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This paper is an enhancement to our earlier research with grey-scale images. In this paper, we propose two new detection-estimation based image filtering algorithms that effectively remove corrupted pixels with impulsive noise in digital color images. The existing methods for enhancing corrupted color images typically possess inherent problems in computation time and smoothing out edges because all pixels are filtered. Our proposed algorithms first classify corrupted pixels in each channel or in each pixel. Because marginal or vector median filtering is only performed for the classified pixels, the process is computationally efficient, and edges are preserved well. In addition, because there is no appropriate criterion to evaluate the performance of impulsive noise detectors for color images, the objective comparison of noise detectors is difficult. Thus, we introduce a new efficiency factor for comparing the performance of noise detectors in digital color images. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms perform better than existing methods, in both objective and subjective evaluations.This work was supported by the Korea Science & Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) under grant no. 981-0912-057-2.  相似文献   

Noise detection and its removal is very important in the image processing. Detection of noise is very crucial and significant in random valued impulse noise because it does not hamper the image pixels uniformly. This paper presents a novel and unique concept of adaptive dual threshold for the detection of random valued impulse noise along with simple median filter at noise removal stage. Simulation results shows that an efficient noise detection leads to a superior quality of de-noised image as compared to existing adaptive threshold based image de-noising techniques. Proposed threshold computation is based on averaging of pixel values of window which enhances the PSNR of our system as compared to existing median filter based image de-noising methods.  相似文献   

图像脉冲噪声移除是获得高质量图像的关键。本文通过热红外相机成像原理研究,提出了一种基于像素梯度自适应迭代中值滤波器的图像脉冲噪声抑制算法。首先,根据相机的调制传递函数计算获取原始图像的最大像素梯度,继而建立相应的像素梯度集合。然后,计算原始图像与对应像素梯度滤波图像的梯度权重均方根误差集合,并将该集合高斯分布的最大值对应的像素梯度确定为最佳像素梯度。最后,根据图像中脉冲噪声的密度和复杂度,确定所提滤波器的自适应窗口大小和迭代次数。大量实验结果表明,所提滤波器对移除8位、16位的单通道脉冲噪声图像展现出良好的鲁棒性。与其它先进方法相比,该方法可以实时移除真实热红外相机采集图像中低密度的随机值脉冲噪声和SAPN,并实现噪声抑制过程中99.5%以上的原始像素不会遭受破坏。除此之外,针对高密度SAPN抑制,该方法获得了具有竞争力的结果,与运行时间较快的滤波方法相比表现出较好的PSNR和SSIM,与PSNR和SSIM较优秀的去噪方法相比表现出较快的运行时间。对于极限SAPN(99%)破坏的图像,也能够恢复有意义的图像细节。  相似文献   

衷文  罗启强 《红外技术》2023,2017(12):1330-1336
为了在去除红外图像的脉冲噪声的同时,有效保持和恢复图像的边缘细节,提出了基于灰度特征和众数原则的迭代双边中值滤波方法。此方法根据脉冲噪声的灰度特征以及众数原则,将取最小和最大值、而在邻域的灰度分布上孤立的像素识别为噪声。根据基于空间距离和灰度相似的加权系数,对邻域中的无噪像素与已经去噪恢复的像素进行频次加权,用频次加权中值作为噪声像素的估计值。其中,以迭代遍历的方式执行去噪处理,充分利用前次遍历处理的结果,以去除高密度噪声。实验数据证明,此方法去噪所得的PSNR和EPI值以及视觉效果均优于现有方法,具有更好的去噪性能。  相似文献   

In many industrial applications, detection of workpieces is the prerequisite of the subsequent operations such as automatic grasping and assembly tasks. However, the detection of workpieces under challenging conditions such as occlusion and cluttered background is still an open problem, which needs better solutions and further investigations. In this paper, a part-based adaptive detection approach is proposed to deal with abovementioned problems. The whole workpiece template is automatically divided into multiple subtemplates, which are equipped with adjustable weights adjusted according to their discriminative abilities. Then the weight adjustment process and the object localization process are finally embedded in an optimization framework—Differential Evolution (DE), which finally leads to the detection of workpieces. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robust performance of the proposed algorithm under challenging conditions.  相似文献   

低信噪比红外图像的快速统计法边缘提取   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代成像制导中所使用的红外图像往往存在着噪声大、目标一背景间灰度差较小、边缘较模糊的特点。这些特点会增加边缘提取的难度,因此必须建立更有效的红外图像边缘提取算法以满足需要。针对这些问题,以噪声Gauss分布模型和噪声特征为基础,建立了新型统计学意义下的红外图像边缘检测法。通过对此方法的概率模型进行分析,可以证明在有较大噪声的情况下,只要边缘处的差分值大于一定的值。就能以较大的概率提取出图像边缘。通过在不同情况下与梯度法的抑噪能力进行对比和分析发现,统计边缘提取法的噪声抑制能力要高于梯度法。在与Sobel模板算子法的红外图像边缘检测结果进行仿真和对比后发现,统计法能对红外图像的目标边缘检测取得良好的结果,并且算法具有快速简单的优点。  相似文献   

