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从我国室内设计振兴以来,室内的装饰艺术品设计逐步成为热门,这主要是由两个积极性促成的:一是艺术家由架上艺术中的顽固转向室内装饰中的自由;另一部分则是装饰艺术家急于复兴和推进我国装饰艺术的辉煌。就总体而言,我认为这是件好事,艺术家们开始走出象牙之塔,面向大众,面向环境,真正把艺术还给人民。然而,由于他们缺少与室内设计师的沟通,当然有时也因室内设计师本身缺少对艺术品在室内环境中作用的认识,而产生误导,以至出现公共室内环境中装饰艺术品泛滥的现象。因此,在我们提出“国情、民情、文脉”和走中国特色室内设计之路的目标时,理顺装饰艺术品与室内设计的关系,以及理顺艺术家、装饰艺术家和室内设计师的关系,就是十分必要和适时的了。  相似文献   

这次名为“夏之爱”的展示设计是德国Schirn Kunsthalle公司承办的第二次展示设计。在这次的展示中,展斤内长70m、宽10m的环行中庭是对展示设计的一次特殊挑战。设计师之所以这样设计,目的是想要打破常规线形空间的设计手法.从而营造、分隔成两个不同的展示区域。  相似文献   

室内设计这一概念自从诞生以来,就象建筑设计一样.经历了漫长的历程,人类社会发展过程中各个阶段的室内设计风格都体现了不同时代和地区文化特征的各个层面,但如果抽去各历史时期室内风格的具体形式.而去单纯考察人们对室内空间的本质性认识.就会发现这是一个由浅入深、由表及里的渐进过程。本世纪初以来,在意识形态领域所发生的变革,不仅使建筑设计观念产生了巨大的变化,也使室内设计脱离了以往的表面性认识,而转入对空间的思考与创造。  相似文献   

上海又一座别无新意的商业酒店? 未必!上海证大丽笙酒店,将打造成一座融合现代设计、商业艺术及中国风的创新概念艺术酒店。  相似文献   

当代博物馆的设计也许可以用两个比喻概括:雕塑与收纳盒。前者,博物馆自身即是美丽的艺术品,馆内艺术品与它互补,甚至仅仅是它的陪衬——比如盖里设计的毕尔巴鄂古根汉姆博物馆和劳埃德·菜特设计的古根汉姆博物馆,过于扭曲的室内空间甚至给摆放艺术品带来了很大困难:而后者,博物馆则是一个低调的背景,等待众多优秀的艺术品来填满它,它本身可能并不闪耀夺目,却为艺术品提供了最棒的展示空间。  相似文献   

展览空间的性质不同于其他室内空间,具有较强的对外性,是一个展示丰富元素构成的"舞台",其空间本身仅强调其承载的内容,自身并无明确的含义,因此,设计师的重要职责就是构建起展陈空间与观者之间的主题表达与情感传递。通过特色的主题性展陈空间设计实例来探析主题性元素的凝练与多样的表现手法,对于室内空间界面及陈设的主题元素抽取与设计提供可借鉴的思路与方法。  相似文献   

高层建筑已经成为城市空间中不可缺少的元素,成为城市的一道亮丽风景,然而城市空间中的高层建筑设计依然存在缺陷,文章从建筑设计和城市规划两方面探讨了高层建筑设计与城市空间的关系.  相似文献   

张菁  杨颋  罗佳  冯江 《新建筑》2009,(1):42-45
探讨了一次展览的展览设计和内容之间的关系。根据在V&A“创意中国”当代中国设计展的工作经历,概述了从挑选设计师到展览开幕的展览设计过程,讨论了展览的叙述如何与空间设计的主题相互适应,细述了策展人和设计师的想法如何升华成最后的结果。目的在于梳理出展览叙事、展品与空间设计之间复杂而协调的关系,厘清展览背后的精细思考的层次,这对于有效地传达展览的主题和关键信息来说是至关重要的。希望阐明的是,展览设计对于历史上的和当代的设计作品的展示尤其不可或缺,并指出了其与美术作品展示(通常在白色的方盒子空间里)之间的不同。  相似文献   

文章从展示设计中的装饰造型、色彩应用、陈列实物、灯光应用四个基本要素着手,探讨了展示设计中的一些基本原则。  相似文献   

This paper arises from the current discussion in the United Kingdom to develop, under the auspices of the British Standards Institution a 'code of practice for investigation of potentially contaminated sites'. Within this code of practice a key element in the analysis is the sampling strategy for the collection of samples and characterisation of the site. The paper briefly summarises the current status of the development of the ideas on the sampling and pre-treatment of potentially contaminated sites, and emphasises the importance which must be attached to the sampling phase of any investigation if the outcomes are to be valid. A brief reference is made to other studies which have addressed the problem of sampling contaminated sites. These studies have considered both the design of the sampling scheme and the number of samples to be taken in relation to the costs of sampling, the nature of the potential hazard, the potential risks involved and the statistical requirements if samples are to be used to predict within given confidence limits.  相似文献   


