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Two methods, the Toroidal Technique and the Forced Rayleigh Scattering (FRS) method, were used in the determination of the size of magnetic particles and their aggregates in magnetic fluids. The toroidal technique was used in the determination of the complex, frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility, x(w)=x'(w) - ix"(w) of magnetic fluids consisting of two colloidal suspensions of cobalt ferrite in hexadecene and a colloidal suspension of magnetite in isopar m with corresponding saturation magnetisation of 45.5 mT, 20 mT and 90 mT, respectively. Plots of the susceptibility components against frequency f over the range 10 Hz to 1 MHz, are shown to have approximate Debye-type profiles with the presence of relaxation components being indicated by the frequency, f max, of the maximum of the loss-peak in the x"(w) profiles. The FRS method (the interference of two intense laser beams in the thin film of magnetic fluid) was used to create the periodical structure of needle like clusters of magnetic particles. This creation is caused by a thermodiffusion effect known as the Soret effect. The obtained structures are indicative of as a self diffraction effect of the used primary laser beams. The relaxation phenomena arising from the switching off of the laser interference field is discussed in terms of a spectrum of relaxation times. This spectrum is proportional to the hydrodynamic particle size distribution. Corresponding calculations of particle hydrodynamic radius obtained by both mentioned methods indicate the presence of aggregates of magnetic particles.  相似文献   

冉诗勇 《物理学报》2012,61(17):170503-170503
从磁镊实验和模拟角度研究了处于谐振势阱中的布朗运动. 利用实验和模拟的结果验证了理论.然后通过理论与实验的对照, 对磁镊实验中DNA分子的持久长度大小对小球位移分布的影响, 以及磁镊实验中的测力误差作了相关分析.分析指出:持久长度的变化对沿 DNA链方向上的布朗运动影响更大;小的外力作用下力的测量会出现较大误差.  相似文献   

We have investigated the behaviour of a suspension of magnetic rod-like hematite particles in a simple shear flow with the addition of an applied magnetic field. A significant feature of the present hematite particle suspension is the fact that the magnetic moment of the hematite particle lies normal to the particle-axis direction. From simulations, we have attempted to clarify the dependence of the negative magneto-rheological effect on the particle aggregation and orientational distribution of particles. The present Brownian dynamics method has a significant advantage in that it takes into account the spin rotational Brownian motion about the particle axis in addition to the ordinary translational and rotational Brownian motion. The net viscosity is decomposed into three components and discussed at a deeper level and in detail: these three viscosity components arise from (1) the torque due to the magnetic particle–field interaction, (2) the torque and (3) the force due to the interaction between particles. It is found that a slight change in the orientational distribution has a significant influence on the negative magneto-rheological effect. In a relatively dense suspension, the viscosity components arising from an applied magnetic field and the interaction between particles come to change rapidly for a certain strength of the magnetic particle–particle interaction, which is due to the onset of the formation of raft-like clusters.  相似文献   

Distributions of particles in a suspension comprised of magnetic particles (MPs) and nonmagnetic particles (NPs) under gradient magnetic fields are vitally important for the preparation of magnetic-nonmagnetic functionally graded materials (FGMs). In the present study, the effects of magnetic field gradient, magnetic interaction between MPs and concentration of NPs on the distributions of particles in the suspension are investigated using a two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that a gradient distribution of MPs is formed under gradient magnetic fields and increases with increasing the field gradient. However, as the interaction between MPs increases, the distribution gradient decreases, accompanied by the formation of chain-like MP clusters. Moreover, NPs are found to hinder the translation of MPs along the field direction. As the NP concentration increases, the translation of MPs becomes difficult.  相似文献   

Akira Satoh 《Molecular physics》2014,112(16):2122-2137
We have investigated aggregation phenomena in a suspension composed of rod-like haematite particles by means of Brownian dynamics simulations. The magnetic moment of the haematite particles lies normal to the particle axis direction and therefore the present Brownian dynamics method takes into account the spin rotational Brownian motion about the particle axis. We have investigated the influence of the magnetic particle–field and particle–particle interactions, the shear rate and the volumetric fraction of particles on the particle aggregation phenomena. Snapshots of aggregate structures are used for a qualitative discussion and the cluster size distribution, radial distribution function and the orientational correlation functions of the direction of particle axis and magnetic moment are the focus for a quantitative discussion. The significant formation of raft-like clusters is found to occur at a magnetic particle–particle interaction strength much larger than that required for a magnetic spherical particle suspension. This is because the rotational Brownian motion has a significant influence on the formation of clusters in a suspension of rod-like particles with a large aspect ratio. An applied magnetic field enhances the formation of raft-like clusters. A shear flow does not have a significant influence on the internal structure of the clusters, but influences the cluster size distribution of the raft-like clusters.  相似文献   

