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In recent years, relevant interest has been devoted to activated sludge disintegration and solubilisation techniques in order to cope with the biological limitations related to particulate degradation. Mechanical disintegration with ultrasound can efficiently transform insoluble organics into a soluble form: the solubilised organic matter is released from the cells to the bulk phase, thus accelerating the hydrolysis step in the digestion process. Experiments were carried out on bench scale anaerobic reactors fed with either untreated or disintegrated excess sludge, added with a biomass inoculum taken from a full scale anaerobic digester. Digestion tests have been carried out at different feed/inoculum ratios (F/I) in the range of 0.1-2, kinetics of VS reduction has been investigated and a beneficial effect of sonication is observed for all the experimental conditions. Similar beneficial results have also been found for biogas production with a maximum gain of 25% at 0.5 F/I ratio.  相似文献   

碱-热法预处理改善污泥厌氧消化性能的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用传统热化学法(简称同步法)促进污泥水解,将污水厂浓缩污泥预先用NaOH处理24 h,然后再进行热处理(简称碱-热法)。以生物化学甲烷势(BMP)试验后污泥的溶解性化学需氧量(SCOD)去除率和产气量来评价碱-热法预处理对污泥厌氧消化性能的影响。BMP试验结果表明:经碱-热法处理的污泥,SCOD去除率是同步法预处理污泥SCOD去除率的1.06~1.31倍,产气量是同步法预处理污泥产气量的1.08~1.31倍。可见,碱-热法能有效提高污泥中有机物的可生化性,减少厌氧消化后污泥的剩余SCOD浓度,提高生物气产量。  相似文献   

A major limitation of anaerobic sludge digestion is the long hydraulic retention time (HRT) required for satisfactory stabilization which results in large digester size. This study explored a possibility of operating digesters at shortened HRTs by sonication pretreatment of secondary sludges. Four identical digesters designated D1, D2, D3 and D4 were fed with untreated and sludge sonicated at densities of 0.18 W/ml, 0.33 W/ml and 0.52 W/ml, respectively. All digesters were operated at three HRTs of 8-day, 4-day and 2-day. Comparing with the control digester (D1), total solids removal efficiencies improved by 12-19%, 17-36% and 20-39% in digesters D2, D3 and D4, respectively. The volatile solids removal was also increased by 11-21%, 17-33% and 19-36% in the respective digesters. The improved solids degradation corresponded with increase in biogas production by 1.4-2.5, 1.9-3.0 and 1.6-3.1 times, respectively. Increase in methane composition by 2-17% was also noted in all digesters fed with sonicated sludge. An analysis indicated that sonication pretreatment could enhance degradation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur substances in the digestion. The study suggested that sonication of sludge is a possible pretreatment to shorten the digester operating HRT with improvement in solids degradation, biogas production and methane content. It can be deduced that to maintain a consistent solids loading at a desire performance, sludge digester with smaller size can be designed.  相似文献   

Three UASB reactors were operated at different salinity levels in order to assess the effects on the granular sludge properties. High levels of activity inhibition were observed at sodium concentrations over 7 g Na(+)/L, which resulted in low applicable organic loading rates and VFA accumulation in reactor effluents. However, either sludge adaptation or selection for saline resistant microorganisms occurred, which could be concluded from the observed increase in the 50% activity inhibitory concentrations of sodium during continuous flow experiments. Changes in Na(+) susceptibility in time are likely to be expected when treating saline wastewaters. The latter was evidenced by the high sodium tolerance of granular methanogenic sludge coming from a full-scale industrial reactor treating such wastewater. High salinity conditions resulted in a reduced granule strength, predicting process instabilities during long term reactor operation. Batch tests showed that high sodium concentrations seemed to displace the calcium from the granular sludge, a factor known to affect anaerobic granules formation.  相似文献   

This paper presents energy balances for various digestion systems, which include single mesophilic digestion, single thermophilic digestion, two-stage thermophilic-mesophilic digestion system and systems at elevated solids content in sludge. On the basis of a sludge flow containing 30 tons TS/day (equivalent to a 100 ML/d WWTP plant) it was shown that a two-stage thermophilic-mesophilic digestion system generated more available energy than single mesophilic digestion and single thermophilic digestion systems. Sludge thickening offered the greatest amount of available energy; however that energy surplus was offset by the cost of thickening. After the cost of thickening was converted into equivalent energy units it was shown that the price of energy is important in calculation of equivalent energy units related to operation of the thickening plant. Sludge thickening may be beneficial from energy view point compared to conventional mesophilic digestion when price of energy exceeds dollars 0.08 CAN kW-hr.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to upgrade sewage sludge to Class A Exceptional Quality biosolids (as defined by US EPA) using an electrokinetics dewatering system. The pathogens monitored were Salmonella spp, and fecal coliforms (FC). Ten bench-scale electrokinetic cells were set up for the disinfection of the following sludges: primary, secondary (attached growth culture and suspended culture), and anaerobically digested sludge. A conditioning liquid was also added to five cells. Blower system to aid in dewatering and drying was used in in four EK cells. Sludge characteristics such as water content, volatile solids content, sulfate and chloride ions concentrations, FC and Salmonella spp. before and after the tests were monitored. The highest total solids content (98% TS) was achieved in the cell with the low voltage gradient, in the presence of the conditioner and with the blower system. An average reduction by 50% of volatile solids was observed. The highest, 11 log-reduction of Salmonella spp. was observed in a cell with anaerobically digested sludge. No fecal coliforms were observed in any of the cells after EK treatment.  相似文献   

