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In sea urchin embryos, the animal-vegetal axis is specified during oogenesis. After fertilization, this axis is patterned to produce five distinct territories by the 60-cell stage. Territorial specification is thought to occur by a signal transduction cascade that is initiated by the large micromeres located at the vegetal pole. The molecular mechanisms that mediate the specification events along the animal-vegetal axis in sea urchin embryos are largely unknown. Nuclear beta-catenin is seen in vegetal cells of the early embryo, suggesting that this protein plays a role in specifying vegetal cell fates. Here, we test this hypothesis and show that beta-catenin is necessary for vegetal plate specification and is also sufficient for endoderm formation. In addition, we show that beta-catenin has pronounced effects on animal blastomeres and is critical for specification of aboral ectoderm and for ectoderm patterning, presumably via a noncell-autonomous mechanism. These results support a model in which a Wnt-like signal released by vegetal cells patterns the early embryo along the animal-vegetal axis. Our results also reveal similarities between the sea urchin animal-vegetal axis and the vertebrate dorsal-ventral axis, suggesting that these axes share a common evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

Egg activation at fertilization in the sea urchin results in the exocytosis of approximately 15,000 cortical granules that are docked at the plasma membrane. Previously, we reported that several integral membrane proteins modeled in the SNARE hypothesis, synaptotagmin, VAMP, and syntaxin, in addition to a small GTPase of the ras superfamily, rab3, were present on cortical granules (Conner, S., Leaf, D., and Wessel, G., Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48, 1-13, 1997). Here we report that rab3 is associated with cortical granules throughout oogenesis, during cortical granule translocation, and while docked at the egg plasma membrane. Following cortical granule exocytosis, however, rab3 reassociates with a different population of vesicles, at least some of which are of endocytic origin. Because of its selective association with cortical granules in eggs and oocytes, we hypothesize that rab3 functions in cortical granule exocytosis. To test this hypothesis, we used a strategy of interfering with rab3 function by peptide competition with its effector domain, a conserved region within specific rab types. We first identified the effector domain sequence in Lytechinus variegatus eggs and find the sequence 94% identical to the effector domain of rab3 in Stronglocentrotus purpuratus. Then, with synthetic peptides to different regions of the rab3 protein, we find that cortical granule exocytosis is inhibited in eggs injected with effector domain peptides, but not with peptides from the hypervariable region or with a scrambled effector peptide. Additionally, effector-peptide-injected eggs injected with IP3 are blocked in their ability to exocytose cortical granules, suggesting that the inhibition is directly on the membrane fusion event and not the result of interference with the signal transduction mechanism leading to calcium release. We interpret these results to mean that rab3 functions in the regulation of cortical granule exocytosis following vesicle docking.  相似文献   

Invagination of epithelial tissue occurs during gastrulation, neurulation, and organogenesis in many organisms. However, the underlying morphogenetic mechanisms of invagination are not understood. To elucidate these mechanisms, we have analyzed the initial invagination of the vegetal plate in the sea urchin embryo, a process termed primary invagination. At the onset of invagination, a ring of cells with highly constricted apices (bottle cells) encircles a group of two to eight round, central cells. To investigate the morphogenetic role of the bottle cells in the process of primary invagination, we have undertaken a series of laser ablation studies in which different proportions of various cell types were ablated and the effects were recorded using 4-D microscopy. Elimination of a 90 degrees-180 degrees arc of bottle cells markedly retards invagination, but only within the ablated region. Ablation of other cell types does not result in a statistically significant effect on primary invagination. These studies indicate that the number and arrangement of the bottle cells are critical factors for proper initiation of invagination. In addition, we have used the perturbing anti-hyalin antibody mAb183 to show that cell attachment to the hyaline layer is necessary for bottle cell formation and the initiation of primary invagination.  相似文献   

14C-amino acids were introduced into the developing sea urchin embryos S. intermedius in 7,5 hours after the fertilization (middle blastula stage). In 30 min the embryos development were terminated, the plasma membrane was isolated and 14C-labelled proteins were recovered from the membrane with 8 M urea and separated by isoelectrofocusing in pH gradient 3,5-10 in presence of 6 M urea. All 14C-label was introduced into two proteins with pI 4,85-4,90 and 5,20-5,25 and the proteins were effectively separated. The minimal molecular weight of the proteins estimated by SDS-acrylamide gel-electrophoresis was 10 000 and 15 000 daltons, respectively.  相似文献   