The structures of suspensions comprised of magnetic and nonmagnetic particles in magnetic fields are studied using two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations. The magnetic interaction among magnetic particles, magnetic field strength, and concentrations of both magnetic and nonmagnetic particles are considered as key influencing factors in the present work. The results show that chain-like clusters of magnetic particles are formed along the field direction. The size of the clusters increases with increasing magnetic interaction between magnetic particles, while it keeps nearly unchanged as the field strength increases. As the concentration of magnetic particles increases, both the number and size of the clusters increase. Moreover, nonmagnetic particles are found to hinder the migration of magnetic ones. As the concentration of nonmagnetic particles increases, the hindrance on migration of magnetic particles is enhanced.  相似文献   

In this work, we show thatin any finite system, the binary friction tensor for two Brownian particlescannot be directly estimated from an evaluation of the microscopic Green-Kubo formula, involving the time integral of force-force autocorrelation functions. This pitfall is associated with a subtle inversion of the thermodynamic and long-time limits and leads to spurious results for the estimates of the friction matrix based on molecular dynamics simulations. Starting from a careful analysis of the coupled Langevin equations for two interacting Brownian particles, we derive a method to circumvent these effects and extract the binary friction tensor from the correlation function matrix of the instantaneous forces exerted by the bath particles on the fixed Brownian particles, and from the relaxation of the total momentum of the bath in afinite system. The general methodology is applied to the case of two hard or soft Brownian spheres in a bath of light particles. Numerical estimates of the relevant correlation functions and of the resulting self and mutual components of the matrix of friction tensors are obtained by molecular dynamics simulations for various spacings between the Brownian particles. This paper is dedicated to B. Jancovici on the occassion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

In the presence of alternating-sinusoidal or rotating magnetic fields, magnetic nanoparticles will act to realign their magnetic moment with the applied magnetic field. The realignment is characterized by the nanoparticle's time constant, τ. As the magnetic field frequency is increased, the nanoparticle's magnetic moment lags the applied magnetic field at a constant angle for a given frequency, Ω, in rad s−1. Associated with this misalignment is a power dissipation that increases the bulk magnetic fluid's temperature which has been utilized as a method of magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia, particularly suited for cancer in low-perfusion tissue (e.g., breast) where temperature increases of between 4 and 7 °C above the ambient in vivo temperature cause tumor hyperthermia. This work examines the rise in the magnetic fluid's temperature in the MRI environment which is characterized by a large DC field, B0. Theoretical analysis and simulation is used to predict the effect of both alternating-sinusoidal and rotating magnetic fields transverse to B0. Results are presented for the expected temperature increase in small tumors ( radius) over an appropriate range of magnetic fluid concentrations (0.002-0.01 solid volume fraction) and nanoparticle radii (1-10 nm). The results indicate that significant heating can take place, even in low-field MRI systems where magnetic fluid saturation is not significant, with careful the goal of this work is to examine, by means of analysis and simulation, the concept of interactive fluid magnetization using the dynamic behavior of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle suspensions in the MRI environment. In addition to the usual magnetic fields associated with MRI, a rotating magnetic field is applied transverse to the main B0 field of the MRI. Additional or modified magnetic fields have been previously proposed for hyperthermia and targeted drug delivery within MRI. Analytical predictions and numerical simulations of the transverse rotating magnetic field in the presence of B0 are investigated to demonstrate the effect of Ω, the rotating field frequency, and the magnetic field amplitude on the fluid suspension magnetization. The transverse magnetization due to the rotating transverse field shows strong dependence on the characteristic time constant of the fluid suspension, τ. The analysis shows that as the rotating field frequency increases so that Ωτ approaches unity, the transverse fluid magnetization vector is significantly non-aligned with the applied rotating field and the magnetization's magnitude is a strong function of the field frequency. In this frequency range, the fluid's transverse magnetization is controlled by the applied field which is determined by the operator. The phenomenon, which is due to the physical rotation of the magnetic nanoparticles in the suspension, is demonstrated analytically when the nanoparticles are present in high concentrations (1-3% solid volume fractions) more typical of hyperthermia rather than in clinical imaging applications, and in low MRI field strengths (such as open MRI systems), where the magnetic nanoparticles are not magnetically saturated. The effect of imposed Poiseuille flow in a planar channel geometry and changing nanoparticle concentration is examined. The work represents the first known attempt to analyze the dynamic behavior of magnetic nanoparticles in the MRI environment including the effects of the magnetic nanoparticle spin-velocity. It is shown that the magnitude of the transverse magnetization is a strong function of the rotating transverse field frequency. Interactive fluid magnetization effects are predicted due to non-uniform fluid magnetization in planar Poiseuille flow with high nanoparticle concentrations.  相似文献   

