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环境香烟烟雾对非吸烟人群健康影响研究进展   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
采用环境香烟烟雾和被动吸烟与健康危害有关的关键词,对近五年的国内外文献作了回顾,就1.室内ETS污染水平和生物监测;2.ETS对非吸烟人群的非癌性健康影响,包括:被动吸烟与呼吸系统疾病,被动吸烟与心血管系统疾病,妊娠与哺乳妇女被动吸烟危害,儿童及青少年被动吸烟危害;  相似文献   

刘淑华 《中国保健营养》2012,(14):2854-2855
本文采用气相色谱法,水为吸收液分别进行采集和测定,揭示了香烟烟雾和呼出烟气中尼古丁含量的相关性及其所占的百分比,从而为吸烟对环境的污染和对被动吸烟者的危害提供依据。  相似文献   

流行病学的研究显示,吸烟和生殖能力的下降有一定的关系,吸烟能够导致妇女生育能力降低,怀孕后的自发流产率提高和绝经期提前〔1〕,引起人们对孕期吸烟对后代发育产生远期危害的关注。本文通过对仔鼠神经行为的测试,观察小鼠孕期被动吸烟对其仔代的影响。1材料与方法1·1材料(1  相似文献   

魏中书 《长寿》2007,(5):36-36
每年的5月31日是“世界禁烟日”。吸烟有害健康,是人所共知的事。因此,在全民中进一步倡导戒烟,加强对吸烟有害健康的宣传,就是一件很有意义的事情了。在今年“世界禁烟日”到来之际,本刊特地选登几篇有关吸烟有害健康的文章,奉献给读者,让读者和我们共同携起手来,齐心协力将戒烟运动“进行到底”![编者按]  相似文献   

香烟烟雾对机体危害的国内研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
梁弟 《现代预防医学》2003,30(2):231-232
吸烟有害健康 (包括主动吸烟和被动吸烟 ) ,这已是众所周知的 ,为了减少吸烟给人类带来的危害 ,世界卫生组织(WHO)已将“反吸烟”列为 2 1世纪卫生领域的三大主要行动目标 (抗疟疾、反吸烟和助贫困 )之一[1 ] 。我国政府和专业部门在控制吸烟方面作了大量工作 ,如禁止在公共场所吸烟、禁止烟草广告和烟草包装上必须标有“吸烟有害健康”的警示语等。但是我国目前仍有近 3亿烟民 ,且青少年吸烟人数正在逐渐上升 [1 ] ,因此有必要进行广泛地宣传吸烟对健康影响及做好吸烟对机体危害方面专业性研究。现就吸烟对机体危害国内研究进展综述如下…  相似文献   

目的:探讨碘缺乏(ID)和环境香烟烟雾(ETS)对大鼠甲状腺的联合作用。方法:采用双因素析因实验设计,通过建立实验模型,研究ID和ETS联合作用对大鼠甲状腺抗氧化能力,微量元素,超微结构等的影响。结果:实验6周后,ID和ETS对甲状腺相对重量和抗氧化能力下降,以及Cu,Zn,Se含量的降低均有明显交互作用(P<0.05),具有协同效应,其甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞病理性改变比单纯接触ETS所引起的变化更为明显,ETS因素还可使甲状腺中Li含量增高(P<0.05),结论:ID和ETS均可对大鼠甲状腺造成损伤,且有协同作用,在碘营养不良时,ETS接触可加重甲状 腺的损害,结果提示在碘缺乏病的防治工作中,控制吸烟是值得考虑的措施。  相似文献   

香烟烟雾对室内空气污染及其对健康影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周闰 《职业与健康》2014,(16):2346-2348
香烟烟雾中所含有的化学物质多达数千种,其中有60多种对人体健康有严重危害。香烟烟雾已成为室内空气污染的主要来源,而人体的多种疾病就是与室内空气的污染有关。作者从香烟烟雾中的有害物质、对室内空气的污染情况、对人体的健康的影响及减少污染的措施等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

环境香烟烟雾对空气质量的影响和监测指标的探讨蒲文兴,黄明立,覃倩萍,周汉龙吸烟者所喷出的侧流烟,形成环境香烟烟雾(EnvironmentTobaccoSmog),简称ETS,它对空气质量究竟有何影响?用什么指标来反映和监测?为此,我们从1992年起至...  相似文献   

