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强震观测资料包括强震动时程记录资料和宏观震害调查资料两大类, 前者是定量的微观数据, 后者则是定性的宏观指标. 本文明晰给出了微观仪器烈度与宏观仪器烈度、 微观考察烈度与宏观考察烈度的概念, 并在此基础上提出了只有在宏观仪器烈度与宏观考察烈度之间进行比较才具有实质性的意义;同时对国内外常见的仪器烈度算法进行了比较性研究, 得出了袁一凡仪器烈度算法可靠性更高的结论;最后以四川地区历年来重要震例的强震动记录为依据, 对修正的袁一凡仪器烈度算法的可靠性进行了比较应用. 结果表明, 对袁一凡仪器烈度算法修正与扩展的应用是可行的, 同时也验证了将微观仪器烈度与宏观考察烈度直接进行比较会存在较大的差距.   相似文献   

20世纪30年代M.A.Biot提出反应谱理论,至20世纪50年代G.W.Housner给出第一条抗震设计反应谱.从此,反应谱方法在世界范围内被广泛接受,这也标志着地震工程学的发展进入了反应谱理论阶段,工程界对反应谱的研究也一直持续到今天.目前,世界上多数国家均采用抗震设计反应谱作为抗震设计中确定地震动输入的主要依据.通常,归一化的抗震设计反应谱其形状由几个特征参数确定,其中最重要的是反应谱平台值和特征周期,反应谱的研究中大量的工作是如何科学地确定这两个特征参数.场地条件是影响反应谱特征参数的重要因素,但我国抗震设计规范只考虑了场地条件对反应谱特征周期的影响而没有考虑场地条件对反应谱平台值的影响,其重要原因之一是缺少有场地条件的强震记录.  相似文献   

长春地震台宽频带数字地震波形频谱特性的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据长春地震台数字测震资料,计算了不同震中距地震波形的振幅谱,并对主要震相的频率特性进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

2003年1月4日新疆伽师5.4级地震的强震观测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年1月4日新疆伽师县发生了5.4级地震,其宏观烈度为Ⅵ度。布设在伽师县城的强震固定台记录到5.4级主震及1次4.2级余震的加速度,其中一个地震的最大加速度值(水平分量)为66.12gal。初步分析这次强地震运动特性,得出两点结论:(1)强运动记录检验了投入使用的GDQJ-1A型仪器性能良好;(2)加速度时程记录表明垂直向P波初动尖锐、强震持时较长,最长约达7.5s,而水平向P波初动弱、强震持时较短,仅约2.5s。  相似文献   

断层场地地震动分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
本文根据断层岩性、倾角、破碎带宽度和隐伏断裂上部覆盖层厚度等因素的变化,密切结合断层及其附近的地形地貌、土层剖面以及基岩面的起伏变化特点建立断层场地模型,并以合成人工地震动作为输入,对这些模型进行了二维地震分析计算,给出了各模型输出点地震动时程和反应谱,对计算结果进行了综合对比分析,取得了若干认识。此外,用宏观震害经验检验了本文方法的可行性和计算结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

基于999条具有完整信息的欧洲及其毗邻地区的近场强震动记录,对反映地震动频谱特性的不同特征周期参数(反应谱卓越周期T。、平滑化反应谱卓越周期T_o、傅氏幅值谱平均周期T_m)进行了研究,分析了场地条件、地震震级等因素对近场水平向及竖向地震动频谱特征周期的影响,并探讨了我国现行规范中设计反应谱特征周期T_g取值的合理性问题。统计结果表明:在近场区域场地和震中距仍是影响地震动频谱特征周期的重要因素,因为近场地震动的复杂性,震级对地震动频谱特征周期的影响不是很明显;近场区域竖向与水平向地震动的频谱特征周期有明显差别,且场地越软竖向与水平向地震动频谱特征周期的比值越小;我国现行抗震规范中设计反应谱的特征周期取值偏低,可能是偏于不安全的。  相似文献   

徐国林  陈龙伟 《地震学报》2019,41(5):671-679
为研究液化场地上建筑物承受地震作用的特性,本文利用11组液化场地实测记录,对液化场地的地震动特征进行了分析。结果显示,场地液化后,地表加速度幅值减小,长周期成分显著增多,记录中出现明显的 “尖刺” 。对比国内外抗震规范设计反应谱与液化场地实测加速度反应谱,分析得出:在短周期T<0.3 s,规范设计反应谱值与实测记录反应谱基本一致;在中长周期段0.3 s<T<1.5 s,规范反应谱值明显低于实测记录反应谱值;在长周期段T>1.5 s,规范设计谱较实测记录反应谱值略低。基于5种数值方法模拟的液化场地地震动结果显示:周期T<1.0 s时,数值计算的反应谱值基本高于液化场地实测反应谱值,或与之吻合;而周期T>1.0 s时,数值计算的反应谱值均低于液化场地实测反应谱值。   相似文献   

