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The Somerset Dam Layered Basic Intrusion is probably a sub‐volcanic magma chamber, and it consists of 20 saucer‐shaped layers composed of troctolites, olivine gabbros, ferrigabbros, and leucogabbros. The layered sequence is 1650 ft (500 m) thick, and comprises several repetitions of a standard pattern termed a zone. Each zone is generally composed of four layers, and successive mineral assemblages from the base upwards are: plagioclase‐olivine, plagioclase‐augite‐olivine, plagioclase‐augite‐magnetite‐ilmenite, and plagioclase‐uralite. Pronounced modal and textural changes define the boundaries between these layers. Within a zone, systematic variation in the proportions and compositions of minerals is thought to be the result of a slight decrease in temperature, and an increase in the partial pressures of water vapour and oxygen from the base to the top.

Repetition of zones is explained by a mechanism involving periodic renewals of magma. Lack of progressive changes in mineral compositions and proportions from the base to the top of the layered sequence is also a consequence of the magma composition, the control of water vapour pressure, and the limited range of crystallisation temperatures. Gravitational settling of early minerals does not explain the variation within a zone, or the small‐scale rhythmic layering that is locally developed, and it is concluded that diffusion has been an important control.  相似文献   

 In the central Vetreny Belt, southeastern Baltic Shield, an areally extensive 110 m deep lava lake is exposed consisting of remarkably fresh differentiated komatiitic basalt. During eruption, the liquid had a temperature of 1380–1400 °C and contained ∼15% MgO. The lava ponded in a large topographic depression soon after eruption. The differentiation of the lava lake was controlled by settling of transported olivine and chromite phenocrysts and caused the origin of prominent internal layering. The last portions of the trapped liquid crystallized at temperatures of 1250– 1070 °C. A Sm-Nd isochron of 2410±34 Ma for whole rock samples, olivine, augite and pigeonite separates from the lava lake provides a reliable estimate for the time of formation of the uppermost sequences in the Vetreny Belt. This age is in good agreement with the Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb isochron ages of 2449±35 and 2424±178 Ma for the volcanic rocks from the same stratigraphic level in the northwestern Vetreny Belt. Modeling of Nd-isotopes and major and trace elements shows that the komatiitic basalts at Lion Hills may have had a komatiite parent depleted in highly incompatible elements. It can be shown that this initial liquid was contaminated by 7–9% of Archaean upper crustal material from the adjacent Vodla and Belomorian Blocks en route to the surface thus acquiring the observed geochemical and isotope signatures including relative enrichment in Zr, Ba, and LREE, negative Nb- and Ti-anomalies and ɛNd(T) of −1. Received: 8 December 1995/Accepted: 26 March 1996  相似文献   

As a result of studying the Vetreny Belt greenstone structure (the southeast of the Baltic Shield), zircons from terrigenous deposits of the Toksha Formation, underlying the section of the sedimentary-volcanogenic complex, and zircons of the Vetreny Belt Formation, deposits of which crown the section, were dated. The results of analysis of age data of detrital zircons from quartzites of the Toksha Formation indicate that Mesoarchean greenstone complexes and paleo-Archean granitogneisses of the Vodlozero Block (Karelia) were the provenance area from which these zircons were derived. The occurrence of the youngest zircons with age of 2654.3 ± 38.5 Ma is evidence that the formation of the Vetreny Belt, including the Toksha Formation, began no earlier than this time. Zircons from volcanic rocks of the Vetreny Belt yielded the age of 2405 ± 5 Ma. Thus, the age interval of the formation of the sedimentary-volcanogenic complex of the Vetreny Belt ranges from 2654.3 ± 38.5 to 2405 ± 5 Ma.  相似文献   

In Togo, the hydrogeology of the sedimentary coastal aquifers along the Gulf of Guinea has been studied for the last three decades to define the recharge processes and the origin and evolution of the salinity. Isotope hydrology and fluid geochemistry suggest that the current recharge of all aquifers, both confined and unconfined, occurs through the crystalline basement and the Plio-Quaternary deposits. Two main groundwater mineralization processes are observed: the first one, in recharge areas, is due to farming, village and city life and concerns unconfined aquifers (crystalline basement, Continental Terminal and Quaternary sediments); the second one is a mixing process between recent freshwater and fossil saline water still present in the deep confined aquifers inland, several kilometers away from the coast. Brackish water was trapped in low-permeability lenses of confined aquifers (Eo-Palaeocene and Maastrichtian) during the Quaternary, in periods of low recharge, notably during the last glacial maximum (LGM), and has not yet been flushed out. Hydrodynamic simulations indicate that, at that time, the aquifers experienced a maximum seawater intrusion as far as 20–22 km inland, depending on the palaeo-recharge value at the outcrops.  相似文献   

