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目的 探讨超声内镜引导下经胃引流治疗早期胰腺假性囊肿的疗效.方法 回顾性分析2003至2008年在超声内镜引导下早期经胃穿刺置管引流进行治疗的23例巨大胰腺假性囊肿患者的临床资料.结果 假性囊肿位于胰头部3例,胰体部11例,胰尾部9例,囊肿平均直径11 cm(8~18 cm),均为单发囊性,所有病例在超声内镜引导下经胃引流治疗胰腺假性囊肿,假性囊肿发现至穿刺手术间隔17~65d,平均31 d.2例术后发生囊肿感染,1例改用外引流,另1例改用手术内引流治疗治愈;3例出现消化道出血,保守治疗后治愈.2~3个月后CT复查,6例患者假性囊肿完全消失,余15例患者囊肿明显缩小,所有患者腹胀、腹痛症状缓解.随访1年,无溃疡、出血、囊腔感染等并发症发生.结论 超声引导下早期经胃穿刺置管引流治疗胰腺假性囊肿是安全、有效的.  相似文献   

目的:探讨CT引导的经皮穿刺置管引流联合胆道镜治疗胰周脓肿的方法和效果。方法:5例重症胰腺炎合并胰周脓肿患者,在CT引导下行病灶穿刺引流,待窦道形成后,将窦道扩张,用胆道镜经窦道多次清除脓腔内坏死组织。结果:5例患者CT引导下穿刺置管均成功,每例患者经胆道镜脓腔清理2~6次,其中3例治愈;2例胰腺假性囊肿,经开腹行囊肿空肠吻合术治愈。无因穿刺、引流和胆道镜清理脓腔引发的并发症。结论:CT引导经皮穿刺、置管引流、窦道扩张和胆道镜清理,多种微创方法结合是治疗胰周脓的常有方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经胃内镜手术治疗胰腺脓肿或胰腺囊肿合并感染的临床价值.方法 回顾性分析2008年7月至2011年8月第三军医大学新桥医院采用EUS引导下经胃穿刺引流和内镜下清创术治疗的22例重症急性胰腺炎并发胰腺脓肿或囊肿合并感染患者的临床资料.所有患者经过脓肿穿刺抽吸液培养确认细菌感染.对于胰腺囊肿合并感染,在EUS引导下穿刺置入1根或1根以上10F双猪尾内引流管,同时置入8.5F鼻胆管.结果 胰腺脓肿穿刺抽吸液培养结果显示,2例患者为金黄色葡萄球菌感染,3例为变形杆菌感染,4例为铜绿假单孢菌感染,4例为克雷伯杆菌感染,9例为大肠埃希杆菌感染.16例患者在EUS、6例患者在十二指肠镜下完成支架和鼻胆管置入.9例胰腺脓肿患者经过内镜下胰腺脓肿清创术全部愈合,愈合时间(6.5±1.8)周.13例胰腺囊肿合并感染患者经EUS引导下经胃穿刺引流后皆愈合,愈合时间(8.3±2.1)周.所有患者随访2年,未见胰腺脓肿和囊肿复发.结论 经胃内镜手术治疗胰腺脓肿或囊肿合并感染有良好的临床效果.  相似文献   

目的探讨胰腺囊性疾病破裂的诊断与治疗。方法回顾性分析2011年6月至2015年12月期间哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院胰胆外科收治的20例胰腺囊性疾病破裂患者的临床资料,其中胰腺假性囊肿15例,胰腺囊性肿瘤5例。结果 5例胰腺囊性肿瘤患者均行手术切除,其中2例行胰十二指肠切除术,3例行胰体尾脾切除术。15例胰腺假性囊肿患者中,行超声引导下胰腺假性囊肿穿刺置管引流2例;内镜下胰管内支架引流2例;内镜下胰管内支架引流联合超声引导下胰腺假性囊肿穿刺置管引流2例;手术治疗9例,其中假性囊肿外引流1例,假性囊肿内引流8例(胰腺假性囊肿空肠吻合5例,胰腺假性囊肿胃吻合3例)。术后发生胰瘘3例(A级2例,B级1例),胃排空障碍1例,肺部感染2例,腹腔积液1例。随访3个月至5年,平均25.6个月,1例胰腺假性囊肿患者行内镜下胰管内支架引流术后假性囊肿复发,还有1例胰腺假性囊肿患者行假性囊肿内引流术后复发,2例复发患者均经非手术治疗后症状好转,痊愈出院。结论正确地鉴别胰腺囊性肿瘤与胰腺假性囊肿是胰腺囊性疾病破裂治疗方式选择的前提。胰腺囊性疾病破裂的治疗较常规胰腺囊性疾病的治疗急迫,治疗方式的选择至关重要,应根据患者具体情况制定出个体化治疗方案,使患者最大程度获益。  相似文献   

