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Myelin Gangliosides in Vertebrates   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Abstract: A phylogenetic survey of brain myelin ganglioside patterns and concentrations has been carried out on 16 vertebrate species. Gangliosides were isolated from purified myelin and found to vary in concentration from 25 μg of sialic acid per 100 mg of myeh for goldfish to a value of 395 for turkey. The latter species had approximately equivalent amounts of GM1 and GM4 as the two major gangliosides. The 11 mammals studied all had GM1 as the major ganglioside, with variable amounts of GM4; rhesus monkey and human had 20-25% GM4, whereas the others had less than 10%. Amphibia and fish myelin contained the least total ganglioside, with patterns that showed relatively little GM1 and no detectable GM4. Alligator myelin was unique in having a total concentration as high as the avian species, but a pattern with predominantly diand trisialo gangliosides.  相似文献   

Myelins of the PNS were isolated from human motor and sensory nerves of cauda equina, and their ganglioside compositions were compared. The predominant ganglioside in the human PNS myelins, both from motor and sensory nerves, was LM1 (sialosylneolactotetraosylceramide). Sialosyl-nLc6Cer and disialosyl-nLc4Cer, GD3, GM3, and GD1b were detected as common components of the two nerve myelins. Furthermore, it was revealed that the motor nerve myelin contained GM1 (about 15% of total gangliosides), whereas sensory nerve myelin contained only a trace amount of GM1 (less than 5%), by TLC analyses together with TLC immunostaining using anti-GM1 antibody. As for the disialoganglioside fraction, the content of GD1a, as well as that of GM1, differed in motor and sensory nerves. Thus, the different contents of the ganglioseries gangliosides in human motor and sensory nerve myelins were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin from the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) banded at a density of 0.38 M sucrose. The main myelin proteins consisted of (1) two basic proteins, BPa and BPb (11,500 and 13,000 MW, similar to those of trout central nervous system (CNS) myelin proteins BP1 and BP2), and (2) two glycosylated components, IPb (24,400 MW) and IPc (26,200 MW). IPc comigrated with trout CNS myelin protein IP2 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas trout CNS myelin protein IP1 had a lower molecular weight (23,000). Following two-dimensional separation, however, both IPb and IPc from PNS showed two components; the more acidic component of IPc comigrated with IP2 from CNS. PNS tissue autolysis led to the formation of IPa (20,000 MW), consisting of two components in isoelectric focusing of which again the more acidic one comigrated with the CNS autolysis product IP0. Limited enzymatic digestion of isolated IP proteins from PNS and CNS led to closely similar degradation patterns, being most pronounced in the case of IP2 and IPc. Immunoblotting revealed that all IP components from trout PNS and CNS myelins reacted with antibodies to trout IP1 (CNS) and bovine P0 protein (PNS) whereas antibodies to rat PLP (CNS) were entirely unreactive. All BP components from trout PNS and CNS myelins bound to antibodies against human myelin basic protein. On the basis of these studies trout PNS and CNS myelins contain at least one common IP glycoprotein, whereas other members of the IP myelin protein family appear closely related. In the CNS myelin of trout the IP components appear to replace PLP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gangliosides were partially purified from goldfish brain and fractionated by DEAE Fractogel column chromatography. Each fraction was then analyzed by HPTLC and also by HPLC after conversion of the gangliosides to 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazides. The tetrasialoganglioside GQ1c was found to constitute more than 50% of the total gangliosides. Gangliosides in smaller quantities were also tentatively identified. These included GT1b, GT1c, GT2, GT3, GD1a, and several others. By using this information, the amounts of individual gangliosides in various regions of goldfish central nervous system were compared. Although all areas of brain examined contained similar concentrations of gangliosides, with GQ1c as the predominant component, retina and optic nerve contained significantly lower concentrations of GQ1c, and GM3 was the major component.  相似文献   