The Wuning tungsten deposits in northwestern Jiangxi are located in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt of SE China. This article decodes the large tungsten-mineralized ore field by analysing three typical deposits: Shimensi, Dahutang, and Shiwendong. The Shimensi deposit shows three mineralization styles, and the associated hydrothermal alteration mainly includes K-feldspathization, greisenization, chloritization, silicification, and carbonatization. The sulphur isotopic compositions of sulphides in the Dahutang deposit indicate that the sulphur source was homogeneous and closely related to magmatic sulphur. The lead isotopic compositions of sulphides suggest multiple sources that were also closely related to magmatism. The carbon isotopic compositions of calcite indicate that hydrothermal fluids were derived from the granitic magma. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of quartz veins indicate that the ore-forming fluids had a magmatic-hydrothermal origin, but mixed with meteoric water. Fluid inclusions from the Shiweidong deposit are low density, indicating medium-high T and low-medium salinity, further suggesting that it was a shallow magmatic-hydrothermal deposit, and the metallogenic hydrotherm mingled with the surface water late in the evolution of the system. Mineralization was related to Early Cretaceous magmatism in eastern China. The subduction of the palaeo-Pacific plate and the subsequent lithospheric delamination reflected transition from a compressional to extensional tectonic regime. The upwelling of the hot asthenosphere triggered partial melting of the Neoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group, with high W background concentrations. The ascent of the magma resulted in the exsolution of the ore-bearing magmatic hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   

威远气田位于四川盆地南部,受乐山-龙女寺背斜轴部构造控制.储集层为元古界震旦系灯影组白云岩夹薄层泥岩和陡山沱组泥岩,直接盖层为寒武系九老洞组泥岩,两者均为烃源岩,构成寒武系-震旦系含油气系统,基底为新元古代澄江期花岗岩.区内所有地层和花岗岩的裂隙中皆见有天然气.该气田是我国乃至全世界储集层最古老的大型气田,具有如下特征...  相似文献   

The late Paleozoic tectonic framework of the southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt is key to restricting the accretion orogeny between the Siberia Craton and the North China Craton. To clarify the framework, petrogenesis of early Permian intrusive rocks from southeastern Inner Mongolia was studied. Zircon U-Pb dating for bojite and syenogranite from Ar-Horqin indicate that they were emplaced at 288–285 Ma. Geochemical data reveal that the bojite is highly magnesian and low-K to middle-K calc-alkaline, with E-MORB-type REE and IAB-like trace element patterns. The syenogranite is a middle-K calc-alkaline fractionated A-type granite and shows oceanic-arc-like trace element patterns, with depleted Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes, (87Sr/86Sr)I = 0.7032–0.7042, εNd(t) = +4.0 to +6.6 and zircon εHf(t) = +11.14 to +14.99. This suggests that the bojite was derived from lithospheric mantle metasomatized by subducted slab melt, while the syenogranite originated from very juvenile arc-related lower crust. Usng data from coeval magmatic rocks from Linxi?Ar-Horqin, the Ar-Horqin intra-oceanic arc was reconstructed, i.e., initial transition in 290–280 Ma and mature after 278 Ma. Combined with regional geological and geophysical materials in southeastern Inner Mongolia, an early Permian tectonic framework as ‘one narrow ocean basin of the PAO’, ‘two continental marginal arcs on its northern and southern’ and ‘one intra-oceanic arc in its southern’ is proposed.  相似文献   