An anaerobic enrichment culture was developed from an anoxic/anaerobic/aerobic activated sludge sequencing batch reactor using methyl ethyl ketoxime (MEKO), a potent nitrification inhibitor, as the sole carbon and energy source in the absence of molecular oxygen and nitrate. The enrichment culture was gradually fed decreasing amounts of biogenic organic compounds and increasing concentrations of MEKO over 23 days until the cultures metabolized the oxime as the sole carbon source; the cultures were maintained for an additional 41 days on MEKO alone. Turbidity stabilized at approximately 100 mg/l total suspended solids. Growth on selective media Plates confirmed that the microorganisms were utilizing the MEKO as the sole carbon and energy source. The time frame required for growth indicated that the kinetics for MEKO degradation are slow. A batch test indicated that dissolved organic carbon decreased at a rate comparable to MEKO consumption, while sulfate was not consumed. The nature of the electron acceptor in anaerobic MEKO metabolism is unclear, but it is hypothesized that the MEKO is hydrolyzed intracellularly to form methyl ethyl ketone and hydroxylamine which serve as electron donor and electron acceptor, respectively.  相似文献   

污泥好氧消化影响因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
结合国内外研究成果,从生物化学反应的角度,对污泥好氧消化中的污泥浓度,溶解氧和 温度等影响因素进行了深入分析。认为好氧消化可作为我国中小型污水处理厂污泥处理的技术措 施,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

This study investigated the adsorption kinetics of dissolved copper(II) and zinc(II) by aerobic granular sludge. Two series of batch experiments were conducted at different initial copper(II), zinc(II) concentrations (Co) and initial granule concentrations (Xo). Results showed that the biosorption kinetics of individual copper(II) and zinc(II) by aerobic granules were closely related to Co and Xo. The maximum biosorption capacity of individual copper(II) and zinc(II) by aerobic granules was 246.1 mg g(-1) and 180 mg g(-1), respectively. In order to theoretically interpret the results obtained, two kinetic models previously developed for biosorption were employed and compared in this study. It was found that the model proposed by Liu et al. (2003) could fit the experimental data very well, but the second-order model failed to fit the data in some cases. It appears that aerobic granules would be potential biosorbent with high efficiency for the removal of dissolved copper(II) and zinc(II) from wastewater.  相似文献   

Aerobic granular sludge has a number of advantages over conventional activated sludge flocs, such as cohesive and strong matrix, fast settling characteristic, high biomass retention and ability to withstand high organic loadings, all aspects leading towards a compact reactor system. Still there are very few studies on the strength of aerobic granules. A procedure that has been used previously for anaerobic granular sludge strength analysis was adapted and used in this study. A new coefficient was introduced, called a stability coefficient (S), to quantify the strength of the aerobic granules. Indicators were also developed based on the strength analysis results, in order to categorize aerobic granules into three levels of strength, i.e. very strong (very stable), strong (stable) and not strong (not stable). The results indicated that aerobic granules grown on acetate were stronger (high density: >150 g T SSL(-1) and low S value: 5%) than granules developed on sewage as influent. A lower value of S indicates a higher stability of the granules.  相似文献   

污泥的自动升温高温好氧消化工艺介绍   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自动升温高温好氧消化(ATAD)作为一种污泥稳定工艺,与中、高温厌氧消化和中温好氧消化相比具有反应速度快、停留时间短、占地少、能杀灭病原体、节约能量等诸多优点。对ATAD的运行条件、作用机理及其作用效果进行了综述。  相似文献   

利用正交实验法,采用啤酒废水,在SBR反应器中对在4℃的冰箱中储存7周的好氧颗粒污泥进行活性恢复,观察储存对颗粒污泥的影响及确定颗粒污泥的最佳恢复条件。经过储存的好氧颗粒污泥,其粒径、平均沉降速率无明显变化;上层变黑的好氧颗粒污泥能较快恢复至棕黄色。好氧颗粒污泥恢复活性的最佳操作条件为进水COD持续800 mg/L,水力停留时间8 h,曝气量0.15 m3/h,沉降时间10 min。  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion improvement can be accomplished by different methods. Besides optimization of the process conditions, pretreatment of input sludge and increase of process temperature is frequently used. The thermophilic process brings a higher solids reduction and biogas production, a high resistance to foaming, no problems with odour, better pathogens destruction and an improvement of the energy balance of the whole treatment plant. Disintegration of excess activated sludge in a lysate centrifuge was proved to cause increase of biogas production in full-scale conditions. The rapid thermal conditioning of digested sludge is an acceptable method of particulate matter disintegration and solubilization.  相似文献   

