高原地区降水显著增加.当海温异常指数低时,情况相反.研究结果表明,海温异常通过影响降水放大了太阳活动的作用.由此推测,在考虑夏季降水的预测问题时,由太阳活动引起的太平洋和大西洋海温异常对降水的影响应该引起重视.


Based on coral proxies we reconstructed the western Pacific warm pool sea surface temperature (SST) since 1644 AD. High-frequency reconstructions are based on eight high-pass filtered coral series and raw reconstructions are derived from eight unfiltered coral series, respectively. Validation and comparison with other SST/temperature series show that the reconstructed warm pool SST is highly reliable. The leading periods of warm pool SST are ~2.1, ~2.3, ~2.9, ~3.6, ~3.8, and 80.7-year during the last ~360 y...  相似文献   

South China Sea is the largest marginal sea of the Western Pacific between the Pacific Ocean and Asia Continent. It has been influenced by both the Pacific Ocean and continental climate. Its continental margins are broad in north and south, narrow in west. There are many islands in east. A large amount of siliciclastic sediments derived from peri-continents and islands were trans-ported into the sea[1], in which significant information of paleoceanography and paleoclimate and paleoenvironm…  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau in China constitutes an important source area for both water and sediments to the Yellow River. Thus, improved prediction techniques of rainfall may lead to better estimation of discharge and sediment content for the Yellow River. Consequently, the objective of this study was to establish better links between rainfall of the Loess Plateau in China and sea surface temperature (SST) in the Pacific Ocean. Results showed that there is a strong lagged correlation between and SST and rainfall. The SST for Micronesia and areas south of the Aleutian Islands showed significant correlations (s.f. < 0·001; 99·9%) with rainfall over the dryer region of the Loess Plateau for a lag of 4 to 6 months. The SST over the equator on the east Pacific Ocean also showed significant negative correlation with rainfall. Low and middle latitude areas (S10–20° and around 30° ) of the south‐east Pacific Ocean displayed significant positive and negative correlation with rainfall on the semiarid Loess Plateau. The differenced SST values (positive SST minus negative SST) increased these correlations with rainfall. An artificial neural network (ANN) model was used to predict summer rainfall from the differenced SST during the spring period. The correlation between predicted and observed monthly rainfall was in general larger than 0·7. This indicates that major annual rainfall (during summer season) can be predicted with good accuracy using the suggested approach. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

TOPEX/Poseidon satellite altimetry data from 1993 to 1999 were used to study mean annual variation of sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) in the South China Sea (SCS) and to reproduce its climatological monthly surface dynamic topography in conjunction with historical hydrographic data. The characters and rules of seasonal evolution of the SCS dynamic topography and its upper circulation were then discussed. Analyses indicate that annual variation of the SCS large-scale circulation could be divided into four major phases. In winter (from November to February), the SCS circulation is mainly controlled by double cyclonic gyres with domination of the northern gyre. Other corresponding features include the Kuroshio intrusion from the Luzon Strait and the northeastward off-shelf current in the area northwest off Kalimantan Island. The double gyre structure disassembled in spring (from March to April) when the northern gyre remains cyclonic, the southern gyre becomes anticyclonic, and the general circulation pattern shows a dipole. There is no obvious large-scale closed gyre inside the SCS basin in both summer (from May to July) and autumn (from August to October) when the SCS Monsoon Jet dominates the circulation, which flows northeastward across the SCS. Even so, circulation patterns of these two phases diverse significantly. From May to July, the SCS monsoon jet flows northward near the Vietnam coast and bends eastward along the topography southeast off Hainan Island at about 18°N forming an anticyclonic turn. It then turns northeastward after crossing the SCS. From August to October, however, the monsoon Jet leaves the coast of Vietnam and enters interior of the basin at about 13°N, and the general circulation pattern becomes cyclonic. The Kuroshio intrusion was not obvious in spring, summer and autumn. It is suggested from these observations that dynamic adjustment of the SCS circulation starts right after the peak period of the prevailing monsoon.  相似文献   

The study on the South China Sea (SCS) circulation has a history of more than 40 years. Nevertheless, the SCS circulation is not fully understood compared with the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea (ECS). Many numerical studies on the SCS circulati…  相似文献   

An important part of the influence of the oceans on the atmosphere is through direct radiation, sensible heat flux and release of latent heat of evaporation, whereby all of these processes are directly related to the surface temperature of the oceans. A main effect of the atmosphere on the oceans is through momentum exchange at the air-ocean interface, and this process is directly related to the surface wind stress. The sea surface temperature (SST) and the surface wind stress are the two important components in the air-ocean system. If SST is given, a thermally forced boundary layer atmospheric circulation can be simulated. On the other hand, if the surface wind stress is given, the wind-driven ocean waves and ocean currents can be computed.The relationship between SST and surface wind is a coupling of the atmosphere and the oceans. It changes a one-way effect (ocean mechanically driven by atmosphere, or atmosphere thermally forced by oceans) into two-way air-sea interactions. Through this coupling the SST distribution, being an output from an ocean model, leads to the thermally forced surface winds, which feeds back into the ocean model as an additional forcing.Based on Kuo's planetary boundary layer model a linear algebraic equation is established to link the SST gradient with the thermally forced surface wind. The surface wind blows across the isotherms from cold to warm region with some deflection angle to the right (left) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere. Results from this study show that the atmospheric stratification reduces both the speed and the deflection angle of the thermally forced wind, however, the Coriolis' effect increases the wind speed in stable atmosphere (Ri>10–4) and increases the deflection angle.  相似文献   

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