对16例胰腺炎后形成假性囊肿患者在超声内镜引导下经胃内置管行胰腺假性囊肿引流术,术前做好患者和器械准备;术中严密观察病情变化,熟悉操作流程,做好手术配合;术后加强病情监测,积极预防和处理并发症。结果16例中1例置管后囊肿内出血不止,转外科手术治疗后痊愈出院;13例术后1周至8个月经腹部B超、上腹部CT复查显示胰腺假性囊肿消失;2例囊肿并发感染,再放置鼻囊肿引流管反复冲洗,5~6个月后囊肿消失,拔除支架。提出精良的护理配合是手术成功和避免并发症的重要保证。  相似文献   

胰瘘、假性胰腺囊肿是胰腺损伤术后两大并发症,发生率约为14%和9%。我院收治1例胰腺损伤术后出现胰瘘、假性胰腺囊肿及两处肠内瘘患者,病情复杂。现报告如下:1临床资料患者男性,29岁,因车祸在当地医院以“脾破裂”行急诊剖腹探查术,术中发现脾脏及胰尾部破裂,行脾及胰尾切除。术后患者出现腹痛、发热、切口感染及腹腔引流液增多,考虑“胰瘘”而转至我院。入院后多次引流管造影示:胰瘘、假性胰腺囊肿,囊腔与两处空肠相通。给予积极保守治疗,禁食、胃肠减压、纠正贫血及低蛋白血症、全胃肠外营养、抗感染、充分双套管持续冲洗引流、应用生长抑…  相似文献   

对16例胰腺炎后形成假性囊肿患者在超声内镜引导下经胃内置管行胰腺假性囊肿引流术,术前做好患者和器械准备;术中严密观察病情变化,熟悉操作流程,做好手术配合;术后加强病情监测,积极预防和处理并发症。结果16例中1例置管后囊肿内出血不止,转外科手术治疗后痊愈出院;13例术后1周至8个月经腹部B超、上腹部CT复查显示胰腺假性囊肿消失;2例囊肿并发感染,再放置鼻囊肿引流管反复冲洗,5~6个月后囊肿消失,拔除支架。提出精良的护理配合是手术成功和避免并发症的重要保证。  相似文献   

背景与目的 胰腺假性囊肿(PPC)形成是急性胰腺炎(AP)常见的局部并发症,PPC发生胰腺结肠瘘者少见。本文对1例PPC并感染致结肠瘘的临床表现、诊断和内镜干预治疗等进行总结分析。方法 本文回顾分析内镜下治疗AP后PPC并感染致结肠瘘1例患者病例资料,结合国内外相关文献,总结PPC发生胰腺结肠瘘的临床表现、诊断和内镜干预治疗选择。结果 患者为51岁女性,因“上腹痛1 d”就诊。术前CT扫描检查报告:AP征象并假PPC形成。超声内镜下经胃后壁穿刺入胰头部,脓肿腔内放置蕈型覆膜金属支架(LAMS)(10 mm×50 mm),引流通畅,但术后患者反复高热。再次经超声内镜下放置覆膜金属支架、双猪尾支架、经鼻脓肿外引流等方法处理胰腺周围坏死。使用内镜吻合夹闭的技术处置胰腺结肠瘘管,术后完全治愈。结论 内镜技术在治疗胰腺周围感染性坏死及重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)合并结肠瘘中具有创伤小、安全性高、疗效确切的优势。  相似文献   

2000年至2004年,我科收治16例急性重症胰腺炎并发胰腺假性囊肿,经B超或CT引导下,采用经皮穿刺置管引流治疗,取得了良好的效果,报告如下。临床资料1.一般资料:本组16例,男5例,女11例,均为急性重症胰腺炎经保守治疗2~4周后,出现上腹部肿块或腹胀,经B超或CT证实为胰腺假性囊肿,观察4周,囊肿无吸收。囊肿直径最大18 cm,最小6.3 cm,平均12.3 cm。治疗采用外科手术行囊肿内引流术,手术过程复杂,而易出现胰外瘘,感染或复发。近年来出现了很多经内镜治疗胰腺假性囊肿的微创技术[3,4],但需要较昂贵的医疗设备。我院在B超或CT引导下,对囊肿直径大…  相似文献   

