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Recently, video action recognition about two-stream network is still a popular research topic in computer vision. However, most of current two-stream-based methods have two redundancy issues, including: inter-frame redundancy and intra-frame redundancy. To solve the above problems, a Spatial-Temporal Saliency Action Mask Attention network (STSAMANet) is built for action recognition. First, this paper introduces a key-frame mechanism to eliminate inter-frame redundancy. This mechanism can compute key frames on each video sequence to get the greatest difference between frames. Then, Mask R-CNN detection technology is introduced to build a saliency attention layer to eliminate intra-frame redundancy. This layer is to focus on the saliency human body and objects for each action class. We experiment on two public video action datasets, i.e., the UCF101 dataset and Penn Action dataset to verify the effectiveness of our method in action recognition.  相似文献   

As a challenging task of video classification, action recognition has become a significant topic of computer vision community. The most popular methods based on two-stream architecture up to now are still simply fusing the prediction scores of each stream. In that case, the complementary characteristics of two streams cannot be fully utilized and the effect of shallower features is often overlooked. In addition, the equal treatment to features may weaken the role of the feature contributing significantly to the classification. Accordingly, a novel network called Multiple Depth-levels Features Fusion Enhanced Network (MDFFEN) is proposed. It improves on two aspects of two-stream architecture. In terms of the two-stream interaction mechanism, multiple depth-levels features fusion (MDFF) is formed to aggregate spatial–temporal features extracted from several sub-modules of original two streams by spatial–temporal features fusion (STFF). And with respect to further refining the spatiotemporal features, we propose a group-wise spatial-channel enhance (GSCE) module to highlight the meaningful regions and expressive channels automatically by priority assignment. The competitive results are achieved after we validate MDFFEN on three public challenging action recognition datasets, HDMB51, UCF101 and ChaLearn LAP IsoGD.  相似文献   

In the action recognition, a proper frame sampling method can not only reduce redundant video information, but also improve the accuracy of action recognition. In this paper, an action density based non-isometric frame sampling method, namely NFS, is proposed to discard the redundant video information and sample the rational frames in videos for neural networks to achieve great accuracy on human action recognition, in which action density is introduced in our method to indicate the intensity of actions in videos. Particularly, the action density determination mechanism, focused-clips division mechanism, and reinforcement learning based frame sampling (RLFS) mechanism are proposed in NFS method. Via the evaluations with various neural networks and datasets, our results show that the proposed NFS method can achieve great effectiveness in frame sampling and can assist in achieving better accuracy on action recognition in comparison with existing methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a strong two-stream point cloud sequence network VirtualActionNet for 3D human action recognition. In the data preprocessing stage, we transform the depth sequence into a point cloud sequence as the input of our VirtualActionNet. In order to encode intra-frame appearance structures, static point cloud technologies are first employed as a virtual action generation sequence module to abstract the point cloud sequence into a virtual action sequence. Then, a two-stream network framework is presented to model the virtual action sequence. Specifically, we design an appearance stream module for aggregating all the appearance information preserved in each virtual action frame. Moreover, a motion stream module is introduced to capture dynamic changes along the time dimension. Finally, a joint loss strategy is adopted during data training to improve the action prediction accuracy of the two-stream network. Extensive experiments on three publicly available datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed VirtualActionNet.  相似文献   

