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A new model for the behavior of polycrystalline shape memory alloys (SMA), based on a statically constrained microplane theory, is proposed. The new model can predict three-dimensional response by superposing the effects of inelastic deformations computed on several planes of different orientation, thus reproducing closely the actual physical behavior of the material. Due to the structure of the microplane algorithm, only a one-dimensional constitutive law is necessary on each plane. In this paper, a simple constitutive law and a robust kinetic expression are used as the local constitutive law on the microplane level. The results for SMA response on the macroscale are promising: simple one-dimensional response is easily reproduced, as are more complex features such as stress-strain subloops and tension-compression asymmetry. A key feature of the new model is its ability to accurately represent the deviation from normality exhibited by SMAs under nonproportional loading paths.  相似文献   

This paper presents a generalized Zaki-Moumni (ZM) model for shape memory alloys (SMAs) [cf. Zaki, W., Moumni, Z., 2007a. A three-dimensional model of the thermomechanical behavior of shape memory alloys. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 55, 2455-2490 accounting for thermomechanical coupling. To this end, the expression of the Helmholtz free energy is modified in order to derive the heat equation in accordance with the principles of thermodynamics. An algorithm is proposed to implement the coupled ZM model into a finite element code, which is then used to solve a thermomechanical boundary value problem involving a superelastic SMA structure. The model is validated against experimental data available in the literature. Strain rate dependence of the mechanical pseudoelastic response is taken into account with good qualitative as well as quantitative accuracy in the case of moderate strain rates and for mechanical results in the case of high strain rates. However, only qualitative agreement is achieved for thermal results at high strain rates. It is shown that this discrepancy is mainly due to localization effects which are note taken into account in our model. Analyzing the influence of the heat sources on the material response shows that the mechanical hysteresis is mainly due to intrinsic dissipation, whereas the thermal response is governed by latent heat. In addition, the variation of the area of the hysteresis loop with respect to the strain rate is discussed. It is found that this variation is not monotonic and reaches a maximum value for a certain value of strain rate.  相似文献   

The remarkable properties of shape memory alloys have increasing the interest in applications in different areas varying from biomedical to aerospace hardware. Despite the large number of applications, the modeling of SMA is the objective of many researches developed in order to describe all details of its thermomechanical behavior. The present contribution revisits a constitutive model presented by Savi et al. (2002), which is built up on the classical Fremond’s model, in order to contemplate the horizontal enlargement of the stress–strain hysteresis loop. Numerical simulations present qualitative agreement with experimental data, showing pseudoelastic, one-way and two-way shape memory effects.  相似文献   

In this paper a constitutive model for rigid-plastic hardening materials based on the Hencky logarithmic strain tensor and its corotational rates is introduced. The distortional hardening is incorporated in the model using a distortional yield function. The flow rule of this model relates the corotational rate of the logarithmic strain to the difference of the Cauchy stress and the back stress tensors employing deformation-induced anisotropy tensor. Based on the Armstrong–Fredrick evolution equation the kinematic hardening constitutive equation of the proposed model expresses the corotational rate of the back stress tensor in terms of the same corotational rate of the logarithmic strain. Using logarithmic, Green–Naghdi and Jaumann corotational rates in the proposed constitutive model, the Cauchy and back stress tensors as well as subsequent yield surfaces are determined for rigid-plastic kinematic, isotropic and distortional hardening materials in the simple shear deformation. The ability of the model to properly represent the sign and magnitude of the normal stress in the simple shear deformation as well as the flattening of yield surface at the loading point and its orientation towards the loading direction are investigated. It is shown that among the different cases of using corotational rates and plastic deformation parameters in the constitutive equations, the results of the model based on the logarithmic rate and accumulated logarithmic strain are in good agreement with anticipated response of the simple shear deformation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new phenomenological constitutive model for shape memory alloys, developed within the framework of irreversible thermodynamics and based on a scalar and a tensorial internal variable. In particular, the model uses a measure of the amount of stress-induced martensite as scalar internal variable and the preferred direction of variants as independent tensorial internal variable. Using this approach, it is possible to account for variant reorientation and for the effects of multiaxial non-proportional loadings in a more accurate form than previously done. In particular, we propose a model that has the property of completely decoupling the pure reorientation mechanism from the pure transformation mechanism. Numerical tests show the ability to reproduce main features of shape memory alloys in proportional loadings and also to improve prediction capabilities under non-proportional loadings, as proven by the comparison with several experimental results available in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the influence of thermomechanical coupling on the behavior of superelastic shape memory alloys subjected to cyclic loading at different loading rates. Special focus is given to the determination of the area of the stress-strain hysteresis loop once the material has achieved a stabilized state. It is found that this area does not evolve monotonically with the loading rate for either transient or asymptotic states. In order to reproduce this observation analytically, a new model is developed based on the ZM model for shape memory alloys which was modified to account for thermomechanical coupling. The model is shown to predict the non-monotonic variation in hysteresis area to good accord. Experimentally observed variations in the temperature of SMA test samples are also correctly reproduced for lower strain rates.  相似文献   

