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We study the electron transport through a special quantum-dot(QD)structure composed of three QDs and two Majorana bound states(MBSs)using the nonequilibrium Green’s function technique.This QD-MBS ring structure includes two channels with the two coupled MBSs being Channel 1 and one QD being Channel 2,and three types of transport processes such as the electron transmission(ET),the Andreev reflection(AR),and the crossed Andreev reflection(CAR).By comparing the ET,AR,and CAR processes through Channels 1 and 2,we make a systematic study on the transport properties of the QD-MBS ring.It is shown that there appear two kinds of characteristic transport patterns for Channels 1 and 2,as well as the interplay between the two patterns.Of particular interest is that there exists an AR-assisted ET process in Channel 2,which is different from that in Channel 1.Thus a clear"X"pattern due to the ET and AR processes appears in the ET,AR,and CAR transmission coefficients.Moreover,we study how Channel 2 affects the three transport processes when Channel 1 is tuned in the ET and CAR regimes.It is shown that the transport properties of the ET,AR and CAR processes can be adjusted by tuning the energy level of the QD embedded in Channel 2.We believe this research should be a helpful reference for understanding the transport properties in the QD-MBS coupled systems.  相似文献   

王素新  李玉现  刘建军 《中国物理 B》2016,25(3):37304-037304
Andreev reflection(AR) in a normal-metal/quantum-dot/superconductor(N–QD–S) system with coupled Majorana bound states(MBSs) is investigated theoretically. We find that in the N–QD–S system, the AR can be enhanced when coupling to the MBSs is incorporated. Fano line-shapes can be observed in the AR conductance spectrum when there is an appropriate QD–MBS coupling or MBS–MBS coupling. The AR conductance is always e~2/2h at the zero Fermi energy point when only QD–MBSs coupling is considered. In addition, the resonant AR occurs when the MBS–MBS coupling roughly equals to the QD energy level. We also find that an AR antiresonance appears when the QD energy level approximately equals to the sum of the QD–MBS coupling and the MBS–MBS coupling. These features may serve as characteristic signatures for the probe of MBSs.  相似文献   

《Physics letters. A》2014,378(30-31):2256-2262
Nonequilibrium electronic transports through a double-QD-Majorana coupling system are studied with a purpose to extract the information to identify Majorana bound states (MBSs). It is found that MBSs can help form various transport processes, including the nonlocal crossed Andreev reflection, local resonant Andreev reflection, and cotunneling, depending on the relative position of two dot levels. These processes enrich the signature of average currents and noise correlations to probe the nature of MBSs. We further demonstrate the switching between the current peaks of crossed Andreev reflection and cotunneling, which is closely related to the nonlocal nature of Majorana fermions. We also propose effective physical pictures to understand these Majorana-assisted transports.  相似文献   

王素新  李玉现  王宁  刘建军 《物理学报》2016,65(13):137302-137302
研究了连接在正常金属电极和超导电极之间的耦合Majorana束缚态(MBSs)T形双量子点结构中的Andreev反射.研究发现,对于T形双量子点结构,当入射能量等于边耦合量子点能级时Andreev反射电导出现Fano振荡,连接MBSs之后,零费米能附近出现一对新的Fano型振荡峰.如果忽略两个MBSs之间的相互作用,零费米能点的Andreev反射电导为定值1/2G_0(G_0=2e~2/h),不受量子点能级、双量子点之间耦合强度以及量子点与MBSs之间的耦合强度的影响.此外,在没有耦合MBSs的T形双量子点结构中,调节双量子点间的耦合强度可以使零费米能附近的Andreev反射电导出现由共振带向反共振带的转变,而耦合MBSs之后,又可以使反共振消失转而出现新的共振峰.  相似文献   

《中国物理 B》2021,30(10):100302-100302
The spin transport properties are theoretically investigated when a quantum dot(QD) is side-coupled to Majorana bound states(MBSs) driven by a symmetric dipolar spin battery. It is found that MBSs have a great effect on spin transport properties. The peak-to-valley ratio of the spin current decreases as the coupling strength between the MBS and the QD increases. Moreover, a non-zero charge current with two resonance peaks appears in the system. In the extreme case where the dot–MBS coupling strength is strong enough, the spin current and the charge current are both constants in the non-resonance peak range. When considering the effect of the Zeeman energy, it is interesting that the resonance peak at the higher energy appears one shoulder. And the shoulder turns into a peak when the Zeeman energy is big enough. In addition, the coupling strength between the two MBSs weakens their effects on the currents of the system. These results are helpful for understanding the MBSs signature in the transport spectra.  相似文献   

