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Abstract— Specific antibodies were raised in rabbits to acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from bovine caudate nucleus and the‘native’(14S + 18S) and globular (11S) forms of AChE from eel electric tissue. All AChE preparations were purified by affinity chromatography to a specific activity of 100–400 mmol acetylthiocholine hydrolyzed/mg protein/h. Antigenic specificities of the different enzyme forms were studied by immunodiffusion, Immunoelectrophoresis and micro-complement fixation. Minor differences in antigenic determinants were observed between the different molecular forms of electric tissue AChE. In crossover experiments using both eel AChE and bovine caudate AChE antisera there was complete absence of cross reactivity between the mammalian brain AChE and the different molecular forms of the electric tissue enzyme. Brain AChE activity was inhibited up to 50% in the presence of its antiserum.  相似文献   

Human carbonic anhydrases. 3. Immunochemical studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary The technology for the production of murine monoclonal antibodies has been refined enormously since its introduction in 1975. However, the technology for generating human monoclonal antibodies has only recently come into its own. In this review, three currently available approaches to the production of human monoclonal antibodies are described. These include the hybridoma technique, based on the fusion of antibody-producing human B lymphocytes with either mouse or human myeloma or lymphoblastoid cells; the EBV immortalization technique, based on the use of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) to immortalize antigen-specific human B lymphocytes; and the EBV-hybridoma technique, based on a combination of the first two methods.The EBV-hybridoma system retains the advantageous features of the other two systems while overcoming their pitfalls and may be the current method of choice for producing human monoclonal antibodies with a defined specificity.Recipient of a W.H.O. training scholarship in Tropical Diseases.Fellow of the National Cancer Institute of Canada.  相似文献   

Burro antiserum to Histoplasma capsulatum was studied from the viewpoint of precipitating antibody distribution among euglobulins, pseudoglobulins, and immunoglobulin classes. By immunodiffusion analysis it was determined that throughout immunization most of the antibody was euglobular, but there was an increase in pseudoglobular antibody as immunization progressed. By immunoelectrophoretic and immunodiffusion analyses of specifically purified antibody, and antibody non-specifically fractionated by column chromatography and ultracentrifugation, it was established that there was no demonstrable IgM antibody, that most of the antibody appeared to be IgG, and that a gamma1 immunoglobulin, probably IgA or T-globulin, may have been responsible for some of the activity. No major changes in the distribution of antibody among immunoglobulin classes seemed to occur during immunization.  相似文献   

A library of 27 murine monoclonal antibodies was obtained by using human liver and heart ferritins as immunogens. The specificity of the antibodies for the two ferritins and their subunits was studied with five different methods. The antibodies elicited by the liver ferritin bound preferentially the immunogen and were specific for the L subunit. Some antibodies elicited by the heart ferritin had characteristics similar to the anti-liver antibodies, other ones bound preferentially the heart over the liver ferritin and were specific for the H subunit. Only two antibodies were able to bind both ferritins and subunits. Some anti-H and anti-L chain antibodies were used to develop and compare four types of immunoassay to quantitate isoferritins. The results indicate that heart ferritin is immunologically more heterogeneous than liver, the H and L subunits having large immunological differences with few, if any, identical epitopes; and that that the architecture of the immunoassays have a strong influence on the crossreactivity of the antibodies with the two isoferritins, probably because H and L chains are not arranged randomly in the assembled protein.  相似文献   

The distribution, structural profile and functional properties of Ia-like antigens synthesized by human monocyte-macrophages have been analyzed using monoclonal antibodies to common determinants of these antigens. Up to 45 and 70%- of monocyte-macrophages isolated from the fluid of blisters induced with cantharidin and from peripheral blood, respectively, react with monoclonal antibodies to human Ia-like antigens. The level of Ia-like antigens on monocytes-macrophages appears to be similar to that on cultured B lymphoid cells. Monoclonal antibodies to common determinants of Ia-like antigens specifically block antigen presentation by monocyte-macrophages to T lymphocytes as well as proliferative response of T lymphocytes to autologous and allogeneic monocytes-macrophages. These results indicate that common determinants of Ia-like antigens play a role in the interaction of monocytes-macrophages with T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