In this work, we propose a macroscopic phenomenological model that is based on the classical framework of thermodynamics of irreversible processes and accounts for the effect of multiaxial stress states and non-proportional loading histories. The model is able to account for the evolution of both twinned and detwinned martensite. Moreover, reorientation of the product phase according to loading direction is specifically accounted for. Towards this purpose the inelastic strain is split into two contributions deriving, respectively, from creation of detwinned martensite and reorientation of previously existing martensite variants. Computational tests demonstrate the ability of the model to simulate the main aspects of the shape memory response in a one-dimensional setting and some of the features that have been experimentally found in the case of multiaxial non-proportional loading histories. Experimental non-proportional loading paths have also been simulated and a good qualitative agreement between numerical and experimental response is observed.  相似文献   

In order to develop a fundamental understanding and the feasibility of SMA devices for passive vibration control, an undamped SDOF system with a pseudoelastic SMA restoring force is investigated to find the basic relationship between the shape of the hysteresis loop of SMA elements and their performance as a damping device. The dynamic characteristics of the device are evaluated by the steady-state response at the resonance point in order to focus on the damping effect. Dynamic analysis utilizing the equivalent linearization approach results in two major findings that, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, have not yet been reported in the literature. These results which characterize the unique behavior of the SMA hysteresis include: (a) for a given excitation amplitude, the “scale” of the hysteresis loop, which is a measure of displacement and restoring force, needs to be adjusted so that the response sweeps the maximum loop but does not exceed it; (b) the ratio of the area confined within the hysteresis loop to the area of a corresponding envelope of triangular shape should be as large as possible. The results of this study would be quite useful not only as a guideline for the design of actual SMA devices, but also as a basis for the development of new autoadaptive materials in future.  相似文献   

The effects of microstructure and its evolution on the macroscopic superelastic stress-strain response of polycrystalline Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) are studied by a microstructure-based constitutive model developed in this paper. The model is established on the following basis: (1) the transformation conditions of the unconstrained single crystal SMA microdomain (to be distinguished from the bulk single crystal), which serve as the local criterion for the derivation of overall transformation yield conditions of the polycrystal; (2) the micro- to macro-transition scheme by which the connection between the polycrystal aggregates and the single crystal microdomain is established and the macroscopic transformation conditions of the polycrystal SMA are derived; (3) the quantitative incorporation of three microstructure factors (i.e., nucleation, growth and orientation distribution of martensite) into the modeling. These microstructural factors are intrinsic of specific polycrystal SMA systems and the role of each factor in the macroscopic constitutive response is quantitatively modeled. It is demonstrated that the interplay of these factors will result in different macroscopic transformation kinematics and kinetics which are responsible for the observed macroscopic stress-strain hardening or softening response, the latter will lead to the localization and propagation of transformation bands in TiNi SMA. The project supported by the Research Grant Committee (RGC) of Hong Kong SAR, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Provincial Natural Foundation of Jiangxi Province of China  相似文献   

Based on the microstructure-based constitutive model established in Part I, a detailed numerical investigation on the role of each microstructure parameter in the kinematical and kinetic evolution of polycrystalline SMA under axisymmetrical tension loading is performed. Some macroscopic constitutive features of stress-induced martensite transformation are discussed. The subject supported by the Research Grant Committee (RGC) of Hong Kong SAR, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province of China  相似文献   

Here, the effects of localization and propagation of martensitic phase transformation on the response of SMA thin structures subjected to thermo-mechanical loadings are investigated using nonlocal constitutive model in conjunction with finite element method. The governing equations are derived based on variational principle considering thermo-mechanical equilibrium and the spatial distribution of the nonlocal volume fraction of martensite during transformation. The nonlocal volume fraction of martensite is defined as a weighted average of the local volume fraction of martensite over a domain characterized by an internal length parameter. The local version of the thermo-mechanical behavior model derived from micromechanics considers the local volume fraction of martensite and the mean transformation strain. A 4-noded quadrilateral plane stress element with three degrees of freedom per node accounting for in-plane displacements and the nonlocal volume fraction of martensite is developed. Numerical simulations are conducted to bring out the influence of material and geometrical heterogeneities (perturbations/defects) on the localization and propagation of phase transformation in SMA thin structures. Also, a sensitivity analysis of the material response due to the localization and the other related model parameters is carried out. The detailed investigation done here clearly shows that the localization of phase transformation has significant effect on the response of shape memory alloys.  相似文献   