环境香烟烟雾对大鼠甲状腺功能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过香烟烟雾(ETS)污染环境模型,研究ETS对大鼠甲状腺抗氧化能力以及血清FT4、TSH、TG等的影响。结果发现:ETS暴露6周后,大鼠体重和甲状腺相对重量在2h组明显下降,甲状腺SOD活性明显降低,MDA含量显著增高;血清FT4水平升高,TSH无明显变化,且与FT4无相关性,TG在1h组明显降低,提示ETS可对甲状腺造成脂质过氧化损伤。甲状腺生理功能受到影响,可能与ETS中尼古丁对交感神经的刺激以及5′脱碘酶活性受抑制有关。  相似文献   

环境香烟烟雾和缺碘对大鼠微量元素代谢的联合作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用析因实验设计,以尿碘含量显着减低(P<0.05)为标志的环境香烟烟雾(ETS)和碘缺乏(ID)双因素大鼠模型观察对微量元素的影响.结果发现:产生协同效应有Se、I和Zn含量在甲状腺降低,Se和Zn含量在肝脏降低,而I和Cu含量增加,血中I含量下降.ETS因素使甲状腺I、Se和Zn含量均降低,肝脏Se和Cu含量下降,I含量增高,大脑Se和Zn含量降低;ID因素使甲状腺I、Se和Zn含量降低,肝Se和Li含量降低.Cu和Zn含量增加.提示:ETS和ID联合作用,可引起多种微量元素代谢障碍,以Se和I贮备下降和利用异常变化为主.因此,补碘效果不明显时,应究其原因  相似文献   

In this study, we estimated the disease burdens attributable to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure in Korean adults in 2010 and analyzed the trend of that from 2005 to 2010. We obtained information on the study population from the 2010 Cause of Death Statistic and estimated the ETS-attributable fraction using data from the Korean Community Health Survey and the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The numbers of ETS-attributable deaths in female and male non-smokers were estimated to be 4.1 and 69.6?% of the numbers of deaths attributable to current smoke, respectively. The deaths attributable to ETS were larger in female than in male non-smokers (710 vs. 420). The ETS-attributable deaths increased slightly in 2005–2008 but decreased in 2009–2010. The number of potential years of life lost from ETS was 9077.24?years in 2010. If there were no exposure to ETS in adult non-smokers, we would expect to see 1130 fewer deaths (9.9?% of the deaths from current smoke). The results suggest that ETS poses considerable disease burdens for non-smokers, especially women, in Korea.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and demographic, lifestyle, occupational characteristics and self reported health conditions. DESIGN: Cross sectional study, using data from multiphasic health checkups between 1979 and 1985. SETTING: Large health plan in Northern California, USA. PARTICIPANTS: 16 524 men aged 15-89 years and 26 197 women aged 15-105 years who never smoked. RESULTS: Sixty eight per cent of men and 64 per cent of women reported any current ETS exposure (at home, in small spaces other than home or in large indoor areas). The exposure time from all three sources of ETS exposure correlated negatively with age. Men and women reporting high level ETS exposure were more likely to be black and never married or separated/divorced, to have no college or partial college education, to consume three alcoholic drink/day or more and to report exposure to several occupational hazards. Consistent independent relations across sexes were found between any current exposure to ETS and a positive history of hay fever/asthma (odds ratio (OR)=1.22 in men, 1.14 in women), hearing loss (OR=1.30 in men, 1.27 in women), severe headache (OR=1.22 in men, 1.17 in women), and cold/flu symptoms (OR=1.52 in men, 1.57 in women). Any current ETS exposure was also associated with chronic cough (OR=1.22) in men and with heart disease (OR=1.10) in women. Self reported stroke was inversely associated with any current ETS exposure in men (OR=0.27). No associations were noted for cancer or tumour and for migraine. CONCLUSION: ETS exposure correlated with several personal characteristics potentially associated with adverse health outcomes. Although the study design precluded causal inference, ETS exposure was associated with several self reported acute and chronic medical conditions.  相似文献   

We assessed the acute effects of a 1-h exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) on complete blood count (CBC) markers in a controlled simulated bar/restaurant environment. Nineteen adult never-smokers completed a 1-h .exposure to SHS at bar/restaurant levels, and a 1-h exposure to normal room air. Blood samples were collected at the baseline at 30?min during each exposure, and at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4?h after each exposure. The values of white blood cells (WBC) at 1?h (p?=?0.010), 3?h (p?=?0.040), and 4?h (p?=?0.008) following SHS were significantly increased compared with the baseline values. Also, there was a positive association between the WBC and cotinine levels (r?=?0.28, p?=?0.007). A 1-h exposure to SHS at bar/restaurant levels significantly increased the WBC for at least 4?h following the exposure time. This effect of SHS on WBC has dose–response characteristics and should be considered to prescribing CBC.  相似文献   