As a step towards understanding the physiological function of calpain (Ca2+-activated neutral proteinase, EC in blood platelets, and in view of some suggestions that calpain is transferred to the platelet external surface during platelet activation, the enzyme was studied with immunochemical methods in resting and thrombin-activated cells. (1) A mouse IgG1 monoclonal antibody was prepared which binds strongly only to the denatured large subunit of human calpain I, and weakly to that of human calpain II. A polyclonal antibody raised against rat calpain II was available which, apart from binding strongly to rat calpain II, binds to the large subunits of human calpain I and II about equally. (2) With these antibodies, it was found that calpain could be detected in fixed platelets in suspension only after permeabilization with 0.1% saponin, and could not be detected on the exterior surface of resting or of activated platelets, or in the supernatant media of these platelets. It was concluded that calpain is not significantly externalized during platelet activation. (3) Immunoblotting showed that conversion of the larger calpain I subunit from 80 kDa into 76-78 kDa occurred only when thrombin-activated platelets were stirred to permit aggregation, and did not occur during unstirred thrombin activation. Although an action of calpain in the 80 kDa form on possible platelet substrates such as cytoskeletal proteins cannot be excluded, calpain is certainly not present as the 76-78 kDa form, which is assumed to be its active form, until aggregation is initiated.  相似文献   

Patients who undergo immunotherapy with a murine anti-colon carcinoma mAb (mAb17-1A) generate high titers of anti-idiotype and anti-isotype antibodies. Specifically selected anti-idiotypic antibodies that elicit in vivo a humoral and a cellular immune response against the nominal Ag can be used as surrogate Ag for immunization. We established from the B lymphocytes of a treated patient a series of EBV-transformed cell lines. Three weeks after immortalization, the cells were selected for production of antibodies (Ab2) against the Fab fragment of the murine mAb17-1A. The selected cells were cloned and screened by ELISA for specific anti-mAb17-1A idiotypic antibodies. Thirty-six out of 89 clones were anti-idiotypes. Cell culture supernatants and the purified Ig derived from 10 clones completely inhibited the specific binding of radiolabeled mAb17-1A to HT-29 colon carcinoma cells thus resembling Ab2-gamma anti-idiotypes. These cell lines which grow now in culture for 18 mo, continuously secrete IgG,K anti-Ab1-idiotype mAb. Human anti-idiotypic mAb might be candidates for vaccines when the nominal Ag itself is not available or cannot be used as such.  相似文献   

