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Contemporary information on the trends and patterns of mortality associated with birth defects and genetic diseases is lacking in the United States. To study these trends and patterns, we used the Multiple-Cause Mortality Files of the National Center for Health Statistics. From 1979 through 1992, 320,208 deaths in the United States were associated with birth defects and genetic diseases. The age-adjusted mortality rates for people with birth defects declined from about 8.2/100,000 in 1979 to about 6.7/100,000 in 1992, and the mortality rates for people with genetic diseases increased from 2.2/100,000 in 1979 to 2.5/100,000 in 1992. The mortality rate was higher among men than among women and higher among blacks than among whites or other races for both birth defect- and genetic disease-associated deaths. The rate among infants with birth defects was more than 25 times higher than that among other age groups. About half of the children whose deaths were associated with birth defects had cardiovascular system defects, 15% had central nervous system defects, and 12% had chromosomal defects. For deaths associated with genetic diseases, hereditary neurologic or storage disorders were the most common genetic diseases (38%), followed by metabolic disorders (21%), sickle cell and thalassemia (12%). The decline in the rate of mortality from birth defects in the United States probably reflects improvements in medical and surgical care and other factors. Most of the mortality associated with birth defects remains in the pediatric age group (less than 15 years old). The upward trend we detected for the deaths with genetic diseases was most likely related to improved recognition and reporting of some genetic diseases rather than to the increased prevalence.  相似文献   

The trends and current incidence of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) was examined by using a unique and potentially high sensitive source for case ascertainment. We analyzed death certificate information for 1979-1990 from US multiple-cause-of-death mortality data, compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We evaluated death certificate data for US residents for whom CJD was listed as one of the multiple causes of death on the death certificate (046.1) from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death (9th revision). Age-adjusted and age-specific CJD death rates by gender, race, and region were calculated to measure the disease incidence because of the rapidly fatal course of the disease for most patients with CJD. We identified 2,614 deaths with CJD listed on the death certificates. The average annual age-adjusted mortality rate was 0.9 deaths per million persons (range 0.8-1.1). The mean age at death was 67 years. CJD-related deaths were uncommon among persons younger than 50 years of age (4.3% of all deaths). The highest average annual mortality rate was for those persons aged 70-74 years (5.9 deaths per million persons). A slight majority (53.0%) of the deaths was in females, but the age-adjusted mortality rate was 1.2 times higher for males. Most deaths (94.8%) were in whites; the mortality rate for blacks was only 40% of that for whites. The age-adjusted CJD mortality rate in the United States is similar to published estimates of the crude incidence of CJD worldwide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The authors have compared the results of scalp reductions with extenders with their earlier results of scalp reductions without extenders. The extenders seem to prevent "stretch-back" and provide 30 to 86% more effectiveness when a second reduction is performed 4 weeks later.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that hematopoietic and endothelial cells are derived from a common cell, the hemangioblast. In this study, we demonstrate that a subset of CD34(+) cells have the capacity to differentiate into endothelial cells in vitro in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor, insulin-like growth factor-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor. These differentiated endothelial cells are CD34(+), stain for von Willebrand factor (vWF), and incorporate acetylated low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This suggests the possible existence of a bone marrow-derived precursor endothelial cell. To demonstrate this phenomenon in vivo, we used a canine bone marrow transplantation model, in which the marrow cells from the donor and recipient are genetically distinct. Between 6 to 8 months after transplantation, a Dacron graft, made impervious to prevent capillary ingrowth from the surrounding perigraft tissue, was implanted in the descending thoracic aorta. After 12 weeks, the graft was retrieved, and cells with endothelial morphology were identified by silver nitrate staining. Using the di(CA)n and tetranucleotide (GAAA)n repeat polymorphisms to distinguish between the donor and