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The Upper Cretaceous Mukalla coals and other organic-rich sediments which are widely exposed in the Jiza-Qamar Basin and believed to be a major source rocks, were analysed using organic geochemistry and petrology. The total organic carbon (TOC) contents of the Mukalla source rocks range from 0.72 to 79.90% with an average TOC value of 21.50%. The coals and coaly shale sediments are relatively higher in organic richness, consistent with source rocks generative potential. The samples analysed have vitrinite reflectance in the range of 0.84–1.10 %Ro and pyrolysis Tmax in the range of 432–454 °C indicate that the Mukalla source rocks contain mature to late mature organic matter. Good oil-generating potential is anticipated from the coals and coaly shale sediments with high hydrogen indices (250–449 mg HC/g TOC). This is supported by their significant amounts of oil-liptinite macerals are present in these coals and coaly shale sediments and Py-GC (S2) pyrograms with n-alkane/alkene doublets extending beyond nC30. The shales are dominated by Type III kerogen (HI < 200 mg HC/g TOC), and are thus considered to be gas-prone.One-dimensional basin modelling was performed to analysis the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion history of the Mukalla source rocks in the Jiza-Qamar Basin based on the reconstruction of the burial/thermal maturity histories in order to improve our understanding of the of hydrocarbon generation potential of the Mukalla source rocks. Calibration of the model with measured vitrinite reflectance (Ro) and borehole temperature data indicates that the present-day heat flow in the Jiza-Qamar Basin varies from 45.0 mW/m2 to 70.0 mW/m2 and the paleo-heat flow increased from 80 Ma to 25 Ma, reached a peak heat-flow values of approximately 70.0 mW/m2 at 25 Ma and then decreased exponentially from 25 Ma to present-day. The peak paleo-heat flow is explained by the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea Tertiary rifting during Oligocene-Middle Miocene, which has a considerable influence on the thermal maturity of the Mukalla source rocks. The source rocks of the Mukalla Formation are presently in a stage of oil and condensate generation with maturity from 0.50% to 1.10% Ro. Oil generation (0.5% Ro) in the Mukalla source rocks began from about 61 Ma to 54 Ma and the peak hydrocarbon generation (1.0% Ro) occurred approximately from 25 Ma to 20 Ma. The modelled hydrocarbon expulsion evolution suggested that the timing of hydrocarbon expulsion from the Mukalla source rocks began from 15 Ma to present-day.  相似文献   

The Late Miocene Zeit Formation is exposed in the Red Sea Basin of Sudan and represents an important oil-source rock. In this study, five (5) exploratory wells along Red Sea Basin of Sudan are used to model the petroleum generation and expulsion history of the Zeit Formation. Burial/thermal models illustrate that the Red Sea is an extensional rift basin and initially developed during the Late Eocene to Oligocene. Heat flow models show that the present-day heat flow values in the area are between 60 and 109 mW/m2. The variation in values of the heat flow can be linked to the raise in the geothermal gradient from margins of the basin towards offshore basin. The offshore basin is an axial area with thick burial depth, which is the principal heat flow source.The paleo-heat flow values of the basin are approximately from 95 to 260 mW/m2, increased from Oligocene to Early Pliocene and then decreased exponentially prior to Late Pliocene. This high paleo-heat flow had a considerable effect on the source rock maturation and cooking of the organic matter. The maturity history models indicate that the Zeit Formation source rock passed the late oil-window and converted the oil generated to gas during the Late Miocene.The basin models also indicate that the petroleum was expelled from the Zeit source rock during the Late Miocene (>7 Ma) and it continues to present-day, with transformation ratio of more than 50%. Therefore, the Zeit Formation acts as an effective source rock where significant amounts of petroleum are expected to be generated in the Red Sea Basin.  相似文献   

