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一个民族的文化通常有其系统性与适用的价值观,在当今中西文化交融的时代背景下,作为未来栋梁的大学生选择何种价值观体系,一直受到学术界的普遍关注。借鉴相关价值观研究理论,通过因子分析的方法,归纳出大学生的7个价值观类型,并揭示出大学生社会文化价值观的主要特征,即儒家思想中的进取精神得到了大学生的普遍认同,而极端功利与利己主义受到大学生的强烈排斥,大学生的"自我意识"呈现出不统一的特点,实用主义观念在大学生中广泛存在,传统价值观中的"节俭观"和"宿命论"在大学生中受到了严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

"韩流"文化在我国大陆已经有二十余年的发展历史,对于大家来说早已不是一个陌生的词,近几年形成以韩剧为中心的,包括明星娱乐、妆容服饰、电子产品等韩国文化产品相互配合占领我国市场的新局面。本文通过整理"韩流"文化研究的文献形成综述,对女大学生的健康成长树立科学价值观具有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

在中国当代文化中,马克思主义文化与中国传统文化占有重要的地位,这两种文化对成长于西方文化背景下的大学生领导力教育的普遍性、价值观教育以及领导人格的培养具有重要的启示性意义。只有充分考虑到马克思主义文化与中国传统文化中的优秀成果,并将其应用到大学生领导力教育中,才能形成具有中国文化特色的学生领导力教育,特别是形成具有"全心全意为人民服务"的价值观和具有中国传统文化中"内圣外王"的理想领导人格的大学生领导力教育体系。  相似文献   

为加强少数民族大学生社会主义核心价值观教育,从少数民族大学生对错误思潮的辨别与抵御、自身的成长成才和民族团结进步事业发展等方面分析社会主义核心价值观教育的现实意义。结合社会主义核心价值观认同教育的规律,尊重少数民族大学生传统民族文化,将社会主义核心价值观有效融入教学体系,实现文化育人和实践育人相结合,推动少数民族大学生社会主义核心价值观认同教育日常化、常态化。  相似文献   

青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强。作为青年的中坚力量,多年来大学生的成长一直受到党和国家的高度重视。但在这个日益凸显个性化的时代,微文化信息流对大学生价值观的影响越来越大,需要加强对此的研究。从微文化信息流影响下引导大学生树立正确价值观的必要性出发,就微文化信息流对大学生价值观产生的积极影响和消极影响展开进一步的探讨,最后得出发扬积极影响、减轻消极影响的对策,希望能够有助于当前大学生树立和巩固正确的价值观。  相似文献   

在新的发展时期,将我国优秀的传统文化融入大学生思想政治教育中去,对于大学生的价值观塑造、综合素质提升有积极的意义。我国优秀传统文化与大学生思想政治教育融合既是社会主义现代化建设的需要,也是当前优秀传统文化传承的需要。要正确认识优秀传统文化在大学生思想政治教育中的价值,从加强师资队伍建设、加强课程内容建设、优化教学方式、融入校园文化建设、融入社会实践活动几个方面入手,推进优秀传统文化在大学生思想政治教育中的应用策略。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告中明确提出社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂,要积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观.西部民族大学生作为我国高校大学生中的特殊群体,在加强建设社会主义核心价值体系中具有重要的地位.本文对西部民族大学生价值观现状进行调查和研究,以期对引导其领悟核心价值观、同心共筑中国梦有些许贡献,对于扎实推进十八大社会主义文化强国建设具有重要意义.  相似文献   

"晒文化"已经成为当代青年亚文化中重要的一部分,对大学生群体有着不可忽视的影响。本文基于微信朋友圈中的"晒文化"为研究对象,研究"晒文化"折射的大学生价值观及其带来的负面影响,从加强大学生价值引领、加强网络监管和培养网络领袖、加强大学生网络道德素养三个方面探索在"晒文化"环境下开展网络思政教育的工作。  相似文献   

随着网络快节奏的发展,人与人之间的交流也逐渐多元化。习近平总书记强调文化自信是最基本的自信,微文化就是在继承了中国传统文化的前提下不断创新,在继承中发展,在发展中继承。大学生作为接受新事物最快的群体,深受微文化的影响。本文从它带来的消极影响出发,从社会主义核心价值观削弱、大学生价值观判断模糊、大学生道德行为脱节等方面,找到相应的对策使大学生形成正确的价值观。  相似文献   