recipient DNA, we observed that only donor alleles were detected in DNA from positively stained cells on the impervious Dacron graft. These results strongly suggest that a subset of CD34+ cells localized in the bone marrow can be mobilized to the peripheral circulation and can colonize endothelial flow surfaces of vascular prostheses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) plays a key role in the regulation of liver regeneration after hepatocyte damage. Changes in HGF production reflect the status of the regeneration process. METHODS: Serum concentrations of HGF and energy substrates were measured during and after liver transplantation in 30 recipients. RESULTS: In the patients with compromised grafts (group A) HGF concentrations were persistently high after reperfusion, whereas in the patients with well-functioning grafts (group B), HGF concentrations decreased rapidly and remained low 4 hours after reperfusion. The patients in group A who died had persistently high concentrations of HGF. The surviving patients with reversible primary graft dysfunction in group A exhibited low concentrations 48 hours after reperfusion. The decrease in HGF concentration preceded the decrease in aspartate aminotransferase concentration. The metabolic parameters that reflect carbohydrate metabolism by the graft paralleled the changes in HGF. CONCLUSIONS: HGF may be more sensitive and specific in predicting early graft function than prothrombin time, ratio, aspartate aminotransferase, or arterial ketone body ratio. The determination of HGF levels after liver transplantation may yield valuable information for evaluating early graft function and making an early decision to repeat a graft procedure in an acutely ill patient.  相似文献   

National mortality statistics for hyaline membrane disease (HMD) and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) were examined in this study for the years 1968 to 1973. Detailed data were obtained by computer analysis of magnetic tapes from the National Center for Health Statistics. During the six-year interval, HMD/RDS was determined to be the underlying cause of death in 54,064 infants or 9,010 +/- 560 (mean +/- SD) infants per year. Analysis of individual death certificates for 1968 revealed the disease to a major contributing factor in another 24%. Thus, it may be estimated that HMD was involved in the demise of nearly 12,000 neonates per year over this period. This amounts to approximately 20% of all neonatal deaths. On the basis of mortality rates, a trend toward an increased incidence of fatal HMD/RDS was established from 1968 to 1973. Deaths tend to cluster in the summer months and January-February represent the lowest months of recorded fatalities. Analysis of the age at death, reflecting time course of the disease, revealed idential patterns for 1968 to 1970. The number of deaths was found to decline exponentially between the first and fourth 24-hour periods so that 92% of all deaths occurred by 4 days of age. Boys contributed more prominently to the death totals than girls with ratios from 1.62 to 1.76. Examination of mortality rates by race suggested that black permatures have a lower incidence of fatal HMD/RDS. In addition to nationwide figures, those of individual states were compared for three years. Generally, HMD/RDS mortality rates correlated with overall neonatal mortality statistics. Exceptions were observed, however, such as Illinois where low rates for the former coexist with relatively high neonatal death rates. These data respresent the first national mortality statistics for HMD and may prove useful in planning and providing intensive neonatal care.  相似文献   

Over a 6-month period, the mean mortality risk (based on 393 operations participating in the United States National Animal Health Monitoring System 1995 National Swine Study, and representing operations with > or = 300 market hogs in 16 states), was 2.3 +/- 0.2% in the grower/finisher production phase (where figures after the +/- represent the standard error of the estimate). Mortality > or = 4% was experienced by 13.5 +/- 2.9% of grower/finisher operations, while 63.6 +/- 5.3% had < or = 2% mortality. To identify factors associated with > or = 4% mortality, stepwise logistic regression [Statistical Analysis Systems, 1989. SAS/STAT User's Guide, Version 6, 4th edn, Vol. 2. SAS Institute, Cary, NC, 794 pp.] was performed twice: once using operations with all mortality rates, and again excluding operations with between 2% and 4% mortality. Final models were run with SUDAAN [Shah, B.V., Barnwell, B.G., Bieler, G.S., 1996. SUDAAN User's Manual, Version 6.40, 2nd edn. Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, 492 pp.] to take the sample design into account. In addition, SAS and SUDAAN logistic regression models were developed to analyze factors associated with > 2.3% mortality among grower/finisher pigs. Mean weaning age < or = 28 days entered all models as being associated with increased mortality in the grower/finisher unit. Not obtaining all grower/finisher pigs from farrowing units belonging to the operation was associated with > or = 4% mortality among grower/finisher swine. Not typically giving grower/finisher pigs antibiotics or other agents as disease-preventives or growth-promotants in the feed or water, and ranking producer organizations as very or extremely important sources of antibiotic information were associated with < or = 2.3% mortality in the grower/finisher phase.  相似文献   