The Shoushan Basin is an important hydrocarbon province in the Western Desert, Egypt, but the origin of the hydrocarbons is not fully understood. In this study, organic matter content, type and maturity of the Jurassic source rocks exposed in the Shoushan Basin have been evaluated and integrated with the results of basin modeling to improve our understanding of burial history and timing of hydrocarbon generation. The Jurassic source rock succession comprises the Ras Qattara and Khatatba Formations, which are composed mainly of shales and sandstones with coal seams. The TOC contents are high and reached a maximum up to 50%. The TOC values of the Ras Qattara Formation range from 2 to 54 wt.%, while Khatatba Formation has TOC values in the range 1-47 wt.%. The Ras Qattara and Khatatba Formations have HI values ranging from 90 to 261 mgHC/gTOC, suggesting Types II-III and III kerogen. Vitrinite reflectance values range between 0.79 and 1.12 VRr %. Rock−Eval Tmax values in the range 438-458 °C indicate a thermal maturity level sufficient for hydrocarbon generation. Thermal and burial history models indicate that the Jurassic source rocks entered the mature to late mature stage for hydrocarbon generation in the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary. Hydrocarbon generation began in the Late Cretaceous and maximum rates of oil with significant gas have been generated during the early Tertiary (Paleogene). The peak gas generation occurred during the late Tertiary (Neogene).  相似文献   

This study investigates the source rock characteristics of Permian shales from the Jharia sub-basin of Damodar Valley in Eastern India. Borehole shales from the Raniganj, Barren Measure and Barakar Formations were subjected to bulk and quantitative pyrolysis, carbon isotope measurements, mineral identification and organic petrography. The results obtained were used to predict the abundance, source and maturity of kerogen, along with kinetic parameters for its thermal breakdown into simpler hydrocarbons.The shales are characterized by a high TOC (>3.4%), mature to post-mature, heterogeneous Type II–III kerogen. Raniganj and Barren Measure shales are in mature, late oil generation stage (Rr%Raniganj = 0.99–1.22; Rr%Barren Measure = 1.1–1.41). Vitrinite is the dominant maceral in these shales. Barakar shows a post-mature kerogen in gas generation stage (Rr%Barakar = 1.11–2.0) and consist mainly of inertinite and vitrinite. The δ13Corg value of kerogen concentrate from Barren Measure shale indicates a lacustrine/marine origin (−24.6–−30.84‰ vs. VPDB) and that of Raniganj and Barakar (−22.72–−25.03‰ vs. VPDB) show the organic provenance to be continental. The δ13C ratio of thermo-labile hydrocarbons (C1–C3) in Barren Measure suggests a thermogenic source.Discrete bulk kinetic parameters indicate that Raniganj has lower activation energies (ΔE = 42–62 kcal/mol) compared to Barren Measure and Barakar (ΔE = 44–68 kcal/mol). Temperature for onset (10%), middle (50%) and end (90%) of kerogen transformation is least for Raniganj, followed by Barren Measure and Barakar. Mineral content is dominated by quartz (42–63%), siderite (9–15%) and clay (14–29%). Permian shales, in particular the Barren Measure, as inferred from the results of our study, demonstrate excellent properties of a potential shale gas system.  相似文献   

