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随着蛋白质组学相关技术的迅速发展,临床血清蛋白质组学成为当今生命科学领域中极其活跃的学科,其核心技术包括血清样品分离、质谱鉴定、生物信息学及统计学分析。临床血清蛋白质组学从新的角度研究肿瘤,寻找肿瘤标志物,为肿瘤的早期诊断、预后和动态监测提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

蛋白质组学技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,现代生物学技术已经发展到后基因组时代,包括人类在内的几十种生物体基因组测序已经完成,生命科学研究的重点从结构基因组研究转移到后基因组时代--功能基因组的研究,蛋白质组学研究是功能基因组一个重要的组成部分.因此,与之相适应,蛋白质组学研究技术也是日新月异,层出不穷,除了最经典的二维凝胶电泳技术,多维液相色谱技术,同位素标记亲和标签技术相继发展起来,蛋白质芯片技术及噬茵体展示技术也得到了较为广泛的应用.本文针对蛋白质组学研究上述关键技术进行了综述.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学在放射生物学研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
蛋白质组(proteome)一词由Wilkin’s等于1996年首先提出,用来描述一个细胞、组织或有机体所表达的所有蛋白质。蛋白质组学(pmteomics)则是研究生物系统内特定时间或特定条件下蛋白质表达规律的科学。  相似文献   

随着蛋白质组学技术的快速发展和在疾病研究中的广泛应用,肿瘤标志物的发现研究又多了一个快速、灵敏和高通量的技术平台.但由于临床研究样本的个体变异、材料的高度复杂性、潜在标志蛋白的低丰度等因素的影响,肿瘤标志物的蛋白质组学研究尚面临许多困难和挑战.如何克服上述困难而有效利用蛋白质组学手段发现更多、更灵敏、更可靠的肿瘤标志物,为肿瘤的临床诊治提供更加强有力的支持是临床蛋白质组学研究的重要任务.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学技术在肝脏再生研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肝脏在遭受部分切除或毒素损伤后,具有极强的再生能力,其本质在于残余肝细胞重新进行有丝分裂增殖。再生过程中肝细胞增殖受到多种血源性因子和胞内信号分子的调节和控制。研究人员通过建立动物肝脏再生模型和肝细胞原代培养模型,逐渐发现多种效应因子。鉴于肝脏再生机制的复杂性,新兴的蛋白质组学技术成为研究肝脏再生的首选技术。  相似文献   

当前生命科学在研究方法上面临着巨大的技术和理论的挑战 ,即如何从结构、功能和生物学过程调控的角度解释一个物种基因序列中所含的信息。这个问题的关键是研判一个未知基因的功能与其他基因产物及其亚细胞结构之间的功能联系 ,不能只通过对核酸一级结构的检测来确定。现就在上述背景下快速发展的蛋白质组学研究中的一些问题作一简要概述  相似文献   

全国肿瘤防治研究办公室恶性肿瘤发病登记资料显示:女性乳腺癌发病率占当地女性恶性肿瘤第一或第二位,病死率为女性恶性肿瘤第四或第五位,且病死率正呈现逐年增高的趋势。近几年,蛋白质组学技术已广泛应用于生物医学研究的各个领域,也逐步应用于乳腺癌的研究。  相似文献   

目的 通过文献综合,分析蛋白质组学技术在航空航天医学研究中的应用现状和前景.资料来源与选择 国内外该领域及相关领域的研究论文和报告. 资料引用 国内外公开发表的文献34篇. 资料综合 蛋白质组学技术是一门从整体角度分析细胞内蛋白质组成、表达水平与修饰状态的新兴技术,是高通量研究生物体的一种方法.在航空医学研究中,蛋白质组学技术被尝试应用于筛选与心理应激相关的血清生物学指标,用以选拔具有良好飞行能力的飞行员,探讨航空性疾病的发病机制.蛋白质组学技术在航天医学中得到较广泛的应用,如火箭推进剂对睾丸蛋白质组的影响,微重力作用及离子辐射对组织细胞及环境微生物蛋白表达的影响等. 结论 由于蛋白质组学技术高通量、实时研究蛋白质动态表达等特点,使其已经广泛应用于疾病研究中.未来还将利用蛋白质组学技术阐明航空航天疾病的生理机制,建立诊断标准,探寻治疗靶点,为航空航天医学研究提供新的技术和思路.  相似文献   

电磁辐射具有潜在的健康危害.高通量基因和蛋白表达分析技术的应用,将为电磁辐射生物学效应及其机制研究提供分子水平的依据和线索.本文就基因芯片技术和比较蛋白质组学在微波、电磁场等电磁辐射领域中的应用及其研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