In this paper, a gradient-enhanced 3-D phenomenological model for shape memory alloys using the non-local theory is developed based on a 1-D constitutive model. The method utilizes a non-local field variable in its constitutive framework with an implicit gradient formulation in order to achieve results independent of the finite element discretization. An efficient numerical approach to implement the non-local gradient-enhanced model in finite element codes is proposed. The model is used to simulate stress drop at the onset of transformation, and its performance is evaluated using different experimental data. The potential of the presented numerical approach for behavior of shape memory alloys in eliminating mesh-dependent simulations is validated by conducting various localization problems. The numerical results show that the developed model can simulate the observed unstable behaviors such as stress drop and deviation of local strain from global strain during nucleation and propagation of martensitic phase.  相似文献   

The familiar small strain thermodynamic 3D theory of isotropic pseudoelasticity proposed by Raniecki and Lexcellent is generalized to account for geometrical effects. The Mandel concept of mobile isoclinic, natural reference configurations is used in order to accomplish multiplicative decomposition of total deformation gradient into elastic and phase transformation (p.t.) parts, and resulting from it the additive decomposition of Eulerian strain rate tensor. The hypoelastic rate relations of elasticity involving elastic strain rate are derived consistent with hyperelastic relations resulting from free energy potential. It is shown that use of Jaumann corotational rate of stress tensor in rate constitutive equations formulation proves to be convenient. The formal equation for p.t. strain rate , describing p.t. deformation effects is proposed, based on experimental evidence. Phase transformation kinetics relations are presented in objective form. The field, coupled problem of thermomechanics is specified in rate weak form (rate principle of virtual work, and rate principle of heat transport). It is shown how information on the material behavior and motion inseparably enters the rate virtual work principle through the familiar bridging equation involving Eulerian rate of nominal stress tensor.

In this work, we present simulations of shape memory alloys which serve as first examples demonstrating the predicting character of energy-based material models. We begin with a theoretical approach for the derivation of the caloric parts of the Helmholtz free energy. Afterwards, experimental results for DSC measurements are presented. Then, we recall a micromechanical model based on the principle of the minimum of the dissipation potential for the simulation of polycrystalline shape memory alloys. The previously determined caloric parts of the Helmholtz free energy close the set of model parameters without the need of parameter fitting. All quantities are derived directly from experiments. Finally, we compare finite element results for tension tests to experimental data and show that the model identified by thermal measurements can predict mechanically induced phase transformations and thus rationalize global material behavior without any further assumptions.  相似文献   

The stress-strain isothermal hysteresis loops due to the incomplete martensitic transformation are analysed for Ti-Ni shape memory alloys. Experiments show the existence of two distinct yield lines for phase transition; one for the forward transformation austenitemartensite (AM), the other for the reverse transformation MA. The tensile behaviour of single crystals with only one yield line (AM) [1] can be considered as an ideal case. An extension of a thermodynamic model for pseudoelasticity [2] allows these two yield lines to be taken into account.
Sommario Per leghe Ti-Ni con memoria di forma vengono analizzati i cicli di isteresi isotermici tensione-deformazione prodotti da una incompleta trasformazione martensitica. Gli esperimenti mostrano l'esistenza di due distinte linee di snervamento per la transizione di fase, una verso la trasformazione austenitemartensite (AM), l'altra per la trasformazione inversa MA. Il comportamento a trazione di un singolo cristallo con una sola linea di snervamento (AM) [1], può essere considerato un caso ideale. L'estensione ad un modello termodinamico pseudo-elastico [2] consente di analizzare queste due linee di snervamento.