A new method for detecting and suppressing impulsive noise in color images is presented in this paper. The proposed method is a type of switching vector filters, where the impulse detection is based on the order-statistic information about the color samples in the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions. The new solution first uses quaternion-based representation of color differences and median deviation-based techniques to search for the edge direction with the maximum number of similar pixels, and then utilizes the samples aligning with this edge direction to judge whether the current pixel is noisy or not and control the switching between identity (no filtering) and vector median filtering actions. Extensive experimental comparisons exhibit the validity of the proposed approach by showing significant performance improvements over other well-known color image filtering techniques.  相似文献   

An improved recursive and adaptive median filter (RAMF) for the restoration of images corrupted with high density impulse noise is proposed in the present paper. Adaptive operation of the filter is justified with the variation in size of working window which is centered at noisy pixels. Based on the presence of noise-free pixel(s), the size of working window changes. The noisy pixels are filtered through the replacement of their values using both noise-free pixels of the current working window and previously processed noisy pixels of that window. These processed noisy pixels are obtained recursively. The combined effort thus provides an improved platform for filtering high density impulse noise of images. Experimental results with several real-time noisy images show that the proposed RAMF outperforms other state-of-the-art filters quantitatively in terms of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and image enhancement factor (IEF). The superiority of the filter is also justified qualitatively through visual interpretation.  相似文献   

基于PCNN噪声检测的两级脉冲噪声滤波算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勍 《光电子.激光》2009,20(11):1466-1470
为有效滤除图像中严重脉冲噪声干扰,提出了一种基于改进型脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)噪声检测的两级脉冲噪声滤除算法。该算法首先利用PCNN同步脉冲发放特性区分定位噪声点和信号点位置,其次根据噪声点局部邻域信息对噪声进行第1级自适应滤波,然后再利用具有保护边缘细节特点的多方向信息中值滤波器(MF进行第2级辅助滤波。实验结果表明,该算法在噪声检测中无需设定检测阈值,噪声检测精度较高;在去噪过程中不但有效滤除噪声干扰,而且能很好地保护图像边缘细节等信息,具有较好的主观视觉效果和客观评价指标,比传统MF及其它相关算法有更优的滤波性能,去噪能力强、信噪比高和适应性好,特别是对受严重噪声污染的图像,显示了更大的优越性。  相似文献   

洪汉玉  吴世康  时愈  吴锦梦  孙春生 《红外与激光工程》2021,50(3):20200344-1-20200344-10
水雷目标探测会受到水下非均匀强噪声(有机质、悬浮颗粒等)的干扰,为了解决这一问题,提出了一种新的去噪方法。首先优化局部保边缘滤波算法,提出了基于边缘感知约束的局部保边缘滤波,在模型中引入了一个空间自适应的边缘感知约束正则化项,用来更好地表征图像的边缘及细节,使得算法的保边缘平滑特性更好。其次针对强噪声的非均匀特性,采用多尺度策略,迭代地将优化后的模型运用到每个尺度的去噪结果上生成多尺度分解,并在多尺度分解的过程中,逐步增加去噪尺度,将不同尺度的噪声逐步从上一尺度的去噪结果中分离出来。实验结果表明,相较于其他经典去噪方法,提出的算法能够在更好地去除水下非均匀强噪声的同时保留水雷目标信息,对实时水雷作业有着一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

超分辨率图像重建引起的噪声放大与滤波   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
总结了图像序列相位关系对超分辨率图像重建效果的影响规律,对超分辨率图像重建引起的高斯噪声和散粒噪声的放大予以研究.通过叠加不同方差的高斯噪声的图像序列重建实验,得到结论维纳滤波可以有效地滤除放大后的高斯噪声,但是超分辨率图像重建后散粒噪声放大成为"波纹"形状的噪声,传统的中值滤波法不能有效地滤除放大后的"波纹"形状噪声...  相似文献   

A novel class of nonlinear filters for image processing is proposed. This class is a combination of nonlinear mean and order statistic filters. Median, homomorphic, α-trimmed mean, nonlinear mean, order statistic, and linear filters can be considered as special cases of this class. The properties of these filters in the presence of different kinds of noise are investigated. It is shown that these filters can be used for the reduction of additive white noise, signal-dependent noise, and impulse noise. It is also shown that they preserve edges better than linear filters. Such filters can successfully be used as edge detectors, by appropriate adjustment of some of their parameters. Edge information can be used as an input to these filters to perform in an adaptive manner, changing their behaviour near the edges of an image. It is finally shown that many of the filters proposed have a reasonable (and in certain cases small) computational complexity.  相似文献   

