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Country-scale phosphorus balancing as a base for resources conservation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to effectively conserve the non-renewable resource phosphorus (P), flows and stocks of P must be known at national, regional and global scales. P is a key non-renewable resource because its use as fertilizer cannot be substituted posing a constraint on the global food production in the long-term. This paper presents a methodology to establish country-wide P balances that emphasises resource use. We develop a material flow analysis (MFA) model that comprises all relevant flows and stocks of P in five subsystems, seven processes and 36 material flows. For quantification, statistical data from economic and agricultural sources as well as available information about P partitioning in natural and anthropogenic processes are used. Special attention is paid to data gaps and uncertainties. The model was tested in two case studies on P management in Turkey and Austria. MFA appears to be a tool well suited for establishing country-wide P balances, provided that national statistics are well-structured and accessible. If a common approach is used for modelling P-flows and stocks, regional and national balances can be compared and linked towards larger scale P balances for an improved management of the resource.  相似文献   

When will a community's residents take action against urban sprawl that threatens the watershed where they live? Drawing on theoretical and empirical studies of helping behavior, we predicted that individuals will be most likely to respond to environmental challenges when they are aware of the environmental threat, believe the danger posed by the threat to be great, and feel responsible for addressing environmental problems. We tested this awareness–appraisal–responsibility (AAR) model by surveying watershed residents’ awareness of watershed features, appraisal of watershed quality, sense of responsibility for protecting the watershed, and behavioral and contribution intentions. Structural equation modeling supported the model by confirming that resident's awareness and appraisal of their local watershed are related to their pro-environment behavioral and contribution intentions, but also their perception of responsibility for protecting the watershed. Mediational analyses confirmed that these relationships are likely sequentially ordered, with awareness leading to appraisal to responsibility and then behavioral and contribution intentions. The discussion considers the implications of these findings for interventions designed to increase environmental engagement.  相似文献   

The current Mexican environmental law provides the legal basis for comprehensive land-use planning. Under the law, development of natural ecosystems must combine goals, policies, and practices towards the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of biological diversity. Thus, ecosystem manipulation must be able to counter fragmentation of natural ecosystems and isolation of natural reserves, while providing for human needs. Assessment of the potential of natural ecosystems and management impacts are required. Multiple-resource simulation is an assessment and land-use planning tool that permits managers and decision makers to comply with the law, providing a flexible, user-oriented system that can meet the needs of managers, conservationists, and researchers. A multiple-resource model and an example of how it can be applied to meet planning needs is presented for discussion.  相似文献   

Recognizing the importance of sacred groves in biodiversity conservation and management, and the recent threats to them, the present study was conducted in Shivbari sacred grove of Himachal Pradesh. The study aimed at documenting the floral wealth of Shivbari and promoting plantation of indigenous species in participation with local people. For this, systematic field surveys in different seasons were conducted in Shivbari from April 2005 to November 2009, and liaison was maintained with the local community and temple management authority for gaining insight into the history and problems of Shivbari and initiating plantation activities. A total of 69 flowering plant species were identified inside the grove, which include 14 trees, 9 shrubs, 3 lianas and 43 herbs. This represents almost 2% of the total flowering plant species occurring in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Mallotus philippensis followed by Putranjiva roxburghii was the most dominant tree species. Adhatoda zeylanica was the most common shrub species, while Achyranthes aspera was the most common herb species. The grove harbours 23 plants species that are in high demand in the market, and at the same time also influences the microclimate of the area. The temperature inside the grove was significantly lower than the temperature outside the grove. The recent changes in socio-economic status of the local people and a shift towards market-oriented economy have threatened the survival of Shivbari. However, the deeply held beliefs of the pilgrims, local people and priest offer a ray of hope. During the course of the study, 3,000 plants were planted inside the grove out of which 60% have survived.  相似文献   

