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1995年10~12月对妇幼卫生专业毕业生及用人单位进行信函追踪调查。结果表明,各用人单位普遍反映毕业生的整体素质较好,80%业务水平和工作能力较强,有73%的同学已成为各用人单位的业务骨干力量或重点培养对象。我们在对用人单位进行调查的同时,对毕业生本人也进行了调查,结果表明,保健能力较强者为68%以上,临床动手能力较强者为43%。基本上达到了卫生部妇幼卫生司提出的“既懂临床、又懂保健和管理的通科人才”的培养要求。  相似文献   

钱序  周丽 《中国妇幼保健》1999,14(6):363-365
上海医科大学妇幼卫生教研室通过对其毕业生追踪调查,从毕业生自评及用人单位的反馈情况来评价妇幼卫生本科教学的效果。结果表明,用人单位反映70%以上的毕业生思想素质较高,业务水平和工作能力较强,尤其是理论基础扎实。毕业生自评结果显示,他们的保健服务能力和信息处理能力较强,其次是现场工作、组织管理和科研设计的能力,相对感觉不足的是社会活动能力、教学与临床工作能力,对毕业后的继续教育和实际工作的锻炼要求迫切。  相似文献   

[目的]评价"两为"应用型公共卫生人才培养模式的实际应用效果。[方法]调查实验组和对照组毕业生对学校培养满意度、学生就业状况、用人单位对毕业生的综合评价。[结果]实验组学生协议就业率、就业服务满意率、基层单位就业率以及基层单位就业取向同意率均明显高于对照组;用人单位对实验组学生工作能力、团队协作和专业技能的满意度级别更高。[结论]利用"两为"应用型公共卫生人才培养模式培养的学生其工作能力、专业技能能够适应基层和农村工作。  相似文献   

目的评价兰州市城关区近年来孕产妇保健工作的开展情况和工作质量,为妇幼卫生相关政策的制定提供参考依据。方法采用秩和比法,以2001-2016年兰州市城关区孕产妇保健服务和生命质量相关指标为基础,对孕产妇保健工作质量进行综合评价。结果 2001-2016年兰州市城关区孕产妇保健工作质量逐年改善,孕产妇保健服务指标值逐渐增大,生命质量相关指标值均逐渐减小;综合评价结果显示,2005年孕产妇保健工作质量较差,2011年、2012年工作质量相对较好,排名位于上档。结论 16年来,兰州市城关区孕产妇保健工作取得了一定的成效,但仍需加强薄弱环节的建设。  相似文献   

目的探索适合我国中部农村贫困地区儿童保健工作的模式,为我国农村儿童保健工作的开展提供依据。方法在湖南省3个试点县实施中澳“促进中国农村贫困地区儿童保健管理”项目,内容包括建立儿童保健工作制度、配备儿童保健专业人员和硬件设施设备、开展人员能力建设、宣传儿童保健知识、建立儿童保健信息系统、省内交叉督导等。结果试点县儿童保健服务水平和管理能力均得到了显著提高,儿童保健工作取得了质的飞跃,基本形成了适合当地的儿童保健管理工作模式。结论中澳农村儿童保健项目可极大促进儿童保健工作的健康发展,项目经验值得在我国农村地区推广。  相似文献   

<正> 目前我国妇幼保健的服务水平及管理能力与保健需求之间存在着很大的差距,特别是在农村,从事妇幼保健工作的人员素质较差,能力偏低,明显不适应当前保健工作的需要。我市也同样存在此种情况。如何提高这部分人员的业务素质,做好广大农村妇女,儿童的系列保健服务是我们的当务之急。近年来,我们在如何做好乡、村级妇幼保健人员的培训工作上,进行了偿试和探索。针对当前存在的经费不足,人员又急需培训和提高的问题,采取了卫生行政部门下  相似文献   

目的全面了解新余市城区托幼机构卫生保健现状。方法2008年对市内全部66家私立托幼机构和4家公立托幼机构进行卫生保健工作检查,对检查结果资料进行整理、分析。结果私立托幼机构中晨检室设置率32%、隔离室设置率23%、专用盥洗室设置率26%、保健室设置率51%,93.5%是兼职保健医师且为非保健专业毕业,未开展膳食调查,未做到带量食谱,未按规定消毒的占77%,消毒无记录占71%,未坚持"保健为基础,保教相结合"的办园原则。公立托幼机构晨检室、隔离室、专用盥洗室、保健室设置率均为100%,保健医师均是正规保健专业毕业,开展了膳食调查,做到带量食谱,均按规定进行了消毒,消毒记录完整,坚持"保健为基础,保教相结合"的办园原则。结论新余市私立托幼机构保健设施不健全;日常卫生保健工作较差;办园教养原则存在偏差;公立托幼机构卫生保健工作好于私立托幼机构。  相似文献   