Tendon regeneration: an anatomical and histological study in sheep   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Utilization of the hamstring tendon in reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) has become common in recent years. In MRI studies regeneration potential in harvested tendon has been observed. In the present study, 20 legs from ten sheep, which underwent 10 cm segment resection of tendon of musculus extensor digitalis lateralis (MEDL) were used. The sheep were killed 6 months after the operation and regenerated tendons were examined macroscopically and histologically. Dissection was performed in the tendon resection area and specimens were reharvested for histological examination. Regeneration of the tendon with normal anatomical topographies was found in all legs. Regeneration occured on both sides of the resected tendon simultaneously. Regeneration was muscle-like in the proximal side but it was tendon-like in the distal side. The developed tendon was fused to the joint capsule and to the fascia at the joint line in all specimens. This study indicates that tendon has a potential for regeneration.  相似文献   

Meniscal healing: A histological study in rabbits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Repair of meniscal tears occurs best in the region of the capsular attachment. The further the tear from the site of capsular attachment, the less the vascularity, and healing becomes dubious. For an evaluation of healing in the poorly vascularised zone of the meniscus a histological study was performed in rabbits with standard longitudinal incisions in the posterior horn of the left medial menisci. In addition a biomechanical investigation of scar strength was performed. Three groups of animals were studied: group 1 were allowed to heal spontaneously, group 2 were sutured and group 3 were treated with fibrin glue. After 6 weeks, macroscopically, 4 out of the 10 menisci in groups 1 and 3 exhibited incomplete scar formation, whereas all menisci in group 2 looked well. This result fell short of statistical significance because 2 menisci in group 2 had to be excluded due to faulty localisation of the standard injury. In all groups the scars contained fundamental elements of healing, such as fibroblasts, blood vessels and fibrous material. Repair seemed to be significantly influenced by the proliferating synovial membrane. Histologically there was no difference between group 1 and 3. In both groups the lesions were filled with a broad strip of reparative tissue mostly consisting of plexiform collagenous fibres. Although the appearance of the menisci in group 2 was similar, the scar tissue was distinctly thinner due to the close adaptation of the wound margins, and the vascularity seemed better. In all specimens the tissue located towards the free rim of the meniscus showed signs of degeneration. Our results showed that in the microvascular zone of the meniscus, repair is possible, However, as shown by a biomechanical study, tissue strength was poor in all groups after 6 weeks of healing. In contrast to the histological data, the biomechanical study revealed a significant advantage of treatment with fibrin glue.
Zusammenfassung Meniskusläsionen im kapselnahen Bereich werden in der Regel rekonstruiert. Mit zunehmendem Abstand von der Aufhängung nimmt die Gefäß-versorgung ab und die Heilung wird problematish. Um das Heilungsvermögen des Meniskus in der Zone verminderter Vaskularisierung zu untersuchen, wurde eine histologische Studie an Kaninchen mit Standard-Längsläsionen im Hinterhorn des linken Innenmeniskus durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wurde in einer biomechanischen Studie die Narbenfestigkeit untersucht. Drei Behandlungsformen wurden nach sechswöchiger Heilungszeit miteinander verglichen: Gruppe 1: keine Therapie, Gruppe 2: Nahtrefixation und Gruppe 3: Fibrinklebung, Makroskopisch zeigten in der nicht therapierten und der mit Kleber behandelten Gruppe jeweils 4 von 10 Menisken eine inkomplette Narbenbildung, während die genähten Menisken alle gut aussahen. Dieses Ergebnis blieb ohne statistische Signifikanz, weil 2 Menisken der Nahtgruppe wegen falscher Plazierung der Standardverletzung ausgeschlossen werden mußten. In den Narben aller Gruppen waren die Grundelemente der Heilung wie z. B. Fibroblasten, Blutgefäße und fibrilläres Material zu finden. Die Reparation schien wesentlich von der proliferierenden Synovialmembran beeinflußt. Histologisch bestand kein Unterschied zwischen Gruppe 1 und 3. In beiden Gruppen waren die Läsionen mit einem breiten Streifen von Reparationsgewebe aufgefüllt, das vorwiegend aus ungeordneten kollagenen Fasern bestand. Die genähten Menisken boten grundsätzlich ein ähnliches Bild. Aufgrund der engen Adaptation der Wundränder war die Narbenzone jedoch schmaler ausgeprägt, die Vaskularisierung erschien verstärkt. In allen Proben fand sich auf der kapselfernen Seite der Läsion ein Bereich, der Anzeichen einer Gewebedegeneration aufwies. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, daß in der mindervaskularisierten Zone des Meniskus eine Reparation möglich ist. Die biomechanischen Messungen bewiesen jedoch, daß die Narbenfestigkeit nach 6 Wochen in allen 3 Gruppen noch gering war. Im Unterschied zu den histologischen Befunden erbrachte die biomechanische Studie einen signifikanten Vorteil der Therapie mit dem Fibrinkleber.