The hatching enzyme (HE) gene is the earliest zygotic gene expressed in the sea urchin embryo. To investigate the regulation of the HE gene activity, 5' flanking DNA and the 5' untranslated leader were inserted upstream of reporter genes whose expression was monitored in vivo during development after transfer into eggs. By deletion analysis we showed that no more than 3 kb of flanking sequence are required for correct expression of transgenes. The proximal region of 0.5 kb does not precisely control spatial restriction but drives expression at a nearly maximal level. The proximal promoter was searched extensively for sites of protein-DNA interactions by DNAse protection and gel-shift methods. The 12 sites identified form 3 groups: core promoter; central region; and distal region. The central region bears three sites that contain a direct or inverted CCAAT box. Mutation and deletion analysis showed that, in addition to the core-promoter elements, the two most-distal CCAAT-containing sites are indispensable for promoter activity. These sites bind the same set of proteins, which are abundant in the nuclei of cleavage embryos.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of the beta3 subunit of the major platelet integrin alphaIIb beta3 has been shown to occur during thrombin-induced platelet aggregation (1). We now show that a wide variety of platelet stimuli induced beta3 tyrosine phosphorylation, but that this phosphorylation occurred only following platelet aggregation. Several lines of evidence suggest that the beta3 cytoplasmic domain tyrosine residues and/or their phosphorylation function to mediate interactions between beta3 integrins and cytoskeletal proteins. First, phospho-beta3 was retained preferentially in a Triton X-100 insoluble cytoskeletal fraction of thrombin-aggregated platelets. Second, in vitro experiments show that the cytoskeletal protein, myosin, associated in a phosphotyrosine-dependent manner with a diphosphorylated peptide corresponding to residues 740-762 of beta3. Third, mutation of both tyrosines in the beta3 cytoplasmic domain to phenylalanines markedly reduced beta3-dependent fibrin clot retraction. Thus, our data indicate that platelet aggregation is both necessary and sufficient for beta3 tyrosine phosphorylation, and this phosphorylation results in the physical linkage of alphaIIb beta3 to the cytoskeleton. We hypothesize that this linkage may involve direct binding of the phosphorylated integrin to the contractile protein myosin in order to mediate transmission of force to the fibrin clot during the process of clot retraction.  相似文献   

The segmented portion of the Drosophila embryonic central nervous system develops from a bilaterally symmetrical, segmentally reiterated array of 30 unique neural stem cells, called neuroblasts. The first 15 neuroblasts form about 30-60 minutes after gastrulation in two sequential waves of neuroblast segregation and are arranged in three dorsoventral columns and four anteroposterior rows per hemisegment. Each neuroblast acquires a unique identity, based on gene expression and the unique and nearly invariant cell lineage it produces. Recent experiments indicate that the segmentation genes specify neuroblast identity along the AP axis. However, little is known as to the control of neuroblast identity along the DV axis. Here, I show that the Drosophila EGF receptor (encoded by the DER gene) promotes the formation, patterning and individual fate specification of early forming neuroblasts along the DV axis. Specifically, I use molecular markers that identify particular neuroectodermal domains, all neuroblasts or individual neuroblasts, to show that in DER mutant embryos (1) intermediate column neuroblasts do not form, (2) medial column neuroblasts often acquire identities inappropriate for their position, while (3) lateral neuroblasts develop normally. Furthermore, I show that active DER signaling occurs in the regions from which the medial and intermediate neuroblasts will later delaminate. In addition, I demonstrate that the concomitant loss of rhomboid and vein yield CNS phenotypes indistinguishable from DER mutant embryos, even though loss of either gene alone yields minor CNS phenotypes. These results demonstrate that DER plays a critical role during neuroblast formation, patterning and specification along the DV axis within the developing Drosophila embryonic CNS.  相似文献   

