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We study magnetic hysteresis loops after field cooling of a CoO/Co bilayer by MOKE and polarized neutron reflectivity. The neutron scattering reveals that the first magnetization reversal after field cooling is dominated by domain wall movement, whereas all subsequent reversals proceed essentially by rotation of the magnetization. In addition, off-specular diffuse scattering indicates that the first magnetization reversal induces an irreversible change of the domain state in the antiferromagnet.  相似文献   

The influence of patterning on exchange bias has been investigated using arrays of micron-sized Co/CoO dots with different lateral confinement and length-to-width ratio. The patterned samples show higher coercive and exchange bias fields than a continuous Co/CoO bilayer. As in unpatterned film, magnetization reversal mechanisms on opposite sides of the hysteresis loops of the microstructured samples are different. However, with the increase of lateral confinement and shape anisotropy of the dots, the asymmetry in the magnetization reversal starts to differ from that observed in continuous Co/CoO films.  相似文献   

We investigated the reversal mechanism in a Co/CoO exchange bias bilayer with a pronounced magnetocrystalline anisotropy in the ferromagnet. The anisotropy, which is induced by the growth of a highly textured Co layer, imposes a distinct reversal mechanism along the magnetically easy and hard direction. It is shown that exchange bias can be induced along both directions, despite the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The interplay between the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and exchange bias induces a different reversal mechanism for the subsequent reversals in the two crystallographic directions. Along the hard axis, the magnetization reverses according to the reversal mechanism observed before in polycrystalline exchange bias bilayers, i.e. domain wall nucleation and motion for the first reversal and coherent rotation for the subsequent ones. Along the easy axis, domain wall motion remains the dominant reversal mechanism and magnetization rotation has only a minor contribution.  相似文献   

For FeCr/IrMn bilayers, the exchange bias training effect and the magnetization reversal mechanism are correlated to each other and depend on the composition of the ferromagnetic layer. For high Fe contents, the asymmetric magnetization reversal is observed. During the training effect, both exchange field and coercivity decrease monotonically, suggesting a type I training effect. For low Fe contents, the domain wall depinning takes place for the two hysteresis loop branches. Only exchange field diminution happens in the training effect. The coercivity almost does not change in the process, corresponding to a type II training effect. It is suggested that the motion of antiferromagnetic spins is modified by the magnetization reversal mechanism in the ferromagnetic layer.  相似文献   

MnF(2)/Fe bilayers exhibit asymmetric magnetization reversal that occurs by coherent rotation on one side of the loop and by nucleation and propagation of domain walls on the other side of the loop. Here, we show by polarized neutron reflectometry, magnetization, and magnetotransport measurements that for samples with good crystalline "quality" the rotation is a two-stage process, due to coherent rotation to a stable state perpendicular to the cooling field direction. The result is remarkably asymmetrically shaped hysteresis loops.  相似文献   

Magnetoresistance (MR) measurements are carried out on a Co(8 nm)/CoO(3.5 nm) bilayer in the exchange bias (EB) state prepared by molecular beam epitaxy. With the applied magnetic field parallel to the current, the EB MR curves show an asymmetric behavior about the minimum, in contrast to the symmetric one for non-EB systems. We generalize a well-known analytical expression used for the field dependence of the MR of paramagnets. Our generalization incorporates coercivity and EB in a new phenomenological MR expression. Excellent fits of the latter to the experimental MR data are achieved, showing the way to use MR techniques for the quantitative characterization of EB systems. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the EB field obtained from MR loops can be described with a power law, which yields a value of 96.6 K for the EB blocking temperature, which is significantly below the Néel temperature of 293 K for bulk CoO.  相似文献   

In Co/CoO nanostructures, of dimensions l×3l, at small Co thickness (≈6,10 nm), a strong increase in the bias field and the associated coercive field are found as the nanostructure size is reduced from l=120 nm to l=30 nm. This property indicates that the characteristic length D(AF) within the antiferromagnet which governs exchange-bias effects is the nanostructure size. By contrast, at larger Co thickness (≈23 nm), the exchange-bias field does not depend on the nanostructure size, implying that D(AF) is smaller than the nanostructure size. The results are discussed in the framework of the Malozemoff model, taking into account that the coupling between CoO grains is weak. Exchange bias is dominated either by coupling within the antiferromagnetic layer (6- and 10-nm-thick Co samples) or by ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic interfacial coupling (23-nm-thick Co sample).  相似文献   