目的探讨巨大胰腺假性囊肿内引流术治疗的术式选择。方法回顾性分析收治且行囊肿内引流的13例巨大胰腺假性囊肿(长径15 cm)的临床资料。结果均经B超或/和CT以及术后病理学检查明确胰腺假性囊肿的诊断。行囊肿空肠Roux-en-Y型吻合术的6例,其中术后囊肿感染2例。囊肿胃吻合术3例,术后囊肿感染2例,消化道出血1例,其中2例需二次干预。囊肿胃肠道一期内、外引流术4例,其中囊肿胃一期内、外引流术2例,术后1例囊肿感染,非手术治疗后痊愈;囊肿空肠Roux-en-Y一期内、外引流术2例,无术后并发症。全组无死亡病例。结论对部分巨大胰腺假性囊肿,囊肿胃肠道一期内、外引流术可能更为合适。对适宜行囊肿胃吻合术的巨大胰腺假性囊肿,建议行囊肿胃一期内、外引流术。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Minimally invasive techniques have been used to manage infected pancreatic necrosis and its local complications, although there are no randomised trials to evaluate these techniques. The aims of this study were to review the scope and quality of recommendations in current clinical practice guidelines on the role of percutaneous catheter drainage and endoscopic techniques for pancreatic abscess, pseudocyst, and infected pancreatic necrosis and identify the degree of consensus between guidelines. METHODS: A MEDLINE search was performed to identify current guidelines from any professional body published in the English language. Guidelines were analysed to determine their specific recommendations for using percutaneous catheter drainage and endoscopic techniques to manage pancreatic abscess, infected pseudocyst, and infected pancreatic necrosis. RESULTS: Sixteen guidelines were reviewed. Percutaneous catheter drainage for pancreatic abscess was recommended by eight guidelines; for infected pseudocysts, one guideline did not recommend its use and six recommended its use; for infected necrosis, two guidelines did not recommend its use and four recommended its use. Endoscopic management of both pancreatic abscess and infected pseudocyst was recommended by seven guidelines; for infected necrosis, endoscopic management was recommended by ten guidelines. Ten guidelines did not include levels of evidence to support their recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: Guidelines lacked consensus in their recommendations for minimally invasive management of pancreatic abscess, infected pseudocyst, and infected necrosis, and few recommendations were graded according to the strength of the evidence. More prospective trials are needed to provide evidence where it is lacking, which should be incorporated into clinical practice guidelines.  相似文献   



We present a case report of a novel hybrid natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). The operation performed was a transgastric cystgastrostomy with endoscopic guidance for a pancreatic pseudocyst. This operation was completed entirely through an existing gastrostomy site with no incisions, thus avoiding the peritoneal cavity.


This is a case of a 7-year-old boy with neurologic impairment from congenital herpes simplex virus encephalitis who is tube fed. He had acute pancreatitis and developed a 9 cm pancreatic pseudocyst. The pseudocyst failed to resolve after 6 weeks and developed a mature wall. Due to a history of multiple abdominal surgeries and known abdominal adhesions, a minimally invasive approach that would avoid entering the peritoneal cavity was the desired approach. The technique involved a trans-oral endoscope for visualization and the use of the gastrostomy as access to the gastric lumen and pseudocyst. The pancreatic pseudocyst was stabilized with two T-fasteners and confirmed with needle aspiration under endoscopic visualization. The pseudocyst was then opened with the LigaSure (Valleylab, Boulder, CO). The cystgastrostomy anastomosis was completed with an Endopath ETS-Flex Articulating Linear Stapler/Cutter (Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc, Cincinnati, OH). The operation took less than 2 hours and was completed without an incision. Under the policies of the Human Research Protection Program, review of a single case is outside the scope of the definition of human subjects research and does not require institutional review board review and approval.


The patient did well postoperatively and had a dramatic reduction in size of the pancreatic pseudocyst to 3.5 cm by 2 weeks.


Hybrid NOTES cystgastrostomy performed through an existing gastrocutaneous fistula is an excellent approach for minimally invasive drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts.  相似文献   

Recurrent necrotizing pancreatitis in the frozen or hostile abdomen remains a challenge. Percutaneous drainage is useful in these cases but often fails if there is significant pancreatic necrosis. We describe a technique for laparoscopic drainage of necrotic pancreas. The preexisting percutaneous drainage tract was sequentially dilated and a working thoracoscope was placed via a Hasson cannula. A pulsatile irrigation system was used to open the cavity for visualization and to wash away obvious necrotic debris. Working sequentially using the irrigation jet flow for debridement and visualization, we opened the entire tract and debrided a majority of the necrotic tissue. A large drainage tube was placed to allow the egress of any residual infection. Three patients to date have been treated with the above technique with no intraoperative complications. All three patients did well initially postoperatively and had adequate drainage. One patient developed a delayed pancreatic pseudocyst. Laparoscopic debridement via percutaneous drainage tract is a useful technique in the hostile abdomen.  相似文献   

