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Expressions for the Reynolds stress and bed shear stress are developed for nonuniform unsteady flow in open channels with streamwise sloping beds, assuming universal (logarithmic) velocity distribution law and using the Reynolds and continuity equations of two-dimensional open-channel flow. The computed Reynolds stress distributions are in agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

Conventionally, wall shear stress in an unsteady turbulent pipe flow is decomposed into a quasi-steady component and an “unsteady wall shear stress” component. Whereas the former is evaluated by using “standard” steady flow correlations, extensive research has been carried out to develop methods to predict the latter leading to various unsteady friction models. A different approach of decomposition is used in the present paper whereby the wall shear in an unsteady flow is split into the initial steady value and perturbations from it. It is shown that in the early stages of an unsteady turbulent pipe flow, these perturbations are well described by a laminar-flow formulation. This allows simple expressions to be derived for unsteady friction predictions, which are in good agreement with experimental and computational results.  相似文献   

The method used in the classical paper by Zielke to estimate the unsteady component of shear stress in unsteady pipe flows is revisited. It is found that the method is undesirably sensitive to the size of the integration time step. The sensitivity is shown to be caused dominantly by the first term in the integration when inadequate allowance is made for the infinite value of the weighting function. A simple method of avoiding the error without requiring the use of small grid sizes is presented.  相似文献   

Critical Shear Stress of Bimodal Sediment in Sand-Gravel Rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new model for the critical shear stress and the transport of graded sediment is presented. The model is based on the size distribution of the bed surface and can be used to compute sediment transport rates in numerical simulations with an active layer model. This model makes a distinction between unimodal and bimodal sediments. It is assumed that all size fractions of unimodal sediments have the same critical shear stress while there is selective transport for the gravel fractions of bimodal sediments. A recently published laboratory transport data set is used to calibrate our model.  相似文献   

The overall, spatially averaged, mean magnitude of local, spatially averaged (over a small area enclosing the particles’ projected area), instantaneous, critical Shields shear-stress parameters required for incipient motion of uniform-sized sand grains, independent of the bed shear-velocity particle Reynolds number, equal to 0.16, is obtained from calibration of a theory for bed load sediment transport, by minimizing the sum of the squares of the deviations between theoretical and experimental bed load rates. Additionally, optimized expressions for a proposed probability density distribution of the bed shear stresses, for its standard deviation, for finite, maximum, and minimum bed shear stresses, and a bed load rate are obtained. In terms of the mean fluid shear stress, a dimensionless, critical, shear-stress parameter equal to 0.0513 is obtained. Investigation of the probability density distribution of the spatially varying, critical shear stresses would allow a more accurate formulation for the case of low transport rates.  相似文献   

Based on two-dimensional (2D) flow model simulations, the effects of the radial structure of the flow (e.g., the nonuniformity of the velocity profile) on the pipe wall shear stress, τw, are determined in terms of bulk parameters such as to allow improved 1D modeling of unsteady contribution of τw. An unsteady generalization, for both laminar and turbulent flows, of the quasi-stationary relationship between τw and the friction slope, J, decomposes the additional unsteady contribution into an instantaneous energy dissipation term and an inertial term (that is, based on the local average acceleration-deceleration effects). The relative importance of these two effects is investigated in a transient laminar flow and an analysis of the range of applicability of this kind of approach of representing unsteady friction is presented. Finally, the relation between the additional inertial term and Boussinesq momentum coefficient, is clarified. Although laminar pipe flows are a special case in engineering practice, solutions in this flow regime can provide some insight into the behavior of the transient wall shear stress, and serve as a preliminary step to the solutions of unsteady turbulent pipe flows.  相似文献   

A depth-averaged two-dimensional (2D) numerical model for unsteady flow and nonuniform sediment transport in open channels is established using the finite volume method on a nonstaggered, curvilinear grid. The 2D shallow water equations are solved by the SIMPLE(C) algorithms with the Rhie and Chow’s momentum interpolation technique. The proposed sediment transport model adopts a nonequilibrium approach for nonuniform total-load sediment transport. The bed load and suspended load are calculated separately or jointly according to sediment transport mode. The sediment transport capacity is determined by four formulas which are capable of accounting for the hiding and exposure effects among different size classes. An empirical formula is proposed to consider the effects of the gravity on the sediment transport capacity and the bed-load movement direction in channels with steep slopes. Flow and sediment transport are simulated in a decoupled manner, but the sediment module adopts a coupling procedure for the computations of sediment transport, bed change, and bed material sorting. The model has been tested against several experimental and field cases, showing good agreement between the simulated results and measured data.  相似文献   

In this study, the proposed one-dimensional model simulates the nonequilibrium transport of nonuniform total load under unsteady flow conditions in dendritic channel networks with hydraulic structures. The equations of sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting are solved in a coupling procedure with a direct solution technique, while still decoupled from the flow model. This coupled model for sediment calculation is more stable and less likely to produce negative values for bed-material gradation than the traditional fully decoupled model. The sediment transport capacity is calculated by one of four formulas, which have taken into consideration the hiding and exposure mechanism of nonuniform sediment transport. The fluvial erosion at bank toes and the mass failure of banks are simulated to complement the modeling of bed morphological changes in channels. The tests in several cases show that the present model is capable of predicting sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting in various situations, with reasonable accuracy and reliability.  相似文献   