Ferris JS, Flom JD, Tehranifar P, Mayne ST, Terry MB. Prenatal and childhood environmental tobacco smoke exposure and age at menarche. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2010; 24: 515–523. Previous studies have reported mixed results regarding the association between age at menarche and environmental tobacco smoke exposure, both prenatally and during early childhood; however, few studies have had data available during both time periods. The present study examined whether exposure to prenatal tobacco smoke (PTS) via maternal smoking during pregnancy or childhood environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) was associated with age at menarche in a multi‐ethnic birth cohort. With the uniquely available prospectively collected data on body size and growth at birth and in early life, we further examined whether the association between PTS and ETS exposure and age at menarche was mediated by these variables. From 2001 to 2006, we recruited 262 women born between 1959 and 1963 who were enrolled previously in a New York City site of the National Collaborative Perinatal Project. Mothers who smoked during pregnancy vs. those who did not were more likely to be White, younger, have more education and have lower birthweight babies. Daughters with heavy PTS exposure (≥20 cigarettes per day) had a later age at menarche (>12 years vs. ≤12 years), odds ratio (OR) = 2.1 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.9, 5.0] compared with daughters with no PTS. Daughters exposed to only childhood ETS had a later age at menarche, OR = 2.1 [95% CI 1.0, 4.3], and those exposed to PTS and ETS combined had a statistically significant later age at menarche, OR = 2.2 [95% CI 1.1, 4.6] compared with daughters with no PTS and no ETS. These results did not change after further adjustment for birthweight and postnatal growth suggesting that exposure to PTS and ETS is associated with later age at menarche even after considering possible relationships with growth.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a global public health problem which is particularly acute in groups where smoking rates are higher than in the general population. A study was undertaken to investigate knowledge, attitudes and preventive efforts with regard to exposure to ETS in a sample of economically disadvantaged women residing in Michigan, USA. METHODS: Analysis-of-variance techniques were used to investigate how knowledge, attitudes and preventive efforts regarding exposure to ETS relate to demographic variables such as smoking status, ethnicity, education, employment, and income; and analysis-of-covariance techniques were applied to determine the degree to which knowledge, attitudes, age, smoking status, ethnicity, education, employment, income and home environment predict these women's preventive efforts regarding exposure to ETS. RESULTS: Generally, women with no high school diploma and women who were smokers were less knowledgeable about the adverse health effects of exposure to ETS, had worse attitudes concerning exposure to ETS and were less likely to take preventive steps to limit their exposure to ETS than were women who had more formal education or who were nonsmokers, respectively. The primary predictors of preventive efforts were knowledge, attitudes and smoking status. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that educational efforts focusing on increasing knowledge and improving attitudes regarding exposure to ETS, as well as providing practical strategies for limiting exposure to ETS, should be developed and delivered to at-risk populations.  相似文献   

The risk of delivering a low-birth-weight infant as the result of exposing a nonsmoking pregnant woman to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is not well defined. The method of ascertaining ETS exposure during pregnancy may explain the lack of consistent study findings. In a large sample of pregnant women, we compared distributions between two methods of ETS exposure: self-report and cotinine, a nicotine metabolite, from serum. At livery, subjects were asked about duration and location of exposure to ETS during their second trimester. A single cotinine measurement was assayed from serum collected at 15-19 weeks gestation (limit of detection=0.05 ng/mL). Self-reported (hours per day) ETS exposure was correlated (r=0.38) with cotinine concentration. Regression analysis revealed that while self-reported ETS was significantly associated with (log) cotinine, it did not explain a large amount of total variation. While 72% of subjects reported no exposure to ETS, almost all had measurable levels of cotinine. Studies of pregnant women based upon an hours per day ETS question have likely misclassified a sizable portion of ETS-exposed women as "unexposed." Since there is recent evidence that low levels of ETS exposure result in unfavorable pregnancy outcomes, these studies have underestimated the effect of ETS.  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine the common sources of information regarding the effects of smoking on health and their relationship to knowledge, attitudes, and preventative efforts regarding exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) among urban African-American children and adolescents.