Ion bombardment induced magnetic patterning (IBMP) was used to write in-plane magnetized micro and submicron patterns in exchange biased magnetic bilayers, where the magnetization directions of the adjacent patterns are antiparallel to each other in remanence. These magnetic patterns were investigated by non-contact magnetic force microscopy (MFM). It is shown that the recorded MFM images of the IBMP patterns in two exemplarily chosen standard layer systems (NiFe (4.8 nm)/NiO (68 nm) and Co (4.8 nm)/NiO (68 nm)) can be well described by a model within the point-dipole approximation for the tip magnetization. For 5 and 0.9 μm wide bar patterns the domain wall widths between adjacent magnetically patterned areas were determined to a≈1 μm. The minimum magnetically stable pattern width was estimated to be 0.7 μm in the standard system Co (4.8 nm)/NiO (68 nm).  相似文献   

Exchange-biased CoO/Fe bilayer grown on MgO (0 0 1) substrate by sputtering, studied by variable angle and temperature ferromagnetic resonance. Room temperature in-plane measurements reveal that the Fe layer was epitaxially grown on MgO substrate with a fourfold cubic symmetry. The data also show that the easy axis of magnetization is in the film plane and makes an angle of 45° with the [1 0 0] crystallographic direction of MgO substrate. The low temperature data exhibit a sudden onset of a field cooling-induced and shifted cubic anisotropy below the Néel temperature of CoO. This results in a twofold uniaxial or fourfold cubic symmetry for in-plane magnetic anisotropy depending on a field cooling direction. Low temperature measurements also present a reduction in the resonance fields due to the antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic coupling. The developed theoretical model perfectly simulates the experimental data of coupled CoO/Fe bilayer.  相似文献   

For polycrystalline NiFe/FeMn bilayers, we have observed and quantified the rotation of the pinning direction in the exchange bias training and recovery effects. During consecutive hysteresis loops, the rotation of the pinning direction strongly depends on the magnetization reversal mechanism of the ferromagnet layer. The interfacial uncompensated magnetic moment of antiferromagnetic grains may be irreversibly switched and rotated when the magnetization reversal process of the ferromagnet layer is accompanied by domain wall motion and domain rotation, respectively.  相似文献   

By using the surface and element specificity of soft x-ray magnetic dichroism we provide direct experimental evidence for two different types of interfacial uncompensated Fe moments in exchange biased Co/FeF2 bilayers. Some moments are pinned and coupled antiparallel to the ferromagnet (FM). They give rise to a positive exchange bias and vanish above T(N) = 78 together with the antiferromagnet (AF) order. Other interfacial Fe moments are unpinned and coupled parallel to the FM. They persist up to 300 K and give rise to magnetic order at the AF surface even above T(N) .  相似文献   

Exchange-biased CrMn/Co bilayers with various thicknesses of Co sputtered onto Si(1 0 0) substrates by the RF sputtering system have been studied. Double-shifted loops have been observed with the thickness of Co layer in a narrow range and become single-shifted loops after some cycles of measurement. Those results are interpreted as the association of positive and negative exchange bias.  相似文献   

All-optical control of the magnetization of polycrystalline exchange bias bilayer systems is achieved using short picosecond laser pulses. Due to the photoexcitation, the spin temperature across the interface between the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layer is elevated, resulting in a collapse of the interfacial exchange coupling. Thus, within the first 10 ps, a fast reduction of both the exchange bias field and the coercive field is observed for three different exchange bias systems comprising both different ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. The fast thermal unpinning is followed by a slower heat diffusion dominated relaxation process, which strongly depends on the thermal conductivity of the used buffer layers and substrates. The fast optical unpinning can be understood in terms of an internal anisotropy pulse field capable of triggering ultrafast precessional magnetization dynamics of the ferromagnetic layer, which makes heat-assisted coherent magnetization rotation feasible.  相似文献   