场地相关设计反应谱特征周期的统计分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
吴健  高孟潭 《中国地震》2004,20(3):263-268
利用近年来的工程场地地震安全性评价和地震小区划工作的成果,对上述工作中得到的场地相关反应谱的特征周期取值进行统计分析,并收集现有的强震记录计算其反应谱,将上述两个结果同两个版本的抗震设计规范(GBJ11-89和GB50011-2001)中的规定进行比较。发现上述两本规范中的特征周期取值在不同程度上小于实际场地情况的统计平均值。其中,虽然GB50011-2001规范相对于GBJ11-89规范更加接近实际场地的情况,但仍然在一些情况下取值偏小。  相似文献   

强震地面运动频谱特性的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用国内外56次地震的147个重要地面运动加速度记录进行统计回归分析,得到反映强震地面运动加速度富氏振幅谱和伪速度反应谱与地震震级、震中距和记录场地条件的统计关系。这些记录中7级以上大震、震中距小于20公里的近场记录和基岩场地上的记录占有一定比例,统计样本各类数据的分布比较合理。采用场地等效固有周期(以下简称场地固有周期)代替常用的场地分类形式进行统计,在一定程度上克服了场地分类标准不明确的缺点。场地固有周期依据地质钻探资料计算,从而能比较准确地反映与场地特征有关的强震地面运动的频谱特征随震级、震中距和场地固有周期的变化规律,为实际工程应用和抗震理论研究提供可靠的经验公式。  相似文献   

考虑土—结构相互作用影响,分析在不同的地震波作用下不同结构形式地铁车站对临近场地地震动响应的影响规律。经过两次反演得到地铁车站所在深度的EL-Centro波,将此波形与生成的人工波分别作用于自由场地与包含地铁车站的两种地层结构,将得到的场地反应谱特性与自由场地表反应谱进行对比。由对比结果可知:在短周期部分地铁车站的存在使得地表加速度反应谱谱值变大,而在长周期部分,地表加速度反应谱谱值变化相对而言较小,即地铁车站的存在对地表加速度反应谱的长周期部分基本不影响;在不同地震波作用下,不同地铁车站结构对临近场地土反应谱的变化影响度因子曲线均呈倒"S"型,有唯一拐点;地铁车站结构的跨度与高度越大,其对周围场地土反应谱带来的影响越大。  相似文献   

地下地震动频谱特点研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本以美国加州强震观测计划(CSMIP)的6个岩土工程台阵的429条地表和地下地震动程为数据基础,按照各台阵场地土层分布情况将台阵分为七层和“上层/基岩”两类。对于同一类场地,将其中的各次地震,按照震级的大小将其分为三类;对于同一类地震,首先计算各地震的水下分量5%阻尼的反应谱以及相应的标准反应谱,并得到各深度测点相对于最深处测点的反应谱比值,分析比较两类场地下各深度反应谱的特点,另外,傅里叶谱也是本分析的一部分,通过对不同深度地下地震动的反应谱和傅氏谱的比较,得到了一些较有意义的结论,以供工程参考。  相似文献   

Attenuation characteristics of ground motions in northern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four recently developed attenuation models are calibrated by using a very limited amount of strong motion data recorded in China. The research shows that the attenuation characteristics of the earthquake shaking in northern China are similar to those in the western US. The supporting evidence includes Q factors, preliminary results of kappa values, stress drop, shear wave velocity profile in the shallow earth crust, areas enclosed by the isoseismals of Modified Mercalli Intensity V. From these comparisons of different attenuation models, it is recommended that the Crouse and McGuire spectral attenuation model could possibly be used for northern China. Funded by: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and partly supported by NSFC (Grant No.59678048)  相似文献   

特殊长周期地震动的参数特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近断层脉冲型地震动和远场软土层场地类谐和地震动是两类特殊的长周期地震动,当前的规范均很少对这两类地震作用进行具体的规定。研究了近断层脉冲型和远场类谐和地震动的幅值、幅值比(V/A,D/V)、傅里叶幅值谱和反应谱的差别,分析了相位角和作用循环周期数对简单脉冲的影响,并用于解释两类特殊地震动的工程特征。以集集地震动为数据基础,分析了两类长周期地震动的傅里叶谱和反应谱特征;将平均加速度和位移规准反应谱分别与规范设计谱进行了比较。建议设计谱在长周期段考虑近断层作用和软土场地面波效应的影响。  相似文献   

Field observations on ground motions from recent earthquakes imply that current knowledge is limited with regard to relating vertical and horizontal motions at liquefiable sites. This paper describes a study with the purpose of clarifying this emerging issue to some extent. A series of numerical analyses is carried out on a liquefiable soil deposit with a verified, fully coupled, nonlinear procedure. It is shown that the transformation of vertical motions in the deposit differs considerably from the transformation of horizontal motions. Both the amplitude and frequency content of the horizontal motions are strongly dependent on the shaking level or the associated nonlinear soil behavior. The transfer function for vertical motions is however likely to be independent of the intensity of input motions; no reduction in the amplitude occurs even in the case of strong shaking. The results are shown to be in consistence with the laboratory observations on shaking table tests and recent field observations that less nonlinearity exists for vertical motions. It is also shown that the possibility exists for using information on spectral ratios between the horizontal and vertical surface motions to quickly identify in situ soil behavior and liquefaction that are not readily covered by conventional field or laboratory experimentation procedures.  相似文献   