Three mouse monoclonal antibodies specific for human apolipoprotein (apo) A-I and one specific for human apo-A-II were characterized with respect to their binding of high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles in solution. The apo-A-II-specific antibody bound 85% of 125I-HDL and 100% of soluble 125I-apo-A-II. However, none of the apo-A-I-specific antibodies bound greater than 60% of either HDL or soluble apo-A-I. Technical issues such as limiting amounts of antibody or antigen, radioiodination of the ligands, unavailability of the epitopes for reaction with antibody, selective binding of apo-A-I isoforms, and individual allotypic differences in apo-A-I were not responsible for the observed incomplete binding of all HDL and apo-A-I. The results suggested the existence of intrinsic immunochemical heterogeneity of apo-A-I both as organized on HDL as well as in free apo-A-I in solution. The validity of this observed heterogeneity was supported by demonstrating that (i) increased binding of HDL occurred when each of the apo-A-I antibodies was combined to form an oligoclonal antibody mixture, and (ii) 100% binding of HDL occurred when two apo-A-I antibodies were combined with the single apo-A-II antibody. To understand the basis for the heterogeneity of expression of apo-A-I epitopes on HDL, two hypotheses were examined. The first hypothesis that these apo-A-I antibodies distinguished apo-A-I molecules from different synthetic sources was not substantiated. Two of the antibodies bound epitopes on apo-A-I molecules in both thoracic duct lymph as an enriched source of intestinal HDL and the culture supernatants of the hepatic cell line Hep G2 as a source of hepatic HDL. The second hypothesis that the antibodies identified differences in the expression of apo-A-I on HDL subpopulations that were distinguished on the basis of size or net particle charge, i.e. organizational heterogeneity, appeared to provide the best available explanation for the immunochemical heterogeneity of apo-A-I in HDL. Relative differences in the expression of three distinct apo-A-I epitopes were demonstrated in HDL subpopulations obtained by either density gradient ultracentrifugation or chromatofocusing. In light of these studies, we conclude that there is intrinsic heterogeneity in the expression of intramolecular loci representing the apo-A-I epitopes identified by our monoclonal antibodies. Such heterogeneity must be considered in analysis of the biology and physiology of apo-A-I and lipoprotein particles bearing this chain.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (acetylcholine acetylhydrolase EC have been examined for inhibition of enzyme activity. Of sixteen antibodies analyzed, only one (C1B7) inhibited enzyme activity, indicating selection of an unusual susceptible site. The inhibitory activity of C1B7 was characterized and compared to another inhibitory antibody, AE-2, previously described by Fambrough et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79, 1078, 1982). Maximal demonstrated inhibition was 84% for C1B7 and 72% for AE-2 and antibody inhibition of enzyme activity was equivalent for the reduced and alkylated acetylcholinesterase monomer and the intact dimer. The Ki (stoichiometry of the enzyme-antibody reaction estimated from enzyme kinetics) was 1.0 for C1B7 and 4.8 molecules of antibody per monomer of acetylcholinesterase for AE-2. The antibodies did not compete with one another for binding to acetylcholinesterase, indicating that they have different target epitopes on the enzyme. Antibody binding to the enzyme was not specifically affected by any of the anticholinesterase agents tested: (a) the irreversible esteratic site-directed inhibitor diisopropylfluorophosphate; (b) the reversible active site-directed inhibitors edrophonium, neostigmine, BW284c51, and carbachol; and (c) allosteric site-directed compounds propidium and gallamine. Kinetic analysis of their effects provide evidence that both antibodies decrease the catalytic rate of enzyme activity and have little or no effect on substrate binding.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies raised against the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor were used to investigate receptors of wild-type and glucocorticoid-resistant variants of mouse lymphoma cells. Two of the variant types contained receptors of 'nuclear transfer deficient' (nt-) and 'increased nuclear transfer' (nti) phenotypes, respectively, while the third was of the 'receptorless' (r-) phenotype with negligible hormone binding activity. Three monoclonal antibodies of the IgM class and one of the IgG class reacted with both wild-type and nt- receptors but not with the steroid binding form of nti receptors. Some of the antibodies bound the wild-type and nt- receptors more efficiently after activation at 20 degrees C. By use of an immuno-competition assay we were able to detect cross-reacting material in considerable amounts in extracts of nti and r- cell variants. This material was further characterized by gel filtration and immunoblotting. The immunoreactive material of wild-type, nti and r- cells gave a major band of mol. wt. 94 000 upon SDS-gel electrophoresis while the steroid-binding polypeptides of wild-type and nti receptors have mol. wts. of 94 000 and 40 000, respectively. The data show that in S49.1 mouse lymphoma cells the products of two receptor alleles can be distinguished.  相似文献   