There are close to 8500 major protected areas, covering some 5% of the world's land area. Many countries have more than 10% of their area set aside for conservation purposes. But this increase in designated conservation has been accompanied by a strong ideology that people are bad for natural resources. Policies and practice have, therefore, both encouraged exclusion and discouraged local participation. As a result, social conflicts have grown in and around protected areas, and conservation goals themselves have been threatened. Conservation science itself needs rethinking. It has been dominated by the positivist and rationalist paradigm, in which professionals assume they know best and so can analyse and influence natural resources in the ways they desire. But if natural resources are to be conserved, then the skills, knowledge and needs of local people will have to be built upon. This will require radical reversals in current professional thinking and practice .  相似文献   

Considerable concern has been recently expressed in conservation circles about the potential threat to oceanic trench ecosystems. Here, the geological origin in environmental characteristics and biological significance of the trenches are reviewed. Each trench provides a unique and isolated habitat, consequently endemicity has been found to be high at the specific level in each trench that has been adequately studied. However, the remoteness from primary food sources greatly reduces the richness of the fauna. The physical instability of trench habitats deriving from their high level of seismic activity, will result in the organisms being pre-adapted to mechanical disturbance. The main threats are either direct through poisoning by toxic chemicals or indirect through the decoupling of the trench habitat from its primary food source, or reduction in oxygen levels caused either by eutrophication or reduction in flushing rates. Only direct threats are considered as being at all dangerous, and any incident would be restricted to a single trench system. these threats could be reduced by rerouting vessels carrying toxic cargoes and by improving the effectiveness of the London Dumping Convention. The internationally agreed criteria for the selection of sites for any proposed seabed disposal of radioactive waste exclude the use of trenches for this purpose.  相似文献   

《The Environmentalist》1984,4(2):97-108

Public perceptions about water quantity and water as a common pool resource are understudied in humid regions. As water demand increases, the need to more closely manage water, even in humid areas, will increase, requiring better understanding how people perceive their water supply, how they view paying for water conservation and how water user characteristics influence attitudes. A survey finds correlations between utilizing an individual water source (e.g. well or spring) and attitudes toward water management and conservation. Compared to respondents with a shared water source, those with an individual source believe they are segregated from regional water concerns. They are less willing to pay for water management or conservation measures and less supportive of any government intervention in water management. These results suggest that planners and water managers may face resistance to conservation policies or any policy based on the idea of water as a common pool resource.  相似文献   

Soil conservation has been a matter of federal natural resource policy for over a half century in the United States. A variety of federal programs have been undertaken to encourage soil conservation. There are goals which are essential to these programs, and there are related ancillary programs with different goals which often have had an impact on the extent to which the central soil conservation objectives have been effectively implemented. This article analyzes four aspects of federal soil conservation goals and programs: the evolution of the constellation of soil conservation goals, the problems with goal implementation, implementation effectiveness, and the appropriateness of the implementation and administration of federal goals.  相似文献   

Wildlife conservation policy for endangered species restoration follows a six-phase process. Population viability analysis (PVA) can play a major contributing role in four of these. PVA, as discussed here, is a technique where extinction vulnerabilities of small populations are estimated using computer simulation modeling. The benefits and limitations of using PVA in wildlife decision and policy processes are reviewed based on our direct experience. PVA permits decision makers to set time frames for management, estimate the required magnitude of restoration efforts, identify quantitative targets for species recovery, and select, implement, monitor, and evaluate management strategies. PVA is of greatest value for rare species policy and management. However, a limitation of PVA simulation models is that they are constrained by the amount of biological data available, and such data are difficult to obtain from small populations that are at immediate risk of extinction. These problems may be overcome with improved models and more data. Our experience shows benefits of PVA far outweigh its limitations, and applications of the approach are most useful when integrated with decision analysis and completed within an adaptive management philosophy. PVAs have been carried out for 14 Victorian species and less used elsewhere in Australia. Management and recovery plans are developed from these PVAs. We recommend that PVA be used to guide research programs, develop conservation strategies, and inform decision and policy making for both endangered and nonendangered species because it can significantly improve many aspects of natural resource policy and management.  相似文献   

Energy cost for industry depends largely on the kind of energy used (or energy mix) and the in-country price of individual energy sources. The benefits of energy conservation measures may therefore not be uniform across industries and countries. A method is presented to evaluate the economics of energy conservation measures by industry. Thailand is used to illustrate how the method is applied.  相似文献   

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