Modeling and reasoning of the interactions between multiple entities (actors and objects) are beneficial for the action recognition task. In this paper, we propose a 3D Deformable Convolution Temporal Reasoning (DCTR) network to model and reason about the latent relationship dependencies between different entities in videos. The proposed DCTR network consists of a spatial modeling module and a temporal reasoning module. The spatial modeling module uses 3D deformable convolution to capture relationship dependencies between different entities in the same frame, while the temporal reasoning module uses Conv-LSTM to reason about the changes of multiple entity relationship dependencies in the temporal dimension. Experiments on the Moments-in-Time dataset, UCF101 dataset and HMDB51 dataset demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Human action recognition in videos is still an important while challenging task. Existing methods based on RGB image or optical flow are easily affected by clutters and ambiguous backgrounds. In this paper, we propose a novel Pose-Guided Inflated 3D ConvNet framework (PI3D) to address this issue. First, we design a spatial–temporal pose module, which provides essential clues for the Inflated 3D ConvNet (I3D). The pose module consists of pose estimation and pose-based action recognition. Second, for multi-person estimation task, the introduced pose estimation network can determine the action most relevant to the action category. Third, we propose a hierarchical pose-based network to learn the spatial–temporal features of human pose. Moreover, the pose-based network and I3D network are fused at the last convolutional layer without loss of performance. Finally, the experimental results on four data sets (HMDB-51, SYSU 3D, JHMDB and Sub-JHMDB) demonstrate that the proposed PI3D framework outperforms the existing methods on human action recognition. This work also shows that posture cues significantly improve the performance of I3D.  相似文献   

Action recognition in video is one of the most important and challenging tasks in computer vision. How to efficiently combine the spatial-temporal information to represent video plays a crucial role for action recognition. In this paper, a recurrent hybrid network architecture is designed for action recognition by fusing multi-source features: a two-stream CNNs for learning semantic features, a two-stream single-layer LSTM for learning long-term temporal feature, and an Improved Dense Trajectories (IDT) stream for learning short-term temporal motion feature. In order to mitigate the overfitting issue on small-scale dataset, a video data augmentation method is used to increase the amount of training data, as well as a two-step training strategy is adopted to train our recurrent hybrid network. Experiment results on two challenging datasets UCF-101 and HMDB-51 demonstrate that the proposed method can reach the state-of-the-art performance.  相似文献   

In the task of skeleton-based action recognition, CNN-based methods represent the skeleton data as a pseudo image for processing. However, it still remains as a critical issue of how to construct the pseudo image to model the spatial dependencies of the skeletal data. To address this issue, we propose a novel convolutional neural network with adaptive inferential framework (AIF-CNN) to exploit the dependencies among the skeleton joints. We particularly investigate several initialization strategies to make the AIF effective with each strategy introducing the different prior knowledge. Extensive experiments on the dataset of NTU RGB+D and Kinetics-Skeleton demonstrate that the performance is improved significantly by integrating the different prior information. The source code is available at: https://github.com/hhe-distance/AIF-CNN.  相似文献   

In real‐world intelligent transportation systems, accuracy in vehicle license plate detection and recognition is considered quite critical. Many algorithms have been proposed for still images, but their accuracy on actual videos is not satisfactory. This stems from several problematic conditions in videos, such as vehicle motion blur, variety in viewpoints, outliers, and the lack of publicly available video datasets. In this study, we focus on these challenges and propose a license plate detection and recognition scheme for videos based on a temporal matching prior network. Specifically, to improve the robustness of detection and recognition accuracy in the presence of motion blur and outliers, forward and bidirectional matching priors between consecutive frames are properly combined with layer structures specifically designed for plate detection. We also built our own video dataset for the deep training of the proposed network. During network training, we perform data augmentation based on image rotation to increase robustness regarding the various viewpoints in videos.  相似文献   

Although multiple methods have been proposed for human action recognition, the existing multi-view approaches cannot well discover meaningful relationship among multiple action categories from different views. To handle this problem, this paper proposes an multi-view learning approach for multi-view action recognition. First, the proposed method leverages the popular visual representation method, bag-of-visual-words (BoVW)/fisher vector (FV), to represent individual videos in each view. Second, the sparse coding algorithm is utilized to transfer the low-level features of various views into the discriminative and high-level semantics space. Third, we employ the multi-task learning (MTL) approach for joint action modeling and discovery of latent relationship among different action categories. The extensive experimental results on M2I and IXMAS datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Moreover, the experiments further demonstrate that the discovered latent relationship can benefit multi-view model learning to augment the performance of action recognition.  相似文献   