目的评价胆道镜经引流窦道清创治疗胰周脓肿的疗效。方法2008年1月~2011年12月,对81例开腹清创引流或超声引导穿刺引流未愈的胰周脓肿,胆道镜经引流窦道进入病灶内部,以活检钳和取石网钳取脓苔及坏死脱落组织,生理盐水灌洗脓腔,反复清创和持续引流,达到治愈。结果治愈76例,治愈率93.8%。4例因CT显示坏死区域靠近肠系膜血管或脾门部位改行开腹手术,1例因并发严重多器官功能衰竭死亡。76例治愈者接受胆道镜清创2—9次,平均5.1次,第一次镜下清创至治愈拔管时间25~132d,平均37d。胆道镜清创并发出血2例,肠漏1例,保守治愈。76例治愈患者随访3~38个月,其中〉12个月39例,无病灶残余。结论胆道镜完成对胰周脓肿病灶的清创,方法简单,临床效果可靠。  相似文献   

The term, “acute pancreatitis”, covers in terms of clinical, pathological, biochemical and bacteriological data, different entities in regard to the natural course of the disease. Interstitial edematous pancreatitis and necrotizing pancreatitis are the most frequent clinical manifestations; pancreatic abscess and postacute pseudocyst are late complications, mostly of necrotizing pancreatitis, developing after 3–5 weeks. The first choice of treatment is non-surgical management, even in patients with a severe complicated course of the disease. Patients who develop surgical acute abdomen, clinical sepsis syndrome, shock syndrome, or a severe type of mechanical or adynamic ileus must be treated surgically. Patients who do not respond to maximum intensive care measures for pulmonary, renal, cardiocirculatory, and metabolic dysfunction are candidates for surgical treatment, despite the possibility of sterile necrosis causing systemic complications. Surgical treatment is indicated in patients with infected necrosis, debridement and continuous closed lavage or open packing with re-operation being the most accepted treatment protoclos. When necrosectomy/debridement plus closed postoperative lavage was employed as a standard surgical treatment, hospital mortality was less than 20% in patients with infected necrosis as well as those with sterile necrosis. In pancreatic abscess and postacute pseudocyst, the treatment of first choice is intervention via ultrasound- or CT-guided percutaneous puncture and drainage of the abscess cavity. However, the majority of patients with a pancreatic abscess, treated interventionally, are candidates for a surgical drainage procedure because the interventional drainage fails to control the sepsis rapidly.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经内镜胆道金属支架置入术后胆道感染的原因及处理方法.方法 回顾性分析2011年1月至2012年12月47例经内镜胆道金属支架引流患者的临床资料.结果 47例均一次成功置入胆道金属支架,6例肝门部胆管癌、3例胆管癌(胆总管)、2例壶腹癌以及1例肝移植术后吻合口狭窄患者在金属支架植入术后3周~31个月发生胆道感染,发生率为25.5%,包括4例肿瘤堵塞金属支架、3例胆泥及食糜淤积、3例急性化脓性胆囊炎以及2例肝脓肿,分别采取经皮经肝胆囊穿刺置管引流(PTGBD)、经皮经肝脓肿穿刺置管引流(PTCD)、经内镜球囊取石/覆膜金属支架及鼻胆管引流治疗,12例均治愈,未发生严重并发症.结论 胆泥及食糜淤积、肝脓肿、肿瘤长入支架、胆囊颈管开口受压是胆道金属支架置入术后胆道感染的主要原因,PTGBD、PTCD及治疗性ERCP是其主要治疗方法.  相似文献   

Endoscopists seek to conduct more aggressive surgical procedures that surpass the limitations of existing endoscopic procedures. Endoscopic pancreatic necrosectomy and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) are typical examples of this new trend; both are performed through the gastrointestinal wall without a skin incision. Endoscopic necrosectomy is effective for managing organized pancreatic necrosis and abscesses. The necrotic tissues are removed endoscopically by directly entering the cavity of the organized pancreatic necrosis. NOTES is a possible advance over surgical intervention, as it is a less invasive, more cosmetic, and effective procedure. There are various approaches, including the esophagus, stomach, colon, and vagina; Various procedures are possible using NOTES, such as cholecystectomy, appendectomy, full-thickness stomach resection, splenectomy, gastrointestinal (GI) anastomosis, and peritoneoscopy. The requirements for NOTES include high proficiency in endoscopic techniques, including knowledge of various devices, anatomy, and surgical procedures. Since most GI endoscopists have no surgical background, to increase the usage of NOTES, GI endoscopists should form and lead teams that include various specialists. We believe that endoscopic necrosectomy and NOTES represent a major shift in the treatment paradigm because physicians can treat beyond the gastrointestinal wall and endoscopic procedures will replace surgical treatment.  相似文献   