庞燕  赵义泉 《现代交际》2011,(1):105-106
我们正处于改革开放和社会转型的新时期,随着各种价值观念及其文化意识形态的融入,给我国高校大学生价值观教育带来的极大挑战。本文通过对价值观影响因素及培养方式的研究,引导大学生在多元文化下树立正确的价值观。  相似文献   

In a large online survey of undergraduates, we examined the degree to which social desirability concerns might bias pornography-related self-reports and whether these biases are stronger among highly religious participants than among less-religious ones. Recent state-level analyses have put forward a controversial suggestion that religious individuals tend to search for pornography more than their less-religious peers, despite self-reports to the contrary. Such results could be explained by a social-desirability bias against reporting the consumption of pornography, one that applies specifically to religious individuals. Though our findings are limited to undergraduates in the U.S. Midwest, we found some evidence that the desire to positively self-present (as measured by the Marlowe–Crowne social desirability scale) may bias reports of pornography consumption and perceptions of pornography’s effects (e.g., perceptions of addictiveness). However, contrary to popular sentiment—and our own hypotheses—we found no evidence for and much evidence against the suggestion that religious individuals have a more pronounced social desirability bias against the reporting of pornography consumption than the irreligious. Interaction terms assessing that possibility were either nonsignificant or significant in the reverse direction.  相似文献   

This article explores the contemporary trend of deploying feminist values in the case of ethical branding. Using the psychoanalytical concepts logics of fantasy and enjoyment, we analyse the campaign by Swedish coffee brand Zoégas, Coffee by Women, to understand how a combination of development discourse, ‘women’s empowerment’ and the opportunity to ‘do good’ is employed to sell coffee. The analysis shows that the campaign depicts the threat of a future lack of coffee, creating anxiety in the consumer, supposedly motivating her to purchase Zoégas, as Coffee by Women is claimed to secure and educate new generations of coffee farmers. Simultaneously, this is presented as ‘empowering women’ in the global South. We argue that this narrative builds on a colonial fantasy of global sisterhood and shared interests that works to conceal the political conflicts connected to global trade and climate change. Through a commodification of feminist values and aesthetics, this fantasy works to redirect the desire for social change towards consumption, offering an enjoyable solution that disregards any wider responsibility. It has been argued that the structure of the social bond before the era of mass consumption was characterized by a prohibition on individual enjoyment for the benefit of the common good. After the arrival of mass consumption, the social bond instead became marked by a duty to enjoy. In the contemporary context of ethical capitalism, we suggest that the social bond is rather structured by a ‘duty of ethical enjoyment’, containing elements of both prohibition and pleasure.  相似文献   


Scholars of both resource mobilization theory and new social movement theory recognize leadership as integral to traditional social movements. Following global protest movements of 2011, some now characterize movements relying on social media as horizontal and leaderless. Whether due to an organizational shift to networks over bureaucracies or due to a change in values, many social movements in the present protest cycle do not designate visible leadership. Does leadership in social media activism indeed disappear or does it take on new forms? This paper undertakes an in-depth analysis of data obtained through interviews, event observations and analysis of media content related to three Canadian cases of civic mobilization of different scale, all of which strategically employed social media. The paper proposes a conceptual framework for understanding the role of these mobilizations’ organizers as organic intellectuals, sociometric stars and caretakers. By looking closely at the three cases through the lenses offered by these concepts, we identify the specific styles that characterize digitally mediatized civic leadership.  相似文献   


In December 2004, the massive Indian Ocean Tsunami hit the coastal areas of Sri Lanka causing a devastating impact on the lives of people. National and International humanitarian aid received in the aftermath was unprecedented. Among this was a team of professors and students from the faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, who conducted a summer camp as a social work practice project together with Sri Lankan undergraduates. The objective was to initiate a project for support based on an action research model adopting a short-term design built upon a needs assessment. While critically looking at the process of international support in the context of country’s long history of state welfare and community support systems, the paper also focuses on one major lapse among others, negligence of people’s needs during disaster interventions. The paper attempts to view this situation in relation to the absence of an established social work profession in the country and examines the applicability of an international framework and concepts of social work in developing academic and professional social work in a context as diverse as Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