乙肝病毒感染是肝癌的主要诱因之一。最近几年的研究重点是病毒的组分与宿主细胞因子之间的相互作用。越来越多的与病毒有相互作用的细胞因子被发现,这可能意味着乙肝病毒复制的每一个步骤都有许多宿主细胞因子参与。本文将讨论近年来这方面的研究进展,并对乙肝病毒感染尚未解决的问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

This workshop, organized under the auspices of the EC Concerted Action Programme on DNA Repair and Cancer, was held at the CRC Gray Laboratory, Northwood, Middlesex, UK, 23-25 October 1991. The 42 participants were drawn mainly from laboratories participating in the EC Concerted Action, with a few visitors from elsewhere. The discussions centred on the increasing convergence of classical radiobiology and biophysics with molecular biology and mammalian cell genetics to study mechanisms of DNA strand break accumulation and repair following exposure to ionizing radiation. There was a strong emphasis on the application of this research both to cancer radiotherapy and to detection of individuals at risk from cancer due to exposure to ionizing radiation. The first two days were organized as six workshop sessions; on the third day we joined forces with Julie Denekamp and dedicated a session to the memory of our late friend and colleague, Nic McNally. The rest of this day was devoted to reviews by his colleagues and collaborators of the fields of research to which he contributed so much. An evening of music and readings, organized by Joanna and Rachel McNally, completed the memorial. Here we review the first seven sessions of the workshop, emphasizing the more recent approaches and the new information they have given us.  相似文献   

This paper describes the anatomy of the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). The dimensions of the ligament and its femoral and fibular attachments are given. The relationships between the LCL and other anatomical structures are described, particularly the terminal fiber branches of the biceps femoris. The histological features of the ligament fibers and their osseous attachments are also described.  相似文献   

Epidermal nuclear elongation is one of the most important signs for the diagnosis of electrical injury. In this study, we investigated the mechanism responsible for this phenomenon by comparing the findings from burn injuries and those from contusions. Electrical and burn injuries were made in the dorsal skin of rats using energy ranging from 100 to 790 joules for electrical injury, and 170-690 joules for burn injury. Contusions were also made by compressing the skin with a vice. In electrical and burn injuries, the dermis under the epidermal elongated nuclei was homogeneous and without empty spaces between collagen bundles and the number of dermal fibroblasts per 0.01 mm2 below the damaged epidermis decreased significantly (P < 0.05). The incidence of this change correlated with the depth of denatured dermal collagen fibres and in both types of injuries, dermal cells had no nuclear antigenicity for ubiquitin. The width of the injured epidermis with nuclear elongation decreased significantly (P < 0.05) and the elongated nuclei were parallel to the basal membrane. In electrical injury however, nuclear elongation occurred more frequently near the external root sheath. Nuclear elongation of fibroblasts and external root sheath cells was also found, but those of sebaceous gland cells were not detected. Epidermal elongated nuclei were also found in contusions. The evidence strongly suggests that epidermal nuclear elongation in electrical and burn injuries is due to dermal expansion by heat.  相似文献   

A variety of new radiopharmaceutical agents have been introduced to probe myocardial functionin vivo. This review will introduce these new techniques which have recently been available in Japan. Tc-99m perfusion imaging agents provide excellent myocardial perfusion images which may enhance diagnostic accuracy in the study of coronary artery disease. In addition, greater photon flux from the tracer permits simultaneous assessment of regional perfusion and function with use of first-pass angiography or ECG-gated acquisition. Positron emission tomography enables metabolic assessmentin vivo. Preserved FDG uptake indicates ischemic but viable myocardium which is likely to improve regional dysfunction after revascularization. In addition, FDG-PET seems to be valuable for selecting a high risk subgroup. Recently I-123 BMIPP, a branched fatty acid analog, has been clinically available in Japan. Less uptake of BMIPP than thallium is often observed in the ischemic myocardium. Such perfusion metabolic mismatch which seems to be similarly observed in FDG-PET is identified in the stunned or hibernating myocardium with regional dysfunction. Both of them are likely to recover afterwards. Severe ischemia is identified as reduced BMIPP uptake at rest, suggesting its role as an ischemic memory imaging. I-123 MIBG uptake in the myocardium reflects adrenergic neuronal functionin vivo. In the study of coronary artery disease, neuronal denervation is often observed around the infarcted myocardium and post ischemic region as well. More importantly, reduced MIBG uptake in these patients can identify high risk for ventricular arrhythmias and assess severity of congestive heart failure. These new techniques will provide insights into new pathological states in the ischemic heart disease and enable to select optimal treatment in these patients.  相似文献   

动脉粥样硬化是一种严重危害人类健康的心血管疾病,动脉粥样硬化的发生与很多因素有关。近年来研究发现非编码RNA在动脉粥样硬化发生过程中发挥重要的调控作用,其中主要包括微小RNA、长链非编码RNA和环状RNA。非编码RNA主要通过引起血管内皮细胞或巨噬细胞的分化、迁移以及凋亡等过程调控动脉粥样硬化的发生。作者总结了微小RNA、长链非编码RNA和环状RNA的一些基本特征以及近几年关于它们调控动脉粥样硬化发生的研究进展。  相似文献   

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