This study documents mortality from acute myocardial infarction (AMI), in hospital and at 1 year, for each of 3 selected 1-year periods in a stable community over a 13-year period beginning in 1979 and continuing into the thrombolytic era, to detect any changes occurring in conjunction with the introduction of new therapies. Every patient with AMI occurring in a geographically defined stable community (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) in 3 1-year periods (1979 to 1980 [n = 816], 1986 to 1987 [n = 816], and 1991 to 1992 [n = 831]) was identified and clinically characterized by standardized criteria. Subsequent in-hospital and 1-year survival were ascertained prospectively. The 3 cohorts were similar in prognostic factors. Mean age was progressively greater over the study period from 63 years in 1979 to 1980, to 67 years in 1991 to 1992 (p = 0.02). There was no change in in-hospital mortality rates from 1979 to 1980 (17%) and 1986 to 1987 (16%). However, from 1986 to 1987 and 1991 to 1992, in-hospital mortality decreased from 16% to 9% (p < 0.001) and 1-year mortality decreased from 26% to 19% (p < 0.001). For patients who survived the hospital phase of AMI, 1-year mortality did not change and was between 11% and 12% in each of the 3 study periods. From 1986 to 1987 and 1991 to 1992, there was an increase in the use of thrombolytic therapy from 5% to 44% of patients. The acute use of aspirin increased from 30% to 88% and the acute use of beta blockers increased from 19% to 48% of patients. The observed increase in use of these agents could account for half of the actual mortality reduction observed. This prospective population-based survey demonstrates improved in-hospital survival after AMI associated with increased use of established effective therapies between 1987 and 1992. The 1-year mortality of hospital survivors of AMI was unchanged throughout the period of study, remaining at 11% to 12%.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the general relations between race, socioeconomic status, and mortality in the United States are well known, specific patterns of excess mortality are not well understood. METHODS: Using standard demographic techniques, we analyzed death certificates and census data and made sex-specific population-level estimates of the 1990 death rates for people 15 to 64 years of age. We studied mortality among blacks in selected areas of New York City, Detroit, Los Angeles, and Alabama (in one area of persistent poverty and one higher-income area each) and among whites in areas of New York City, metropolitan Detroit, Kentucky, and Alabama (one area of poverty and one higher-income area each). Sixteen areas were studied in all. RESULTS: When they were compared with the nationwide age-standardized annual death rate for whites, the death rates for both sexes in each of the poverty areas were excessive, especially among blacks (standardized mortality ratios for men and women in Harlem, 4.11 and 3.38; in Watts, 2.92 and 2.60; in central Detroit, 2.79 and 2.58; and in the Black Belt area of Alabama, 1.81 and 1.89). Boys in Harlem who reached the age of 15 had a 37 percent chance of surviving to the age of 65; for girls, the likelihood was 65 percent. Of the higher-income black areas studied, Queens--Bronx had the income level most similar to that of whites and the lowest standardized mortality ratio (men, 1.18; women, 1.08). Of the areas where poor whites were studied, Detroit had the highest standardized mortality ratios (men, 2.01; women, 1.90). On the Lower East Side of Manhattan, in Appalachia, and in Northeast Alabama, the ratios for whites were below the national average for blacks (men, 1.90; women, 1.95). CONCLUSIONS: Although differences in mortality rates before the age of 65 between advantaged and disadvantaged groups in the United States are sometimes vast, there are important differences among impoverished communities in patterns of excess mortality.  相似文献   

