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Human peripheral blood lymphocytes from donors who were sensitized in vivo to bacterial antigens were stimulated by these antigens in vitro. When the cells from these first cultures were challenged with irradiated allogeneic lymphocytes, a proliferative response was obtained, the kinetics of which resembled those of a primary mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR). On the other hand, the addition, under these conditions, of bacterial antigens never led to any second proliferative response. It was shown that: (1) the addition of irradiated autologous mononuclear cells, together with the bacterial antigens, led to a reconstitution of a proliferative response in second culture; (2) the cells capable of reconstituting the reactivity to tetanus toxoid could also be obtained from donors whose own cells did not respond to that antigen in primary cultures, and (3) the reconstituting activity in the second culture could not be provided by monocytes alone.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear neutrophils constitute the first line of defense against infections. Among their strategies to eliminate pathogens they release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), being chromatin fibers decorated with antimicrobial proteins. NETs trap and kill pathogens very efficiently, thereby minimizing tissue damage. Furthermore, NETs modulate inflammatory responses by activating plasmacytoid dendritic cells. In this study, we show that NETs released by human neutrophils can directly prime T cells by reducing their activation threshold. NETs-mediated priming increases T cell responses to specific Ags and even to suboptimal stimuli, which would not induce a response in resting T cells. T cell priming mediated by NETs requires NETs/cell contact and TCR signaling, but unexpectedly we could not demonstrate a role of TLR9 in this mechanism. NETs-mediated T cell activation adds to the list of neutrophil functions and demonstrates a novel link between innate and adaptive immune responses.  相似文献   

Protoplast membranes isolated from group A streptococci suppress functions of mouse B cells in vivo and in vitro. Intraperitoneal injection 24 or 72 hr (but not 12 hr) before collection of lymphoid cells results in a selective decrease in the mitogenic response of bone marrow cells to dextran sulfate (DS). The response of bone marrow cells to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and spleen cells to both DS and LPS, is unaltered. In vitro exposure of lymphocytes to membranes concomitantly with mitogen reduces the response to both DS and LPS, however, the DS response is more susceptible to low doses of membrane. Suppression of the response to DS in vitro is not mediated by cells bearing Thy 1.2 antigen. Neither the phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-responsive cells nor the adherent cells participate in suppression of the LPS response in vitro. In contrast to the suppression of B-cell functions neither the PHA nor concanavalin A (Con A) response of mouse bone marrow, spleen, or thymus cells is altered by streptococcal protoplast membranes injected 24 hr before collection of cells. In vitro exposure of spleen cells to a limited range of concentrations of membrane results in an enhanced proliferative response of spleen cells stimulated by suboptimal doses of PHA. This synergism is not mediated by the adherent cells. Addition of membranes to spleen cell cultures in vitro has no effect upon the response of spleen cells to suboptimal doses of Con A or to optimal doses of either Con A or PHA. Higher concentrations of membranes reduce the proliferative response of both control and mitogen-stimulated cells. This nonselective suppression by high doses of membranes is not due to toxicity. Delayed hypersensitivity to sheep erythrocytes is potentiated by injection of membranes. These studies suggest that streptococcal membranes preferentially suppress the immature B cells and enhance certain T-cell functions.  相似文献   

Suspensions of highly viable (< 95 %) granulocytes minimally contaminated by other cell types were isolated from the peripheral blood of pigs by a single centrifu-gation with low molecular weight dextran and after preferential lysis of erythrocytes by hypotonic shock. A complement-dependent cytotoxic test showed the presence of antigens of the SLA major histocompatibility complex, the SLB leucocyte system and the A and E blood group systems on the granulocytes. Some SLA typing reagents against class I (SD) antigens did not react with granulocytes, however, or yielded dubious reactions. The findings showed that the reactivity of SLA sera resembles the reactivity of human HLA sera. The results also show that compatibility in the SLA, SLB, A and E systems will have to be taken into account when preparing alloimmune sera for the determination of granulocyte-specific antigens of pigs.  相似文献   