Huilan LUO  Kang TONG 《通信学报》2019,40(10):189-198
Aiming at the shortcomings of shallow networks and general deep models in two-stream network structure,which could not effectively learn spatial and temporal information,a squeeze-and-excitation residual network was proposed for action recognition with a spatial stream and a temporal stream.Meanwhile,the long-term temporal dependence was captured by injecting the identity mapping kernel into the network as a temporal filter.Spatiotemporal feature multiplication fusion was used to further enhance the interaction between spatial information and temporal information of squeeze-and-excitation residual networks.Simultaneously,the influence of spatial-temporal stream multiplication fusion methods,times and locations on the performance of action recognition was studied.Given the limitations of performance achieved by a single model,three different strategies were proposed to generate multiple models,and the final recognition result was obtained by integrating these models through averaging and weighted averaging.The experimental results on the HMDB51 and UCF101 datasets show that the proposed spatiotemporal squeeze-and-excitation residual multiplier networks can effectively improve the performance of action recognition.  相似文献   

Video action recognition is an important topic in computer vision tasks. Most of the existing methods use CNN-based models, and multiple modalities of image features are captured from the videos, such as static frames, dynamic images, and optical flow features. However, these mainstream features contain much static information including object and background information, where the motion information of the action itself is not distinguished and strengthened. In this work, a new kind of motion feature is proposed without static information for video action recognition. We propose a quantization of motion network based on the bag-of-feature method to learn significant and discriminative motion features. In the learned feature map, the object and background information is filtered out, even if the background is moving in the video. Therefore, the motion feature is complementary to the static image feature and the static information in the dynamic image and optical flow. A multi-stream classifier is built with the proposed motion feature and other features, and the performance of action recognition is enhanced comparing to other state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Dense trajectory methods have recently been proved to be successful in recognizing actions in realistic videos. However, their performance is still limited due to the uniform dense sampling, which does not discriminate between action-related areas and background. This paper proposes to improve the dense trajectories for recognizing actions captured in realistic scenes, especially in the presence of camera motion. Firstly, based on the observation that the motion in action-related areas is usually much more irregular than the camera motion in background, we recover the salient regions in a video by implementing low-rank matrix decomposition on the motion information and use the saliency maps to indicate action-related areas. Considering action-related regions are changeable but continuous with time, we temporally split a video into subvideos and compute the salient regions subvideo by subvideo. In addition, to ensure spatial continuity, we spatially divide a subvideo into patches and arrange the vectorized optical flow of all the spatial patches to collect the motion information for salient region detection. Then, after the saliency maps of all subvideos in a video are obtained, we incorporate them into dense tracking to extract saliency-based dense trajectories to describe actions. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we conduct experiments on four benchmark datasets, namely, Hollywood2, YouTube, HMDB51 and UCF101, and show that the performance of our method is competitive with the state of the art.  相似文献   

The conditional random fields (CRFs) model, as one of the most successful discriminative approaches, has received renewed attention recently for human action recognition. However, the existing CRFs model formulations have typically limited capabilities to capture higher order dependencies among the given states and deeper intermediate representations within the target states, which are potentially useful and significant to model the complex action recognition scenarios. In this paper, we present a novel double-layer CRFs (DL-CRFs) model for human action recognition in the graphical model framework. In problem formulation, an augmented top layer as the high-level and global variable is designed in the DL-CRFs model, with the global perception perspective to acquire higher-order dependencies between the target states. Meanwhile, we exploit the additional intermediate variables to explicitly perceive the intermediate representations between the target states and observation features. We then propose to decompose the DL-CRFs model in two parts, that are the top linear-chain CRFs model and the bottom one, in order to execute ease inference both during the parameter learning phase and test time. Lastly, the assumed DL-CRFs model parameters can be learned with block-coordinate primal–dual Frank–Wolfe algorithm with gap sampling scheme in a structured support vector machine framework. Experimental results and discussions on two public benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach performs better than other state-of-the-art methods in several evaluation criteria.  相似文献   