The origin of the fourteen major oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin, Bohai Bay basin was studied based on the results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis on more than 700 samples and biomarker analysis on 61 source rock samples and 87 oil samples. The three possible source rock intervals have different biomarker assemblages and were deposited in different environments. The third member of the Oligocene Dongying Formation (E3d3, 32.8–30.3 Ma in age) is characterized mainly by high C19/C23 tricyclic terpane (>0.75), high C24 tetracyclic terpane/C26 tricyclic terpane (>2.5), low gammacerane/αβ C30 hopane (<0.15) and low 4-methyl steranes/ΣC29 steranes (<0.15) ratios, and was deposited in sub-oxic to anoxic environments with significant terrigenous organic matter input. The first (E2s1, 35.8–32.8 Ma) and third (E2s3, 43.0–38.0 Ma) members of the Eocene Shahejie Formation have low C19/C23 tricyclic terpane and low C24 tetracyclic terpane/C26 tricyclic terpane ratios and were deposited in anoxic environments with minor terrestrial organic matter input, but have different abundances of 4-methyl steranes and gammacerane. The hydrocarbon-generating potential and biomarker associations of these three source rock intervals were controlled by tectonic evolution of the sub-basin and climate changes. Three oil families derived from E2s3, E2s1 and E3d, respectively, and three types of mixed oils have been identified. All large oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin display considerable heterogeneities in biomarker compositions and originated from more than one source rock interval, which suggests that mixing of oils derived from multiple source rock intervals or multiple generative kitchens, and/or focusing of oils originated from a large area of a generative kitchen, is essential for the formation of large oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin. E2s3- and E2s1-derived oils experienced relatively long-distance lateral migration and accumulated in traps away from the generative kitchen. E3d3-derived oils had migrated short distances and accumulated in traps closer to the generative kitchen. Such a petroleum distribution pattern has important implications for future exploration. There is considerable exploration potential for Dongying-derived oils in the Bozhong sub-basin, and traps close to or within the generative kitchens have better chance to contain oils generated from the Dongying Formation.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic sedimentary succession of the Amadeus Basin, Central Australia, includes potential hydrocarbon source and reservoir rocks with maturity indicators in the oil to dry-gas window. However, petroleum well distribution across the basin is sparse and a general lack of organic geochemical data encourages the use of whole-rock inorganic geochemistry and mineralogy as proxy for the evaluation of the hydrocarbon-generating potential. The present study provides a detailed investigation of the geochemistry and mineralogy of the majority of Neoproterozoic strata across the Amadeus Basin and suggests that the Pertatataka and Aralka formations are the most favourable potential source rocks. A decreasing K/Rb ratio in these units is interpreted as higher degree of illitisation and therefore increased maturity. Sulphide versus sulphate abundance show that the Pertatataka and Aralka formations are the only units of significant stratigraphic thickness deposited under dominantly anoxic conditions. However, low concentrations of the redox-sensitive trace elements Mo, U and V, and low organic matter abundance suggest that these units were deposited under anoxic-ferruginous, not anoxic-sulphidic (euxinic) conditions. We interpret this to reflect an overall low hydrocarbon-generating potential. The present study highlights the benefit of using a multi-proxy approach for large-scale evaluation of the hydrocarbon potential in sedimentary successions, especially when organic geochemical data are sparse.  相似文献   

The discovery of the giant Daqing oil field in the Songliao Basin led to the realisation of the significant petroleum potential of non-marine basins. In order to reconstruct the basin evolution and oil formation, an integrated organic geochemical-basin modelling study along a regional transect across the Songliao Basin was conducted. It provided a regional heat flow evolution model, and revealed post-orogenic or late syn-orogenic maturation in the Central Depression and pre-orogenic maturation in the Southeast Uplift Zone. Kinetic parameters of petroleum generation for the lacustrine source formations are the basis for the simulation of oil generation and migration in the Songliao Basin. Using the principle activation energy peaking at 54 kcal/mol and a pre-exponential factor of about 4.2·1027 Ma−1, the simulation obtained a relatively good match with the measured transformation ratios. The Qingshankou Formation in the West and East Central Depressions constituted the major source in the basin. Major oil generation, migration and accumulation occurred during the Early Tertiary. In the West Central Depression, the generated oils migrated upwards into the Yaojia Formation followed by the updip migration into the Daqing Anticline and towards the local structural high along the West Slope. In contrast, the oil migration in the East Central Depression was dominated by the downward movement from the lower member of the Qingshankou Formation followed by the updip migration towards the Caoyang Anticline. The simulated oil accumulations are in good agreement with discovered oil fields, implying a potential application of the model for prediction and evaluation of new exploration targets in the basin.  相似文献   

