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In order to test for further homologies between the MHC of mammals and amphibians, experiments were conducted to assess whether lower vertebrates such as anurans were able to generate killer cells after allogeneic stimulation. The generation of cytotoxic effector cells could be obtained in outbred families and clones of isogenic frogs after in vivo priming with either irradiated allogeneic lymphocytes or with an allogeneic skin graft, provided that the immune spleen cells were restimulated in vitro with the specific irradiated cells used for priming. Effector cells generated against a definedMHC haplotype could lyse targets having one of their two haplotypes in common with the stimulators. In contrast, no lysis was observed when the target cells differed from the specific stimulators by twoMHC haplotypes.The cytotoxic activity of the MLR-restimulated lymphocytes appeared to be mediated by T cells since passage of the effector spleen cells through a nylon wool column, under conditions which removedXenopus B lymphocytes, improved killing on a per cell basis. It therefore appears that the genes responsible for the highly specialized function of T killer cells have emerged early in evolution at least at the time of the emergence of the amphibians (300 million years ago) and that they were already linked to the MHC of this species. The MHC polymorphism inXenopus seems to be lower than in mammals as evidenced by the high frequency of cross-killing observations paralleled by the high frequency of MLR identical animals found in a large outbred population.  相似文献   

Summary Following lateral line stimulation with surface waves single unit activity was recorded from the periphery, torus semicircularis, and tecturn opticum ofXenopus laevis. The reaction of units to varying stimulus directions was examined.The directional specificity (DS) was calculated on the basis of spike counts per stimulus using circular statistics. It was expressed as the length of the mean vector.Discharges of primary afferents of the ramus supraorbitalis and ramus infraorbitalis were phase locked to the stimulus to a varying degree depending on the location of the corresponding groups of neuromasts. Their DS was not better than 0.26.Lemniscal fibers, representing the ascending output of the medulla and units of the torus semicircularis reached a DS of 0.10–0.24 and 0.11–0.36 respectively. Neurons in the tectum opticum were the most sharply tuned with DS ranging between 0.81 and 0.96.The surroundings were represented by the best directions of two arrays of tectal units forming a map which is in register with the representation of the corresponding visual field of the animal.Abbreviations DS directional specificity - r.i.o. ramus infraorbitalis - r.s.o. ramus supraorbitalis  相似文献   

Family studies inXenopus laevis (2n=36 chromosomes) demonstrate the expression of a single major histocompatibility complex in this species. Mixed leukocyte studies in two families ofXenopus vestitus (2n=72 chromosomes) indicated that this reaction was also under the control of a single genetic region. These studies suggest that, in this polyploid species, the switch from tetrasomic to disomic inheritance has already been accomplished for this locus. In contrast, segregation of mixed leukocyte reaction determinants and patterns of graft rejection in two families ofXenopus ruwenzoriensis (2n=108 chromosomes) were incompatible with the expression of a single major histocompatibility complex, and suggest that polysomic inheritance of this locus is maintained in this species. This interpretation was confirmed by the finding in a sibship of hybrids betweenXenopus ruwenzoriensis andXenopus laevis (2n=54+18) of more than four classes of mixed leukocyte reaction-identical sibs. In laboratory-created triploid animals (trispecies hybrid amongXenopus laevis, Xenopus gilli, andXenopus clivii), mixed leukocyte reaction and grafting experiments demonstrated that the major histocompatibility complex of each constituting species was codominantly expressed.  相似文献   

One 2.5-3 year old female clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), out of a consignment of 4,000 frogs, was found to have an abnormal abdominal growth, weighing 7.9 g. The growth was examined histologically and on the basis of the abundant stroma and serially-arranged tubules nephroblastoma was diagnosed. The growth is not considered to be transmissible.  相似文献   

Genetic aspects of tolerance to allografts induced at metamorphosis in the toadXenopus laevis were studied in one sibship expressing four different major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes. Tolerance by skin grafting was induced during metamorphosis in thiourea-blocked individuals, a technique that allows prolonged observation of graft behavior at this stage. Four classes of mutually tolerant animals could be determined. The use of antisera recognizing red blood cell antigens segregating with mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) haplotypes revealed that the four abovementioned classes corresponded to the four MHC genotypes of the family. The tolerance is, therefore, preferentially induced to antigens not dependent on the MHC. Under certain circumstances tolerance can also be induced to MHC antigens, provided that the animals differ at the level of one MHC haplotype only. Study of MLR during ontogeny suggested that, between sibs, only the two MLR haplotype differences were stimulatory at metamorphosis, whereas in larval and adult animals a one-haplotype difference was enough for stimulation.  相似文献   