激光雷达含噪图像边缘检测算法比较   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
边缘检测是激光雷达图像处理的重要组成部分,其性能直接影响整个雷达系统的精度和性能。对Sobel、Kirsch、LOG、Canny、参数检验算子等边缘检测算法原理及其性能参数进行了分析和比较,并且对含有散斑噪声的激光雷达图像边缘检测进行了实验研究,结果表明,参数检验算法在受散斑噪声影响的图像中的检测性能较好。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the Vector Rank M-type L (VRML)-filter to remove impulsive noise from color images and video sequences. The proposed filter uses the Median M-type (MM) and Ansari-Bradley-Siegel-Tukey M-type (AM) estimators into L-filter to provide robustness to proposed filtering scheme. We also introduce the use of impulsive noise detectors to improve the properties of noise suppression and detail preservation in the proposed filtering scheme in the case of low and high densities of impulsive noise. Simulation results indicate that the proposed filter consistently outperforms other color image filters by balancing the trade-off between noise suppression, detail preservation, and color retention.  相似文献   

Because corruption of image by White-Gaussian noise is a frequently encountered problem in acquisition, transmission and processing of image, and classical edge detection operators such as Roberts, Sobel, Prewitt and LOG operator have the deficiency of being sensitive to White-Gaussian noise, this paper proposes a new edge detection algorithm for Image corrupted by White-Gaussian noise that can reasonably consider White-Gaussian noise reduction and correct location of edge, and provides its specific arithmetic process. Finally, the comparison based on principle of new edge detection algorithm and classical edge detection operator is done, the experimental results indicate that the performance of new edge detection algorithm is better than that of classical edge detection operator.  相似文献   

Infinite impulse response filters have not been used extensively in active noise and vibration control applications. The problems are mainly due to the multimodal error surface and instability of adaptive IIR filters used in such applications. Considering these, in this paper a new adaptive recursive RLS-based fast-array IIR filter for active noise and vibration control applications is proposed. At first an RLS-based adaptive IIR filter with computational complexity of order O(n2) is derived, and a sufficient condition for its stability is proposed by applying passivity theorem on the equivalent feedback representation of this adaptive algorithm. In the second step, to reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm to the order of O(n) as well as to improve its numerical stability, a fast array implementation of this adaptive IIR filter is derived. This is accomplished by extending the existing results of fast-array implementation of adaptive FIR filters to adaptive IIR filters. Comparison of the performance of the fast-array algorithm with that of Erikson’s FuLMS and SHARF algorithms confirms that the proposed algorithm has faster convergence rate and ability to reach a lower minimum mean square error which is of great importance in active noise and vibration control applications.  相似文献   

Nonlocal means (NLM) filtering or sparse representation based denoising method has obtained a remarkable denoising performance. In order to integrate the advantages of two methods into a unified framework, we propose an image denoising algorithm through skillfully combining NLM and sparse representation technique to remove Gaussian noise mixed with random-valued impulse noise. In the non-Gaussian circumstance, we propose a customized blockwise NLM (CBNLM) filter to generate an initial denoised image. Based on it, we classify the different noisy pixels according to the three-sigma rule. Besides, an overcomplete dictionary is trained on the initial denoised image. Then, a complementary sparse coding technique is used to find the sparse vector for each input noisy patch over the overcomplete dictionary. Through solving a more reasonable variational denoising model, we can reconstruct the clean image. Experimental results verify that our proposed algorithm can obtain the best denoising performance, compared with some typical methods.  相似文献   

During scanning and transmission, images can be corrupted by salt and pepper noise, which negatively affects the quality of subsequent graphic vectorization or text recognition. In this paper, we present a new algorithm for salt and pepper noise suppression in binary images. The algorithm consists of the computation of block prior probabilities from training noise-free images; noise level estimation; and the maximum a posteriori probability estimation of each image block. Our experiments show that the proposed method performs significantly better than the state of the art techniques.  相似文献   

鉴于开关中值滤波在椒盐噪声检测和去除方面的应用合理性,本文分别设计实现了基于信号局部差异性和基于信号方向差异性的椒盐噪声检测算法。这两种算法均属于二级噪声检测方法,且第一级检测手段都是基于灰度范围准则。两种算法的不同点主要体现在第二级检测算法上,前者基于局部差别准则,后者基于方向差别准则。在方法评价部分,首先通过分析和实验确定两种算法的最优参数设置;然后通过对不同噪声密度的测试图像去噪来评价两种算法的去噪效果。结果表明:基于方向差异性的算法比基于局部差异性的算法具有更好的性能,且两种算法的去噪效果都与噪声密度成反比。需要注意的是,这两种算法都容易将图像中的细微边缘或细节像素误判为噪声点,即在噪声的检测过程中,只能避免对图像中主要边缘和轮廓像素的误判,还无法对图像中的细微边缘和细节进行精确判定,这也是开关二级噪声滤波算法今后的主要改进方向。另外,算法效率测试结果表明两种算法具有相似的计算时间,从而验证了两者之间的算法结构相似性。  相似文献   

基于噪声估计和双加权的彩色图像矢量中值滤波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对彩色图像椒盐噪声滤除中保护色彩和细节这个关键问题,提出了一种基于噪声估计和双加权的滤波新算法.噪声估计采用二级估计策略,第1级基于灰度最大、最小值进行粗估计,第2级采用加权方向算子进行精估计.对非噪声点保持像素灰度不变,对噪声点设计了空间和灰度双加权的矢量中值滤波算法(VMF).实验结果表明,新算法对低、中密度的彩...  相似文献   

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