Controversies over the origin of globally distributed Cretaceous red beds have mainly focused on climate vs. weathering with potential hydrothermal influence. In comparison to Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds, Cretaceous lacustrine red beds exhibit chronological inconsistencies and their diverse tectonic settings suggest differing genetic mechanisms. In this paper, Early Cretaceous red beds in the North Yellow Sea Basin, one of Mesozoic rift basins in eastern China that are associated with multi-phase magmatic activities, was chosen to document potential hydrothermal impact. Geological and geochemical analyses show that these red beds were syndepositional products developed in shallow to moderately deep lacustrine environments and that they were influenced by hydrothermal activity. Major and trace elements, including enhanced Al2O3-normalized Fe2O3 and Fe2O3 (total) values, Al/(Al + Fe + Mn) and (Fe + Mn)/Ti ratios, Ni-Co-Zn and Fe-Mn-(Ni + Co + Cu)*10, ∑REE-La/Yb, the concentrations of hydrothermally-related ions, invalid redox indicators of trace elements, abnormally high Fe2O3 (total) content, positive Eu anomaly, correlation of Fe2O3 (total) and Eu anomaly, and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) vs. total organic carbon (TOC), all show strong hydrothermal fluid influence and heating effects. By integrating and comparing data from previous studies, we propose a hydrothermally affected sedimentation model for Cretaceous red beds and associated sediments in magma-activated lacustrine basins, and conclude that the enriched metallic ions introduced by the hydrothermal fluids may be the most significant reason for the deposition of the red beds, and the flushed ferric ions, accompanied by hydrothermal fluid, are the main ions that are hosted inside hematite causing the red sediment. This model can be applied to similar lacustrine basins that experience strong magmatic activity.  相似文献   

This study is the first attempt which provides information regarding the bulk and quantitative pyrolysis results of the Chia Gara Formation from the Kurdistan region, northern Iraq. Ten representative early-mature to mature samples from the Chia Gara Formation were investigated for TOC contents, Rock Eval pyrolysis, pyrolysis-GC and bulk kinetic parameters. These analyses were used to characterize the petroleum generated during thermal maturation of the Chia Gara source rock and to clarify the quantity of the organic matter and its effect on the timing of petroleum generation.Pyrolysis HI data identified two organic facies with different petroleum generation characteristics; Type II–III kerogen with HI values of >250 mg HC/g TOC, and Type III kerogen with HI values < 100 mg HC/g TOC. These types of kerogen can generate liquid HCs and gas. This is supported by the products of pyrolysis–gas chromatography (Py–GC) analysis of the extracted rock samples. Pyrolysis products show a dominance of a marine organic matter with variable contributions from terrestrial organic matter (Types II–III and III kerogen), and produces mainly paraffinic-naphthenic-aromatic low wax oils with condensate and gas.Bulk kinetic analysis of the Chia Gara source rock indicates a heterogeneous organic matter assemblage, typical of restricted marine environments in general. The activation energy distributions reveal relatively broad and high values, ranging from 40 to 64 kcal/mol with pre-exponential factors varying from 2.2835 E+12/sec to 4.0920 E+13/sec. The predicted petroleum formation temperature of onset (TR 10%) temperatures ranges from 110 to 135 °C, and peak generation temperatures (geological Tmax) between 137 °C and 152 °C. The peak generation temperatures reach a transformation ratio in the range of 42–50% TR, thus the Chia Gara source rock could have generated and expelled significant quantities of petroleum hydrocarbons in the Kurdistan of Iraq.  相似文献   

In some areas of the Murzuq Basin, SW Libya, the lower Silurian member comprises highly radioactive shales (Hot Shale), which are regarded as the most significant factor controlling petroleum generation in the basin. In this context, it was the goal of our project to study the distribution and maturity of the Hot Shale in the framework of basin evolution. Organic geochemical, organic petrological and basin modelling methods were used to obtain a more thorough understanding. Four wells from the northern and central part of the Awbari Trough have been selected for this study.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the hydrocarbon generation process and gas potentials of source rocks in deepwater area of the Qiongdongnan Basin, kinetic parameters of gas generation(activation energy distribution and frequency factor) of the Yacheng Formation source rocks(coal and neritic mudstones) was determined by thermal simulation experiments in the closed system and the specific KINETICS Software. The results show that the activation energy(Ea) distribution of C1–C5 generation ranges from 50 to 74 kcal/mol with a frequency factor of 2.4×1015 s–1 for the neritic mudstone and the Ea distribution of C1–C5 generation ranges from 49 to 73 kcal/mol with a frequency factor of 8.92×1013 s–1 for the coal. On the basis of these kinetic parameters and combined with the data of sedimentary burial and paleothermal histories, the gas generation model of the Yacheng Formation source rocks closer to geological condition was worked out, indicating its main gas generation stage at Ro(vitrinite reflectance) of 1.25%–2.8%. Meanwhile, the gas generation process of the source rocks of different structural locations(central part, southern slope and south low uplift) in the Lingshui Sag was simulated. Among them, the gas generation of the Yacheng Formation source rocks in the central part and the southern slope of the sag entered the main gas window at 10 and 5 Ma respectively and the peak gas generation in the southern slope occurred at 3 Ma. The very late peak gas generation and the relatively large gas potential indices(GPI:20×108–60×108 m3/km2) would provide favorable conditions for the accumulation of large natural gas reserves in the deepwater area.  相似文献   