Abstract: Several sulfated lipids were detected in the ganglioside fraction isolated from a cell line of oligodendrocyte progenitors that had been metabolically labeled with [35S]sulfate. Separation of the ganglioside fraction by two-dimensional TLC showed that, except for galactosylceramide-sulfate, none of the sulfate-labeled lipids comigrated with those glycosphingolipids visualized by orcinol staining, indicating that these sulfolipids were quantitatively minor components. At least eight sulfate-labeled lipid bands were susceptible to desialylation by Arthrobacter ureafaciens neuraminidase, which resulted in the formation of three new bands that retained the labeled sulfate. Six of the sulfate-labeled lipid bands containing sialic acid were also susceptible to Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase, which generated two labeled bands that appeared identical to the two major products formed after treatment with A. ureafaciens neuraminidase. In vivo labeling of lipids from 14-day-old rat brain with [35S]sulfate demonstrated that the synthesis of sulfated lipids containing sialic acid also occurred in intact brain tissue. These results show that sulfated gangliosides are synthesized in the CNS and that oligodendrocytes are one cell type that contributes to this synthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: The present study examined myelin gangliosides in the developing offspring of rats that were pair-fed control or ethanol liquid diets prior to and during gestation. Between 17 and 31 days of age, we observed an increase in the proportion of GM1 in myelin (from 15% to 38% of ganglioside sialic acid) and a decrease in the proportion of GT1b (from 26% to 4%). GM4 was detected at all ages examined. Between 17 and 31 days of age, there was an increase in the proportion of N -acetylman-nosamine-derived radioactivity associated with GM1 (from 16% to 22%) and GM4 (from 5% to 13%), and a decrease in that associated with GT1b (from 24% to 4%). Small, but sygnificant (p < 0.05), developmentally related differences were found in GD2 and GD3. Detection of GM4 in myelin of young rats in the present study appears to depend on the use of nonpartitioning methods of ganglioside extraction. Although the distribution of myelin gangliosides and radioactivity was near-normal in ethanol-treated pups, there was a consistent decrease in the proportion and radioactivity associated with the major myelin ganglioside, GM1.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ganglioside composition of rat trigeminal nerve was studied during development in order to understand the changes that occur as a result of cellular differentiation in the nerve. The ganglioside composition of the trigeminal nerve was entirely different from that of brain. The major gangliosides in adult trigeminal nerve were GM3, GD3, and LM1 (sialosyl-lactoneotetraosylceramide or sialosylparagloboside). The structure of LM1 and other gangliosides was established by enzymatic degradation and by analysis of the products of acid hydrolysis. At 2 days after birth, when the Schwann cells were immature, GM3 and GD3 were the major gangliosides in the nerve, 50 and 18 mol %, respectively. As the nerve developed and Schwann cells proliferated and myelinated the axons, the mol % of GM3 and GD3 reduced and that of LM1 steadily increased. Polysialogangliosides did not change drastically with nerve development. The rate of deposition of LM1 in the nerve with age was very similar to that of myelin marker lipids, cerebrosides, and sulfatides; thus, deposition appears to be localized mainly in the rat nerve myelin. LM1 also had long-chain fatty acids 22:0 and 24:0, which are not usually found in CNS gangliosides. The ganglioside pattern of the rat trigeminal nerve was very similar to that of rat sciatic nerve, but was different from that of rabbit and chicken sciatic nerve. The activity of the two key enzymes involved in the metabolism of GM3, viz., CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid:lactosylceramide sialyltransferase and UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine:GM3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase, was also studied during development of the nerve and brain. The developmental profiles of both enzymes were consistent with the amounts of GM3 present in the nerve.  相似文献   

Abstract: Autoimmune response following peripheral nerve injury in mice was investigated in the present work. Antibodies specific to gangliosides and myelin proteinaceous constituents are produced in mice following sciatic nerve cut. Results are discussed with regard to the possible relevance of the immunological response to nerve regeneration.  相似文献   

