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The physiological state of CHO cells in perfusion culture was quantified by determining fluxes through the bioreaction network using 13C glucose and 2D-NMR spectroscopy. CHO cells were cultivated in a 2.5 L perfusion bioreactor with glucose and glutamine as the primary carbon and energy sources. The reactor was inoculated at a cell density of 8×106 cells/mL and operated at ~10×106 cells/mL using unlabeled glucose for the first 13 days. The second phase lasted 12 days and the medium consisted of 10% [U-13C]glucose, 40% labeled [1-13C]glucose with the balance unlabeled. After the culture attained isotopic steady state, biomass samples from the last 3 days of cultivation were considered representative and used for flux estimation. They were hydrolyzed and analyzed by 2D [13C, 1H] COSY measurements using the heteronuclear single quantum correlation sequence with gradients for artifacts suppression. Metabolic fluxes were determined using the 13C-Flux software package by minimizing the residuals between the experimental and the simulated NMR data. Normalized residuals exhibited a Gaussian distribution indicating good model fit to experimental data. The glucose consumption rate was 5-fold higher than that of glutamine with 41% of glucose channeled through the pentose phosphate pathway. The fluxes at the pyruvate branch point were almost equally distributed between lactate and the TCA cycle (55% and 45%, respectively). The anaplerotic conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate by pyruvate carboxylase accounted for 10% of the pyruvate flux with the remaining 90% entering the TCA cycle through acetyl-CoA. The conversion of malate to pyruvate catalyzed by the malic enzyme was 70% higher than that for the anaplerotic reaction catalyzed by pyruvate carboxylase. Most amino acid catabolic and biosynthetic fluxes were significantly lower than the glycolytic and TCA cycle fluxes. Metabolic flux data from NMR analysis validated a simplified model where metabolite balancing was used for flux estimation. In this reduced flux space, estimates from these two methods were in good agreement. This simplified model can routinely be used in bioprocess development experiments to estimate metabolic fluxes with much reduced analytical investment. The high resolution flux information from 2D-NMR spectroscopy coupled with the capability to validate a simplified metabolite balancing based model for routine use make 13C-isotopomer analysis an attractive bioprocess development tool for mammalian cell cultures.  相似文献   

At present two alternative methods are available for analyzing the fluxes in a metabolic network: (1) combining measurements of net conversion rates with a set of metabolite balances including the cofactor balances, or (2) leaving out the cofactor balances and fitting the resulting free fluxes to measured (13)C-labeling data. In this study these two approaches are applied to the fluxes in the glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway of Penicillium chrysogenum growing on either ammonia or nitrate as the nitrogen source, which is expected to give different pentose phosphate pathway fluxes. The presented flux analyses are based on extensive sets of 2D [(13)C, (1)H] COSY data. A new concept is applied for simulation of this type of (13)C-labeling data: cumulative bondomer modeling. The outcomes of the (13)C-labeling based flux analysis substantially differ from those of the pure metabolite balancing approach. The fluxes that are determined using (13)C-labeling data are shown to be highly dependent on the chosen metabolic network. Extending the traditional nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway with additional transketolase and transaldolase reactions, extending the glycolysis with a fructose 6-phosphate aldolase/dihydroxyacetone kinase reaction sequence or adding a phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase reaction to the model considerably improves the fit of the measured and the simulated NMR data. The results obtained using the extended version of the nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway model show that the transketolase and transaldolase reactions need not be assumed reversible to get a good fit of the (13)C-labeling data. Strict statistical testing of the outcomes of (13)C-labeling based flux analysis using realistic measurement errors is demonstrated to be of prime importance for verifying the assumed metabolic model.  相似文献   

