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Three representative sulfide ore samples were collected from typical metal mines,and their corresponding pre-oxidized products were obtained under nature environment.The thermal behaviors of each sample at heating rates of 5,10,15 and 20 °C/min in air flow from ambient temperature to 800 °C were studied by simultaneous thermal analysis and the TG/DSC curves before and after the pre-oxidation were compared.By the peak temperature of DTG curves,the whole reaction process for each sample was divided into different stages,and the apparent activation energies were calculated by the Ozawa-Flynn-Wall method.The results show that the reaction process of each sample after pre-oxidation is more complex,with quicker reaction rates,fewer heat production quantities,and higher or lower ignition-points.The apparent activation energies decrease from 364.017-474.228 kJ/mol to 244.523- 333.161 kJ/mol.Therefore,sulfide ores are more susceptible to spontaneous combustion after the pre-oxidation.  相似文献   


Spontaneouscombustionisoneoftheveryseriousproblemsintheminingofsulfideorede posits.Oneofthemosteffectivecontrolmeasuresistheapplicationofsuitablechemicalsuppressantstoinactivatingthesulfideores[1 4] .Dependingonthesuppressantmechanismtopreventtheoxida tio…  相似文献   

Bacterial leaching of single sulfide minerals and polymetallic sulfide ores was operated in shake flasks and small-scaled columns.The results show that bioleaching of jamesonite is not accessible,the iron extraction rate of pyrrhotite bioleaching reaches 98.2% after 26 d,and the zinc extraction rate of marmatite bioleaching reaches 92.3%,while the corresponding iron extraction reaches only 13.6% after 29 d.Pulp density has a significant effect on metal extraction of pyrrhotite and marmatite bioleaching.The corresponding metal extraction rate decreases with the increase of pulp density.For the polymetallic sulfide ores,zinc extraction of 97.1% is achieved after bioleaching in shake flasks for 10 d,while only 7.8% is obtained after bioleaching in small-scaled column.Analytical results of scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDX) reveal that large amount of calcium sulfate is formed on the mineral surface.  相似文献   

By using the experimental approach of dropping liquid, the coupling of three anionic wetting agents with ten dust samples of sulfide ores was studied, and particularly the wetting effects of the wetting agents on the sulfide dust influenced by factors of agent concentration and sulfate additive in the wetting agent solutions were investigated. The results show that when the solution temperature is about 20℃, all the selected wetting agents are effective to most dust samples, but the effect is different. Wetting agents are more effective to the dust which is difficult to be wetted. Wetting agent solution with sodium sulfate can improve the wetting ability of sulfide dust. For sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate, the suitable concentration of sodium sulfate is 1 - 2 mmol/L. The cost of wetting agents can be reduced because the sodium sulfate is much cheaper than many surfactants. Since the dust of sulfide ores is composed of various minerals and elements, the whole effect of depressing dust should be considered while innovating a wetting agent.  相似文献   

内燃机噪声源识别的小波相关系数方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析内燃机(ICE)噪声信号的时频特性和识别主要噪声源,研究了小波变换中尺度与频率之间的关系,重新定义了连续小波变换,并基于不同小波对同一信号分解时小波系数之间存在极大相关性,提出用规范化相关系数时频图分析噪声信号和识别内燃机噪声源的新方法.新方法能够准确地对信号进行时间和频率定位,且频域结果与信号功率谱相当吻合.对发动机声学信号进行了时频分析,同传统连续小波变换相比较,该方法能够更好地反映信号能量的时频域分布状况.结合声强结果,声学信号时频图能够直接地显示不同噪声源的时频特征.  相似文献   

It’s necessary to forecast the shortest spontaneous combustion period for preventing and controlling the coal spontaneous combustion. During the experimental process, a calculating model of the SSCP is established on the basis of the oxidative heat release intensity and thermal capacity at different temperatures. According to the basic parameters of spontaneous combustion, heat of water evaporation and gas desorption, the SSCPs of different coals are further predicted. Finally, this study analyzed the relationships of the SSCP and the judging indexes of the self-ignite tendency. The result shows that the SSCP non-linearly increases with the decrease of dynamic oxygen adsorption and increase of activation energy. Compared with the practical fire situation of mine, this reliable method can meet the actual requirement of mine production.  相似文献   