This paper presents a variational framework for the three-dimensional macroscopic modelling of superelastic shape memory alloys in an isothermal setting. Phase transformation is accounted through a unique second order tensorial internal variable, acting as the transformation strain. Postulating the total strain energy density as the sum of a free energy and a dissipated energy, the model depends on two material scalar functions of the norm of the transformation strain and a material scalar constant. Appropriate calibration of these material functions allows to render a wide range of constitutive behaviours including stress-softening and stress-hardening. The quasi-static evolution problem of a domain is formulated in terms of two physical principles based on the total energy of the system: a stability criterion, which selects the local minima of the total energy, and an energy balance condition, which ensures the consistency of the evolution of the total energy with respect to the external loadings. The local phase transformation laws in terms of Kuhn–Tucker relations are deduced from the first-order stability condition and the energy balance condition.The response of the model is illustrated with a numerical traction–torsion test performed on a thin-walled cylinder. Evolutions of homogeneous states are given for proportional and non-proportional loadings. Influence of the stress-hardening/softening properties on the evolution of the transformation domain is emphasized. Finally, in view of an identification process, the issue of stability of homogeneous states in a multi-dimensional setting is answered based on the study of second-order derivative of the total energy. Explicit necessary and sufficient conditions of stability are provided.  相似文献   

Shape memory polymers (SMPs) have gained strong research interests recently due to their mechanical action that exploits their capability to fix temporary shapes and recover their permanent shape in response to an environmental stimulus such as heat, electricity, irradiation, moisture or magnetic field, among others. Along with interests in conventional “dual-shape” SMPs that can recover from one temporary shape to the permanent shape, multi-shape SMPs that can fix more than one temporary shapes and recover sequentially from one temporary shape to another and eventually to the permanent shape, have started to attract increasing attention. Two approaches have been used to achieve multi-shape shape memory effects (m-SMEs). The first approach uses polymers with a wide thermal transition temperature whilst the second method employs multiple thermal transition temperatures, most notably, uses two distinct thermal transition temperatures to obtain triple-shape memory effects (t-SMEs). Recently, one of the authors’ group reported a triple-shape polymeric composite (TSPC), which is composed of an amorphous SMP matrix (epoxy), providing the system the rubber-glass transition to fix one temporary shape, and an interpenetrating crystallizable fiber network (PCL) providing the system the melt-crystal transition to fix the other temporary shape. A one-dimensional (1D) material model developed by the authors revealed the underlying shape memory mechanism of shape memory behaviors due to dual thermal transitions. In this paper, a three-dimension (3D) finite deformation thermomechanical constitutive model is presented to enable the simulations of t-SME under more complicated deformation conditions. Simple experiments, such as uniaxial tensions, thermal expansions and stress relaxation tests were carried out to identify parameters used in the model. Using an implemented user material subroutine (UMAT), the constitutive model successfully reproduced different types of shape memory behaviors exhibited in experiments designed for shape memory behaviors. Stress distribution analyses were performed to analyze the stress distribution during those different shape memory behaviors. The model was also able to simulate complicated applications, such as a twisted sheet and a folded stick, to demonstrate t-SME.  相似文献   

A microstructural finite element (MFE) model is developed to capture the interaction between martensitic transformations and plasticity in NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs). The interaction is modeled through the grain-to-grain redistribution of stress caused by both plasticity and phase transformation, so that each mechanism affects the driving force of the other. A unique feature is that both processes are modeled at a crystallographic level and are allowed to operate simultaneously. The model is calibrated to pseudoelastic data for select single crystals of Ti–50.9at.%Ni. For polycrystals, plasticity is predicted to enhance the overall martensite volume fraction at a given applied stress. Upon unloading, residual stress can induce remnant (retained) martensite. For thermal cycling under load bias, plasticity is observed to limit the net transformation strain/cycle and increase the hysteretic width. Deformation processing, via plastic pre-straining at elevated temperature, is shown to dramatically alter subsequent pseudoelastic response, as well as induce two-way shape memory behavior during no-load thermal cycling. Overall, the model is suitable at smaller imposed strains, where martensite detwinning is not expected to dominate.  相似文献   

A constitutive theory is developed for shape memory polymers. It is to describe the thermomechanical properties of such materials under large deformations. The theory is based on the idea, which is developed in the work of Liu et al. [2006. Thermomechanics of shape memory polymers: uniaxial experiments and constitutive modelling. Int. J. Plasticity 22, 279-313], that the coexisting active and frozen phases of the polymer and the transitions between them provide the underlying mechanisms for strain storage and recovery during a shape memory cycle. General constitutive functions for nonlinear thermoelastic materials are used for the active and frozen phases. Also used is an internal state variable which describes the volume fraction of the frozen phase. The material behavior of history dependence in the frozen phase is captured by using the concept of frozen reference configuration. The relation between the overall deformation and the stress is derived by integration of the constitutive equations of the coexisting phases. As a special case of the nonlinear constitutive model, a neo-Hookean type constitutive function for each phase is considered. The material behaviors in a shape memory cycle under uniaxial loading are examined. A linear constitutive model is derived from the nonlinear theory by considering small deformations. The predictions of this model are compared with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

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