A well-established way of determining metabolic fluxes is to measure 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR spectra of components of biomass grown on uniformly (13)C-labeled carbon sources. When using the entire set of measured data to simultaneously determine all fluxes in a proposed metabolic network model, the (13)C-labeling distribution in all measured compounds has to be simulated. This requires very large sets of isotopomer or cumomer balances. This article introduces the new concept of bondomers; entities that only vary in the numbers and positions of C-C bonds that have remained intact since the medium substrate molecule entered the metabolism. Bondomers are shown to have many analogies to isotopomers. One of these is that bondomers can be transformed to cumulative bondomers, just like isotopomers can be transformed to cumomers. Similarly to cumomers, cumulative bondomers allow an analytical solution of the entire set of balances describing a metabolic network. The main difference is that cumulative bondomer models are considerably smaller than corresponding cumomer models. This saves computational time, allows easier identifiability analysis, and yields new insights in the information content of 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR data. We illustrate the theoretical concepts by means of a realistic example of the glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways. The combinations of 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR data that allow identification of all metabolic fluxes in these pathways are analyzed, and it is found that the NMR data contain less information than was previously expected.  相似文献   

2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR is used by the metabolic engineering community for determining (13)C-(13)C connectivities in intracellular compounds that contain information regarding the steady-state fluxes in cellular metabolism. This paper proposes innovations in the generation and analysis of these specific NMR spectra. These include a computer tool that allows accurate determination of the relative peak areas and their complete covariance matrices even in very complex spectra. Additionally, a method is introduced for correcting the results for isotopic non-steady-state conditions. The proposed methods were applied to measured 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR spectra. Peak intensities in a one-dimensional section of the spectrum are frequently not representative for relative peak volumes in the two-dimensional spectrum. It is shown that for some spectra a significant amount of additional information can be gained from long-range (13)C-(13)C scalar couplings in 2D [(13)C,(1)H] COSY NMR spectra. Finally, the NMR resolution enhancement by dissolving amino acid derivatives in a nonpolar solvent is demonstrated.  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges in metabolomics is the rapid and unambiguous identification and quantification of metabolites in a biological sample. Although one-dimensional (1D) proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra can be acquired rapidly, they are complicated by severe peak overlap that can significantly hinder the automated identification and quantification of metabolites. Furthermore, it is currently not reasonable to assume that NMR spectra of pure metabolites are available a priori for every metabolite in a biological sample. In this paper we develop and report on tests of methods that assist in the automatic identification of metabolites using proton two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy (COSY) NMR. Given a database of 2D COSY spectra for the metabolites of interest, our methods provide a list sorted by a heuristic likelihood of the metabolites present in a sample that has been analyzed using 2D COSY NMR. Our models attempt to correct the displacement of the peaks that can occur from one sample to the next, due to pH, temperature and matrix effects, using a statistical and chemical model. The correction of one peak can result in an implied correction of others due to spin–spin coupling. Furthermore, these displacements are not independent: they depend on the relative position of functional groups in the molecule. We report experimental results using defined mixtures of amino acids as well as real complex biological samples that demonstrate that our methods can be very effective at automatically and rapidly identifying metabolites.  相似文献   

Carbon fluxes through main pathways of glucose utilization in Escherichia coli cells--glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), and Enther-Doudoroff pathway (EDP)--were studied. Their ratios were analyzed in E. coli strains MG1655, MG1655(edd-eda), MG1655(zwf, edd-eda), and MG1655(pgi, edd-eda). It was shown that the carbon flux through glycolysis was the main route of glucose utilization, averaging ca. 80%. Inactivation of EDP did not affect growth parameters. Nevertheless, it altered carbon fluxes through the tricarboxylic acid cycles and energy metabolism in the cell. Inactivation of PPP decreased growth rate to a lesser degree than glycolysis inactivation.  相似文献   