Human and mouse monoclonal antibodies by repertoire cloning.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Antibody repertoires, the wide range of antibody molecules produced by animals, can now be established in bacteria by cloning and expression of antibody genes. Beginning with immunized animals, antigen can be used to select, from the repertoire, clones which secrete specific monoclonal antibody. In the future, immunization may become unnecessary. The method may provide a general route, which has so far eluded biotechnologists, to human monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Each of five monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) prepared against the type 1 fimbriae of Actinomyces viscosus T14V reacted with a 54 kDa cloned protein previously identified as a fimbrial subunit. This purified protein completely inhibited the reaction of a specific anti-type-1-fimbria rabbit antibody with A. viscosus whole cells. Maximum values for the number of antibody molecules bound per bacterial cell ranged from 7 x 10(3) to 1.2 x 10(4) for the different 125I-labelled mAbs and was approximately 7 x 10(4) for 125I-labelled rabbit IgG or Fab against either type 1 fimbriae or the 54 kDa cloned protein. Although the different mAbs, either individually or as a mixture, failed to inhibit the type-1-fimbria-mediated adherence of A. viscosus T14V to saliva-treated hydroxyapatite, each rabbit antibody gave 50% inhibition of adherence when approximately 5 x 10(4) molecules of IgG were bound per cell. However, binding of each corresponding rabbit Fab had no significant effect on bacterial attachment unless much higher concentrations were used. These findings suggest that antibodies directed solely against the 54 kDa fimbrial subunit do not react with the putative receptor binding sites of A. viscosus T14V type 1 fimbriae. Instead, inhibition of attachment by the polyclonal antibodies may depend on an indirect effect of antibody binding that prevents the fimbria-receptor interaction.  相似文献   

Sperm and spermatogenic cell antigens, escaping the blood-testis/blood-epididymal barrier, elicit an autoimmune response in patients following vasectomy. In this study, antisperm antibody-positive sera and peripheral blood lymphocytes were obtained 6-9 mo following vasectomy. Serum antisperm antibody levels were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence. Lymphocyte-myeloma hybridomas were constructed by fusing peripheral blood lymphocytes, harvested from antisperm antibody-positive sera, with a hypoxanthine guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT)-negative mouse myeloma line. Immunoglobulin-secreting colonies surviving drug selection were detected by ELISA and screened for antisperm activity. Antisperm antibody-producing cultures were cloned and expanded for bulk antibody production both in culture and as ascites in athymic nude mice. Eight mouse-human fusions yielded 205 hybridomas secreting human monoclonal antibody, of which 11 demonstrated antisperm reactivity by ELISA. Two of these hybridomas are described in detail: HAS-1, which secretes human immunoglobulin M (IgM, kappa)-recognizing epitopes located on the sperm midpiece, and HAS-2 (IgM, lambda), which secretes monoclonal antibody-recognizing epitopes located on the entire sperm tail. The results indicate successful capture of human antisperm autoantibody from the postvasectomy autoimmune state using somatic cell hybridization techniques.  相似文献   

A Karmali  C Novo 《Biochimie》1990,72(5):369-374
Alfa-fetoprotein from human cord serum was purified in a single step by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B with a final recovery of alfa-fetoprotein of about 90% and a purification factor of 900. The purified preparation was homogeneous on SDS-PAGE and native PAGE running with a relative molecular weight of 72,000. Monoclonal antibodies against this purified preparation were raised by hybridoma technology using Sp2/0 myeloma cells as a fusion partner. 50% of culture wells exhibited hybrid growth and 7% of these wells contained anti-AFP secreting hybrids. Positive hybrid cells were cloned twice by the limiting dilution method and 8 clones were obtained that secreted monoclonal antibodies. Five of these cell lines (3F6H10, 3F6H4, 3F6H1, 3F6G5 and 3F6G10) were selected at random for purification and characterization purposes. All 5 cell lines secreted monoclonal antibodies of IgG1 subclass which were purified by affinity chromatography on Protein A- Sepharose CL-4B column with a final recovery of 80% and a purification factor of about 13. The purified preparations were homogeneous on SDS-PAGE, native PAGE and IEF. The monoclonal antibodies were highly specific for human alfa-fetoprotein as determined by Western blotting. The affinity constants (K) of these Mab ranged from 10(6) to 10(9) l/mol.  相似文献   

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