Based on the non-linear air leakage seepage equation for an anisotropic porous medium, on the seepage diffusion equation of multicomponent gas and on the seepage synthetic heat transfer equation of a porous medium, the numerical model for field flow problems of irregular patterns of a goaf with multiple points of leaking air is established and simultaneously solved by the upwind mode finite element method (G3 computer program). According to the complexity of irregular patterns of a goaf with multiple points of leaking air, the flow pattern in a large area of such a goaf and the variation in gases of methane, oxygen and CO and in temperature are theoretically described. In the calculation, the goaf is regarded as a caving anisotropic medium and the coupling effect of methane effusion on spontaneous combustion is considered. The simulation results agree well with practical experience. In addition, the spontaneous combustion process is also simulated, indicating that 1) the spontaneous combustion often takes place near the area where fresh air leaks in and 2) the fire sources can be classified into static and dynamic zones. Therefore, in practical fire preventing and extinguishing, we should clearly distinguish the upstream air leaking points from the downstream ones in order to take proper measures for leakage stopping.  相似文献   

煤炭自燃标志性气体预测指标的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
设计并研制了氧化热解实验模拟装置,通过对峰峰矿区小屯矿工作面采空区煤样的氧化热解模拟实验,绘制了各氧化热解气体CO2、O2、C2H6和CO等气体浓度随温度的变化曲线,并对其分析找出了该矿采空区煤炭自燃的标志性气体预测指标,从而为掌握工作面采空区煤炭自燃的规律和制定有效合理的煤炭自燃发火的防治措施提供依据,为煤矿的高效生产提供安全保障。  相似文献   

煤炭自燃标志性气体预测指标的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计并研制了氧化热解实验模拟装置,通过对峰峰矿区小屯矿工作面采空区煤样的氧化热解模拟实验,绘制了各氧化热解气体CO2、O2、C2H6和CO等气体浓度随温度的变化曲线,并对其分析找出了该矿采空区煤炭自燃的标志性气体预测指标,从而为掌握工作面采空区煤炭自燃的规律和制定有效合理的煤炭自燃发火的防治措施提供依据,为煤矿的高效生产提供安全保障。  相似文献   

为遴选预测煤自燃进程的标志气体,采集了乌达矿区6个具有代表性的煤样.在实验室开展煤升温氧化气体产物的测定实验,主要测试了煤样在升温氧化条件下各种气体组分的发生量.根据各种气体组分的发生量及最低检测温度,确定了乌达矿区煤自燃预测预报的标志气体,为该矿区煤自燃火灾的预测预报提供了实验依据,对矿区的安全生产具有较好的指导作用.  相似文献   

自燃煤矸石山爆炸的危害及治理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自燃煤矸石山濒发爆炸事故,会造成大量的人员伤亡和经济损失,从而极大地影响煤炭企业的快速发展.结合某矸石山爆炸的实际情况,分析诱发自燃煤矸石山爆炸的主要因素,指出其爆炸所产生高压、高温热浪、粉尘、冲击波等对周围环境的危害,提出自燃煤矸石山爆炸的防治措施,对促使煤炭企业意识到矸石山爆炸的危害并主动预防矸石山爆炸具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

对同一种煤样在不同氧体积分数下进行热重实验,利用Matlab得出了该煤样的残留质量比率(TG),质量变化率(DTG),放热速率(DSC)和放热变化率(DDSC)的立体分布和等值线图,研究了不同条件下残留质量和放热速率的变化规律.结果显示,当氧体积分数大于10%时,该煤样在设定的温度内能完全反应和存在最大放热速率,但完全反应对应的温度随着氧体积分数的降低而升高;当氧体积分数小于10%时,尤其是氧体积分数趋向于0时,该煤样难以在设定的温度范围内完全反应,且残留质量随氧体积分数的降低加速上升,同时在实验温度段内放热速率波动不大.最后,对煤样产生不同残留质量的原因进行了分析,结合热重实验得出该煤自燃的临界氧体积分数为18%和8%,从而为采空区自燃"三带"划分提供指导.  相似文献   