2D COSY 1H NMR with surface coil has been used to resolve and assign cerebral metabolites which had previously been detected but could not be resolved or assigned in situ in the living animal by conventional 1D 1H NMR. A wide range of cerebral metabolites, including alanine, N-acetyl aspartate, aspartate, choline derivatives, creatine/phosphocreatine pool, GABA, glucose, glutamate/glutamine pool, inositol, lactate and taurine were simultaneously resolved and assigned in situ in the whole animal using the 2D COSY correlation graphs. Global irreversible ischemia caused the appearance and the disappearance of cross-peaks in the 2D COSY 1H NMR map, corresponding to increases in alanine, GABA and lactate and glucose depletion.  相似文献   

Labelling experiments with [2-13C]- and [1,2-13C]acetate showed that both photopigments of Anacystis nidulans, chlorophyll a and phycocyanobilin, share a common biosynthetic pathway from glutamate. The fate of deuterium during these biosynthetic events was studied using [2-13C, 2-2H3]acetate as a precursor and determining the labelling pattern by 13C NMR spectroscopy with simultaneous [1H, 2H]-broadband decoupling. The loss of 2H (ca 20%) from the precursor occurred at an early stage during the tricarboxylic acid cycle. After formation of glutamate there was no further loss of 2H in the assembly of the cyclic tetrapyrrole intermediates or during decarboxylation and modification of the side-chains. Thus the labelling data support a divergence in the pathway to cyclic and linear tetrapyrroles after protoporphyrin IX.  相似文献   

The synthesis of [2H8]estradiol, [2H7]estrone, [2H6]2-hydroxyestrone and [2H6]4-hydroxyestrone from estrone (as a source) is described. The high isotopical purity renders the labelled compounds as suitable carriers and internal standards for quantitative gas chromatography — mass spectrometry. The content of protonium-form (i.e. natural) estrogens in the labelled derivatives ranged from 0.12 % to 2.58 %. The perfcrmance of these compounds in quantitative assays using selected ion monitoring has been established; and this allows the determination of estrogens from biological material in the lower picogram range.  相似文献   

Higher sensitivity of NMR spectrometers and novel isotopic labeling schemes have ushered the development of rapid data acquisition methodologies, improving the time resolution with which NMR data can be acquired. For nucleic acids, longitudinal relaxation optimization in conjunction with Ernst angle excitation (SOFAST-HMQC) for imino protons, in addition to rendering rapid pulsing, has been demonstrated to yield significant improvements in sensitivity per unit time. Extending such methodology to other spins offers a viable prospect to measure additional chemical shifts, thereby broadening their utilization for various applications. Here, we introduce the 2D [13C, 1H] aromatic SOFAST-HMQC that results in overall sensitivity gain of 1.4- to 1.7-fold relative to the conventional HMQC and can also be extended to yield long-range heteronuclear chemical shifts such as the adenine imino nitrogens N1, N3, N7 and N9. The applications of these experiments range from monitoring real-time biochemical processes, drug/ligand screening, and to collecting data at very low sample concentration and/or in cases where isotopic enrichment cannot be achieved.  相似文献   

The study of intracellular metabolic fluxes and inter-species metabolite exchange for microbial communities is of crucial importance to understand and predict their behaviour. The most authoritative method of measuring intracellular fluxes, 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis (13C MFA), uses the labeling pattern obtained from metabolites (typically amino acids) during 13C labeling experiments to derive intracellular fluxes. However, these metabolite labeling patterns cannot easily be obtained for each of the members of the community. Here we propose a new type of 13C MFA that infers fluxes based on peptide labeling, instead of amino acid labeling. The advantage of this method resides in the fact that the peptide sequence can be used to identify the microbial species it originates from and, simultaneously, the peptide labeling can be used to infer intracellular metabolic fluxes. Peptide identity and labeling patterns can be obtained in a high-throughput manner from modern proteomics techniques. We show that, using this method, it is theoretically possible to recover intracellular metabolic fluxes in the same way as through the standard amino acid based 13C MFA, and quantify the amount of information lost as a consequence of using peptides instead of amino acids. We show that by using a relatively small number of peptides we can counter this information loss. We computationally tested this method with a well-characterized simple microbial community consisting of two species.  相似文献   