Test of a Method to Calculate Near-Bank Velocity and Boundary Shear Stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detailed knowledge of the flow and boundary shear stress fields near the banks of natural channels is essential for making accurate calculations of rates of near-bank sediment transport and geomorphic adjustment. This paper presents a high-resolution laboratory data set of velocity and boundary shear stress measurements and uses it to test a relatively simple, fully predictive, numerical method for determining these distributions across the cross-section of a straight channel. The measurements are made in a flume with a fairly complex cross-section that includes a simulated, cobble-roughened floodplain. The method tested is that reported by Kean and Smith in Riparian Vegetation and Fluvial Geomorphology in 2004, which is modified here to include the effects of drag on clasts located in the channel. The calculated patterns of velocity and boundary shear stress are shown to be in reasonable agreement with the measurements. The principal differences between the measured and calculated fields are the result of secondary circulations, which are not included in the calculation. Better agreement with the structure of the measured streamwise velocity field is obtained by distorting the calculated flow field with the measured secondary flow. Calculations for a variety of narrower and wider configurations of the original flume geometry are used to show how the width-to-depth ratio affects the distribution of velocity and boundary shear stress across the channel.  相似文献   

Effect of Bed Armoring on Bed Topography of Channel Bends   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two-dimensional numerical model previously developed by the writers for modeling the bed variations in a channel bend with uniform sediment is upgraded to incorporate the nonuniformity of sediment particles as well as bed armoring. In this model, the two-dimensional, depth-averaged, unsteady flow equations along with the bed-load mass conservation equation are solved in a body-fitted coordinate system by using the Beam and Warming alternating-direction implicit (ADI) scheme. A one-dimensional bed surface armoring approach is extended herein for application to a two-dimensional domain. The model is applied to a 180° bend with a constant radius under unsteady flow conditions. Numerical simulations are carried out to study the effect of bed armoring on the bed deformations in channel bends. Results show that bed armoring reduces scour in channel bends.  相似文献   

Semianalytical equations were derived for distribution of shear stress in straight open channels with rectangular, trapezoidal, and compound cross sections. These equations are based on a simplified streamwise vorticity equation that includes secondary Reynolds stresses. Reynolds stresses were then modeled and their different terms were evaluated based on the work of previous researchers and experimental data. Substitution of these terms into the simplified vorticity equation yielded the relative shear stress distribution equation along the width of different channel cross sections. In compound channels the effect of additional secondary flows due to the shear layer between the main channel and the flood plain were also considered. Comparisons between predictions of the model and experimental data, predictions of other analytical or three dimensional numerical models with advanced turbulent closures, were made with good agreement.  相似文献   

Theoretical predictions of wall shear stresses in unsteady turbulent flows in pipes are developed for all flow conditions from fully smooth to fully rough and for Reynolds numbers from 103 to 108. A weighting function approach is used, based on a two-region viscosity distribution in the pipe cross section that is consistent with the Colebrook–White expression for steady-state wall friction. The basic model is developed in an analytical form and the resulting weighting function is then approximated as a sum of exponentials using a modified form of an approximation due to Trikha. A straightforward method is presented for the determination of appropriate values of coefficients for any particular Reynolds number and pipe roughness ratio. The end result is a method that can be used relatively easily by analysts seeking to model unsteady flows in pipes and ducts.  相似文献   

Shear Stress in Smooth Rectangular Open-Channel Flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The average bed and sidewall shear stresses in smooth rectangular open-channel flows are determined after solving the continuity and momentum equations. The analysis shows that the shear stresses are function of three components: (1) gravitational; (2) secondary flows; and (3) interfacial shear stress. An analytical solution in terms of series expansion is obtained for the case of constant eddy viscosity without secondary currents. In comparison with laboratory measurements, it slightly overestimates the average bed shear stress measurements but underestimates the average sidewall shear stress by 17% when the width–depth ratio becomes large. A second approximation is formulated after introducing two empirical correction factors. The second approximation agrees very well (R2>0.99 and average relative error less than 6%) with experimental measurements over a wide range of width–depth ratios.  相似文献   

Distributions of bed shear stress across the width of a rotating circular flume with smooth and rough bed surfaces were obtained by measurement and model prediction. Results with flows over smooth beds showed that the flow in the central part may be considered to be two-dimensional and that effects of flow depth over the operating range of the flume are minor for flow depths not exceeding 0.14 m. For rough beds, the bed shear stress distributions were found to be skewed toward the inner wall. This can be corrected if a compensating roughness is added to the bottom of the ring. Such measures are also effective for flumes with smooth beds. Measured bed shear stress distributions agreed well with the predicted distributions for smooth beds and reasonably well for rough beds. The modified Preston tube, for measurement of bed shear stress in flows over rough beds, was found to give promising results. Further tests are required to completely define the uncertainty in bed shear stress measurements made with this instrument.  相似文献   