Based on the Green's function method, we investigate the interplay between Majorana zero mode (MZM) and Andreev bound states (ABSs) in a quantum dot molecule side coupled to a topological superconducting nanowire with a pair of MZMs forming a Josephson junction. Since the strong electron–hole asymmetry induced by the nanowire with a topologically non-trivial phase, the MZM suppress the ABSs. The suppression induced by the MZM is robust against the Coulomb repulsion. The interplay between the MZM and the ABSs in Josephson junction presents a feasible experimental means for distinguish between the presence of MZM and ABSs.  相似文献   

In this Letter, we investigate the transport through a T-shaped double quantum dot coupled to two normal metal leads left and right and a superconducting lead. Analytical expressions of Andreev transmission and local density of states of the system at zero temperature have been obtained. We study the role of the superconducting lead in the quantum interferometric features of the double quantum dot. We report for first time the Fano effect produced by Andreev bound states in a side quantum dot. Our results show that as a consequence of quantum interference and proximity effect, the transmission from normal to normal lead exhibits Fano resonances due to Andreev bound states. We find that this interference effect allows us to study the Andreev bound states in the changes in the conductance between two normal leads.  相似文献   

江兆潭 《中国物理 B》2010,19(7):77307-077307
This paper investigates Kondo transport properties in a quadruple quantum dot (QD) based on the slave-boson mean field theory and the non-equilibrium Green’s function.In the quadruple QD structure one Kondo-type QD sandwiched between two leads is side coupled to two separate QD structures:a single-QD atom and a double-QD molecule.It shows that the conductance valleys and peaks always appear in pairs and by tuning the energy levels in three side QDs,the one-,two-,or three-valley conductance pattern can be obtained.Furthermore,it finds that whether the valley and the peak can appear is closely dependent on the specific values of the interdot couplings and the energy level difference between the two QDs in the molecule.More interestingly,an extra novel conductance peak can be produced by the coexistence of the two different kinds of side QD structures.  相似文献   

应用非平衡格林函数方法,研究了带有微波调制的侧向耦合量子点的量子线中的光辅助隧穿.在考虑了量子干涉和微波场的情况下,得出并讨论了电子传榆幅度和相位方面的信息.电子传输幅度显示出一系列的反共振峰(对应图中的谷结构).峰值的高度与振荡的微波场的幅度和频率有关,而峰的位置只与微波场的频率有关.在有限温的情况下,反共振峰值的高度随着温度的增加而减小,当温度足够高时,反共振峰会消失,特别地,在一定的温度下,低温下谷的地方会演变成峰.  相似文献   

Electron transport properties of a triple-terminal Aharonov-Bohm interferometer are theoretically studied. By applying a Rashba spin-orbit coupling to a quantum dot locally, we find that remarkable spin polarization comes about in the electron transport process with tuning the structure parameters, i.e., the magnetic flux or quantum dot levels. When the quantum dot levels are aligned with the Fermi level, there only appear spin polarization in this structure by the presence of an appropriate magnetic flux. However, in absence of magnetic flux spin polarization and spin separation can be simultaneously realized with the adjustment of quantum dot levels, namely, an incident electron from one terminal can select a specific terminal to depart from the quantum dots according to its spin state.  相似文献   

白继元  贺泽龙  李立  韩桂华  张彬林  姜平晖  樊玉环 《物理学报》2015,64(20):207304-207304
设计一个两端线型双量子点分子Aharonov-Bohm (A-B)干涉仪. 采用非平衡格林函数技术, 理论研究无含时外场作用下的体系电导和引入含时外场作用下的体系平均电流. 在不考虑含时外场时, 调节点间耦合强度或磁通可以诱导电导共振峰劈裂. 控制穿过A-B干涉仪磁通的有无, 实现了共振峰电导数值在0与1之间的数字转换, 为制造量子开关提供了一个新的物理方案. 同时借助磁通和Rashba自旋轨道相互作用, 获得了自旋过滤. 当体系引入含时外场时, 平均电流曲线展示了旁带效应. 改变含时外场的振幅, 实现了体系平均电流的大小与位置的有效控制, 而调节含时外场的频率, 则可以实现平均电流峰与谷之间的可逆转换. 通过调节磁通与Rashba自旋轨道相互作用, 与自旋相关的平均电流亦得到有效控制. 研究结果为开发利用耦合多量子点链嵌入A-B 干涉仪体系电输运性质提供了新的认知. 上述结果可望对未来的量子器件设计与量子计算发挥重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

Electron transport properties of a triple-terminal Aharonov-Bohm interferometer are theoretically studied. By applying a Rashba spin-orbit coupling to a quantum dot locally, we find that remarkable spin polarization comes about in the electron transport process with tuning the structure parameters, i.e., the magnetic flux or quantum dot levels. When the quantum dot levels are aligned with the Fermi level, there only appear spin polarization in this structure by the presence of an appropriate magnetic flux. However,in absence of magnetic flux spin polarization and spin separation can be simultaneously realized with the adjustment of quantum dot levels, namely, an incident electron from one terminal can select a specific terminal to depart from the quantum dots according to its spin state.  相似文献   