A recently described 170,000-Mr glycoprotein, specific to peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin, was purified from rat PNS myelin by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and used to immunize guinea pigs and rabbits. The resultant antisera proved specific for 170,000-Mr glycoprotein by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, by immunoprecipitation of the appropriate peptide from solubilized PNS myelin, and by immunoblot analysis of rat PNS myelin. The anti-rat 170,000-Mr glycoprotein antisera cross-reacted with proteins of similar molecular weight in human and bovine PNS myelin, but such proteins were not detected in human or rat CNS myelin or other rat tissues. The 170,000-Mr glycoprotein was also detected by this immunoblot procedure in recently isolated rat Schwann cells but not in those kept in culture for greater than or equal to 3 days. By indirect immunofluorescent microscopy, anti-rat 170,000-Mr glycoprotein antibody bound to rat PNS myelin sheaths but not to other rat tissues. Together, these studies indicate the 170,000-Mr glycoprotein is specific to PNS myelin of several species and that a neuronal influence may be required for its expression by Schwann cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the regulation of oleic acid synthesis in the PNS. During mouse postnatal development, the proportion of 18:1 rises in the sciatic nerve from 17% at 5 days of age to 33% at 25 days. However, this rise does not occur in the dysmyelinating mutant mouse trembler. In normal mouse development, the total stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) activity measured in sciatic nerve homogenates is high during the first 3 weeks. Yet in trembler nerves, this SCD activity represents only 15% of normal values. Using the RT-PCR technique, we demonstrate that the SCD2 isoform is predominantly expressed in the PNS. Northern blot analysis showed that the mRNA levels for SCD2 parallel those of other specific myelin proteins in both normal mouse and trembler mutant development. Similar experiments in a rat demyelination-remyelination model confirmed that SCD2 mRNA levels are regulated in the PNS in a similar manner to myelin-specific proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract: A comprehensive study was carried out to clarify the chemical compositions of spinal cord, cord myelin, and myelin subfractions of multiple sclerosis (MS). The protein compositions of normal-appearing cerebral white matter and cerebral plaque and periplaque tissues were also analyzed for comparison. MS whole cord samples were found to contain higher amounts of water compared with normal samples. The total lipid contents were below normal. Among the individual lipids, cholesterol content remained unchanged, whereas cholesteryl esters appeared increased in MS cords. The acidic phospholipid concentrations were found to be lower than normal. Glycolipids, such as cerebrosides GM4, GM1, and GD1b, which are abundant in myelin, were all decreased. However, the concentrations of GM3 and GD3, which are more characteristic of reactive astrocytes, were highly elevated. The total protein content of MS cord samples was decreased, and the decrease was attributable to the loss of myelin proteins as evidenced by the low recovery of myelin. The concentrations of myelin-specific proteins, such as proteolipid protein and myelin basic protein, were significantly reduced. Other changes in the protein compositions included the accretion of two low molecular weight proteins of approximately 11,000 and 12,000, and the appearance of a periodic acid-Schiff-positive protein with the same electrophoretic mobility as the P0 protein. Analysis of the isolated myelin indicated that it had a grossly normal protein composition. However, the two low molecular weight proteins and the P0 protein appeared to be enriched in an upper-phase cord subtraction. We attribute the appearance of the two low molecular weight proteins to the breakdown of proteolipid protein and/or myelin basic protein as a result of demyelination, and the appearance of P0 to the involvement of PNS myelin. The latter finding provides the first biochemical evidence that in MS cord, remyelination can be achieved in part by invading Schwann cells and/or by the small number of Schwann cells that may be present in the cord.  相似文献   