We applied multiple relayed COSY and 2D homonuclear Hartman-Hahn spectroscopy to globoside, a glycolipid purified from human red blood cells. The subspectra corresponding to individual sugar components were extracted even from overlapping proton resonances by taking the cross sections of 2D spectra parallel to the F2 axis at anomeric proton resonances, so that unambiguous assignments of sugar proton resonances were accomplished.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The generation of C2- and C3-deuterated l-lactate was monitored by 13C NMR in human erythrocytes exposed to d-[1-13glucose, d-[2-13C]glucose or d-te-13C]glucose and incubated in a medium prepared in D2O.
  • 2.2. The results suggested that the deuteration of the C1 of d-fructose 6-phosphate in the phosphoglucoisomerase reaction, the deuteration of the C1 of d-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate in the sequence of reactions catalyzed by triose phosphate isomerase and aldolase and the deuteration of the C3 of pyruvate in the reaction catalyzed by pyruvate kinase were all lower than expected from equilibration with D2O.
  • 3.3. Moreover, about 40% of the molecules of pyruvate generated by glycolysis apparently underwent deuteration on their C3 during interconversion of the 2-keto acid and l-alanine in the reaction catalyzed by glutamate-pyruvate transaminase.
  • 4.4. The occurrence of the latter process was also documented in cells exposed to exogenous [3-13C]pyruvate.
  • 5.5. This methodological approach is proposed to provide a new tool to assess in intact cells the extent of back-and-forth interconversion of selected metabolic intermediates.

[1,2-(3)H(2)]Cholecalciferol has been synthesized with a specific radioactivity of 508mCi/mmol by using tristriphenylphosphinerhodium chloride, the homogeneous hydrogen catalyst. With doses of 125ng (5i.u.) of [4-(14)C,1-(3)H(2)]cholecalciferol the tissue distribution in rachitic rats of cholecalciferol and its metabolites (25-hydroxycholecalciferol and peak P material) was similar to that found in chicken with 500ng doses of the double-labelled vitamin. The only exceptions were rat kidney, with a very high concentration of vitamin D, and rat blood, with a higher proportion of peak P material, containing a substance formed from vitamin D with the loss of hydrogen from C-1. Substance P formed from [4-(14)C,1,2-(3)H(2)]cholecalciferol retained 36% of (3)H, the amount expected from its distribution between C-1 and C-2, the (3)H at C-1 being lost. 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol does not seem to have any specific intracellular localization within the intestine of rachitic chicks. The (3)H-deficient substance P was present in the intestine and bone 1h after a dose of vitamin D and 30min after 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. There was very little 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in intestine at any time-interval, but bone and blood continued to take it up over the 8h experimental period. It is suggested that the intestinal (3)H-deficient substance P originates from outside this tissue. The polar metabolite found in blood and which has retained its (3)H at C-1 is not a precursor of the intestinal (3)H-deficient substance P.  相似文献   

Female rats were injected i.v. with comparable trace amounts of [U-14C] glycerol, [2-3H] glycerol, [U-14C] glucose, or [1-14C] palmitate, and killed 30 min afterwards. The radioactivity remaining in plasma at that time was maximal in animals receiving [U-14C] glucose while the appearance of radioactive lipids was higher in the [U-14C] glycerol animals than in other groups receiving hydrosoluble substrates. The carcass, more than the liver, was the tissue where the greatest proportion of radioactivity was recovered, while the greatest percentage of radioactivity appeared in the liver in the form of lipids. The values of total radioactivity found in different tissues were very similar when using either labelled glucose or glycerol but the amount recovered as lipids was much greater in the latter. The maximal proportion of radioactive lipids appeared in the fatty-acid form in the liver, carcass, and lumbar fat pads when using [U-14C] glycerol as a hydrosoluble substrate, and the highest lipidic fraction appeared in adipose tissue as labelled, esterified fatty acids. In the spleen, heart, and kidney, most of the lipidic radioactivity from any of the hydrosoluble substrates appeared as glyceride glycerol. The highest proportion of radioactivity from [1-14C] palmitate appeared in the esterified fatty acid in adipose tissue, being followed in decreasing proportion by the heart, carcass, liver, kidney, and spleen. Thus at least in part, both labelled glucose and glycerol are used throughout different routes for their conversion in vivo to lipids. A certain proportion of glycerol is directly utilized by adipose tissue. The fatty acids esterification ability differs among the tissues and does not correspond directly with the reported activities of glycerokinase, suggesting that the alpha-glycerophosphate for esterification comes mainly from glucose and not from glycerol.  相似文献   