周洋  郭健宏 《物理学报》2015,64(16):167302-167302
Majorana费米子是其自身的反粒子, 在拓扑量子计算中有着重要的应用. 利用粒子数表象下的量子主方程方法, 研究双量子点与Majorana费米子混合结构的电子输运特性, 特别是散粒噪声. 有无Majorana费米子耦合的电流与散粒噪声存在明显差别: 有Majorana费米子耦合时稳态电流差呈反对称, 噪声谱呈现相干振荡并且低频噪声显著增强. 量子点与Majorana费米子对称弱耦合时, 零频噪声由"峰"变为"谷", 并且"边谷"展宽逐渐减小; 当对称强耦合时, 零频噪声的谷深增加, "边谷"向高频端移动. 改变系统与电极的耦合强度时, 零频噪声由谷变成峰. 因此, 稳态电流结合散粒噪声可以探测双量子点结构中Majorana费米子是否存在.  相似文献   

李志坚 《中国物理》2005,14(10):2100-2105
Quantum spin transport in a mesoscopic Aharonov--Bohm ring with two leads subject to a magnetic field with circular configuration is investigated by means of one-dimensional quantum waveguide theory.Within the framework of Landauer--B\"{u}ttiker formalism, the polarization direction of transmitted electrons can be controlled either by the AB magnetic flux or by the tangent magnetic field. In particular, the spin flips can be induced by hopping the AB magnetic flux or the tangent field.  相似文献   

姚建明  杨翀 《物理学报》2009,58(5):3390-3396
利用紧束缚近似和格林函数方法,研究了AB效应和AB环对电子自旋输运的影响.计算表明,当在AB环的不同位置上连接相同或不同属性的输出端时,在一些能量范围内,由不同的输出端所输出的自旋流的方向是相反的;当固定入射电子的能量时,在同一磁通范围,从两个输出端输出的自旋流属性也是相反的.从而,可以通过控制AB环的结构和环内的磁通在输出端得到不同属性的自旋流. 关键词: 自旋极化输运 量子点 极化率 自旋流  相似文献   

量子点双链中电子自旋极化输运性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
安兴涛  穆惠英  咸立芬  刘建军 《物理学报》2012,61(15):157201-157201
利用非平衡格林函数方法, 研究了与单个量子点耦合的量子点双链中电子自旋极化输运性质. 由于系统中Rashba自旋轨道耦合产生的自旋相关的相位, 电子通过上下两种路径时, 自旋不同的电子干涉情况不同, 从而导致了电极中的自旋极化流. 左右两电极间的偏压使单个量子点中的自旋积聚在很大能量区域内能够保持较大的值. 由于系统结构的左右不对称, 正负偏压下自旋积聚情况完全不同. 这些计算结果将有助于实验上设计新型的自旋电子学器件.  相似文献   

We theoretically investigate the electronic transport through a parallel-coupled multi-quantum-dot system, in which the terminal dots of a one-dimensional quantum-dot chain are embodied in the two arms of an Aharonov–Bohm interferometer. It is found that in the structures of odd(even) dots, all their even(odd) molecular states have opportunities to decouple from the leads, and in this process antiresonance occurs which are accordant with the odd(even)-numbered eigenenergies of the sub-molecule without terminal dots. Next when Majorana zero modes are introduced to couple laterally to the terminal dots, the antiresonance and decoupling phenomena still co-exist in the quantum transport process. Such a result can be helpful in understanding the special influence of Majorana zero mode on the electronic transport through quantum-dot systems.  相似文献   

邓宇翔  颜晓红  唐娜斯 《物理学报》2006,55(4):2027-2032
利用非平衡格林函数方法,研究了量子点环的相干输运性质. 结果表明:与一维量子点阵列 相比,量子点环中的电子出现更多新的准束缚能级. 量子点间耦合的增强会使微分电导振荡 出现退相干现象. 关键词: 量子点 电导  相似文献   

We present a new device which consists of a molecular quantum dot (MQD) attached to a normal-metal, two ferromagnetic (FM), and a superconducting leads. The spin-related Andreev reflection (AR) current and the spin-dependent single-particle tunneling current through the normal-metal terminal are obtained, and it is found that the spin current exhibits the transistor-like behavior. The joint effects of the coherent spin flip and the angle between magnetic moments of the two FM leads on the spin current are also studied, these results provide the possibility to manipulate the spin current with the system parameters.  相似文献   

Based on the Kubo formula for an electron tunneling junction, we revisit the nonequilibrium transport properties through a quantum dot. Since the Fermi level of the quantum dot is set by the conduction electrons of the leads, we calculate the electron current from the left side by assuming the quantum dot coupled to the right lead as another side of the tunneling junction, and the other way round is used to calculate the current from the right side. By symmetrizing these two currents, an effective local density states on the dot can be obtained, and is discussed at high and low temperatures, respectively.  相似文献   

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