The Songliao Basin is a large-scale petroliferous basin in China. With a gradual decline in conventional oil production, the exploration and development of replacement resources in the basin is becoming increasingly important. Previous studies have shown that the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (K2qn) has favorable geological conditions for the formation of shale oil. Thus, shale oil in the Qingshankou Formation represents a promising and practical replacement resource for conventional oil. In this study, geological field surveys, core observation, sample tests, and the analysis of well logs were applied to study the geochemical and reservoir characteristics of shales, identify shale oil beds, build shale oil enrichment models, and classify favorable exploration areas of shale oil from the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation. The organic matter content is high in shales from the first member of the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (K2qn1), with average total organic carbon (TOC) content exceeding 2%. The organic matter is mainly derived from lower aquatic organisms in a reducing brackish to fresh water environment, resulting in mostly type I kerogen. The vitrinite reflectance (Ro) and the temperature at which the maximum is release of hydrocarbons from cracking of kerogen occurred during pyrolysis (Tmax) respectively range from 0.5% to 1.1% and from 430 °C to 450 °C, indicating that the K2qn1 shales are in the low-mature to mature stage (Ro ranges from 0.5% to 1.2%) and currently generating a large amount of oil. The favorable depth for oil generation and expulsion is 1800–2200 m and 1900–2500 m, respectively as determined by basin modeling. The reserving space of the K2qn1 shale oil includes micropores and mircofractures. The micropore reservoirs are developed in shales interbedded with siltstones exhibiting high gamma ray (GR), high resistivity (Rt), low density (DEN), and slightly abnormal spontaneous potential (SP) in the well-logging curves. The microfracture reservoirs are mainly thick shales with high Rt, high AC (acoustic transit time), high GR, low DEN, and abnormal SP. Based on the shale distribution, geochemical characteristics, reservoir types, fracture development, and the process of shale oil generation and enrichment, the southern Taikang and northern Da'an are classified as two favorable shale oil exploration areas in the Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

Identification of the main hydrocarbon source rocks of the large Puguang gas field (northeastern Sichuan Basin, southwest China) has been the subject of much discussion in recent years. A key aspect has been the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the development of hydrocarbon source rocks of the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, which had been thought to contain mainly coal seams and thick carbonate layers. In this paper, based on geological data from more than ten wells and outcrops and their related mineralogy and geochemistry, we investigated the depositional environment and main factors controlling organic matter enrichment in the Longtan Formation. We propose a model which combines information on the geological environment and biological changes over time. In the model, organic matter from prolific phytoplankton blooms was deposited in quiescent platform interior sags with rising sea-levels. During the Longtan period, the area from Bazhong to Dazhou was a platform interior sag with relatively deep water and a closed environment, which was controlled by multiple factors including syngenetic fault settling, isolation of submarine uplifts and rising sea-levels leading to water column stratification. Although the bottom water was anoxic, the phytoplankton were able to bloom in the well-lit upper euphotic zone thus giving rise to a set of sapropelic black shales and marlstones containing mostly algal organic matter with minor terrestrial contributions. As a consequence, these rocks have a high hydrocarbon generation potentials and can be classified as high-quality source rocks. The area from Bazhong to Dazhou is a center of hydrocarbon generation, being the main source of reservoired paleo-oils and presently discovered as pyrobitumen in the Puguang gas field. The identification of these source rocks is very important to guide future petroleum exploration in the northeastern Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   

In the Altiplanicie del Payún area (Neuquen Basin, Argentina), immature source rock sections intruded by up to 600 m thick Tertiary laccoliths show full spectrum maturity aureoles over hundreds of meters from the contacts. Commercial oil accumulations (20–33°API) and oil shows are located along the entire column, both in sandstone/carbonate and fractured igneous reservoirs. A challenging numerical model that included the emplacement of the intrusive bodies, with extreme temperature ranges and unusually short calculation time steps, has been done with the aim to better understand hydrocarbon generation and migration processes related to these thermal anomalies.  相似文献   