Background/Purpose Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts using transpapillary and transmural approaches has been reported. In this study, endoscopic nasopancreatic drainage (ENPD) and pancreatic stenting were performed in patients with pseudocyst and abscess associated with acute pancreatitis, and the usefulness and problems of the procedures were investigated. Methods After endoscopic retrograde pancreatography was done, ENPD and/or pancreatic stenting were performed in 13 patients with pancreatitis and pseudocyst or abscess that communicated with the main pancreatic duct. Results ENPD was performed in seven patients, and was effective in all five patients with cysts: the cysts disappeared or shrank. However, the condition in the two patients with abscess was unchanged, and percutaneous drainage was performed. Stenting was carried out in six patients, and the cyst disappeared or pancreatitis was improved in all six. The stent was removed from two patients, but no recurrence has been noted so far. Conclusions ENPD and stenting are effective therapeutic choices for acute and chronic pancreatitis and pseudocysts, and they are superior to percutaneous drainage to avoid pancreatic fistula, but they may not be effective for pancreatic abscess. Selection of therapeutic methods corresponding to individual cases is important.  相似文献   

经自然腔道内镜手术实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨NOTES完成动物腹部多种手术成功与失败的原因,为其应用于临床提供实验依据。方法回顾分析2007年8月~2009年9月完成的全部动物实验数据。研究分为急性实验和存活实验2部分,采用雌性小型猪和成年杂种犬,分别开展了单纯NOTES和腹腔镜辅助的NOTES。进行诊断性腹腔探查和肝脏活检术,治疗性胆囊切除、输卵管结扎切除、卵巢切除、脾切除和胃空肠吻合等腹部手术。记录术中和术后并发症的发生情况,以及操作过程中遇到的技术难题。结果采用37只小型猪和16只杂种犬,完成急性实验22例,存活实验31例。共开展各种NOTES手术91例次,其中单一经胃路径25例次,单一经结肠路径8例次,经胃和结肠联合路径16例次,经胃和阴道联合路径6例次,传统腹腔镜辅助经胃路径26例次,单孔腹腔镜辅助经胃路径10例次。完成诊断性腹腔探查术33例,成功率100%(33/33),肝脏活检术11例,成功率100%(11/11),输卵管结扎切除术11例,成功率100%(11/11),卵巢切除术6例,成功率100%(6/6),胆囊切除术27例,成功率44.4%(12/27)。另行脾切除术1例和胃空肠吻合术2例,均未成功。总的并发症发生率为39.6%(21/53),其中穿孔8例,脏器损伤5例,出血4例,腹腔感染3例,腹压过高导致动物死亡1例。结论NOTES用于诊断性腹腔探查和简单治疗是安全有效的,但完成腹部较复杂的手术尚不可行。腹腔镜辅助NOTES的方法或许是此项技术从动物实验过渡到临床应用的桥梁。  相似文献   

目的探讨重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis, SAP)腹腔镜术后冲洗及引流策略。 方法回顾性分析南方医科大学附属顺德第一人民医院2007年1月至2015年12月期间采用腹腔镜手术治疗的54例非胆源性SAP的患者临床资料,全部患者均应用腹腔镜微创技术行胃结肠韧带切开,胰腺被膜切开减压,吸除胰周积液及清除坏死组织,在胰周留置多条引流管,术后采用多种灌洗及引流策略并观察疗效。 结果治愈50例,4例死亡,其中1例死于合并胰腺癌,2例死于迟发腹腔出血,1例死于多器官功能衰竭。术后冲洗时间(21.6 ± 14.5)d,引流管拔除时间(35.4 ± 22.4)d,术后住院时间(38.7 ± 24.6)d。其中1例术后32 d因胰周脓肿再次行腹腔镜手术,3例胰腺假性囊肿,1例保守治疗治愈,2例经穿刺引流后治愈。 结论SAP腹腔镜手术后,合理的冲洗及引流策略,可降低SAP的病死率,减少并发症。  相似文献   

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