A workshop to describe and then seek possible causes for the increased stroke mortality in the southeastern United States briefly considered 30 suspected correlates and discussed in more detail the 10 thought to be most likely. Recent age-adjusted stroke mortality rates in adults from industrialized countries reveal marked geographic differences. Age-adjusted statewide stroke mortality rates also differ, and they are higher in the Southeast than elsewhere in the United States. For five southeastern coastal states in the heart of the "Stroke Belt," excess stroke mortality has been present at least since 1930. In a 20-year follow-up of 10,000 veterans, the Stroke Belt had a 25% increase in all-cause mortality and congestive heart failure. A potential cause of increased fatal stroke included hypertension, which was more frequent in the Stroke Belt. No consistent patterns of lifestyle differences or of differences in potassium or calcium intake seemed to explain the higher rates of fatal strokes in the Stroke Belt; however, detailed investigations of smaller populations in localized areas seem warranted. Some data suggest a relationship between socioeconomic status and the Stroke Belt effect. Other differences in the Southeast that could explain, at least partially, the Stroke Belt effect include presence of soft water throughout most of the area, decreased antioxidant intake, and differences in the use of medical care and in the response to antihypertensive drugs. On the basis of available information, the three most likely explanations or partial explanations for the Stroke Belt are increased levels of blood pressure, localized differences in socioeconomic status, and toxic environmental factor(s). Two major recommendations were made: (1) to encourage both patient and caregiver to use all currently available means of decreasing morbidity and mortality by controlling blood pressures at or below normal levels and by reducing other risk factors and (2) to seek precise information about relationships of identified possible causes of increased morbidity and mortality in the Stroke Belt.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study examines the geographic variation in the decline of stroke mortality rates in the United States. METHODS: National Center for Health Statistics and Bureau of the Census data were used to assess regional and state level temporal trends of stroke mortality in the United States for 1970 to 1989. RESULTS: Underlying- and multiple-cause stroke mortality rates have declined fairly steadily in all regions of the United States and for all race/sex groups, although the rates of decline were greater during 1970 to 1978 than during 1979 to 1989. The declines in underlying-cause rates could not be attributed to a shift toward reporting stroke as a contributing rather than underlying cause of death, since both underlying- and multiple-cause rates declined similarly. There was significant regional variation in the rate of decline, particularly during 1979 to 1989. The South initially had the highest rates, but it experienced the most rapid decline, so that by 1989 the South no longer had the highest rates. States with the most rapid rates of decline were significantly clustered in the South and particularly the Southeast. Most of the decline in overall stroke mortality was due to declines in ischemic stroke mortality. CONCLUSIONS: During 1970 to 1989 there was significant geographic variation in the rate of decline of stroke mortality rates, with the most rapid rates of decline concentrated in the high-rate areas of the South and particularly the Southeast. As a result, there has been a decrease in interregional and interstate variation in stroke mortality rates, which is apparently not due to an artifact of changing reporting patterns.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the changes in carotenoid intake between 1987 and 1992 among US adults by sociodemographic characteristics and high-risk groups for chronic disease; and to identify the dietary sources of specific carotenoid intake. DESIGN: A food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was collected from a representative sample of respondents to the 1987 and 1992 National Health Interview Surveys throughout two calendar quarters. Black and white adults, 18 to 69 years old, participated in 1987 (n = 8,161) and 1992 (n = 8,341). METHOD: FFQ data were matched and linked to the US Department of Agriculture-National Cancer Institute carotenoid food composition database for analysis. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Mean differences in carotenoid intake over time were compared by sociodemographic characteristics and region of the country, after adjustment for sampling weights in a multiple linear regression model. RESULTS: Mean intake of the carotenoid lutein declined among white women (18%), among adults aged 40 to 69 years (16%), among persons with 9 to 12 years of education (11%), among nondrinkers (18%), among drinkers of 1 to 6 alcoholic drinks/ week (7%), among smokers (former smokers by 11%, current smokers by 7%, and never smokers by 9%), among income groups (< $20,000 by 7%, > or = $20,000 by 9%), and residents in the south and northeast (by 13% each, respectively). Mean intake of the carotenoid lycopene increased among white men (9%), among adults aged 18 to 39 years and aged 40 to 69 years (by 5% and 6%, respectively), among those with 13 years of education or more (12.5%), among alcohol drinkers (by 10% and 7% for 1 to 6 vs 7 or more drinks/week, respectively), among former and current smokers (by 6% each), among those with incomes > or = $20,000 (8%), and among residents in the west (16%) and midwest (5%). All differences described were statistically significant (P < .01). APPLICATION: The decline in lutein intake (from dark green leafy vegetables), particularly in white women, may have public health implications as a result of the recognized inverse association between carotenoid intake and disease risk.