Detailed palynofacies analysis of sidewall core samples taken from below, within and above the Tartan Formation (Thanetian, Late Paleocene, 58.7–55.8 Ma), a potential source rock in the epeiric Great South Basin, shows that the formation is characterised by very high percentages of degraded brown phytoclasts, rare marine algae and amorphous organic matter and thereby represents a mix of terrestrial and marine kerogen. The results indicate that the formation was deposited in a marginally marine (hyposaline), proximal environment under bottom conditions that varied from anoxic to oxic along a nearshore–offshore transect. Samples from the upper part of the underlying Wickliffe Formation indicate deposition in a marginal to normal marine, proximal environment under anoxic to oxic bottom environments. The lower part of the overlying Laing Formation was deposited in an open marine, relatively distal setting under anoxic to oxic bottom environments.  相似文献   

The Triassic formation is a possible new giant hydrocarbon generated formation in Northwest China and Mid-Asia. Taking the Upper Triassic formation in the Sikeshu Sag in Junggar Basin as an example, based on the comprehensive analysis on the geochemical characteristics of the cores and the dark mudstone of the outcrops and reservoir formation conditions, we have evaluated the Upper Triassic source rocks by comparing with those in the Ulungu Depression, and reached the following findings. Firstly, the Upper Triassic formation is mainly composed of dark mudstone and sandy mudstone deposits, and the hydrocarbon source rock is mainly distributed in the middle and upper parts with a thickness range of 100–150 m and area of 3500 km2. Secondly, the source rock, moderate in organic matter abundance (with TOC range of 1%–3%), has the material basis for hydrocarbon generation. Thirdly, the organic matter has high percentage of sapropelinite, and is dominated by type II2. Fourthly, the degree of the thermal evolution is moderate, and the source rock with Ro higher than 0.7% has a distribution area of about 1800 km2, providing the conditions of massive hydrocarbon generation. Fifthly, the source rock has great burial depth and wide distribution; the source rock with a Ro of higher than 0.7% and thickness of more than 100 m has an area of around 1400 km2, implying huge resource potential. Sixthly, the next step exploration should focus on highly mature hydrocarbon generation central area in the Upper Triassic - Lower Jurassic in the east of the sag to search for and confirm favorable traps. The research findings have important reference value for promoting the resource status of, deepening the understanding of reservoir formation, and clarifying the exploration direction in the Sikeshu Sag and other periphery Mid-Asia areas.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in lacustrine sedimentary environments significantly affect distributions of organic matter (OM), uranium, and other elements in shales. In this study a high-resolution geochemical record of fluctuations in the paleo-depositional environment of a terrestrial lake basin is provided on the basis of extensive samples collected from the Member 3 of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation (Es3) of the Niu-38 well in the Dongying Depression, Eastern China. These samples were tested for total organic carbon (TOC), element concentrations, and biomarkers to study the evolution and fluctuation in the depositional environments of an ancient lake basin and associated geochemical response. The evolution and fluctuation of the sedimentary environment from a deep lake to a semi-deep lake and then to a shallow lake delta were indicated by geochemical response. During this evolution, the values of TOC, S1, S2, Sr, and Ts/(Ts + Tm) remarkably decreased, whereas those of Co, Ni, Rb, Na, Fe/Mn, Fe/(Ca + Mg), and C29 mortane/C29 hopane significantly increased. The deep lake basin shows depositional fluctuations, as indicated by rock lithofacies and their geochemical parameters. A close interrelationship was observed among U concentration, TOC content, and inorganic element content. Uranium concentrations are positively correlated with TOC contents, Ca and Sr concentrations, and Sr/Ba and Ca/Mg ratios but negatively with K, Na, Ba, and Rb contents and Fe/(Ca + Mg) and Fe/Mn ratios. The observed increase in U concentration in the lower Es3 section is closely related to surface adsorption by clay minerals and OM, together with some replacements of Ca and Sr by U in the shales.  相似文献   