We have purified and characterized a collagenase/gelatinase activity expressed during sea urchin embryonic development. The native molecular mass was determined to be 160 kDa, while gelatin substrate gel zymography revealed an active species of 41 kDa, suggesting that the native enzyme is a tetramer of active subunits. Incubation in the presence of EGTA resulted in nearly complete loss of activity and this effect could be reversed by calcium. Calcium-induced reactivation appeared to be cooperative and occurred with an apparent kd value of 3.7 mM. Two modes of calcium binding to the 41-kDa subunit were detected; up to 80 moles of calcium bound with a kd value of 0.5 mM, while an additional 120 moles bound with a kd value of 5 mM. Amino acid analysis revealed a carboxy plus carboxyamide content of 24.3 mol/100 mol, indicating the availability of substantial numbers of weak Ca2+-binding sites. Calcium binding did not result in either secondary or quaternary structural changes in the collagenase/gelatinase, suggesting that Ca2+ may facilitate activation through directly mediating the binding of substrate to the enzyme. The collagenase/gelatinase activity was detected in blastocoelic fluid and in the hyalin fraction dissociated from 1-h-old embryos. Immunolocalization studies revealed two storage compartments in the egg; cortical granules and small granules/vesicles dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. After fertilization, the antigen was detected in both the apical and basal extracellular matrices, the hyaline layer, and basal lamina, respectively.  相似文献   

Earlier work reported the important role of Cdk2 as a regulator of DNA replication in somatic cells and in Xenopus extracts. In the present report we analyze in vivo the involvement of Cdk2 in DNA replication during early embryogenesis using the first mitotic cycles of sea urchin embryos. Unfertilized Sphaerechinus granularis eggs are arrested after the second meiotic cytokinesis. Fertilization resumes the block and induces DNA replication after a short lag period, making sea urchin early embryo a good model for studying in vivo the onset of DNA replication. We show that Cdk2 as well as its potential partner cyclin A are present in the nucleus in G1 and S phase and therefore available for DNA replication. In accordance with data obtained in Xenopus egg extracts we observed that Cdk2 kinase activity is low and stable during the entire cycle. However, in contrast with this in vitro system in which Cdk2 activity is required for the onset of DNA replication, the specific inhibition of Cdk2 kinase by microinjection of the catalytically inactive Cdk2-K33R or the inhibitor p21(Cip1) does not prevent DNA replication. Because olomoucine, DMAP, and emetine treatments did not preclude DNA synthesis, neither cyclin A/Cdk1 nor cyclin B/Cdk1 kinase activities are necessary to replace the absence of Cdk2 kinase in promoting DNA replication. These data suggest that during early embryogenesis Cdks activities, in particular Cdk2, are dispensable in vivo for the initiation step of DNA replication. However, the specific localization of Cdk2 in the nucleus from the beginning of M phase to the end of S phase suggests its involvement in other mechanisms regulating DNA replication such as inhibition of DNA re-replication and/or that its regulating role is achieved through a pathway independent of the kinase activity. We further demonstrate that even after inhibition of Cdk activities, the permeabilization of the nuclear membrane is required to allow a second round of DNA replication. However, in contrast to Xenopus egg extracts, re-replication can take place in the absence of DMAP-sensitive kinase.  相似文献   

[11C]L-159,884 ([11C] N-[[4'[(2-ethyl-5,7-dimethyl-3H- imidazo[4,5-b]pyridin-3-yl) methyl] [1,1'-biphenyl]-2-yl] sulfonyl]-4-methoxybenzamide) and [11C]L-162,574 ([11C] N-[[4'[2-ethyl-5,7- dimethyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-b] pyridin-3-yl)methyl] [1,1'-biphenyl]-2-yl]sulfonyl]-3- methoxybenzamide), both potent and selective ligands for the AT1 receptor, were prepared by C-11 methylation of the corresponding desmethyl phenolic precursors. The radiotracers were purified by semi-preparative reverse-phase HPLC. Non-decay corrected radiochemical yields were 5 and 3% for L-159,884 and L-162,574 respectively, and the average specific activity was 2979 mCi/mumol at end-of-synthesis (EOS). The average time of synthesis was 18 min.  相似文献   

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