A significant exchange bias(EB) training effect has been observed in sputter deposited FeAu/FeNi bilayers, wherein the exchange field(HE) exhibits a special sign-changeable temperature dependence. Very interestingly, despite the absence of multiple easy axes in the FeAu spin glass(SG) layer, HEdrops abruptly between the first and second magnetic cycles,which is followed by a more gradual continuous change in the subsequent cycles. This training behavior cannot be described by the empirical n-1/2law because of the asymmetric magnetization reversal processes. We propose modifying Binek’s model to include the asymmetric changes of the pinning SG spins at the descending and ascending branches. This new model successfully describes the EB training effect in FeAu/FeNi bilayers.  相似文献   

The dependence of the exchange bias of epitaxial single-crystal Co/Cu/CoO trilayer films on the copper layer thickness and temperature is studied. The exchange bias of the hysteresis loops of the ferromagnetic cobalt layer as a function of the copper layer thickness is found to have a well-pronounced oscillating character. The oscillations manifest themselves over the entire temperature range in which an exchange bias takes place (77–220 K). The complex variation of the oscillation amplitude with the nonmagnetic layer thickness can be explained by the superposition of two interlayer exchange coupling oscillation periods (λ1 ≈ 10–11 Å, λ2 ≈ 20 Å) having differentamplitudes and temperature dependences.  相似文献   

The in-plane magnetic anisotropy in Ni/FeMn and Ni90Fe10/FeMn exchange-biased bilayers prepared by co-evaporation under molecular beam epitaxy conditions is investigated employing longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). The exchange anisotropy was induced by a magnetic field cooling immediately after the deposition of the bilayers. Besides the induced term, the presence of an additional uniaxial anisotropy in the FM layers was detected both by MOKE and FMR, and the characteristic directions of these two anisotropy terms are not coincident. The interplay between the anisotropy contributions is discussed considering micromagnetic simulations and the in-plane resonance condition for different magnetic field orientation. X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Mössbauer spectroscopy were used to complement the characterization of the samples.  相似文献   

A series of polycrystalline Ag-doped Ni1−xAgxO/Ni bilayers with x up to 0.2 were prepared by magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy analyses reveal that Ag doping significantly reduces the mean NiO grain size and leads to the appearance of Ag nanoparticles on the surface of the Ag-doped NiO films. As x increases, the exchange bias field and coercivity at room temperature decrease as a consequence of the reduced thermal stability of smaller NiO grains and the screening effect resulting from the interfacial Ag nanoparticles. At lower temperatures, a slight enhancement of the exchange bias field is observed in the Ag-doped sample, indicating that the Ag doping increases the uncompensated NiO spin density. In addition, our studies find that the training effect of the Ag-doped sample can be well described by a spin configurational relaxation model, regardless of the presence of Ag nanopartiles at the interface.  相似文献   

We present an experimental study of the effects of oxidation on the magnetic and crystal structures of exchange biased epsilon-Co/CoO core-shell nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy measurements reveal that oxidation creates a Co-CoO interface which is highly directional and epitaxial in quality. Neutron diffraction measurements find that below a Néel temperature TN of approximately 235 K the magnetization of the CoO shell is modulated by two wave vectors, q1=(1/2 1/2 1/2)2pi/a and q2=(100)2pi/a. Oxidation affects the q1 component of the magnetization very little, but hugely enhances the q2 component, resulting in the magnetic decompensation of the core-shell interface. We propose that the large exchange bias effect results from the highly ordered interface between the Co core and CoO shell, and from enhanced core-shell coupling by the uncompensated interface moment.  相似文献   

The exchange bias effect at the interface between antiferromagnetic (AFM) and ferromagnetic (FM) layers is of paramount importance in state‐of‐the‐art spintronic devices. However, a complete account of the physics behind exchange bias remains elusive and new effects are constantly unraveled. In particular, a bimodal distribution of blocking temperatures $ (T_{\rm B})$ was recently discovered, associated with the bulk of the AFM layer and interfacial AFM/FM regions with spin‐glass‐like properties. Here we study exchange bias in MnIr (25, 60 Å)/CoFe (50 Å) bilayers annealed at high temperatures (623 K and 673 K). We observe, for all samples and annealing temperatures, the existence of a large exchange bias variation at low temperatures associated with interfacial disorder. Such variation is more significative in the thinnest samples, where it is found to be independent on annealing temperature. On the other hand, in the thickest samples the contribution of the low temperature distribution largely increases with annealing temperature, due to enhanced disorder arising from Mn diffusion. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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