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A multivariate analysis of 617 female patients with primary breast cancer treated by radical mastectomy between 1974 and 1981 was done. All patients were followed for more than five years. Survival was 76.6% and 64.7% at 5 and 10 years, respectively. Eleven clinical and pathological factors were available for study. The data were analysed by Cox's proportional hazards regression model. A final set of five independent significant prognostic factors was obtained. In order of importance they were, clinical stage, age at diagnosis, axillary lymph node status, histologic type and size of the primary tumor. To test the time-varying effect of these factors using Cox's model, all except age reduced their prognostic impact significantly after five years, however, age was a powerful prognostic factor for long-term survival. A prognostic index based on the regression coefficients was constructed. This index can give a better prediction for patients' survival and can be taken as reference when formulating treatment  相似文献   

Lung cancer is a common malignancy in China. The majority of cases of lung cancer were diagnosed inpatients more than 40 years old. There are few datacomparing clinical characteristics, disease status,treatment modality of very young (≤40 years) vs very old (≥70 years) patients in China. This study was designed as retrospective review of all lung cancer patients referred to the Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital (SRRSH) over a 6-year period to compare demographic data, disease status, or treatme…  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the factors that affect the survival of patients with astrocytomas. Methods: We reviewed the clinical and radiological features of 104 patients operated during 1995-2000. The features were evaluated with univariate and multivariate analysis.Results: Univariate statistical analysis revealed that tumor localization, enhancement, edema, tumor invasion, seizure as the first symptom recurrence, edema,tumor invasion, seizure as the first symptom and recurrence of astrocytomas significantly affected the survival, In multivariate analysis four factors showed significant danger to long survival: necrosis,pathological grade, Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS)score before operation, extent of resection. The rest factors appeared to be of no benefit to survival.Conclusion: The important factors that affect the long survival of patients with astrocytomas are necrosis,pathological grade, KPS score before operation and extent of resection.  相似文献   


Results of comparative study of Human Leu-cocytic Antigen (HLA-A), -B typing in 73 breast cancer (BC) patients having different estrogen receptor (ER) status and 50 healthy individuals in the northern part of China are reported. In 58 of the 73 patients, HLA-C, -DR typing were also studied in addition. The results of this study showed that HLA-Bw61 (40) were negatively associated with BC, while -Cw7 and -DRw6 were positively associated with BC. Moreover, -DR was more closely associated with ER( ) status with a RR value of 8.621. In the ER(-) group, there were no specific related antigens. In the light of the differences in pathology, prognosis and effect of endocrine therapy between ER( ) and ER(-) status, the authors are inclined to the view that the two kinds of breast cancer may be a heterogeneous disease.  相似文献   


It has been demonstrated that T lymphocytes play an important role in anti-tumor immunology[1]. Solid tumors are often characterized by tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) in primary lesions, which in several cases, has been associated with a good prognosis[2]. The activated T cells in PBL can also affect the prognosis of the patients with cancers[3]. It is possible that the TIL can transfer from tumor tissue into the blood circulation. Tumor cells carry the antigenic peptides, but it is …  相似文献   

Studies were performed in 20 patients with breast cancer, who received 26 cycles of high-dose cisplatin (100 mg/m2, IV. drip). In twenty-five cycles of them urinary Alb, IgG and NAG showed abnormal values. The patients were divided into low-nephrotoxicity and high-nephrotoxicity groups by the degree of renal dysfunction. Thirty-five percent of the patients exhibited high-nephrotoxicity. These patients had significantly higher plasma and/ or urinary Pt peak levels during cisplatin (CP) infusion than did low-nephrotoxicity. 70 - 80% of the patients developed significant nephrotoxicity when urinary Pt peak level rose up to 40 fig/ml or plasma Pt peak level >4 μg/ml. It is quite important to reduce nephrotoxicity that urinary Pt level is controlled below 40 μg/ml and plasma Pt level <4 μg/ml. It is suggested that urine output should be maintained over 300 ml/hr during 2 hours before and after the end of infusion and >100 ml/hr during 3 days after the infusion. That may keep the nephrotoxicity of CP in le  相似文献   