Samples of a typical tetrameric protein, the hemoglobin, at the concentration of 150 mg/ml in bidistilled water solution, were exposed to a uniform magnetic field at 200 mT at different temperatures of 15°C, 40°C and 65°C. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy was used to analyze the response of the secondary structure of the protein to both stress agents, heating and static magnetic field. The most relevant result which was observed was the significant increasing in intensity of the Amide I band after exposure to the uniform magnetic field at the room temperature of 15°C. This result can be explained assuming that protein's α-helices aligned along the direction of the applied magnetic field due to their large dipole moment, inducing the alignment of the entire protein. Increasing of temperature up to 40°C and 65°C induced a significant reduction of the increasing in intensity of the Amide I band. This effect may be easily explained assuming that Brownian motion of the protein in water solution caused by thermal molecular agitation increased with increasing of temperature, contrasting the effect of the torque of the magnetic field applied to the protein in water solution.  相似文献   

推导出带电粒子在相互垂直的匀强电场和磁场中普遍情况下的运动方程,给出了几种典型情况下的轨迹,并对轨迹的形状和性质,结点的出现进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Within the framework of adiabatic approximation the energy levels and direct interband light absorption in a thin ellipsoidal quantum lens in the presence of a magnetic field are studied. Analytical expressions for the particle energy spectrum and for the absorption threshold frequencies in the regime of strong size quantization for the cases of ellipsoidal and spherical cross-section segments are obtained. Selection rules for quantum transitions are revealed.  相似文献   

The friction coefficient exerted by a hard-sphere fluid on an infinitely massive Brownian sphere is calculated for several size ratios , where and are the diameters of the Brownian and fluid spheres, respectively. The exact microscopic expression derived in part I of this work from kinetic theory is transformed and shown to be proportional to the time integral of the autocorrelation function of the momentum transferred from the fluid to the Brownian sphere during instantaneous collisions. Three different methods are described to extract the friction coefficient from molecular dynamics simulations carried out onfinite systems. The three independent methods lead to estimates of which agree within statisticalerrors (typically 5%). The results are compared to the predictions of Enskog theory and of the hydrodynamic Stokes law. The former breaks down as the size ratio and/or the packing fraction of the fluid increase. Somewhat surprisingly, Stokes' law is found to hold withstick boundary conditions, in the range 1/4.5 explored in the present simulations, with a hydrodynamic diameterd=. The analysis of the moleuclar dynamics data on the basis of Stokes' law withslip boundary conditions is less conclusive, although the right trend is found as / increases.  相似文献   

门福殿  王海堂  何晓刚 《物理学报》2012,61(10):100503-100503
运用理论解析和数值模拟的方法,研究强磁场中Fermi气体在低温下的稳定性及顺磁性, 分析温度、磁场对稳定性及磁化率的影响.研究结果显示,强磁场引起系统稳定性的改变, 这种改变与温度有关,而温度对稳定性改变及磁化率的影响又与自由气体的化学势即粒子数密度有关. 当自由系统的化学势为偶数时,磁场弱化系统的稳定性,温度升高可降低系统的磁化率; 当自由系统的化学势为奇数时,磁场强化系统的稳定性,温度升高可增大系统的磁化率. 升高温度,可以弱化磁场对系统稳定性的影响;加强磁场,可以使得系统稳定性的改变发生振荡, 使系统磁化率的振荡中心下移.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported molecular dynamics simulations of stable cyclotron motions of ions and water molecules in a carbon nanotorus, induced by different rotating electric fields (EFs). This study is devoted to the calculation and characterisation of the magnetic field (MF) induced by these cyclotron motions. Results show that carbon nanotorus containing ions or water molecules acts as an EF-to-MF transducer. Components of the instantaneous induced MF show large-scale oscillations superimposed by strong fluctuations arising respectively from overall circular motion and random collisions of moving species. Analysis of the space-dependencies of the induced MF components shows that the induced MF is maximum at the centre of the nanotorus. The MF induced by cyclotron motion of ions follows the orders B(Ca2+)?>?B(Na+)?≈?B(K+) at E?=?1.0?V/nm and B(E?=?1.0?V/nm)?>?B(E?=?0.5?V/nm)?>?B(E?=?0.1?V/nm). The time-averaged induced MF of the cyclotron motion of 81 water molecules is almost 102 times stronger than that of ions. The induced MF strength is decreased with increasing distance from nanotorus and decays effectively at about 17.3–18.1 and 15.9–18.2?nm along the z-axis of the nanotorus for ions and water molecules, respectively. The magnitude of the MF induced by cyclotron motions of water molecules and ions, respectively, decreases and increases in the nanotorus with freed carbon atoms.  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical studies were carried out to investigate the spatial distribution of colloidal particles in magnetic fluids formed under the influence of magnetophoresis and gradient diffusion in a strong magnetic field. Several theoretical models, describing the equilibrium concentration profiles for rigid chain-like and quasispherical aggregates, are discussed. The experiment was made for four samples of magnetic fluids, differing in the average diameter of magnetic particles and the width of the particle size distribution. The analysis of the experimental data shows that the aggregates essentially change the concentration profile, making it nonlinear even in small (2 mm) magnetic fluid samples. Good agreement between the experimental and theoretical curves is observed in the case when the aggregates contain on the average 40-50 particles. The average diameter of single particles, calculated from the concentration profile curves, coincides with the average diameter, found from the magnetogranulometric analysis.  相似文献   