Evolution of tectono-magmatic processes in the Paleoproterozoic is divisible into four stages each controlled by its own type of endogenic activity. The critical moment in geological history was at the third stage onset 2.05 Ga ago, when the Archean style of evolution gave way to subsequent one. Magmas of siliceous high-Mg (boninite-like) series (SHMS) dominant during the first stage (2.5–2.3 Ga) had the mixed mantle-crust genesis. They originated in highly depleted ultramafic reservoir of asthenospheric mantle being contaminated by the Archean crustal material during ascent to the surface. Typical of the SHMS magmas were the high content of silica, Al, Mg, Cr and elevated concentrations of Ni, Co, Cu, V, PGE and incompatible elements, LREE included, while concentrations of Fe, Ti, Nb and alkalies, especially K, were at a relatively low level. Magmatism of K-granitoid type was of a limited significance. The second stage, especially its second substage (2.3–2.05 Ga), was distinct because of mass eruptions of picritic and basaltic magmas enriched in Fe, Ti, Mn, P and incompatible elements, LREE in particular, which also had elevated Cr, Ni, Co, Cu and Ba concentration being relatively depleted in Mg and Al. This change in geochemistry of magmatism was independent of tectonic processes, which retained the former style. The third stage (2.05–1.8 Ga) was marked by opening of first oceans (Jormua, Purtuniq and other ophiolites) and by formation of orogens comparable with Phanerozoic orogens that was associated with development of subduction zones and back-arc basins with relevant magmatism. High Mg, Fe, Ti, Cr, Ni, Cu, V but low Th concentrations were typical of intense picrite-basaltic volcanism marking onset of the third stage. Magmas of suprasubduction genesis had considerably higher Si, Al, P, Zn, Th concentrations and very low CaO/Al2O3 ratios. Development of orogens came to the end 1.82–1.80 Ga ago. Appearance of giant belts of intraplate, usually silicic high-K volcanism juxtaposed on stabilized Paleoproterozoic orogens with abnormally thick crust was confined to the fourth stage spanning besides the initial Mesoproterozoic (1.8–1.5 Ga). Anorthosite-rapakivi granitoid batholiths, which originated above mantle plume heads, corresponded to intermediate magma chambers of relevant magmatic systems. As is suggested, juvenile basaltic melts of this stage retained within the crust provoking a large-scale melting of sialic material. The high K, Ti, Zn, Pb, Zr and elevated Be, Sn, Y, Nb, Rb, F, W, Mo, Li and U contents characterized geochemistry of magmas, which originated at the fourth stage  相似文献   

A number of Paleoproterozoic mafic dykes are reported to intrude volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Mahakoshal supracrustal belt. They are medium to coarse-grained and mostly trend in ENE-WSW to E-W. Petrographically they are metadolerite and metabasite. Geochemical compositions classify them as sub-alkaline basalts to andesites with high-iron tholeiitic nature. Both groups, i.e. metabasites and metadolerites, show distinct geochemical characteristics; high-field strength elements are relatively higher in metadolerites than metabasites. This suggests their derivation from different mantle melts. Chemistry does not support any possibility of crustal contamination. Trace element modeling advocates that metabasite dykes are derived from a melt originated through ∼20% melting of a depleted mantle source, whereas metadolerite dykes are probably derived from a tholeiitic magma generated through <10% melting of a enriched mantle source. Chemistry also reveals that the studied samples are derived from deep mantle sources. HFSE based discrimination diagrams suggest that metabasite dykes are emplaced in tectonic environment similar to the N-type mid-oceanic ridge basalts (N-MORB) and the metadolerite dykes exhibit tectonic setting observed for the within-plate basalts. These inferences show agreement with the available tectonic model presented for the Mahakoshal supracrustal belt. The Chitrangi region experienced N-MORB type mafic magmatism around 2.5 Ga (metabasite dykes) and within-plate mafic magmatism around 1.5–1.8 Ga (metadolerite dykes and probably other alkaline and carbonatite magmatic rocks).  相似文献   

桂东南地区大容山-十万大山花岗岩带SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年   总被引:58,自引:1,他引:58  
桂东南地区大容山-十万大山花岗岩以含过铝质矿物为特征,是华南地区显生宙典型的S型花岗岩岩带.虽然前人对该岩带的侵入年代进行了许多研究工作,认为其为海西-印支期产物,但由于以往测年方法和技术的一些局限性,对于华南是否存在海西期花岗岩一直存在不同意见.本文对大容山、旧州岩体和台马岩体进行了高精度错石SHRIMP定年,3个岩体的形成年龄分别为233±5 Ma、230±4 Ma和236±4 Ma,说明该花岗岩岩带形成于印支期,是由推覆构造引起地壳增厚、地壳重熔形成的.  相似文献   