There have been several developments in determining the spontaneous combustion liability of coal. Most of the methods of concern have purely been based on the internal properties of the coal itself. The relation between the crossing-point method and the electrical resistance of coal was examined here to outline the spontaneous combustion tendency of coal. The electrical resistance property of coal was looked into as a decision-making parameter of the interaction matrix concept for the final decision on the spontaneous combustion tendency.  相似文献   

激光诱发的等离子体可分为金属蒸汽等离子体和保护气体等离子体。激光-TIG复合焊接过程降低了气体电离条件,促进了激光维持燃烧波(LSC)的形成。通过CCD监测激光-TIC复合热源焊接过程,深入研究了LSC波的形成机理及对激光-TIG复合焊接的影响。  相似文献   

综放面煤层自然发火区域划分的理论研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
应用煤炭自然发火理论,对综放面煤层自燃发生区域进行了全面分析,认为遗留在采空区内回采巷道周围的煤体容易自燃,即综放面采空区易形成自然发火的"U"型区域.根据通风渗流强弱情况,对采空区进行了重新划分,分别称之为强渗流带、弱渗流带和窒熄带.同时根据"U"型发火区和弱渗流带的交汇处能够发生高概率煤自燃的特点,提出了"易着火区"的新概念.在总结发火区域划分结果的基础上指出了综放面今后在防灭火技术措施的方向.  相似文献   

传统灰色模型GM(1,1)对于随机波动性较大的数据序列拟合较差,预测精度较低,为了弥补这一缺陷,更准确预测煤层自然发火的趋势与危险性,将GM(1,1)模型和马尔科夫模型有机结合,构建了灰色马尔科夫模型。用灰色马尔科夫模型对柴里煤矿实测CO发生量进行预测,与传统GM(1,1)模型的预测结果比较,灰色马尔科夫模型的拟合精度更好,平均相对误差更小,简便、实用,能够为矿井煤自燃火灾的防治工作提供科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

为了在视频监控系统中准确地判断火焰区域并预测火灾的发生,提出一种新的基于人工神经网络的视频火焰检测方法.该方法在分析火焰的运动和三维颜色特征的基础上,分别通过傅里叶变换和圆形度分析、角点检测的方法研究火焰的闪烁频率、几何形状对应的时空域特征,采用获得的各类特征构成概率向量作为人工神经网络分类模型的输入,输出表示火灾发生的概率.在保持检测准确率的同时,该方法通过实验选择最优的参数组合解决神经网络容易陷入局部极值及收敛慢的问题.该方法可以区分大空间(隧道、仓库、博物馆等建筑物)中闪烁的车灯和真实火焰,能够避免在实际的视频监控系统应用中将闪烁车灯误判为火焰,有效减少环境光对检测结果的影响,降低火灾火焰的误报率.实验结果表明,采用该方法在保持检测实时性的同时,能够达到96%的检测正确率.  相似文献   

激光维持燃烧波对激光-TIG复合热源的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
激光诱发的等离子体可分为金属蒸汽等离子体和保护气体等离子体.激光-TIG复合焊接过程降低了气体电离条件,促进了激光维持燃烧波(LSC)的形成.通过CCD监测激光-TIG复合热源焊接过程,深入研究了LSC波的形成机理及对激光-TIG复合焊接的影响.  相似文献   

Coal samples in the air for three months were characterized by Thermogravlmetnc Analysts(TGA).The effect of a PVA oxygen-insulating barrier on the spontaneous combustion of coal was examined.The moisture loss activation energy,oxidation activation energy and combustion activation energy were calculated by an integral method using the Coats-Redfen formula.The results show that the tendency for spontaneous combustion of three coal samples(judged by the activation energy)falls in the order:CYW>YJL>SW.The oxidation activation energy and combustion activation energy of coal protected by the PVA oxygen-insulating barrier increased.A significant increase in the combustion activation energy was noted,especially for the CYW coal where the increase was 28.53 kJ/mol.Hence,oxidation of the protected coal samples was more difficult.The PVA oxygen-insulating barrier helps to prevent spontaneous combustion of the coal.  相似文献   

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