We have investigated the aggregate structure of a suspension composed of magnetic particles with a cubic geometry by means of Monte Carlo simulations. From the viewpoint of application to the technology of surface modification, we have considered a quasi-two-dimensional suspension in thermodynamic equilibrium. As the magnetic interaction strength is increased, the effects of the thermal energy are reduced and the particles tend to aggregate together. These aggregates of cubic particles are not chain-like, but are designated as closely packed clusters. An applied magnetic field tends to enhance the formation of clusters along the field direction but does not significantly regularise the internal structure of the cluster. This is mainly due to the preference of a face-to-face contact configuration for the alignment of particles with cubic geometry. The regime of the internal structure of aggregates has a significant effect on the characteristics of the alignment of the magnetic moments with regard to the external magnetic field direction. Our simulations indicate that larger closely packed clusters are formed with increasing volumetric fraction, whereas the internal structure of the closely packed clusters is not found to be significantly influenced by the change in the volumetric fraction.  相似文献   

In continuation of our earlier investigation (referred to hereafter as part I) where we considered the mathematically simple case of magnetic field orientation along the Z-axis of the principal axes frame (PAF) of the electric quadrupole field, we take up here the general problem of arbitrary orientation of the magnetic field with respect to the PAF, and investigate the nature of polarized line spectra of an atom making a transition from an upper level with spin Ju to a lower level with spin Jl. Explicit formulae for the emitted Stokes parameters are obtained and we discuss their physical significance by computing numerically the cases of transitions Ju=1→Jl=0 and . Specific features or signatures of the polarized line spectra are discussed as functions of the relevant physical parameters. The Stokes parameters are also analyzed in terms of the Zeeman term contributions and the cross-term contributions (which arise due to quantum interference).  相似文献   

Formally exact equations are written down, describing the translational and rotational diffusion of an anisotropic tagged particle in a fluid of anisotropic particles. These equations are tractable in the long-time limit, and reduce to the solution of ordinary hydrodynamic equations supplemented by slip boundary conditions in the Brownian limit for a smooth tagged particle. No rotational viscosities or spin-diffusion constants appear in these results. The relation to other work is discussed.  相似文献   

带电粒子在正交恒定电磁场中运动状态的分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡建新 《大学物理》2004,23(4):8-10,24
由洛伦兹力公式出发,分析带电粒子在相互垂直的恒定电磁场中运动的方程,由此得到一些常见的运动轨迹,并给出带电粒子在电磁场中的一种新的轨迹——长辐旋轮线.  相似文献   

The Fokker-Planck equation governing the evolution of the distribution function of a massive Brownian hard sphere suspended in a fluid of much lighter spheres is derived from the exact hierarchy of kinetic equations for the total system via a multiple-time-scale analysis akin to a uniform expansion in powers of the square root of the mass ratio. The derivation leads to an exact expression for the friction coefficient which naturally splits into an Enskog contribution and a dynamical correction. The latter, which accounts for correlated collisions events, reduces to the integral of a time-displaced correlation function of dynamical variables linked to the collisional transfer of momentum between the infinitively heavy (i.e., immobile) Brownian sphere and the fluid particles.  相似文献   

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