The study of the relationship between trace element and health and disease has attracted more and more interests of scientists. As well known there exist complex interaction between the trace elements, and the trace elements and other substances, so the trace element research must be involved to the com-prehensive effect of multifactors, other than single element. We determined the contents of fifteen trace elements in serum from thirty patients with liver cancer and thirty healthy adults by ICP-AES analysis. The obtained data were analysed statistically by not only routine statistical test bat also multi-variate discrimination analysis, multi-variate stepwise regression and non-linear mapping algorithm. It is hoped that it can provide some valuable informations for investigation on relationship betwecn trace elements and cancer.  相似文献   

近3年来,作者利用电子自旋共振波谱技术(ESR-SP),共检测了1023例乳腺疾病患者的头发标本。其中乳腺癌278例,乳腺良性疾病745例,所检头发标本均取自后枕部。1000个正常人群作为对照。结果表明FSR-SP值对乳腺癌、乳腺良性疾病和对照人群分别为1.75mw,2.42mw和2.49mw,P值乳腺癌和乳腺良性疾病小于0.01。作者认为该方法是早期诊断乳腺癌的手段之一。  相似文献   

保留乳房手术治疗乳腺癌的疗效回顾张桂芳,李炳仁,王五洲近年来,乳腺癌传统的根治术式已失去绝对统治地位。总的趋势是手术范围的缩小,综合治疗的加强。对乳腺癌保留乳房治疗,国外已有大量材料报道,但国内开展较少。本文就我科1962~1988年间因拒绝乳房切除...  相似文献   

用ABC免疫组化技术对74例乳腺癌根治术的标本进行ER和CEA的测定,并用显微分光光度计对其中34例标本进行DNA含量的测定,结果表明:①ER阳性率与年龄、月经状况、肿瘤大小无关。随组织学分级开高而降低;②CEA阳性率与年龄、月经状况、组织学分级无关。与肿瘤大小、淋巴结转移有关(p<0.05);③患者5年生存率与年龄、月经状况无关。与临床分期、组织学分级有关;④DNA倍体水平绝经期以二倍体为主,绝经后以非整倍体为主。非整倍体随组织学分级增加和腋淋巴结转移数增多而增高。二倍体组5年生存率高于非整倍体组(P<0.05);⑤ER和CEA之间的关系与组织学分级和腋淋巴结转移状况具有相关性;⑥乳腺癌组织DNA含量与ER表达呈负相关,与CEA表达呈正相关。ER(+)或CEA(-)及DNA含量的均值低者预后好。ER(-)、CEA(+)、非整倍体组预后最差。  相似文献   

ThePS,proteinwassecretedfromestrogendependentcells.Inrecentstudies,ithasbeendemonstratedthattheexpressionofPS,wascloselycorrelatedwiththeestrogenreceptor(ER)andprogesteronereceptor(PR)incancertissues.DetectionofPS,geneexpressionwasmorevaluablethanthatofERasaprognosticindexofbreastcancer.[l]TheaimsofthisstudyweretodeterminetherelationshipamongtheexpressionofPS,,ERandPRstatus,menopausalstatus,lymphaticmetastases,aswellassurvivaltimeafteroperationsin105caseswithinvasiveductalbreastcarcinom…  相似文献   

目的:研究肺癌患者体液免疫指标的变化及其与CEA的关系。方法:用自动生化仪和放免法定量测定80例肺癌患者的血清球蛋白、IgG、IgA、IgM及补体3(C3),补体(C4)的量,设肺部良性疾病肺炎和正常人两组为对照组,运用SPSS软件进行统计。结果:肺癌组的球蛋白、IgG、IgA比肺炎和正常人明显升高,C2则比正常人降低,IgM、C4两组差异无显著性,CEA阳性和CEA阴性肺癌患者免疫球蛋白、则比正  相似文献   


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