A diverse and well-preserved non-marine and marine palynomorph assemblage was recovered from the Lower Cretaceous Yamama, Ratawi and Zubair formations in southern Iraq.A distinctive monospecific assemblage of the dinocyst Subtilisphaera in the Ru-19 Well, in addition to its frequent occurrence in other wells in the Zubair Formation, reflects an ecologically stressed, marginal-marine environment. This assemblage constitutes the first record of the Subtilisphaera ecozone in Iraq and Arabian realm and indeed only the second one east of Morocco.The palynofacies composition of the studied rock units has been related to previous organic geochemical analyses. Each rock unit has its own palynofacies characteristics and in general, samples dominated by amorphous kerogen have the highest total organic carbon (TOC) and hydrogen index (HI), as is the case for some samples from the studied Yamama Formation and samples belonging to palynofacies PF2 from the Zubair Formation. Samples that are mostly retrieved from the Zubair Formation, containing abundant phyoclasts, have the lowest TOC and HI values.  相似文献   

Samples of argillaceous source rocks from three sub-members of the Shahejie Formation (Es) in the Dongying Depression, China, were collected to investigate the differences in hydrocarbon generation among the sub-members, which developed in fresh (Es32, Es33) and saline (Es41) water environments. Pyrolysis, XRD and thermo-XRD analyses were used to compare the characteristics of organic matter (OM), clay minerals and OM occurrences. Total organic carbon and hydrocarbon potential proxies suggest that the samples from Es33 were much better than the other two intervals, which agrees with previous studies. The characteristics of clay minerals suggest that the samples from Es41 have the most abundant illite, with a maximum illite percentage in mixed-layer illite-smectite (ISm), and the best crystallinity of ISm with a main stacking mode of R1.5. However, the stacking modes of ISm in Es32 and Es33 were primarily R0 and R1, respectively, and the crystallinity was relatively poor. Thus, the smectite illitization process was faster in Es41 than in the other two intervals, and a saline environment was a primary cause for the acceleration of the process. Moreover, OM occurrence indicates that the samples from Es41 had the lowest amount of interlayer OM, whereas Es33 had the largest amount. Therefore, the rapid illitization in Es41 caused abundant interlayer OM to be desorbed and discharged, which in turn caused the amount of residual interlayer OM in Es41 to be less than that in the other two intervals. Thus, the source rocks of Es41 made a more significant contribution to hydrocarbon generation than those of the other two units. In conclusion, the inconsistent illitization among these intervals was a major cause of the differences in hydrocarbon generation.  相似文献   

The quality of source rocks plays an important role in the distribution of tight and conventional oil and gas resources. Despite voluminous studies on source rock hydrocarbon generation, expulsion and overpressure, a quality grading system based on hydrocarbon expulsion capacity is yet to be explored. Such a grading system is expected to be instrumental for tight oil and gas exploration and sweet spot prediction. This study tackles the problem by examining Late Cretaceous, lacustrine source rocks of the Qingshankou 1 Member in the southern Songliao Basin, China. By evaluating generated and residual hydrocarbon amounts of the source rock, the extent of hydrocarbon expulsion is modelled through a mass balance method. The overpressure is estimated using Petromod software. Through correlation between the hydrocarbon expulsion and source rock evaluation parameters [total organic carbon (TOC), kerogen type, vitrinite reflectance (Ro) and overpressure], three classes of high-quality, effective and ineffective source rocks are established. High-quality class contains TOC >2%, type-I kerogen, Ro >1.0%, overpressure >7Mpa, sharp increase of hydrocarbon expulsion along with increasing TOC and overpressure, and high expulsion value at Ro >1%. Source rocks with TOC and Ro <0.8%, type-II2 & III kerogen, overpressure <3Mpa, and low hydrocarbon expulsion volume are considered ineffective. Rocks with parameters between the two are considered effective. The high-quality class shows a strong empirical control on the distribution of tight oil in the Songliao Basin. This is followed by the effective source rock class. The ineffective class has no measurable contribution to the tight oil reserves. Because the hydrocarbon expulsion efficiency of source rocks is controlled by many factors, the lower limits of the evaluation parameters in different basins may vary. However, the classification method of tight source rocks proposed in this paper should be widely applicable.  相似文献   

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