In complementary experiments the metabolism of [1-2H]glucose in H2O and of unlabelled glucose in 2H2O by Zymomonas mobilis was examined. The utilization of [1-2H]glucose by Z. mobilis was monitored by high-resolution 2H NMR. The deuterium-labelling pattern and stereochemistry of the ethanols produced from the metabolism of [1-2H]glucose and unlabelled glucose in 2H2O were determined by a combination of 13C and 1H NMR and selective enzyme action. The labelling patterns were explained in terms of enzyme mechanisms and stereospecificity, and metabolite enolization.  相似文献   

R Ray  D Vicchio  A Yergey  M F Holick 《Steroids》1992,57(3):142-146
Synthesis of polydeuterated analogs of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1 alpha,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 are described. These analogs, containing stable isotope atoms at metabolically stable positions, are potentially useful in studies involving catabolism of hydroxylated metabolites of vitamin D3.  相似文献   


Assignment of the 1H and 31P NMR spectra of a phosphorodithioate modified oligonucleotide decamer duplex, d(CGCTTpS? 2AAGCG)2 (10-mer-S; a site of dithioate substitution is designated with the symbols pS? 2), was achieved by two-dimensional homonuclear TOCSY, NOES Y and 1H-31P Pure Absorption phase Constant time (PAC) heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy. In contrast to the parent palindromic decamer sequence (1) which has been shown to exist entirely in the duplex B-DNA conformation under comparable conditions (100 mM KCI), the dithiophosphate analogue forms a hairpin loop. However, the duplex form of the dithioate oligonucleotide can be stabilized at lower temperatures, higher salt and strand concentration. The solution structure of the decamer duplex was calculated by an iterative hybrid relaxation matrix method (MORASS) combined with 2D NOESY-distance restrained molecular dynamics. These backbone modified compounds, potentially attractive antisense oligonucleotide agents, are often assumed to possess similar structure as the parent nucleic acid complex. Importantly, the refined structure of the phosphorodithioate duplex shows a significant deviation from the parent unmodified, phosphoryl duplex. An overall bend and unwinding in the phosphorodithioate duplex is observed. The structural distortion of the phosphorodithioate duplex was confirmed by comparison of helicoidal parameters and groove dimensions. Especially, the helical twists of the phosphorodithioate decamer deviate significantly from the parent phosphoryl decamer. The minor groove width of phosphorodithioate duplex 10-mer-S varies between 8.4 and 13.3 Å which is much wider than those of the parent phosphoryl decamer d(CGCTTAAGCG)2 (4.2~9.4Å). The larger minor groove width of 10-mer-S duplex contributes to the unwinding of the backbone and indicates that the duplex has an overall A-DNA-like conformation in the region surrounding the dithiophosphate modification.  相似文献   

24R,25-Dihydroxy-[6,19,19-3H]vitamin D3 with a specific activity of 54 Ci/mmol and 24R,25-dihydroxy-[6,19,19-2H]vitamin D3 with 2.6 deuterium atoms/mol were synthesized in four steps starting from 24R,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 via its sulfur dioxide adduct.  相似文献   

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