This study documents the petrography and whole-rock major and trace element geochemistry of 38 samples mainly from a drill core through the entire Fedorivka layered intrusion (Korosten Pluton), as well as mineral compositions (microprobe analyses and separated mineral fraction analyses of plagioclase, ilmenite, magnetite and apatite) of 10 samples. The Fedorivka layered intrusion can be divided into 4 lithostratigraphic units: a Lower Zone (LZ, 72 m thick), a Main Zone (MZ, 160 m thick), and an Upper Border Zone, itself subdivided into 2 sub-zones (UBZ2, 40 m thick; UBZ1, 50 m thick). Igneous lamination defines the cumulate texture, but primary cumulus minerals have been affected by trapped liquid crystallization and subsolidus recrystallization. The dominant cumulus assemblage in MZ and UBZ2 is andesine (An39–42), iron-rich olivine (Fo32–42), augite (En29–35Fs24–29Wo42–44), ilmenite (Hem1–6), Ti-magnetite (Usp52–78), and apatite. The data reveal a continuous evolution from the floor of the intrusion (LZ) to the top of MZ, due to fractional crystallization, and an inverse evolution in UBZ, resulting from crystallization downwards from the roof. The whole-rock Fe/Mg ratio and incompatible element contents (e.g. Rb, Nb, Zr, REE) increase in the fractionating magma, whereas compatible elements (e.g. V, Cr) steadily decrease. The intercumulus melt remained trapped in the UBZ cumulates due to rapid cooling and lack of compaction, and cumulus mineral compositions re-equilibrated (e.g. olivine, Fe–Ti oxides). In LZ, the intercumulus melt was able to partially or totally escape. The major element composition of the MZ cumulates can be approximated by a mixing (linear) relationship between a plagioclase pole and a mafic pole, the latter being made up of all mafic minerals in (nearly) constant relative proportions. By analogy with the ferrobasaltic/jotunitic liquid line of descent, defined in Rogaland, S. Norway, and its conjugated cumulates occurring in the Transition Zone of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal intrusion (Rogaland, a monzonitic (57% SiO2) melt is inferred to be in equilibrium with the MZ cumulates. The conjugated cumulate composition falls (within error) on the locus of cotectic compositions fixed by the 2-pole linear relationship. Ulvöspinel is the only Ti phase in some magnetites that have been protected from oxidation. QUIlF equilibria in these samples show that magnetite and olivine in MZ have retained their liquidus compositions during subsolidus cooling. This permits calculation of liquidus fO2 conditions, which vary during fractionation from ΔFMQ = 0.7 to − 1.4 log units. Low fO2 values are also evidenced by the late appearance of cumulus magnetite (Fo42) and the high V3+-content of the melt, reflected in the high V-content of the first liquidus magnetite (up to 1.85% V).  相似文献   

阿尔金构造带对塔东南油气地质条件的制约   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阿尔金构造带包括阿尔金碰撞造山带和阿尔金逆冲-走滑断裂系。阿尔金造山带是塔里木盆地周边已知的最古老的碰撞造山带,以高压-超高压变质作用为标志的峰期碰撞造山作用发生于晚寒武-早奥陶世,这次碰撞造山作用很可能引起相邻塔东南地区的大幅度隆升,导致塔东南地区的中-上奥陶统遭受剥蚀,并使塔东南地区在志留-二叠纪期间总体处于不利于沉积的地质环境,隆升作用也在一定程度上推迟了寒武-奥陶系烃源岩的生排烃时间。从中生代开始的阿尔金逆冲-走滑断裂系错移并改造了阿尔金碰撞造山带,并在阿尔金山和塔东南地区造成了一系列的侏罗纪沉积盆地,这些盆地中沉积了塔东南地区重要的烃源岩和储集岩。阿尔金断裂系的压扭特性容易在断裂两侧形成次生的构造圈闭,隐伏的车尔臣断裂两侧是这种次生构造圈闭发育的有利部位,它们应该是重要的油气勘探区域。柴达木盆地西部阿尔金斜坡带油气勘探的成功经验从侧面说明,塔东南地区的油气勘探应该加强寻找山前冲积扇-水下扇储集体内发育的油气藏,并且在地面油砂附近寻找残存的油气藏。  相似文献   

In this study, we challenge the multiple collision model for the tectonic evolution of the Neoproterozoic Ribeira Belt in Southeastern Brazil. New U–Pb SHRIMP data reveal Palaeoproterozoic (2153 ± 15 Ma) and Cryogenian (783 ± 6 and 768 ± 8 Ma) granitic rocks in the Embu Domain, and detrital zircon data of metasedimentary units from the Embu and Costeiro domains suggest a coherent tectonic evolution for the whole Ribeira Belt. Rather than by multiple collisions, these data are best explained by a simpler tectonic model involving continent (craton)‐volcanic arc collisions in the Dom Feliciano and Brasilia belts that led to intracontinental crustal thickening of the adjacent thinned hinterland (Ribeira Belt) at ~640–610 Ma, followed by widespread post‐collisional magmatism and rift‐related sedimentation at ~600–540 Ma. We suggest that intracontinental orogeny is a relevant process during supercontinent assembly, as illustrated here by the evolution of significant parts of the Brasiliano orogen.  相似文献   