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Retail is a growing economic sector and employs an increasing number of the overall workforce, yet little is known about the incidence and characteristics of work-related deaths in the retail industry. METHODS: Workplace deaths were examined using the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries from 1992 through 1996. Occupational fatality rates were calculated by age, gender, and type of establishment, and characteristics of occupational deaths in the retail industry were compared to other industries. RESULTS: Liquor stores had the highest work-related fatality rates in the retail industry. The two leading causes of death in the retail industry were violence (69.5%) and motor vehicle crashes (19.3%). Females, younger, minority, and foreign-born workers were more likely to be killed in retail than other industries. Deaths in the retail industry were more likely to be in small businesses, after normal business hours, and in urban settings. DISCUSSION: Workers in the retail industry were at lower risk of most types of workplace deaths but had a markedly increased risk of violent death than workers in other industries.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The American College of Radiology (ACR), the principal professional organization of United States radiologists, receives numerous requests for information on the characteristics of radiology groups. This report describes the basic characteristics of radiology groups in the United States. We defined radiology groups as any practice with two or more radiologists or radiation oncologists, including academic departments, units in multispecialty groups, and staff of government facilities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To collect basic information on radiology groups, the ACR conducted a mail census of all identified radiology groups in the United States during late 1991 and early 1992. Follow-up was conducted by mail and telephone. To make the responses accurately representative of all radiology groups, we weighted the approximately 2000 responses to correspond to known control totals for the number of groups of each of seven size categories in each of the four census regions (Northeast, Midwest, South, and West). These control totals were obtained from the ACR's 1990 Manpower Survey, which showed a total of approximately 3200 radiology groups. RESULTS: Approximately one fourth of all groups have two radiologists, one fourth have three or four radiologists, one fourth have five to seven radiologists, and one fourth have eight or more radiologists. Academic groups were relatively large; almost 50% had 11 or more radiologists. Nonmetropolitan areas had very few large groups, and metropolitan center cities had relatively few small groups. Ninety-two percent of all groups practiced at hospitals, and 73% of all groups practiced at nonhospital offices or centers. The median number of practice sites for all groups was three, including both hospital and nonhospital sites. Eighty-eight percent of all groups provided diagnostic radiology services, 23% provided radiation oncology, 12% offered both, and 11% were oncology-only groups. Relatively many academic groups (25%) were oncology-only groups; very few radiology groups (2%) in multispecialty practices were oncology-only groups. The diagnostic radiology techniques available from the largest percentages of groups were general radiography (plain film), sonography, mammography, and CT. One eighth of academic groups that provided diagnostic services did not report providing mammography, compared with only a few percent of all groups in the United States that provided diagnostic services. CONCLUSION: Half of all groups have two to four radiologists, and this has not changed since at least 1986. A substantial percentage of groups that perform diagnostic radiology do not provide MR, interventional, or nuclear medicine services. This is particularly true of relatively small groups. These characteristics may become the source of some problems as managed care becomes more prominent and larger groups, offering a full range of services and practicing at several sites, are favored by managed care organizations that seek to contract with one group for all their radiology services.  相似文献   

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