We have examined the metabolism of phosphate and sulfate groups modifying the P0 protein, the major protein of peripheral nervous system myelin, using an in vitro incubation system. Incorporation of [3H]leucine into the P0 peptide backbone decreased approximately 25-fold between 10 and 90 days of age, a finding reflecting a decreased rate of myelin synthesis in the older animals. In contrast, incorporation of [32P]phosphate into P0 decreased only four- to fivefold, a result indicating that phosphate groups are metabolized independently of the peptide backbone. Developmental decreases in the incorporation of sulfate groups into P0 were similar to those seen for leucine, an observation suggesting that this modifying group is metabolized together with the peptide backbone as a single metabolic entity. The time course of labeling of P0 isolated from the starting homogenate and from myelin was also compared. Results are consistent with sulfation of P0 protein taking place before insertion of newly synthesized P0 into myelin. In contrast, incorporation of phosphate into P0 appears to involve both the newly synthesized pool and the preexisting pool of P0 in myelin. Presumably, entry of phosphate into P0 in myelin involves turnover of preexisting phosphate groups and rephosphorylation by myelin protein kinases. Developmental decreases in the specific activity of P0 phosphate groups in myelin are consistent with the presence of a small, rapidly turning-over pool of phosphorylated P0 (perhaps associated with the axon-myelin interface), which does not increase to the same extent as the marked increase in bulk myelin that occurs during development.  相似文献   

Abstract: Single-bilayer vesicles of myelin are desirable for studying myelin development and metabolism. Accordingly, our interest was drawn to a procedure for ves-iculating myelin (Steck et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 509, 397–408, 1978). We used X-ray diffraction analysis to examine these putative vesicle preparations because much larger amounts of material can be surveyed by this method than by electron microscopy. The sharpness (width) of the rings in the X-ray diffraction pattern varies inversely with the number of bilayers per multilayer structure. We therefore expected to see the diffuse diffraction pattern characteristic of single bilayers. Diffraction patterns were recorded from isolated rat brain myelin before and after the vesiculation procedure. Both patterns showed sharp rings, indicating numerous multilayered structures. Average values ranging from 7 to 10 bilayers per multilayer were calculated in both cases. This procedure did produce a small fraction of single-bilayer structures, which were isolated by differential centnfu gation; however, these accounted for only about 1% of the total myelin present. The diffraction pattern of this material showed the diffuse band typical of single-bilayer structures, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated it had the same protein composition as in normal myelin. Similar results were also obtained using either fresh or frozen bovine brain myelin. Variations of the published vesiculation procedure (incubation in 0.1 M NaCl or in buffers containing glycerol; disruption by sonication or use of a Tissumizer) also were not effective in breaking down the multilamellar fragments into thinner structures. We conclude that the multilamellar fragments of isolated CNS myelin resist disruption into single-bilayer structures.  相似文献   