近断层竖向地震动峰值特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究近断层区域竖向地震动的加速度峰值衰减特征和竖向与水平加速度峰值比特征,为进行近断层区域结构抗震设计和地震危险性分析等提供基础数据参考,根据1952—1999年世界范围内震级在M5.4-M7.6之间的18次地震的地震动记录提出一种同时考虑断层距和震级影响的竖向峰值加速度衰减关系,并与其他学者提出的衰减关系进行了对比分析。然后初步统计分析了竖向与水平峰值加速度比值、竖向地震动PGV/PGA比值的特征。研究结果表明,本文提出的加速度峰值衰减关系形式比较简单而且能较好地体现地震动加速度峰值的衰减变化关系;断层距在0—40km范围内相当一部分竖向与水平向峰值加速度比值大于一般抗震设计规范中规定的比值即0.65;至少对于竖向地震动而言,只将PGV/PGA〉0.2s作为识别近断层脉冲型地震动的强度指标是不够的。  相似文献   

The duration, total power, rms amplitude, and peak ground acceleration (PGA) are examined using the data from the KiK-net digital borehole accelerograph arrays in Japan during three large earthquakes. We investigate correlations between the duration, PGA on the surface and hypocentral distance, instrumental seismic intensity, and the local site conditions. Also considered in this paper, are correlation between the duration and PGA. This present study suggests that PGA is inversely proportional to the duration.Comparing the duration, total power, rms amplitude, and PGA on the surface with those at the bottom of borehole, the duration and maximum amplitude characteristics of earthquake ground motions are investigated with emphasis on site amplification due to the local site conditions. The difference of amplification factors is not only site-dependent but also event-dependent. The comparison of the site amplification factors and the average shear-wave velocity in the upper 30-m showed a good agreement.This paper indicated that the duration and amplitude characteristics suffer a reciprocal effect due to the local site conditions and the site dependency of maximum amplitude PGA is greater than that of the duration. In view of the results, the duration is not less important than the maximum amplitude and frequency content in earthquake engineering. Moreover, this study provided meaningful information of input motion available to earthquake-resistant design.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to model and simulate the multi-support depth-varying seismic motions (MDSMs) within heterogeneous offshore and onshore sites. Based on 1D wave propagation theory, the three-dimensional ground motion transfer functions on the surface or within an offshore or onshore site are derived by considering the effects of seawater and porous soils on the propagation of seismic P waves. Moreover, the depth-varying and spatial variation properties of seismic ground motions are considered in the ground motion simulation. Using the obtained transfer functions at any locations within a site, the offshore or onshore depth-varying seismic motions are stochastically simulated based on the spectral representation method (SRM). The traditional approaches for simulating spatially varying ground motions are improved and extended to generate MDSMs within multiple offshore and onshore sites. The simulation results show that the PSD functions and coherency losses of the generated MDSMs are compatible with respective target values, which fully validates the effectiveness of the proposed simulation method. The synthesized MDSMs can provide strong support for the precise seismic response prediction and performance-based design of both offshore and onshore large-span engineering structures.  相似文献   

A method for generating a suite of synthetic ground motion time‐histories for specified earthquake and site characteristics defining a design scenario is presented. The method employs a parameterized stochastic model that is based on a modulated, filtered white‐noise process. The model parameters characterize the evolving intensity, predominant frequency, and bandwidth of the acceleration time‐history, and can be identified by matching the statistics of the model to the statistics of a target‐recorded accelerogram. Sample ‘observations’ of the parameters are obtained by fitting the model to a subset of the NGA database for far‐field strong ground motion records on firm ground. Using this sample, predictive equations are developed for the model parameters in terms of the faulting mechanism, earthquake magnitude, source‐to‐site distance, and the site shear‐wave velocity. For any specified set of these earthquake and site characteristics, sets of the model parameters are generated, which are in turn used in the stochastic model to generate the ensemble of synthetic ground motions. The resulting synthetic acceleration as well as corresponding velocity and displacement time‐histories capture the main features of real earthquake ground motions, including the intensity, duration, spectral content, and peak values. Furthermore, the statistics of their resulting elastic response spectra closely agree with both the median and the variability of response spectra of recorded ground motions, as reflected in the existing prediction equations based on the NGA database. The proposed method can be used in seismic design and analysis in conjunction with or instead of recorded ground motions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近年来的强震地震观测资料研究显示,近断层地面运动具有区别于远场地震动的显著特征。在收集世界范围内近断层观测记录的基础上,按场地和震级进行分类,采用统计分析的方法研究了近断层地震动的峰值、反应谱谱值和持时特征。研究结果表明,由于方向性效应的影响,两个水平分量的峰值存在显著差异,反应谱的谱值更显著,震级对地震动持时的影响比断层距的影响要大得多,在此基础上,建立了近断层地震动水平向和竖向分量持时的回归关系式,并与其他研究者进行对比,说明了其合理性,为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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