Costimulation is one of several factors that influence the differentiation of CD4+ Th cell responses. Previously, we have shown that Ag presentation in the context of LFA-1 costimulation by fibroblasts transfected with class II and ICAM-1 (ProAd-ICAM) can drive naive CD4-positive T cells into cell cycle, but these T cells die by apoptosis 4-5 days after stimulation. In this report we show that the death of these cells can be prevented by the addition of exogenous IL-2 (20 U/ml) or by restimulation with Ag presented in the context of CD28 costimulation. Under these conditions, T cells go through extensive cell division and normal cell expansion. However, when T cells that have been primed by Ag presented in the context of LFA-1 costimulation are restimulated, they secrete IL-2 and IFN-gamma, but little or no IL-4. The inability of ProAd-ICAM-primed T cells to produce IL-4 was restored by the addition of IL-4 to the priming culture. However, IL-4 responses were not restored by representation of Ag in the context of CD28 costimulation, even as early as 24 h after priming with Ag presented by ProAd-ICAM cells. These findings suggest that differential expression of B7-1 and ICAM-1 by APCs during the initiation of immune responses may alter the differentiation of Th populations.  相似文献   

The incredible diversity of plant mating systems has fuelled research in evolutionary biology for over a century. Currently, there is broad concern about the impact of rapidly changing pollinator communities on plant populations. Very few studies, however, examine patterns and mechanisms associated with multiple paternity from cross‐pollen loads. Often, foraging pollinators collect a mixed pollen load that may result in the deposition of pollen from different sires to receptive stigmas. Coincident deposition of self‐ and cross‐pollen leads to interesting mating system dynamics and has been investigated in numerous species. But, mixed pollen loads often consist of a diversity of cross‐pollen and result in multiple sires of seeds within a fruit. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Rhodes, Fant, and Skogen ( 2017 ) examine how pollinator identity and spatial isolation influence multiple paternity within fruits of a self‐incompatible evening primrose. The authors demonstrate that pollen pool diversity varies between two pollinator types, hawkmoths and diurnal solitary bees. Further, progeny from more isolated plants were less likely to have multiple sires regardless of the pollinator type. Moving forward, studies of mating system dynamics should consider the implications of multiple paternity and move beyond the self‐ and cross‐pollination paradigm. Rhodes et al. ( 2017 ) demonstrate the importance of understanding the roles that functionally diverse pollinators play in mating system dynamics.  相似文献   

Six chimpanzee alloimmune antibodies define 20 phenotypes of the R-C-E-F blood group system, the counterpart of the human Rh system. Of the several specificities of this system, the Rc constitutes the crucial link with human Rh since the reactions of some chimpanzee alloimmune anti-Rc sera with human red cells parallel those obtained with human anti-Rho reagents. Reciprocally, properly absorbed human anti-Rho sera detect Rc specificity on chimpanzee red cells. Tests with large panels of human monoclonal anti-D antibodies confirm the notion of shared epitopes between human alloantigen Rho(D) and chimpanzee alloantigen Rc.  相似文献   

The AB blood group system of cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L. Auer  K. Bell 《Animal genetics》1981,12(3):287-297
Holmes (1950) and Eyquem. Podliachouk & Milot (1962) classified feline erythrocytes into two types according to their reactions with naturally occurring antibodies in cats' plasmas. Eyquem et al. (1962) designated the two antigens, A and B. and this nomenclature has been retained in the present study. The blood group system. AB. was investigated in more detail, both genetically and serologically. Frequencies of 73.3 % A and 26.3 % B were found in a survey of 1895 Brisbane cats and in addition, a new phenotype. AB. was discovered with a low incidence of 0.4 %.The results of the serological testing and limited family information suggested that the AB phenotype is inherited and not due to blood chimaerism. Preliminary genetic studies indicated that the A gene is dominant to the B in the usual situation and hypotheses to explain the occurrence of the AB phenotype are discussed.
The incidence of naturally occurring antibodies was investigated in cats, with 1895 of blood type B having anti-A and only 35 % of type A having anti-B. No subgroups of the A and B antigens were detected and no blood group substances were found in the salivas of 37 cats. There was no evidence of any serological relationship of the feline A and B antigens with the human ABO antigens.  相似文献   

This is the first application of the prediction error method (PEM) of system identification to modelling lymphocyte migration through peripheral lymphoid tissue. The PEM was applied to the emergence of labelled lymphocytes from the efferent lymphatic of a lymph node following their intravenous administration. Advantages of PEM included the capacity to calculate the response to a unit impulse stimulus, unavailable to direct observation, and to allow for the return to the node of labelled cells that had already recirculated once. Calculation of the system delay (time between introduction of cells into the blood and their first appearance in lymph) indicated 4.67 +/- 1.05 h for the total lymphocyte population. The peak in efferent lymph occurred at 11.91 +/- 4.68 h, much earlier than previous reports, which were affected by cells that had already recirculated. While 75% of labelled cells had emerged in efferent lymph by 20.77 +/- 5.62 h, 86.38 +/- 29.44 h was required for 100% emergence. The considerable heterogeneity in migratory behaviour is likely to reflect frequency and duration of binding of lymphocytes by dendritic cells in paracortical cord corridors. It is proposed that differences in the speed with which lymphocytes pass along corridors depend on their functional status, in particular whether they are na?ve or memory cells.  相似文献   