A Novel Subtype of Prostacyclin Receptor in the Central Nervous System   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, in the course of our search for the prostacyclin receptor in the brain, we found a novel subtype, designated as IP2, which was finely discriminated by use of the specific ligand (15R)-16-m-tolyl-17,18,19,20-tetranorisocarbacyclin (15R-TIC) and specifically localized in the rostral part of the brain. In the present study, the tritiated compound 15R-[15-(3)H]TIC was synthesized and utilized for more specific research on IP2. The specificity of binding to rat brain regions was confirmed by use of several prostacyclin derivatives including 15S-TIC. Mapping of 15R- and 15S-[3H]TIC binding in adjacent pairs of frozen sections of rat brain demonstrated a quite similar pattern of distribution in almost all rostral brain regions, indicating that the regions may contain only the IP2 subtype. On the other hand, 15R-[3H]TIC binding was very faint as compared with 15S-[3H]TIC binding in the caudal medullary region. High densities of 15R-[3H]TIC binding sites were shown in the dorsal part of the lateral septal nucleus, thalamic nuclei, limbic structures, and some of the cortical regions. Scatchard plot analysis showed two components of high-affinity 15R-[3H]TIC binding in the rostral regions, one with a K(D) value at approximately 1 nM and the other with approximately 30 nM. These results strengthen our previous finding that a different subtype of prostacyclin receptor is expressed in the CNS, and the map with 15R-[3H]TIC obtained here could guide further studies on the molecular and functional properties of the IP2.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractionation of rat sciatic nerve was developed to determine the specific localization of gangliosides in the nerve membrane fractions. Myelin, microsomal, and a plasma membrane-like fraction were isolated and purified by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. These subfractions were characterized by electron microscopy, marker enzyme assays, and their protein and lipid profile. In rat sciatic nerve myelin, 90 mol% of the total gangliosides were monosialogangliosides. LM1 (sialosyl-lactoneotetraosylceramide) (61 mol%) and GM3 (21%) were the major gangliosides of the rat nerve myelin. Two other neolacto series of gangliosides, viz., sialosyl-lactoneonorhexaosylceramide and sialosyl-lactoneooctaosylceramide, were also localized mostly in the myelin fraction. GM1 was only a minor (less than 2%) ganglioside in myelin. The ganglioside patterns of the microsomal and plasma membrane-like fractions were similar with minor quantitative differences and were entirely different from that of myelin. Monosialogangliosides were approximately 70-75 mol% of the total in these fractions. The major gangliosides of the microsomal and plasma membrane-like fractions were GM3 (approximately 40%) and GM1 (approximately 20%). LM1 in these fractions was minimal (less than approximately 5%). Significant amounts of GM3 with N-glycolylneuraminic acid (approximately 10%) and GM1b (4-14%) were also identified in the microsomal and plasma membrane-like fractions but not in myelin. These and the higher lactoneo series of gangliosides have not been previously reported to be present in the rat nervous system. Almost exclusive localization of LM1 in myelin in rat peripheral nervous system is consistent with our previous observation that deposition of LM1 in the nerve with age was very similar to that of myelin marker lipids cerebrosides and sulfatides.  相似文献   

Deoxycytidine Transport and Metabolism in the Central Nervous System   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Abstract: The mechanisms by which deoxycytidine enters and leaves brain, choroid plexus, and CSF were investigated by injecting [3H]deoxycytidine intraarterially, intravenously, and intraventricularly. After intracarotid injection of deoxycytidine (1.0 μM) into rats, deoxycytidine did not pass through the blood-brain barrier at a faster rate than sucrose. [3H]Deoxycytidine, either alone or together with unlabeled deoxycytidine, was infused at a constant rate into conscious adult rabbits. At 130 min, [3H]deoxycytidine readily entered CSF, choroid plexus, and brain. In brain, approx. 60% of the nonvolatile radioactivity was attributable to [3H]deoxycytidine phosphates. The addition of 0.22 mmol/kg unlabeled deoxycytidine to the infusion syringe decreased the phosphorylation of [3H]deoxycytidine in brain by approx. 50%; the addition of 2.2 mmol/kg of unlabeled deoxycytidine to the infusion syringe decreased the relative entry of [3H]deoxycytidine into CSF and brain by approx. 50 and 75%, respectively. Two hours after the intraventricular injection of [3H]deoxycytidine, [3H]deoxycytidine was rapidly cleared from CSF, in part, to brain, where approx. 65% of the [3H]deoxycytidine was converted to [3H]deoxycytidine phosphates. The intraventricular injection of unlabeled deoxycytidine with the [3H]deoxycytidine decreased the phosphorylation of [3H]deoxycytidine in the brain significantly and also decreased the clearance of [3H]deoxycytidine from the CSF. These results were interpreted as showing that the entry of deoxycytidine from blood into CSF occurs by a saturable transport system within the choroid plexus. Once within the CSF, the deoxycytidine can enter brain, undergo phosphorylation to deoxycytidine phosphates, and subsequently be incorporated into DNA.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have created transgenic mice bearing varying copy numbers of a transgene coding for normal DM-20, the alternatively spliced quantitatively minor isoform of myelin proteolipid protein. Demyelination of the CNS occurs as a consequence of 70 copies of this transgene. Overt symptoms begin at ∼3 months with a wobbling gait. Occasional seizures lasting a few seconds begin at 3–4 months. These symptoms progress in severity with age. Death occurs by 8–10 months. Myelination in 2-month-old animals, before the onset of any overt symptoms, appears morphologically normal at the electron microscopic level. However, the myelin in these 2-month-old animals has a reduced amount of the major myelin proteolipid protein and about three times as much DM-20 as normal animals. In 7-month-old animals that appear to be undergoing demyelination in the CNS, both the major myelin proteolipid protein and DM-20 are greatly reduced relative to the 2-month-old animal. Mice with 17 copies of the transgene also have a reduced amount of the major myelin proteolipid protein but appear to be otherwise normal and have normal life spans (>2 yr). Mice with low copy numbers of the transgene (2–4 copies) appear to be unaffected and have normal life spans.  相似文献   