Methods: All students who were enrolled in Grades 5–12 in an urban public school district located in the greater metropolitan area of Detroit, Michigan were surveyed using a structured, written questionnaire that assessed sources of information on the health effects of smoking, as well as knowledge, attitudes, and preventive efforts with respect to exposure to ETS. The primary analytic procedures utilized in the study were correlation analysis and analysis of variance.

Results: The African-American students surveyed in this study received information regarding the health effects of smoking from many sources, most notably television, family, and teachers. Second, students who received information on the effects of smoking on health from family and external sources (teacher, parent’s friend, and religious leader) had higher overall knowledge, attitude, and preventive efforts scores than students who received information from other sources (friends, electronic media, and printed media). Finally, family influence was greater when parents were not smokers, and influenced elementary students more than middle school or high school students.

Conclusions: The active involvement of teachers, religious leaders, parents, and other influential adults should be elicited in tobacco education and prevention efforts to maximize their effectiveness.  相似文献   

Maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of childhood overweight body mass index (BMI). Less is known about the association between prenatal secondhand tobacco smoke (SHS) exposure and childhood BMI. We followed 292 mother-child dyads from early pregnancy to 3 years of age. Prenatal tobacco smoke exposure during pregnancy was quantified using self-report and serum cotinine biomarkers. We used linear mixed models to estimate the association between tobacco smoke exposure and BMI at birth, 4 weeks, and 1, 2 and 3 years. During pregnancy, 15% of women reported SHS exposure and 12% reported active smoking, but 51% of women had cotinine levels consistent with SHS exposure and 10% had cotinine concentrations indicative of active smoking. After adjustment for confounders, children born to active smokers (self-report or serum cotinine) had higher BMI at 2 and 3 years of age, compared with unexposed children. Children born to women with prenatal serum cotinine concentrations indicative of SHS exposure had higher BMI at 2 (mean difference [MD] 0.3 [95% confidence interval -0.1, 0.7]) and 3 (MD 0.4 [0, 0.8]) years compared with unexposed children. Using self-reported prenatal exposure resulted in non-differential exposure misclassification of SHS exposures that attenuated the association between SHS exposure and BMI compared with serum cotinine concentrations. These findings suggest active and secondhand prenatal tobacco smoke exposure may be related to an important public health problem in childhood and later life. In addition, accurate quantification of prenatal secondhand tobacco smoke exposures is essential to obtaining valid estimates.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies of companion animals such as dogs have been established as models for the relationship between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and cancer risk in humans. While results from these studies are provocative, pet owner report of a dog's ETS exposure has not yet been validated. We have evaluated the relationship between dog owner's report of household smoking by questionnaire and dog's urinary cotinine level. Between January and October 2005, dog owners presenting their pet for non-emergency veterinary care at the Foster Hospital for Small Animals at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, were asked to complete a 10-page questionnaire measuring exposure to household ETS in the previous 24 h and other factors. A free-catch urine sample was also collected from dogs. Urinary cotinine level was assayed for 63 dogs, including 30 whose owners reported household smoking and 33 unexposed dogs matched on age and month of enrollment. Urinary cotinine level was significantly higher in dogs exposed to household smoking in the 24 h before urine collection compared to unexposed dogs (14.6 ng/ml vs. 7.4 ng/ml; P=0.02). After adjustment for other factors, cotinine level increased linearly with number of cigarettes smoked by all household members (P=0.004). Other canine characteristics including age, body composition and nose length were also associated with cotinine level. Findings from our study suggest that household smoking levels as assessed by questionnaire are significantly associated with canine cotinine levels.  相似文献   

Environmental tobacco smoke and breast cancer incidence   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To evaluate whether environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) influences breast cancer incidence, data from a population-based case-control study were analyzed. Respondents with available ETS information assessed by in-person questionnaires included 1356 newly diagnosed cases and 1383 controls. Relative to nonsmokers who reported no residential ETS exposure throughout the life course, the odds ratios (OR) for breast cancer were not substantially elevated in relation to ETS exposure, active smoking, or a joint measure of active and passive smoking (OR, 1.15, 95% CI, 0.90, 1.48). An increased OR, however, was noted among nonsmokers who lived with a smoking spouse for over 27 years (2.10, 95% CI, 1.47, 3.02), although no dose-response was evident. Also, among women with hormone-receptor-positive tumors only, the OR for both active and passive smoking was increased (1.42 for ER+ PR+, 95% CI, 1.00, 2.00). Our data suggest that if there is an effect for ETS on breast cancer, that effect is restricted to selected subgroups of women, such as those with long-term exposure from a smoking spouse.  相似文献   

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