While many studies have addressed the complex relationship between gender and environmental constructs, few have attempted to determine just how gender influences environmentalism. We argue that the interaction of gender with other sociocultural variables must be examined. Our study includes two of these variables: technological values and self‐enhancement values. Study results indicate that the effect of gender on environmental intentions is moderated by these two variables. This is established in a multicountry study of college students in the United States, Canada, and Germany. In examining willingness to change consumption behaviors, when controlling for self‐enhancement or technological values, the gender effect holds only when there are high scores for the other variable. When technological or self‐enhancement scores are low, men and women are equally willing to change their intentions. The gender by technology effect was moderated somewhat by country. Thus, gender alone does not function independently in its impact on respondents’ willingness to change consumption behaviors. The study results have implications for future research on the relationship between gender and environmentalism and for environmental education efforts.  相似文献   

Five experienced Australian and New Zealand family therapists and trainers seek to answer the question: ‘What key concepts and core learnings should be part of any family therapy training course?’ They debate the usefulness of making ‘shopping lists’ of core concepts, the importance of considering trainers' and trainees' contexts in the formation of their values and perspectives, and the distinctive role of Family of Origin work in training, clarifying central themes. Three experienced trainers respond to the issues raised.  相似文献   

This research compares a nonprobability, precision-matched sample of 27 female undergraduates wishing to remain childless with 27 female undergraduates desiring to have children. The purpose was to test 8 hypotheses in an effort to explain the desire for a childless lifestyle at a relatively early age. A social psychological model is presented that elucidates some of the influential factors. The basic idea of the model is that such a choice can be analyzed in terms of three basic concepts: (1) family background factors; (2) self-other attitudes; and (3) reference groups. The data in this study, although collected at only one point in time, support the argument that these concepts play a central role in the decision to remain voluntarily childless. The family background factors are seen as instigative in the development of autonomy and achievement orientation. These two factors, accompanied by a belief that the advantages associated with childlessness outweigh the advantages associated with childbearing, predispose an individual to desire a childless lifestyle, particularly when these various attitudes are sustained through reference group support.  相似文献   


In this internationalised world, graduate employability in terms of intercultural communication skills needs to be taken into account in higher education. The present study aims to explore the effects of critical incident task instruction on English non-majored undergraduates’ intercultural competence. One group of students received ten weeks of instruction with one critical incident task per week and another group received standard English classes. Data were collected from the students’ pre- and post-test. The results showed a significant and strong effect of the intervention with critical incident tasks. Implications for educational practice are presented for further teaching with critical incident tasks.  相似文献   

Our everyday shopping practices are increasingly marketed as opportunities to ‘make a difference’ via our ethical consumption choices. In response to a growing body of work detailing the ways in which specific alignments of ‘ethics’ and ‘consumption’ are mediated, we explore how ‘ethical’ opportunities such as the consumption of Fairtrade products are recognized, experienced and taken‐up in the everyday. The ‘everyday’ is approached here via a specially commissioned Mass Observation directive, a volunteer panel of correspondents in the UK. Our on‐going thematic analysis of their autobiographical accounts aims to explore a complex unevenness in the ways ‘ordinary’ people experience and negotiate calls to enact their ethical agency through consumption. Situating ethical consumption, moral obligation and choice in the everyday is, we argue, important if we are to avoid both over‐exaggerating the reflexive and self‐conscious sensibilities involved in ethical consumption, and, adhering to a reductive understanding of ethical self‐expression.  相似文献   

While a number of studies have attributed critical incident stressors to alcohol abuse among police officers, no study has examined the role gambling, if any, plays on problematic alcohol consumption. Therefore, data from the Police Stress and Domestic Violence in Police Families in Baltimore, Maryland, 19971999 are analyzed to test the influence of gambling on problematic alcohol consumption engaged by police officers. Results indicated that gambling is significant in predicting problematic alcohol consumption. Burnout, peer drinking, and self-control also predicted the dependent variable. The study’s results, as well as the study’s limitations and directions for future research, are also discussed.  相似文献   

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