好氧颗粒污泥的形成机理及其影晌因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面地综述了国内外在好氧颗粒污泥方面的研究现状,包括好氧颗粒污泥的基本特征、颗粒化过程中的影响因素、形成机理及其微生物组成,以及在污水处理方面的优势。同时,对其未来的研究和发展趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

对城市污泥好氧消化过程中DEHP和DMP的降解进行了研究,并重点研究了难降解有机物DEHP在不同浓度下对易降解有机物DMP的抑制效果.研究表明,好氧消化污泥对DEHP和DMP有较强的降解能力,且对DMP的降解能力明显强于DEHP,好氧消化污泥在500 mg/L难降解有机物DEHP存在的情况下,对50 mg/L有机物DMP的去除率仍高达99.8%;当DEHP的初始浓度在200 mg/L时,对DMP的降解速率影响较大,而在50 mg/L和500 mg/L时,影响较小;但历经10 d以后,不同初始浓度的DEHP对DMP的好氧降解速率几乎没有影响.  相似文献   

In this study, the impact of sludge retention time (SRT) on sludge characteristics and microbial community and the effect on membrane fouling in membrane bioreactor (MBR) was investigated. The results show that MBR with longer SRT has less fouling propensity, in agreement with other studies, despite the fact that the MBR with longer SRT contained higher MLSS and smaller particle size. However, much more soluble microbial products (SMPs) were released in MBR with shorter SRT. More slime on the membrane surface was observed in MBR with shorter SRT while sludge cakes formed on the membrane surface in MBR with longer SRT. The results show that SMP contributes to the severe fouling observed in MBR with shorter SRT, which is in agreement with other studies showing that SMPs were the major foulants in MBR. Under different SRTs of operation, the bacterial community structures of the sludge obtained by use of polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) were almost identical, but those on the membrane surface differed substantially. It suggests that, although SRT has impact on sludge characteristics, it doesn't affect the microbial community in the suspension.  相似文献   

In this study, the effectiveness of aerobic granular sludge as seed sludge for rapid start-up of nitrifying processes was investigated using a laboratory-scale continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) fed with completely inorganic wastewater which contained a high concentration of ammonia. Even when a large amount of granular biomass was inoculated in the reactor, and the characteristics of influent wastewater were abruptly changed, excess biomass washout was not observed, and biomass concentration was kept high at the start-up period due to high settling ability of the aerobic granular sludge. As a result, an ammonia removal rate immediately increased and reached more than 1.0 kg N/m(3)/d within 20 days and up to 1.8 kg N/m(3)/d on day 39. Subsequently, high rate nitritation was stably attained during 100 days. However, nitrite accumulation had been observed for 140 days before attaining complete nitrification to nitrate. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis revealed the increase in amount of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria which existed in the outer edge of the granular sludge during the start-up period. This microbial ecological change would make it possible to attain high rate ammonia removal.  相似文献   

为使多级好氧工艺达到最理想的处理效果,分别在5种污泥回流试验条件下,对曝气池4段工艺的处130020424023理效果进行比较和分析研究,从而确定污泥回流至第一厌氧反应段与第二好氧反应段的最佳比例分别为22502551501510%,回流至最后一好氧反应段的最佳比例为80%。322018  相似文献   

Membrane-coupled anaerobic digestion utilizes a concept of simultaneous sludge digestion and thickening. Membranes may successfully be applied to eliminate the need for thickening polymers and avoid their likely inhibitory effect on anaerobic biomass. A 550 L completely mixed anaerobic digester was operated under mesophilic conditions (35 degrees C). Two ultrafiltration membrane systems were evaluated for their potential in membrane-coupled anaerobic digestion: vibrating and cross flow. A volatile solids reduction of 590% was achieved at an average mixed liquor suspended solids concentration of 1.8%. The substrate utilization rate was 1.3 d(-1). The vibrating membrane operated at a flux of 1.6-2.0 m3/m2-d and the tubular membrane fluxes in the range 3.4-3.6 m3/m2-d.  相似文献   

大型污泥厌氧消化系统的启动与运行调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京小红门污水处理厂建有5座单体容积12 300m3的卵形污泥厌氧消化设施,设计沼气产量30 000m3/d。以运行数据为基础,总结了大型厌氧消化系统的启动、运行与调控经验,分析大型污泥厌氧消化系统的启动与运行特点。提出建议与措施,并提出系统优化的具体目标。  相似文献   

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