吕玉梅 《智慧健康》2022,(27):240-244
就目前情况来说,我国高校学生普遍存在的一个问题是人际交往问题。社交能力较弱,自主学习能力较差,缺乏生活能力等问题对学生的身心健康影响非常严重。我国高校一般会组建相应的医务室,医务室的职责不仅仅是帮助受伤的学生处理伤口,更要对校园内的学生进行适当的健康教育,但是大部分的医务室仅从事预防疾病的发生或者基础医疗工作,而在健康教育、保健、康复等方面的工作却并不全面。高校的医务室应该更好发展自己的工作职责,利用现有的医疗资源和师生资源,使学生更加充分、全面地接受健康教育,保证学生的身心健康。本文针对我国高校健康教育工作中存在的问题和解决方法进行阐述。  相似文献   

初级卫生保健是一项庞大的社会系统工程,涉及到社会的方方面面,企业的初保工作就是其中的重要组成部分。 我们万宝至马达公司是开发区内较大型独资企业,职工人数多且多数来自医疗卫生条件较差的农村,其保健和自我保健能力均较低。如能在我企业全面开展初级卫生保健工作,不仅职工的健康能得到保证,对  相似文献   

通过对牡丹江地区2015届部分医学毕业生英语水平、就业情况进行调查,并与过去三年招聘数据进行对比发现,用人单位对医学生的英语水平要求逐年提升。毕业生中仅有一小部分学生的英语水平满足用人单位的需求。另有一部分学生表现为英语应试能力较强,但应用能力欠缺。医学生应重视英语能力的学习,特别是英语的应用能力。  相似文献   

目的研究分析在重症监护室实习护生的带教工作中采用责任制带教模式管理的效果。方法随机抽选2018年1-8月在该院重症监护室实习的护生资料共计56名开展对照分析,抽签法分组为观察组以及对照组,每组28名。对照组实习护生接受功能制教学模式带教,观察组实习护生接受责任制带教模式,分析两组实习护生的理论考核、病历书写、护患沟通、规范操作以及平均成绩分数差异。结果观察组中实习护士的理论考核、病历书写、护患沟通、规范操作以及平均成绩分数均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论在医院重症监护室的带教工作中,针对实习护生采取责任制带教模式有利于提升其理论水平以及实践操作能力,进而显著提升护理教学质量,具有较高的临床推广价值。  相似文献   

武警卫勤指挥作业系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张磊  王心  郭海涛 《医疗卫生装备》2011,32(5):38-38,40
目的:丰富院校卫生勤务学的教学手段,提高基层部队卫勤机构的组织指挥能力。方法:借助现代信息技术,以武警卫生勤务业务为主要内容,采用组件化开发的方法。结果:成功研发武警卫勤指挥作业系统,该系统包含卫勤标图、减员预计、保障能力分析、卫勤保障预案检索和卫勤文书拟制等5个部分,可以实现要图标绘、正确预计减员情况、正确分析保障能力、快速查找常用卫勤保障预案以及拟制常用卫勤往来文书的功能。结论:武警卫勤指挥作业系统既可满足院校卫勤组织指挥教学的需要,又可指导基层卫勤机构展开模拟训练,提高军事行动的卫勤保障能力。  相似文献   

Processes and conditions of production may produce unhealthy effects. Both must therefore be included in the education of health care personnel. Vocational training in occupational health at Kocaeli University Medical School, Turkey aims to demonstrate students that occupational health is a specific and important area of work within the context of primary health care. This research is a cross-sectional study. It was planned as a three stage study: 1- reviewing literature and grouping of countries according to their occupational health curricula; 2- reviewing the occupational health programs of medical schools in Turkey, and 3- recommendations for an occupational health curriculum to include an occupational health vocational training period of one week in the two month public health education program for medical interns. During this experience, senior students would be assigned to workplace health units. Of 283 medical schools found on the web, with occupational health teaching, only 20 have a curriculum that includes training in workplace health care units. In Turkey, there is no structured practical education on occupational health. In the third part of this study, we initiated at Kocaeli University School of Medicine's curriculum, a new occupational health education model applied in the workplace health units of factories. Practical experience of occupational health in the workplace is useful in introducing the community-based approach to occupational health in undergraduate medical education and understanding the determinants of health in industry.  相似文献   