Human pose estimation aims at predicting the poses of human body parts in images or videos. Since pose motions are often driven by some specific human actions, knowing the body pose of a human is critical for action recognition. This survey focuses on recent progress of human pose estimation and its application to action recognition. We attempt to provide a comprehensive review of recent bottom-up and top-down deep human pose estimation models, as well as how pose estimation systems can be used for action recognition. Thanks to the availability of commodity depth sensors like Kinect and its capability for skeletal tracking, there has been a large body of literature on 3D skeleton-based action recognition, and there are already survey papers such as [1] about this topic. In this survey, we focus on 2D skeleton-based action recognition where the human poses are estimated from regular RGB images instead of depth images. We summarize the performance of recent action recognition methods that use pose estimated from color images as input, then show that there is much room for improvements in this direction.  相似文献   

3D skeleton sequences contain more effective and discriminative information than RGB video and are more suitable for human action recognition. Accurate extraction of human skeleton information is the key to the high accuracy of action recognition. Considering the correlation between joint points, in this work, we first propose a skeleton feature extraction method based on complex network. The relationship between human skeleton points in each frame is coded as a network. The changes of action over time are described by a time series network composed of skeleton points. Network topology attributes are used as feature vectors, complex network coding and LSTM are combined to recognize human actions. The method was verified on the NTU RGB + D60, MSR Action3D and UTKinect-Action3D dataset, and have achieved good performance, respectively. It shows that the method of extracting skeleton features based on complex network can properly identify different actions. This method that considers the temporal information and the relationship between skeletons at the same time plays an important role in the accurate recognition of human actions.  相似文献   

Manifold learning is an efficient approach for recognizing human actions. Most of the previous embedding methods are learned based on the distances between frames as data points. Thus they may be efficient in the frame recognition framework, but they will not guarantee to give optimum results when sequences are to be classified as in the case of action recognition in which temporal constraints convey important information. In the sequence recognition framework, sequences are compared based on the distances defined between sets of points. Among them Spatio-temporal Correlation Distance (SCD) is an efficient measure for comparing ordered sequences. In this paper we propose a novel embedding which is optimum in the sequence recognition framework based on SCD as the distance measure. Specifically, the proposed embedding minimizes the sum of the distances between intra-class sequences while seeking to maximize the sum of distances between inter-class points. Action sequences are represented by key poses chosen equidistantly from one action period. The action period is computed by a modified correlation-based method. Action recognition is achieved by comparing the projected sequences in the low-dimensional subspace using SCD or Hausdorff distance in a nearest neighbor framework. Several experiments are carried out on three popular datasets. The method is shown not only to classify the actions efficiently obtaining results comparable to the state of the art on all datasets, but also to be robust to additive noise and tolerant to occlusion, deformation and change in view point. Moreover, the method outperforms other classical dimension reduction techniques and performs faster by choosing less number of postures.  相似文献   

Most of the existing Action Quality Assessment (AQA) methods for scoring sports videos have deeply researched how to evaluate the single action or several sequential-defined actions that performed in short-term sport videos, such as diving, vault, etc. They attempted to extract features directly from RGB videos through 3D ConvNets, which makes the features mixed with ambiguous scene information. To investigate the effectiveness of deep pose feature learning on automatically evaluating the complicated activities in long-duration sports videos, such as figure skating and artistic gymnastic, we propose a skeleton-based deep pose feature learning method to address this problem. For pose feature extraction, a spatial–temporal pose extraction module (STPE) is built to capture the subtle changes of human body movements and obtain the detail representations for skeletal data in space and time dimensions. For temporal information representation, an inter-action temporal relation extraction module (ATRE) is implemented by recurrent neural network to model the dynamic temporal structure of skeletal subsequences. We evaluate the proposed method on figure skating activity of MIT-skate and FIS-V datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed method is more effective than RGB video-based deep feature learning methods, including SENet and C3D. Significant performance progress has been achieved for the Spearman Rank Correlation (SRC) on MIT-Skate dataset. On FIS-V dataset, for the Total Element Score (TES) and the Program Component Score (PCS), better SRC and MSE have been achieved between the predicted scores against the judge’s ones when compared with SENet and C3D feature methods.  相似文献   

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