The Manning formula is used routinely to calculate the mean velocity of uniform flow. Although this empirical formula is effective when applied to uniform flow in simple rectangular or trapezoidal cross sections, the roughness coefficient of the formula is variable when examining flow in a pipe that is partially full. Thus, the coefficient must be altered depending on the relative depth of fluid in the pipe. As this seems to be due to the definition of the hydraulic radius, a new definition of hydraulic radius is proposed here that was used to calculate a hydraulic elements chart for flow in pipes with a constant roughness coefficient. The results of the calculations showed very good agreement with Camp’s chart. Furthermore, with adjustment of the “free-surface weight factor,” this method was also capable of expressing other hydraulic elements charts reported previously. This new definition of hydraulic radius can also be applied to flow in simple cross sections and may be developed further for use with compound channel flows in future studies.  相似文献   

The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is used to simulate the particle resuspension process in a two-dimensional simple shear flow. At first, the lift force on a single disk-shaped particle attached at the channel wall is computed. It is found that when the particle is allowed to freely move in the viscous fluid, the resulting lift force is smaller than that when the particle is constrained to be stationary. The bulk properties of fluids with particles suspended under various concentrations are numerically calculated. The results agree reasonably well with analytical results by Batchelor when the volume fraction is lower than 50%. The resuspension process of a group of particles (up to 500) is simulated at different particle-to-fluid density ratios. It is found that the height and shape of particle bed depend on the particle density ratio and flow conditions. Interactions of groups of particles as well as the final shape of the bedform of the particles were studied during this resuspension process. Finally, the pressure distribution and flow above the bedform of particles was examined. The results obtained agree well with those observed in naturally occurring bedforms of sediments.  相似文献   

The unsteady flow and solid transport simulation problem in artificial channels is solved using a three-equation model, coupled with a local erosion law. The three equations are the water mass and momentum balance equations, as well as the total solid load balance equation. It is shown that even during severe hydrological events inertial terms can be neglected in the momentum equation without any substantial change in the solution sought. Empirical equilibrium formulas were used to estimate the solid load as a function of the flow variables. Local erosion, due to the scour generated at the jump between two channels connected at different bottom elevations, was estimated adapting a literature formulation. The double order approximation time and space marching scheme, previously proposed for the solution of the unsteady flow problem in the fixed-bed case, is applied to the solution of the new system. The model was validated with both literature and new laboratory experimental data. No parameter calibration was used to fit the computed results to the experimental ones.  相似文献   

Depth-Averaged Shear Stress and Velocity in Open-Channel Flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Turbulent momentum and velocity always have the greatest gradient along wall-normal direction in straight channel flows; this has led to the hypothesis that surplus energy within any control volume in a three-dimensional flow will be transferred toward its nearest boundary to dissipate. Starting from this, the boundary shear stress, the Reynolds shear stress, and the velocity profiles along normal lines of smooth boundary may be determined. This paper is a continuous effort to investigate depth-average shear stress and velocity in rough channels. Equations of the depth-averaged shear stress in typical open channels have been derived based on a theoretical relation between the depth-averaged shear stress and boundary shear stress. Equation of depth mean velocity in a rough channel is also obtained and the effects of water surface (or dip phenomenon) and roughness are included. Experimental data available in the literature have been used for verification that shows that the model reasonably agrees with the measured data.  相似文献   

Nonuniform-unsteady flow in open channels with streamwise sloping beds having uniform upward seepage is theoretically analyzed. Expressions for the Reynolds stress and bed shear stress are developed, assuming a modified logarithmic law of velocity profile due to upward seepage, and using the Reynolds and continuity equations of two-dimensional open channel flow. The computed Reynolds stress profiles are in agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The dynamic behavior of bed-load sediment transport under unsteady flow conditions is experimentally and numerically investigated. A series of experiments are conducted in a rectangular flume (18?m in length, 0.80?m in width) with various triangular and trapezoidal shaped hydrographs. The flume bed of 8?cm in height consists of scraped uniform small gravel of D50 = 4.8??mm. Analysis of the experimental results showed that bed-load transport rates followed the temporal variation of the triangular and trapezoidal hydrographs with a time lag on the average of 11 and 30?s, respectively. The experimental data were also qualitatively investigated employing the unsteady-flow parameter and total flow work index. The analysis results revealed that total yield increased exponentially with the total flow work. An original expression which is based on the net acceleration concept was proposed for the unsteadiness parameter. Analysis of the results then revealed that the total yield increased exponentially with the increase in the value of the proposed unsteadiness parameter. Further analysis of the experimental results revealed that total flow work has an inverse exponential variation relation with the lag time. A one-dimensional numerical model that employs the governing equations for the conservation of mass for water and sediment and the momentum was also developed to simulate the experimental results. The momentum equation was approximated by the diffusion wave approach, and the kinematic wave theory approach was employed to relate the bed sediment flux to the sediment concentration. The model successfully simulated measured sedimentographs. It predicted sediment yield, on the average, with errors of 7% and 15% of peak loads for the triangular and trapezoidal hydrograph experiments, respectively.  相似文献   

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