Cleavage of bovine P2 protein by cyanogen bromide (CNBr) produced peptide fractions CN1, CN2, and CN3 which were isolated by gel filtration chromatography. CN2 was found to contain two NH2-terminals (lysine and valine) and accounted for both of the cysteine residues of P2. When reduced carboxymethylated P2 (RCM-P2) was digested with CNBr, peptides CN1 and CN3 were obtained as were (1) a peptide with NH2-terminal lysine (Lys) that contained no homoserine and only one cysteine residue and (2) a peptide with NH2-terminal valine (Val) that was co-eluted with CN3. These data and the chemical characterization of all the CNBr peptides obtained from P2 and RCM-P2 suggest that isolated P2 protein has a structure composed of the CNBr peptides in the order CN3-CN1-CN2(Val)-CN2(Lys) with an intrachain disulfide bond between the cysteine residues located in the two constituent peptides of CN2, CN2(Lys) and CN2(Val). To locate the neuritogenic region(s) within the P2 protein structure, CN1, CN2, and CN3 were tested for the ability to induced experimental allergic neuritis (EAN) in Lewis rats. The disease-inducing sites of P2 protein were found only in CN1; neither CN2 nor CN3 produced disease. EAN induced by CN1 was comparable to that induced with P2 protein as determined by disease onset, clinical symptoms, and histologic lesions.  相似文献   

The suitability of isolated central nerve myelin preparations for probe labelling studies was assessed and the accessibility of galactosyl ceramides in myelin to galactose oxidase and sodium periodate was determined. Isolated myelin preparations present a uniform external membrane surface to added probes because lamellae in the myelin sheath separate at their external apposition surfaces exclusively during isolation. The cytoplasmic apposition remains intact in isolated myelin. Cationised ferritin can gain access along external apposition regions of inner lamellae in multilamellar fragments of isolated myelin, indicating that proteins and lipids on the external membrane surface will be accessible to probes. Over 50% of the total galactosyl ceramides of myelin are accessible to galactose oxidase attack; hydroxy fatty acid- and nonhydroxy fatty acid-containing cerebrosides are equally attacked. Sodium periodate attacks over 90% of the galactosyl ceramides in isolated myelin at 20°C and electron micrographs of the periodate-treated myelin reveal changes at the external apposition only. Galactosyl ceramides in vesicles of myelin lipid vesicles are not so readily attacked by periodate. The disposition of galactosyl ceramides in the myelin lamellae is discussed.  相似文献   

线粒体是一种高度动态的细胞器,通过不断的融合和分裂维持其动态平衡,参与生理病理功能调节。线粒体融合与分裂主要由融合分裂相关蛋白调控,如Drp1、Fis1、Mfn1、Mfn2、OPA1等,多种诱导因子通过调节线粒体融合分裂相关蛋白表达及活化进而调节线粒体形态和生理功能。现有研究表明线粒体融合分裂的异常可能是许多中枢神经系统疾病的发病机制之一。本文从线粒体融合分裂的分子调控机制及其在缺血性脑中风、帕金森综合征和阿尔兹海默症等中枢神经系统疾病中的研究进展方面进行综述,为相关疾病的防治提供一定参考和线索。  相似文献   

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