目的 为分析湖南省中小学校卫生保健能力配置现状,改善中小学卫生保健能力提供依据。 方法 开展学校卫生保健能力建设问卷调查,利用学校卫生工作体系和能力建设调查工作数据采集平台直报数据,对湖南省中小学校卫生保健机构设立以及卫生保健人员配备现状进行分析。 结果 湖南省12 614所中小学校中,3 599所寄宿制学校和1 704所600人以上非寄宿制学校,至少需配备专职校医9 967名,实际仅898名,7 311所不足600人非寄宿制学校,专职保健老师仅197名;调查学校中7.3%设置了卫生室,29.6%设置了保健室;7.5%配备了校医,5.3%配备了专职校医,专职校医配备合格率为1.3%;45.6%配备了保健老师,6.6%配备了专职保健老师;90.0%开展了卫生健康相关课程;5.7%的校医和26.5%的保健老师参加过卫生专业技术培训;设置卫生室或保健室、配备(专职)保健老师、配备(专职)校医、开展卫生健康教育、保健老师或校医参加过学校卫生专业知识培训的学校比例,随学龄阶段的上升、经济水平的提高、学校规模的变大,呈逐渐增加趋势(均P<0.001)。 结论 湖南省中小学校卫生保健机构以及卫生保健人员缺口较大,小于600人的小学卫生保健力量需重视;保健老师和校医学校卫生专业知识培训不足;经济水平仍是影响学校卫生保健机构以及人员配置的关键因素之一。建议通过增加学校卫生工作经费投入,不断完善学校卫生保健机构建立,合理增配学校卫生保健人员,并通过卫生保健人员专业技术培训来提升中小学校卫生保健工作能力。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This study uses a cross-sectional approach in terms of evaluating attitudes toward the elderly among health sciences students. The aim of this study was to measure attitudes among final year pregraduate students of seven health care careers. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted with final year students of medicine (M), occupational therapy (OT), physiotherapy (P), nursing (N), psychology (Ps), social work (Sw), and dentistry (D). The data was collected using the validated Spanish version of the questionnaire that uses the Aged Semantic Differential (ASD), a scale developed by Rosencrantz and colleagues. Additional information about sociodemographic characteristics of students was collected. RESULTS: A total of 472 valid questionnaires were collected; 54% of the students showed positive attitudes toward the elderly. Female students had more positive attitudes than male ones. The Ps and P students showed a high interest in choosing geriatrics as their speciality (36%), while only 16% of the medical students considered it among their career options. DISCUSSION: Pregraduate health care students' attitudes tend to be less positive concerning older people's capacity for self-determination. Therefore, it would be advisable to enhance continuous interaction among healthy aged people and students of the named specialities during their specific training. The fact that the N students had less positive attitudes toward the elderly, while they were also more likely to take action, and the fact that the Ps and Sw students had more positive attitudes might suggest a need to enhance and combine the approach to the care of the older people in nursing with the psychological and life course approaches.  相似文献   

An experiment of combining decentralized and interdisciplinary teaching is described. Seminars were arranged at a district hospital for medical, nursing and social work students to discuss families with a chronically ill child. The purpose of these seminars was to teach co-operation between different health care workers, and to stress the importance of becoming acquainted with the family situation, and learn what a child's illness means to the whole family.
An evaluation of the first three seminars shows that this type of teaching was very well received by the students, professionals and families concerned. The students considered house calls an important part of their education and felt that more interdisciplinary teaching should be included in their curriculum. In addition to the teaching aspect, the families involved also considered the seminars a positive experience as they received more information about their child's disease, and deficiencies in treatment could be corrected.  相似文献   

目的探讨普拉提练习对普通高校弱体质学生身体健康的影响。方法以80名南京某高校弱体质在校大学生为试验对象,随机分为试验组和对照组,每组各40人。试验组进行普拉提课程教学,对照组进行保健课程教学。对试验对象的身体形态、身体素质、生理指标以及心理健康用症状自评量表(SCL-90测量)等指标进行试验前后的比较分析。结果经过16周的教学试验,试验组在进行普拉提教学后,体重、体重指数、腰皮褶厚度、腰围、肺活量、肺活量体重指数、台阶试验等多项指标较试验前差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);试验组SCL-90测评中躯体化、强迫症状、抑郁等因子差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论结果表明,普通高校弱体质学生长期进行普拉提练习可以更好地提高学生的身体健康水平,促进其身心全面发展。  相似文献   

Since 1983, social scientists have collaborated with teaching staff at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia, to develop an integrated sociocultural curriculum for undergraduate students in community health. The Udayana curriculum is discussed in the context of an international commitment over the last two decades to appropriate education for primary health care and community health in developing countries. The authors describe their work as consultants with Udayana staff. Participants formulated a five-stage project of curriculum development and community health research that could be continued as part of an ongoing community medicine teaching program. Recommendations for integrating social science perspectives within medical domains are outlined, based on the project experience. The paper also discusses the undertaking as a 'development project' suggesting that many of the issues and problems that arose are common to bureaucratic institutions in Third World countries when development projects are initiated.  相似文献   

Since ethical issues in the contemporary delivery of health care involve doctors, nurses, technicians, and members of other health professions, the authors consider whether members of diverse health care occupations might benefit from studying ethics in a single classroom. While interprofessional courses may be better at teaching the ethics of the relationships between and among the various health professions, single-professional courses may be better at teaching the ethics of relationships between particular kinds of professionals and patients. An ethics instructor’s professional discipline affects his/her credibility with the students, and the course readings may not always be relevant to the actual work of a given discipline. With these challenges in mind, the authors suggest that the boundaries of ethics education in the health professions be reconceived to accommodate the professional mission of a specific discipline as well as the interdependence and collaboration that marks high quality health care.  相似文献   

Rapid changes in health care have provided the impetus for social workers to reexamine their professional preparation for effective practice in health care settings today. Faculty teaching students and field instructors were asked to indicate on a questionnaire where specific subject matter is taught to social work students: in the classroom, in the field, or in both settings. Results of the study show a communication gap between school and field and a need for teaching models that enable educators to convey more of the profession's expanding knowledge base and to prepare students to deal with concurrent demands for expertise and expediency in practice. Programmatic changes to address these issues are suggested.  相似文献   

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