Macrophages in the mixed leukocyte culture reaction (MLC)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Two aspects of the mixed leukocyte culture reaction have been investigated. In the first study the capacity of two highly purified adherent cell populations, one consisting of neutrophils the other of macrophages, to support the reactivtiy of purified lymphocytes was compared. Activity was entirely confined to the latter preparation. In the second study, the ability of platelets, neutrophils, lymphocytes and macrophages to provoke a MLC reaction was studied. Macrophages were found to be 10 times as efficient in eliciting a reaction as an equal number of lymphocytes. Neutrophils and platelets appeared to be devoid of stimulating capacity. This lack of stimulation was shown to be due to a true deficiency in stimulating capacity rather than to an inhibition obtained by high concentrations of neutrophils and platelets. The two functions of the macrophage in MLC, its auxiliary helper role, and the elicitation of the reaction, may be dependent on one and the same mechanism.  相似文献   

Xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH; EC activity in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was detected in kidney tissue homogenates, but not in skin, liver, ovaries or gut tissues. The enzyme migrated as a single band of activity on both polyacrylamide and starch gel electropherograms, exhibited substrate inhibition, and did not appear developmentally until feeding larval stages. The tissue specificity, post-fertilization stage of appearance and single isozymic form make this a useful enzyme marker for further study concerning its developmental appearance and maintenance as a kidney-specific protein.  相似文献   

Anesthetized clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) were stimulated with underwater sound and the tympanic disk vibrations were studied using laser vibrometry. The tympanic disk velocities ranged from 0.01 to 0.5 mm/s (at a sound pressure of 2 Pa) in the frequency range of 0.4–4 kHz and were 20–40 dB higher than those of the surrounding tissue. The frequency response of the disk had two peaks, in the range of 0.6–1.1 kHz and 1.6–2.2 kHz, respectively. The first peak corresponded to the peak vibrations of the body wall overlying the lung. The second peak matched model predictions of the pulsations of the air bubble in the middle ear cavity. Filling the middle ear cavity with water lowered the disk vibrations by 10–30 dB in the frequency range of 0.5–3 kHz.Inflating the lungs shifted the low-frequency peak downwards, but did not change the high-frequency peak. Thus, the disk vibrations in the frequency range of the mating call (main energy at 1.7–1.9 kHz) were mainly caused by pulsations of the air in the middle ear cavity; sound transmission via the lungs was more important at low frequencies (below 1 kHz). Furthermore, the low-frequency peak could be reversibly reduced in amplitude by loading the larynx with metal or tissue glue. This shows that the sound-induced vibrations of the lungs are probably coupled to the middle ear cavities via the larynx. Also, anatomical observations show that the two middle ear cavities and the larynx are connected in an air-filled recess in submerged animals.This arrangement is unique to pipid frogs and may be a structural adaptation to connect all the air spaces of the frog and improve low-frequency underwater hearing. Another function of the recess may be to allow cross-talk between the two middle ear cavities. Thus, the ear might be directional. Our pilot experiments show up to 10 dB difference between ipsi- and contralateral stimulus directions in a narrow frequency range around 2 kHz.  相似文献   

Increased mortality was observed in a single colony of 50 Xenopus laevis. The frogs were used as oocyte donors in developmental biology studies. Necropsy findings included dermal erythema and petechiation consistent with red leg syndrome; dermal ulcerations and white, filamentous growths on the skin were consistent with Saprolegnia sp. Microscopic evaluation of the skin and fungus revealed an astigmatid mite similar to those of the genus Rhizoglyphus. The mite was also found in the water and the biological filter of the tanks housing the frogs. This mite is considered not to be a parasite of X. laevis; instead, it feeds off moss, fungi, and detritus. Subsequent evaluation of the sphagnum moss used for shipping the frogs from the supplier revealed the same mite in the moss. Our hypothesis is that the mite was introduced into the tank with the shipment of new frogs in sphagnum moss. The mites lived within the biological filter, and were only found after the growth of Saprolegnia sp. attracted the mites to the frogs. Laboratory animal care and veterinary personnel should consider non-pathogenic species of mites in the differential diagnosis of acariasis in Xenopus frogs.  相似文献   

A sensitive culture system for measuring lymphocyte transformation under physiological conditions by thymidine incorporation into DNA has been developed to study mouse and chick cell responses to mitogens. Both phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) stimulated thymus and spleen lymphocytes. Reduced but definite responses were obtained with lymph nodes, but negligible response with bone marrow cells.Thymocytes of newborn mice did not respond to PHA, but responded well to PWM. PHA responsiveness of thymocytes increased with aging until 12 weeks of postnatal life and then decreased in older animals. The level of background thymidine incorporation increased with advancing age. Spleen cells of 2-week-old mice were transformed by PHA and PWM, but in contrast to mouse thymus there was no decrease in older animals.Neonatal thymectomy of mice reduced the response of spleen cells to both PHA and PWM, especially in younger animals. The reduction was almost complete in the case of the PHA response, but only partial with the PWM response. Spleen cells from bursectomised chickens, checked for absence of B cell function, still responded well to both PWM and PHA.The results suggest PHA is a marker for T-lymphocytes in a certain “mature” stage of differentiation. PWM appears to stimulate a wider spectrum of cells.  相似文献   

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