Host protection against a variety of pathogens and tumours requires the efficient induction of CD8(+) T-cell responses. Yet, it has proven difficult to develop vaccines that effectively stimulate this type of cellular immunity. One well-defined obstacle is antigen accessibility to the MHC class I processing pathway. However, cytokines that are produced by cells of the innate immune system also have a key role in CD8(+) T-cell responses, by enhancing 'cross-presentation' and/or inducing CD8(+) T-cell priming and differentiation. Here, we discuss how innate cytokine responses regulate CD8(+) T-cell immunity, and argue that a greater understanding of these processes will be essential for effective tailoring of vaccine-induced cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12(S)-HETE)-enrichment primed human peripheral blood mononuclear cells for phospholipase D activation by mitogens. Given that 12(S)-HETE-enriched cells stimulated with concanavalin A released free 12(S)-HETE in the extracellular medium, and that the priming effect of 12(S)-HETE on phospholipase D was suppressed by the non-permeant drug, suramin, we hypothesized an extracellular mechanism for 12(S)-HETE-induced PLD activation. Using [3H]12(S)-HETE as a ligand and a rapid filtration technique, we have pointed out the presence of specific low-affinity 12(S)-HETE binding sites on intact human mononuclear cells and lymphocytes. [3H]12(S)-HETE binding was efficiently displaced by other monohydroxylated and n-3 fatty acids but not by oleate and arachidonate, and was also significantly inhibited by suramin and pertussis toxin. Furthermore, 12(S)-HETE-induced PLD activation was strongly inhibited by pertussis toxin and genistein, but was not PKC-dependent. In addition, 12(S)-HETE also potentiated the ConA-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of a 46-50 kDa protein, which was inhibited by genistein. Collectively, these results suggest that 12(S)-HETE binding sites on human lymphocytes may be coupled to phospholipase D through pertussis toxin sensitive G-proteins and tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes are stimulated to a greater extent by sodium periodate when cells are incubated in medium containing human serum than when incubated in medium with fetal calf serum. NaIO4 STIMULATION CAN BE REVERSED BY TREATMENT WITH SODIUM BOROHYDRIDE BUT CELLS ALREADY COMMITTED TO DIVISION ARE NOT AFFECTED BY BOROHYDRATE TREATMENT. Maximal commitment to DNA synthesis of a NaIO4 oxidized cell suspens-on occurs after about 28 hr of incubation in medium. The committal time after periodate stimulation is identical to that after stimulation with concanavalin A. Cells treated with periodate and then reduced with borohydride immediately after oxidation are refractory to further per-odate stimulation. Cells stimulated with periodate and then incubated for 6 hr before treatment with borohydride can be restimulated with periodate, indicating a turnover of membrane sites in the 6 hr period. Periodate-stimulated cells divide only once in response to the stimulation. The progeny of cells which were stimulated with periodate can be restimulated by treatment with either periodate or concanavalin A.  相似文献   

Summary Tumour-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are usually obtained after immunization in vivo and restimulation of immune cells in vitro. We here describe the generation of syngeneic tumour-specific CTL within no more than 9 days by priming and restimulation in vivo. This is achieved only if the correct sites are used both for primary immunization (ear pinna) and for restimulation (peritoneal cavity). The kinetics of immune T cell induction and of the secondary response in vivo will be reported. While a secondary CTL response could be generated in the peritoneal cavity, this was not possible in the spleen, no matter which routes of antigen restimulation were used. Upon transfer of immune spleen cells into the peritoneal cavity but not into the spleen, a secondary response could be generated upon in situ restimulation, indicating the importance of the correct microenvironment for this type of response. The peritoneal effector cells were true T cells and recognized a tumour-associated antigen in association with the Kd major histocompatibility (MHC class I) antigen. Finally the activated tumour-specific peritoneal exudate cells were able to transfer protective immunity without exogenous interleukin-2 into normal syngeneic mice.  相似文献   

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