The wide variety in country specific fire codes can dramatically affect the fire safety of home furnishings resulting in more or less escape time from structure fires. This study uses three replicates of identical rooms for each of the countries tested (France, United Kingdom, US) to increase reliability of data for a more reliable comparison. France and the US rely on smolder only furniture flammability standards while the United Kingdom relies on a combination of smolder and open flame ignition test. Each test room contained a 3 cushion couch, chair and flat panel television of identical models/manufacturers purchased from the respective countries. Additionally, each room was fitted with an identical coffee table, end table, curtain, and bookcase obtained from Walmart in the United States and 12 kg of books. All rooms were meticulously set-up to ensure comparability of results. Flat panel televisions were purchased from electronic stores in the three countries, all were 1.4 m (55 inch) Samsung FPD LED models of as similar design as possible in the markets purchased. The couches and chairs were the same Ektorp furniture line of identical color purchased from Ikea. All FPD TVs and furniture appeared to be identical. All room burns were conducted in a standard ISO 9705 room. Heat release was measured by oxygen consumption calorimetry and smoke development by light dispersion in the ventilation duct. Acute toxicity measurements were made using FTIR at two collection points, the door way and at crawling height in the center of the room. Other smoke constituents were measured for concentration of PAH, VOC, SVOCs and chlorinated and brominated dioxins and furans. Two separate collection events were performed, before and after white smoke transitioned to black smoke. The time to transition from white to black smoke for the British furnishings was five times as long as that observed for the French and US models. The same is true of the time to flashover. The average pHHR for the British rooms was 200 KW less than the US and 400 KW less than the French rooms. All rooms had pHHR between 2.5 MW and 3.3 MW. Total smoke produced for the British rooms was half that of the French and US and the Peak Smoke was delayed for the British rooms by approximately 12 min. This study illustrated that the UK standard does provide a significantly better performance for an identical size and shaped couch based on time to pHHR, pHHR, time to peak smoke, and total smoke. In addition, the chemical composition of the smoke generated in the room burns featuring UK furniture were less acutely toxic based on HCN and CO emission. The time to toxic levels for these gases was delayed 15 min. The French and US rooms reached 1200 and 1600 ppm for HCN at the doorway in 6 min. The chronic toxicity of the UK rooms also appears to be less based on the lower molecular weight and lower concentration of PAH produced. These results directly contradict results published by Stec and Hull. The condition of the test do affect the results. It is critical to test under realistic conditions to be able to predict the performance of materials in home fires.


本文对英国零售业的规划政策进行了回顾与评述。在过去的20年间,英国零售业规划政策的一项核心内容是通过“城镇中心优先政策”来减少新型零售业态的扩张对城镇中心所带来的影响,从而保持与提高城镇中心的活力,并通过集约化使用土地达到可持续性发展。文章同时对规划政策制定过程中的五大矛盾进行了阐述。研究表明,“城镇中心优先政策“的执行受到近年来经济衰退和其他经济结构变化的影响和干扰。对很多人而言,城镇中心不再是他们日常生活的主要场所。在网购和手机购物直行的今天,现行的零售规划政策必须与时俱进,做出适当调整和改变。同时,许多经营大店的零售商正在反思和重估大店赖以生存的社会经济条件,并减少对大店的投资。  相似文献   

The results of improved extreme value analyses of wind data from 50 meteorological stations in the United Kingdom, together with comparisons with previous analyses and the implications for structural design practice are discussed. In contrast to earlier methods, the present approach uses a dynamic pressure model and greatly increased amounts of data. It enables the seasonal and directional characteristics of extreme winds to be assessed reliably. The directional results are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of contemporary procedures to correct for terrain roughness and topography.  相似文献   

The performance of buildings in the United Kingdom in response to severe winds is assessed through the Building Research Establishment (BRE) survey of damage between 1962 and 1981. The damage is categorized by severity, geographical distribution, structural type, and related to the meteorological conditions prevailing at the time of failure. The economic aspects are assessed in terms of direct costs of repair or replacement of the structures, but not in terms of the loss of service and other consequential losses. Deaths and injuries caused by structural failures are compared with those caused directly by the wind, but not related to buildings. In conclusion, some implications for design practice are given.  相似文献   

Stillwell JC 《环境与规划A辑》1994,26(11):1,711-1,730
"This author demonstrates the utility of the National Health Service Central Register of patient reregistrations for providing continuous information for monitoring changes over time in migration behaviour within the United Kingdom. An information system has been constructed that contains annual time-series data with which to illustrate trends in the volume, composition, and geographical distribution of migration during the 1980s. Issues of data reliability and system expansion are amongst those discussed."  相似文献   

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) have become a key tool in the design of water sensitive cities, due to their capacity to store and attenuate surface water, and to treat runoff. SuDS implementation requires a complex alignment of planning frameworks, engineering designs, construction practices, maintenance processes, community buy‐in and ownership agreements. To understand this alignment, and build an evidence base on the implementation and management of UK SuDS, a questionnaire was distributed to 50 000 industry professionals by the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management. The findings suggested that SuDS are beginning to become the norm, although ‘harder’ solutions tend to prevail. Additionally, design and construction remain weakly regulated, and there is a lack of clear legal framework on SuDS ownership and maintenance. Expert practitioners supported the need for a single adoption method, coordinated by the local authority and suggested policy changes to make SuDS obligatory.  相似文献   

Modeling regional house prices in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the second half of the 1980s the United Kingdom experienced a widening of house-price differentials between the South and the North, thus providing an extra impetus to the claim of a North-South divide. This paper adopts a broader perspective and examines the view that the pattern of house-price differentials across regions resembles a ripple effect. Long time-series data covering 10 UK regions and various statistical/econometric techniques are used to test the ripple-effect hypothesis. The cumulative evidence seems to conform to the hypothesis. Various explanations of this phenomenon, including interregional migration, are considered.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 30th European Congress, Istanbul, August 1990.  相似文献   

This review covers the background to wind power installations in the U.K. and outlines current developments. Many of the installations described were visited by the author in 1981 and several of the machines described are part of current research projects. There is a variety of different turbine designs being developed at a number of locations throughout the British Isles. These include established configurations such as the three-blade upwind horizontal-axis Aldborough Generator but also new designs such as the variable geometry multi-hinged design at Bembridge on the Isle of Wight.  相似文献   

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