Until now (Smith, 1965) it was thought that in the central Damara Belt, South West Africa, the Red Granite and the Salem Granodiorite are two magmatic bodies separated by (essentially) marbles. Three places were discovered, where the marbles are missing; in all three places the Red Granite intrudes the Salem Granodiorite. Experimental melting done with samples from two of these localities allows to appraise the likely conditions during the intrusion of the Red Granite (680° C, 4 kb H2O-pressure).The White Granites — until now thought to be late or post kinematic — are a geologically heterogeneous group, at least in one place such an intrusion precedes that of the Red Granite.
Zusammenfassung Bis jetzt dachte man (Smith, 1965) daß im Zentralbereich des Damara-Orogens, Südwest Afrika, der Rote Granit und der Salem Granodiorit zwei magmatische Körper wären, die überall von (im wesentlichen) Marmoren getrennt seien. Es wurden drei Gegenden entdeckt, an denen die Marmore fehlen; an allen drei Stellen intrudiert der Rote Granit in den Salem Granodiorit. Schmelz-Experimente mit Proben von zwei dieser Lokalitäten erlauben die Bedingungen abzuschätzen, die während der Intrusion des Roten Granites geherrscht haben (680° C, 4 kb H2O-Druck).Die Weißen Granite — von denen man bis jetzt glaubte, sie seien spät-oder nachkinematisch — sind eine geologisch heterogene Gruppe. Mindestens an einer Stelle geht eine Intrusion der Weißen Granite derjenigen der Roten Granite voraus.

Résumé Jusqu'à présent (Smith, 1965) on a pensé que dans la zone centrale de l'orogène de Damara (Sud-Ouest Africain) le Granite Rouge et la Granodiorite de Salem étaient deux plutonites séparées partout par des couches de marbres. On a découvert trois endroits où les marbres n'existent pas et où le Granite Rouge forme des intrusions recoupant la Granodiorite de Salem.Des essais de fusibilité sur des échantillons provenant de deux de ces localité permettent d'estimer les conditions d'intrusion du Granite Rouge (680° C avec des pressions H2O de 4–5 kb).Les Granites blancs (acceptés jusqu'à présent comme tardi orogéniques) forment géologiquement une groupe hétérogène. En un endroit au moins, une intrusion de Granite blanc est recoupée par une intrusion du Granite Rouge, plus jeune.

(SMITH, 1965), , , - , , . 3 , , . , , , (680° C, 4 ). , , -, , . , - , .

Doklady Earth Sciences - A giant deposit of loparite ores, a source of Nb, Ta, and rare earth metals, is related to the world’s largest layered Lovozero pluton in the Kola Peninsula. The Sr...  相似文献   

A consistent map of the postglacial uplift of Fennoscandia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Martin Ekman 《地学学报》1996,8(2):158-165
A consistent map of the recent postglacial rebound of Fennoscandia is constructed on the basis of sea-level records, lake-level records and repeated high-precision levellings.
The uplift rates calculated from the sea-level series form a consistent framework of the map. The sea-level stations used are 56 reliable stations in the Baltic Sea and adjacent waters with series spanning 60 years or more, many of them about 100 years. Using a reference station in the Baltic Sea and another one outside the Baltic, all results are reduced to a common time span, the 100-year-period 1892–1991, in order to eliminate oceanographic changes. Inland, uplift differences are obtained from the repeated national levellings and, in four of the large lakes, from long water level series in pairs. The levellings, however, yield less accurate land uplift values than the sea-level and lake-level data.
The resultant map shows a fairly smooth phenomenon, with a maximum apparent uplift in the Gulf of Bothnia of 9.0 mm yr-1. The standard error is typically 0.2 mm yr-I close to the sea level stations, larger inland.
Finally the pattern of the present uplift as determined here is observed to be very similar to that of the past uplift as determined from ancient shore-lines of the Litorina Sea. However, the ratio between the past uplift and the present uplift rate tends to increase somewhat towards the uplift centre. This might reflect a non-uniform mantle viscosity. Also, the uplift maximum seems to have migrated towards NNE.  相似文献   

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